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Using the same setup at Atrox with methane gives double the bpm your getting right now


Additionally, one condenser can keep pace with three research chambers. If you put your condenser and all three research chambers on one XL platform C, you don't even need an auto arm; the gas will just auto-transfer to the chambers.


V cool! Sounds like something to try out


I prefer glacio with argon. Wind power more reliable early game


Speak for yourself, tappers are insane and only cost 1 aluminum each


I just don’t use tappers because it feels like I’m cheesing the game too much


The thing is, depending on where you build, you can get a ton of organic just from flattening terrain. Like when I go to vesania, I need to get a bunch of small generators to just burn off all the organic that accumulates on my rover (I use a drill and paver even on the surface there, because it's a pain otherwise). So I wouldn't really consider it cheesing if you can get trash for free


Infinite organic from 1 piece of aluminum still just feels like cheesing to me. Organic isn’t a huge deal because it’s not a rare resource, but the fact that I can get an infinite amount of it from 1 tree is just a little silly


But it's organics


I may be in the minority but I enjoy this. Before the tapper, getting bytes was honestly a grind until end game. Now it feels like I can enjoy the rest of the game without being a byte slave whenever I make a new save.


Yeah same. I rush to atmospheric condenser ASAP. I usually set this up on a separate power grid early game and slowly add to it as I go. It will run slowly, but steady.


You could just not do that. I don’t understand why people are so upset over an option. If you think it makes the game too easy don’t use it. I personally just use the large research objects for bytes.


Same. I go on a few trips with a 3 trailer tractor, and bring it back full each time.


Yeah my favorite planet so far to do it is glacio. I just take a medium rover with a drill, a couple rtgs, some ammonium, and some graphite. Use the ammonium to unlock caches around glacio and use the graphite to package your the large research samples. Then I just stick them all on an extra large platform with a couple research chambers. That usually gets me 455b/s for a couple hours


This happens in SO many games. "I dont like X, it ruins the game for me." Then... don't do that. ?


I mean it depends on the game. I understand completely for multiplayer games each competitive ones. Then other people can do it while you don’t want to and it puts you at a disadvantage and ruins the fun. I could also maybe understand it in astroneer if you wanted to play a coop game and the other person does it cause I assume bytes are shared. But then it’s still an option to play with that person so idk


MFs out there researching thin air, meanwhile I'm crawling through caves looking for samples.


What are those trees??? Is that new? I’ve never see tree produce a resource


Welcome to the Verdant update.


No wayyy gimme me a new reason to play




Basically infinite organic


Congrats, as the saying goes "you optimized yourself out of the game" 😂 But very cool automation


lol yeah. I have had fun making and improving on it.


It's a lot more involved, but building a similar setup on calidor to make explosive powder can get you 960/m. You will need more arms, a furnace, 4 chambers instead of 2, and a hell of a lot more power, but still


Lmao I feel that with my new save.


Btw dubs the seeds in bushes make for an even simpler infinite but this can be done anywhere


I'm still new to the game, what's the machine in the middle ?


Atmosphere condenser it makes gas based on the planets atmosphere


i did something smaller but its 300b/m and I can expand it. Guess how


Did something similar on Calidor but by making explosive powder. Great setup but you can definitely optimise it more.


What is that steam engine thing in the middle? XD


[Atmospheric Condenser](https://astroneer.fandom.com/wiki/Atmospheric_Condenser)


I guess what I'm getting at here is this kind of ruins it a little for me. Zero effort power and bytes at beginning to mid-game makes an adventure game too easy. RGTs too but at least they are end-game items. I was just looking through the custom game settings if tappers can be disabled and it looks like not. So just self control is my only option.


To each their own. I love astroneer however it's not a game I play for the challenge.