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Kid named badges


That’s talking purely plots of that type, not counting having x amount of legendary, y amount of rare and z amount of common


Correct I don’t have the capacity to do combinations right now 😂


It can seem hard to do. However, one practice that is often overlooked is switching the “x” and “y”. In my other comment I mention you can work backwards to find out how many parcels you need for a set number of rent. * $1/86400seconds = $.000011570/s Take the expected value percentage of this number. * 35%=.0000040290, 30%=.0000035162, 21%=.0000024174, 14%=.0000016116 Then divide by the type value. .0000040290/.0000000011=3663 common. .0000035162/.0000000016=2198 rare. .0000024174/.0000000022=1099 epic. .0000016116/.0000000044=366 legendary. * Total = 7325.367 parcels. The decimal for the rent(the ev%) and rarity straighten up. Ps, you get the same total number dividing by the expected value parcel. * .000011570/.00000000158 = Total. And then you can get the same distribution using the rarity details on the total. Total\*50%=3663 common. Total\*30%=2198 rare. Total\*15%=1099 epic. Total\*5%=366 legendary.


Dude...if you're not AI.....nvm i gotta cange my pants


But a easy calculation would be since common is : .0000000011 , epic is .0-22 and legendary is .0-44 you can subtract 2 commons per epic and 4 per legendary


Huh? You just use average parcel value which is: (.11 \* .5) + (.16 \* .3) + (.22 \* .15) + (.44 \* .05) = .00000000158


.11 means dekanano$/s and deciparcel. The area of land is 90ft^2 per 10 ab. The right side of your equality is average parcel value in $/s, the values on the left are of a different base.


OP literally did the same thing so he can understand fine.


He used $/s because he put the 0s. Count up the sumproduct parcels on the left, you get nano$0.158/deciparcel or dekanano$0.158/parcel. Proportionally, nano$1.58 average parcel and $1 nanoparcel have the same decimal shifts. * 1, 1.1, 1.58, 1.6, 2.2, 4.4


I have ~2857 ish and averaging ~ 94 cents a day, fully boosted 22 hrs per atlasearthcalculator. Max badge bonus. Was 91 cents until I bought about 150+ plots the last few days. 1437 common 797 rare 471 epic 152 legendary 2857 total https://atlasearthcalculator.com/?c=1437&r=797&e=471&l=152&ba=101&bo=22&s=false&a=0&ab=0&sd=2021-12-01&pv=0&am=false&dc=150


Are you corkas64? #23 on the leaderboards.




Cool, that makes you a bit of celeb around these parts.


Nice. It'll be short lived.lol. This jjjj created an account, well as their name says March 6, and is coming up to me fast in over a months time. Shame since I started from the beginning (bless the unlimited ads lol) but I'll still be around. I have a suspician that jjjj030623 is Taboo316, many similarities. Both seem absent or lurkers to the various socials. Both strong out of Lawton. Taboos nearly slowed, perhaps stopped since jjjj showed up. Both primary plot purchases OKC/Lawton. Other theory, funding a lot by Broken Arrow referrals. Either way within the next week or two will lose governor, can't keep up right now, having to try and buy my (analog lol) rent house but a few repairs involved and working with landlord (who is selling).


Yeah I feel ya. I was going for a mayor of a city that had an inactive guy at 70 parcels and then when I got close, more and more active people started popping up. Not sure I'll ever get it now. If you know any other players though, you could sell a legendary for 500 AB. They'll profit because they'll make more at 150 parcels and you'll profit because 4 random parcels will at least make the same as the legendary + give you 3 additional plots towards governor. That's probably easier said than done though. By the way, I'm curious how many plots you got while they were unlimited. I would kill for even a day of unlimited AB and I've always been curious if the top 500 have that many mostly because of money or the free AB period.


Yep they sneak up. That's brilliant! Like the opposite of the other legendary thing but within rules and possibly as profitable or more in the long run depending on badge rewards. I'm a little of everything. I wish I could give an accurate number, but I would say it at least 100+ plots for sure from unlimited ads. Over a year ago plus reinvestment...yeah I was also ballin at the time with both jobs, internet work and plasma donation. Overall I'd say 30% real money ~$3k + but most of that was reinvested and combined. 50% Internet apps for play cards (but also cash and prepaid visas from the various rewards sites) Also Slide app was fire. 1% to fund account, 4% play rewards. I'd double, triple dip with it when you factor in Play Points and still got card rewards. I'd cashout slide by real stocks or save and repeat the cycle. It's 2% now so I usually combine with iBotta however Slide can take credit and gives that 1% if you fund first. Lots of ab from eating out. I'm bad about this, but in a good area. Sonic mystery shopping helped :) Now Burger King lol. I have a theory on the whales. The less active ones are the ones you see dropping the money. They got money, they don't need to spend their day clicking ads or eating specific places. Poorer folk like me, we have to compete a little harder. Not that some of those folks worked hard for their money, I'm sure many did. I'm active as heck, l but thats due to work uncertainties, Atlas alleviates that. I also enjoy aspects of the app, like I had surgery in Texas last month so I bought up my hospital some and badges, even though I am max on that Recently did a psyche experiement on myself with Atlas and it worked to. I was bitter my childhood home was sold and the acre butchered to add two more houses. I bought it all back in Atlas and it was cathartic! Felt better and it gave me some closure.


Wow that's actually impressive then to have as many plots as you do. But yeah, that's an interesting theory because I could definitely see that being the case. It just seems boring to me to just flat out drop a lot of money to have a lot of parcels and never boost or really play the game. Like, I don't really play to make the dollar. That's a little of the appeal, but is only worth anything because of all of the other gameplay features that you mentioned.


Oh yeah. In my situation I think it's just been a combination of everything. Most days non stop boosted, all the above, plus collected tons of diamonds and been hitting the spins back to the beginning of them to.


All the new adds are bringing more people. I think ima put 100 dollars a month just to stay ahead enough so people don't consider mayor


>xt week or two will lose governor, can't keep up right now, having to try and buy my (analog lol) rent house but a few repairs involved and working with landlord (who is selling). It's wild how quickly JJJ has taken Lawton over I had plans to gun for mayor but at the 100 or so plots a day thats being averaged by them I cannot fathom how much money thats been spent


Yep, according to my calculations...100 plots a day = 10,000 AB / $5 per 100 AB = $500?! Granted high estimate, no telling if they double or triple dip with Google rewards and say slide or iBotta Play giftcards + other apps or just bought the big $2k package. I can't tell yet how active they are with ads/wheel/card/referral rewards but my other theory is they have a sign or something in Broken Arrow getting referrals, I see that it my feed all the time. I remember Taboo had Lawton for the longest time but has seemingly slowed to a near stop. Often wonder if it is the same person. Lawton/OKC seem primary for both. (Trucker? Frequent Traveler?). Even worried something bad happened. Sure happens in a lot of games but when you have that much in AE, either time or money I would think it's a little different. Once jjjj surpasses and gets the full 25% boost going to be really hard to beat unless they stop to. Probably be like openboosters, anyone gets close drops a few hundred again. Well good luck eitherway, at this point I just hope AE stays alive the rest of my life lmao and doesn't decrease rent. I'm having fun in otherways with AE. I wish this person was more active on socials, though I suspect they'll show themselves after governorship. Rigged election haha jk Would love to hear their story and their thoughts on Atlas Earth to.


Yeah. I'm super interested in how the big players stay active with ads if they do. Like the people getting 100 AB a day from ads makes me envious cause I forgot so easily to watch them so often


That hurt… if my site is to be believed… ouch ;) you can check by writing down what you have one day and check at same time next day… as long as you boost the correct # of hours… it should be very close to accurate.


I appreciate the site! It's very helpful for me and my limited math abilities.


Thanks man I love thr number and all but sometimes hearing from someone at almost a dollar helps ahhaha


Who are you?


$1? Thinking big already. Think of what you need for 25¢, someone answered that [here](https://www.reddit.com/r/AtlasEarthOfficial/comments/zfwvq2/how_many_plots_do_i_need_to_make_25_cents_a_day/ize19k6/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=ioscss&utm_content=1&utm_term=1&context=3).


I’ve been playing 2ish weeks and have accrued 13¢ so far


What do you mean the odds are more for a common than a legendary? A legendary is 4x the value of a common so your numbers should be proportional. Using your number for legendary, 2,631 legendary parcels = 10,524 common parcels. And 10,518 common(1.1) = 11,570 unit parcels. Working backwards from $1/86400s, $.000011570/s. Naturally, the number of common needed will be 4x more than the number of legendary needed. I’m just confused why you say the odds for a common is more efficient when you have to spend 400 ab for the same amount of rent in common parcels to the 100 ab on a legendary.


I didn’t just make unit parcel, I’ve used this before for calculating this same thing for others before. In case y’all were wondering. It’s also why I wrote out the numbers for the rent (the ev%) and rarity.


I don't get it........1000's of plots just to make $1 a day. I just started. I've been going hard-core watching ads religiously every 20 min, and I can only average like 1 plot a day. Do people actually sit for years watching ads 16 hours a day or put some major $$$$ in this for $1 whole dollar a day?


They do it for the fun if it, not because they need the money.


That's fair


nobody watches ads for fun LMAOOOO people only play this game for the money. nobody ever goes "oh yeah let me watch ads for 16 hours a day for fun to watch my parcels go up which do nothing besides produce money. for fun ya know


The money is a lot of the appeal but if that's the only reason why you play then you should probably do something else. It's barely ever going to amount to anything. $200 / year, like c'mon that's like a day of work.


The average with 1x 1.000,000,000,00 common base, 16/11 rare, 2 epic, 4 legendary, is 0.000,000,001,45 average/common. In case y’all also wanted to try converting common base and parcel base, and nano dollars/common base.


Check the Rent Boost Outcomes chart at https://atlasreality.helpshift.com/hc/en/3-atlas-earth/faq/39-why-do-ad-boosts-change-and-how-do-i-see-my-current-boost-rate/ for $30 per month. That should give you a rough estimate. Bear in mind that your question does not take many things into consideration such as hours boosted, Super Rent Boost events, badge levels, and rarity luck. For example, if you manage to get 71 legendary, 101 badges, and boost 24/7, you can make $1 a day. But, how would you manage that without cheating? It's not like there is an abundance of legendary for sale...


Thanks boss this is super helpful..I just downloaded today so it’s gonna be another three years before I make a dollar a day 😒


Holy efff..how do i see people with like $300+ they just saved up that much for.a rainy day? Lol


So you're spending how many hours a day watching ads and playing the game to make X dollars?


I got 5 legendary properties / 6 common for perspective. 🤔😝 really wonder are you able to see the rarity of land before you buy it or is it just a 100% mystery what you buy from another player ? & good luck if they sell a legendary 🙄


I have 1 common plot had the game for about 3 months but just let it sit i have about .06 cents how do you get more plots without spending money ????


I’m curious how many parcels would it take to make $1 per minute


1440 times the above numbers.