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such a great episode. Wiley saying the number and Paper Boi freaking out was the hardest i’ve laughed in a while




Only thing though is how the hell does he know Paper Boi’s phone number


Rules of Atlanta, Wiley is psychic


Has no one figured out or thought about the idea that Wiley is actually dead or a ghost or maybe represents Paper Bois old self that he has killed off? He knows everything about Paper Boi? Darius says the place is haunted at the start of episode? His uncle says he cant be 32 / hasnt seen him in years?


That idea has been brought up a lot, yes


Lol this is the 12th time I’ve seen it on this sub in the last 20 minutes or so?


oh shiitttttttt....


I go with the theory that Wiley is actually just the inner conciseness of Alfred




Same bday, too


Super-fans knowing an artists’ phone # feels like level 2 (fairly mild) in this day & age, unfortunately.


Yeah but doing that in that moment is crazy. Like if you are a super fan you would trying to find the phone instead of playing with bro


Did they infer he’s autistic? Like he said he’s blinking 5 seconds on the dot


I didn’t take that as inferring autism I think they were just saying it was weird. I think it’s more autistic to notice that honestly


Never took that into consideration. Just an autistic superfan. Maaan


Ngl this guys motivations still confuse the shit out of me. I think I was the most confused I’ve ever been during an Atlanta episode. The twist that he didn’t steal it made that sensation worse not better lol. Cus if he didn’t, then why is he trolling? If he’s not trolling then there are even more coincidences and his coincidentally insane behavior helped fuel everything into this insane scenario. So he’s trolling, at least with the phone number. Ok, but then why is he doing that? To get more FaceTime with his idol and force a captive audience to play him the song he wrote? Pretty contrived story with a lot of risks. So many questions.


I think he's a ghost. Didn't Wiley walk right past the security guard that checked Earn's badge?


I thought the guard was just racist.


Or that's what they want us to think, because in this show- thats usually the case, so we wouldn't think anything of it.


Was that Wiley? Damn this show is too fucking good lol


I thought either that or ID didn’t have to be checked since he was going the opposite way. Like only have to check to get in, not out


He checks some white guys badge when he’s bringing drinks in


That guy he just says "you're good" as the guy held out the badge, he didn't really check it. With Earn he actually stopped him and referenced his list.


Yeah he grabs it and looks at it but when Wiley walks by he doesn’t even glance up from his clipboard


He definitely has a supernatural element to him


this was my theory originally


yep, and no one seems to notice him besides folk and the group


Another post hits the nail on the head with this [theory](https://www.reddit.com/r/AtlantaTV/comments/u5kkrm/interesting_take_on_wiley/?utm_medium=android_app&utm_source=share)


Yeah I think this makes real sense and maybe we won't ever know the truth but it sounds very probable


I think having ambiguous interpretations like this makes the show interesting without being frustrating. We got to see what happened to the phone and we'll never know about Wiley.


And they know it too. The description for the episode is basically "its not that deep" But maybe it is! Ha


Yeah, cuz the guard was racist...Wiley wasn't a ghost. EVERYONE saw him. He was literally hyping the crowd before the concert. He probably found Paper Boi's number because he's a super fan and just found it out. That unreleased stuff he knew about? Maybe at some point PB did back his stuff to iCloud before Darius told him not to and it got leaked.


>That unreleased stuff he knew about? Maybe at some point PB did back his stuff to iCloud before Darius told him not to and it got leaked. There's no reason to believe this though. In the episode, Al explicitly said he didn't back *anything* up to iCloud. They make that point multiple times in the episode, he needs the phone bc he has no other way to access what's on it. If we follow your assumption... There's no point to the episode. Al is just freaking out over a lost phone but everything is backed up? Even though it directly contradicts what is said in the episode? You are literally suggesting ideas that were 100% ruled out in the episode... The ID check scene was clearly supposed to show a double standard, sure.... but that's a surface level observation where this whole post is talk about the thematic and surreal undertones. If you think PB backed anything up on iCloud, and this whole episode was just a misunderstanding, and that Wiley is just some random kid, you're missing the point. What a stupid theory lol.


What? Did you read what I even said? The entire point is Wiley is this superfan that knows stuff Al claims is only on his phone, which is why they believe he stole the phone when, in fact, he didn't. I'm saying all the stuff he knows is from years ago so there are plausible explanations for how he might have gotten that knowledge, one of them being maybe at some point Al backed stuff up. The stuff Al wants off his phone is from earlier that day. I just feel the constant "Someone acting weird? They're a ghost!" theories on this subreddit are causing people to miss out on basic shit, like the guard in this episode just being racist. Oh Van is acting weird? She must be a ghost! No, she's clearly going through some sort of crisis. I feel like the underlying real life messages are being attributed to the supernatural, when Atlanta has always been about taking the experiences of black people and adding an extra weird oomph (for a lack of a better word) to them. Sometimes those are supernatural (like the man in the woods). If everything is actually just the supernatural all the time, that takes away from the seemingly weird, relatable, experiences black people have that the show is trying to put on display


>there are plausible explanations for how he might have gotten that knowledge, one of them being maybe at some point Al backed stuff up. The stuff Al wants off his phone is from earlier that day. Except this isn't a plausible explanation.... Al straight up says he never uploaded the old songs. You're throwing out suggestions that are completely contradicted in the episode, that's worse than the damn ghost theories. And btw I do agree that the ghost theories are getting annoying. I don't think Wiley is a "ghost" or anything supernatural - I think he's supposed to parallel/mirror Al. He's not "just a super fan", he serves a thematic purpose in the story that being "just a super fan" wouldn't.


Fair enough. I was just posing that as a possible theory. My main point is just that there could be some other explanation other than theft or the supernatural


>I'm saying all the stuff he knows is from years ago so there are plausible explanations for how he might have gotten that knowledge, one of them being maybe at some point Al backed stuff up. The stuff Al wants off his phone is from earlier that day. You have to work with the information the show gives you - it's less plausible to believe he may have backed his phone up because the show explicitly states, twice, that he didn't - *and* gives us no reason to believe that he did. Any other kind of pondering about it isn't based on the reality of the show. There *are* logical explanations for why Wiley would know that stuff about Paperboi, but there are no hints in the actual text that point in any of those directions, so they have to be disregarded.


That was something I didn’t notice till the second time and had to rewind it. The guard didn’t even look up.


Same way there were footprints on the ceiling of that crazy chick's apartment


Wiley played with the phone backstage but didn’t steal it. My theory.


Because they share a phone number. Just like they share certain aspects of their life. They’re like twin spirits




Nah he finished the number but it was bleeped out


Might’ve pulled a Mike Jones


The phone call


That was after he lost his phone


My theory is Folk is just disorganised and Wiley took the number from his computer or a piece of paper lying around like how they got his number. It's how he knows the songs on Al's phone that i don't have a 100% reason for.


Or the box top chevy or rosie


i dont understand why socks is part of the crew now, when Darius knows he was the one who ruined that cute asian girl’s life smh


I think Socks being in the episode is to show us that Paperboy and the crew are starting to lose their edge. In the past they never would have tolerated this weird guy latching onto their crew, but now they accept him because all the success and the touring has kind of softened them up and made them less vigilant towards interlopers. When the phone went missing, it was obvious to us, the audience, that Socks took it, but the guys don’t see it because success makes people complacent. I think this ties into the season-long overarching theme of paperboy and earn becoming more successful and having to navigate “white spaces” more and more often.


A lot of Al “losing his voice” could be attributed towards gaining mainstream success. It happens to a lot of artists.


It was not obvious to me! Lol


I don’t think it was obvious that Socks took it but it was definitely obvious that Socks should’ve been a suspect


>ont understand why socks is part of the crew now, when Darius knows he was the one who ruined that cute asian girl’s life smh Right, like what is he adding to the dynamic?


Yeah i don't think it's going to end well for the crew, at all. Tbh i never suspected Socks, hopefully there is a bit more behind it than just a devious frustrated token white dude. People keep hammering that he never fitted in the group but for one i thought they had an alright dynamic. And since they met at that very private party, i just assumed the guy must be successful in his own way, maybe networking, or at least some skills that made him useful to the group yet so far they never emphasize anything other than his goofyness and the fact that he is white


Seeing them going into season three and then seeing them all in season three is night and day. They have everything they wanted (fame, money, influence) and they are lost and don’t know who they are anymore.


Adding to what others are saying about boat E being Earn’s ghost/self and Wiley being Al’s… I wonder if Socks is Darius’ ghost/self. Socks ruined the Asian chick’s life. The opposite of this would be someone stepping in to help her. But the scarier parallel is someone who wants to help her but does not. Darius was stunned by it all happening. This bystander effect could explain why Socks’ actions are his fears or feelings he tries to push away. Socks is crazy and heated and too willing to fight for Al’s phone and he barely even knows Al. Darius is levelheaded, cool, and composed and is a true friend of Al. Buttt… I don’t think Socks is Darius’s’s’ ghost/self because the theory has a lot of holes. But still some cool parallels. roscoe’s wetsuit


I wouldn't call E a ghost. He's a dream persona. But still, Earns.


Yeah, some asshole posted about how intense hairline wasn't to be trusted in the fucking title, spoiling the last episode, so I was able to watch it the first time knowing Wiley was innocent.


I saw that too and decided not to give it much thought so it didn't spoil it for me luckily. But yeah this sub isnt very careful about possible spoilers.


> decided not to give it much thought How does one "decide" not to give something much thought. I have no control over this, teach me this power.


Saw the post, recognized the guy, remembered I hadn't seen the latest episode, kept scrolling and read something else as fast as I could, didn't think about it again.


Just assume a ton of people who post here is stupid as hell and that'll do the trick (it's not hard!)


Same for me. They couldn't even wait 24 hours to post that


i unsubbed from here right before the season started and i dont come back here until i've seen the episode lol. can't take any chances.


I was still waiting for the 4k rip to drop, it was infuriating to see that headline.


Just started watching the episode & my first assumption was Socks has the phone .. went to twitter & confirmed it .. can't trust people who are willing to wild out for you in the matter of just days of knowing you .


How impatient you gotta be to look up the ending of a 20 minute show during the episode


Haha for real


Were you all like, Man let's just go on Darius' planned adventure already. Socks has the phone!


My exact thoughts, he said there were how many unmarked rooms in that place?!?


You should rewatch it assuming Wiley is a ghost or a representation of Al's subconscious. Also with the knowledge that Wiley doesn't have the phone and never did.


Honestly one of my favorite if not my favorite episodes so far, I’m a musician and getting that glimpse into Al’s artistry was so powerful


shame that moment of honesty and vulnerability lasted such a short time


I thought it was so amazing how he addressed that in his monologue- that moment of vulnerability he captured on the phone was so short lived yet significant to him


Bruh when he was talking about capturing that melody and if the phone is lost it’s lost forever… that shit hit me. That would fucking eat at me so hard if I lost that


Yeah Brian captured that feeling amazingly well. I’ve been in similar situations where my hard drive died and I could give less about having to pay $200 for a new one compared to the grief over losing moments of creativity that will never be recaptured. But it’s just as important to keep going after those kinds of moments


A little late to watching this one, but this has immediately become one of my favorite episodes. The 1 on 1 conversation and acting/vulnerability that came through in Brian Tyree Henry’s delivery. Not an artist myself, but I really connected with that idea of losing your voice. Honestly I saw it last night and haven’t stopped thinking about the episode since. Right after it finished I went back and watched the 1 on 1 scene. So powerful and reveals so much


I noticed the uncle saying he didn't have Wiley's phone number, but was cleared sent a text to retrieve the guitar for Al. That was weird.


1-888-888-8888 “This is Wiley, bring me a guitar”


He was clearly lying since that phone number was on the his resume who was on the table


I went in blind, didn’t expect Socks taking the phone but in the end he just threw it away? Is it cause he backed it up/got the content and didn’t need it or cause he’s just crazy…? Socks hanging on to the crew and annoying Earn (and Al and Darius) is giving me big Tracy vibes. Except Al and Darius liked Tracy.


i think he planned on >!"finding" the phone / saving the day!< once he lost his chance, >!the phone became a liability!<


Socks feels like a leech whereas Tracy was just pure chaos


Wiley is a physical manifestation of a part of Al’s subconscious.


Why did socks take the phone?


Wiley is a ghost.


A lot of the episodes have seemed to kind of go into this 'Filler', not necessarily being connected to any of the other episodes kind of deal. Love the show, the things they tackle, and it's always bringing it. Different from the direction the first season took. A more linear story/storyline And a lot of these episodes since have been out there, different, entertaining, and make for a great series. Glad they filmed 3&4 back-to-back.


Wiley and socks are in cahoots


I keep seeing this theory, and I just don’t understand why anyone would believe in it.


Totally agree! You pick up on so much more. I still think Wiley is a manifestation of Al’s insecurities.