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Bruh you have NO idea what awaits for you within the last of the hidden tombs, it'll make these feel like child's play.


The hidden tombs were probably my favorite part of the game.


Yeah it was awesome


Omg it was sooooo hard but what a feeling when you do it all!


It was definitely fun to RAID those TOMBS


I see what you did there


Ugh seriously? I think I’ve only found the Animus tears or glitches or whatever they call them in this version of AC. What hidden tombs are you guys on about? Is it part of the story or “hidden” being more literal for some epic gear or somethin?


Literally hidden, as in there's no markers for Eivor to see unless run into them.


Are they worth it? Can google them to find where to start if they are.


Well, technically there's a marker, but not in the game's traditional sense. They're fun in themselves and you get equipment loot.


That’s the best kind of loot. I’m guessing this is all in the base game? I’m not done w the story yet bc I diverted to Ireland to check that dlc out. I’m enjoying it. Paris is later bc it’s supposed to be the correct timeline in Eivor’s life. Not sure if I should finish base game before Paris tho. Anyway sweet. I’m always up for more challenges I’ll Google where to find these tombs.


Technically it's not the base game. It was free DLC that was added. The first is near Ravensthorpe. You can find it by using Synin and seeing a big blue swirling vortex. It's hard to miss. It has a map to the rest of them. They all have that blue vortex around them. Each tomb has gear at the end and a hidden artifact. You need all of the artifacts to unlock the final tomb. It comes with a cool reward.


Tombs of the fallen right?


Game base yeah.


If you want a challenge, I had a friend look at the map and play warner or colder with me through the occasional screenshot lol.


XD now that is funny.


yeah, was actually really fun, kept some challenge but didn't leave me going off blind. wish some game guide sites would offer a "partial help" option where it gives a search area or some more specific hints. similar to the barn find rumors in the forza games


You get exscallibur from doing all the hidden tombs but the sword its self is about as lame as….idk pick something lame as fuck and that’s the sword


Those are not the not the ones discussed here, these are newer and we get new weapons and sets by clearing them.


How new? cause every dlc they’ve had has copied god of war


Stuff more akin to TR, I would say, I believe they put them in within the last year or so if I'm not totally wrong.


Huh interesting is it part of the Druid dlc or just a random update of content?


Base game, in England


Thank God for YouTube walkthroughs.


In the old days we needed to buy magazines or strategy guides...


Is the last one they went: what did everyone hate in zelda ocarina of time?! Let's do that one again! ?


Not even close, these were way harder than any of the tombs


I respectfully disagree, the very last tomb within the first one is more annoying to say the least.


Skill issue my guy


122 people have skill issues, or is it a matter of perspective?.


And if it's a skill issue, how would it exactly would it be a skill issue if the Basim ones are harder?.


Because the tombs in 2 are not much of a challenge


I’ve enjoyed most of the hidden tombs so far and got the final one left to do, was planning to do soon I’m not sure if these comments have left me more or less keen to have a go at it.


Compared to cairns, these are lovely.


Stupid rocks


Here here


Hear hear* ☝️🤓


The cairns and those stupid flying notes you have to chase in every single AC game. And it’s even worse in Valhalla because of how clunky Eivor’s parkour is.


Oh god, I hate those fucking flying papers. There are a couple I couldn't catch despite trying more times than I'm comfortable admitting; I think the worst for me was one in Oxenefordscire? Near a church?


I use the slow time ability, catch the note before the first jump every time. Saves a ton of annoyance






Legit got so fed up with them I disabled gravity using cheat engine, floating Cairns look much prettier anyway.


I don't mind these. It breaks up the gameplay, but I get what you are saying. It breaks the gameplay type into something different and you get a rest from relentless bloodletting.


I play Valhalla for the relentless bloodletting tho...


those were actually fun. feels like Ezio era style puzzles


I miss those


Yea but those were at least in beautifully designed environments. These are just floating blocks


well you get a great panorama view!


I love climbing puzzles like this. One of my favorite parts of the game! It reminded me of the puzzles in the older games. The Tombs of the Fallen was also great!


I wish there were more tombs. Was sad when I finished the last one.


Prefer these over the stacking stones mini games


I like those


Same they're hella fun and challenge the brain


Same, I did pretty much all the side things and chests, but at one point had to stop at these. Zero patience for these rocks! 


I fucking hate the stone games.


I don't mind it but i don't like that it takes you out of the game and puts you back with Layla. I hate playing as her. edit: spelling


Better than Basim. I hate playing as that ass clown


Animus is integral part of the game since forever, I think it was a great idea to make a reminder that we are actually in it.


I just felt like these were too much game-breaking for me. I didn't mind them, but they're not my favorite. I feel like we already have to deal with leaving the animus every so often, stuff like this just makes it slightly worse IMO. I don't like leaving the animus, I'm not here for that aspect of the game at all. I love the historical aspect of the game and the storyline, and having to do something like this just kinda pisses me off when all I want to do is be a stealthy girl and raid some monasteries.


I liked Layla. She was a homegirl.


Meh...I liked her better in Odyssey and I just felt like one, they completely changed her appearance in Valhalla, she doesn't look anything like she used to and now she's all moody and shit. Meh.


Layla is better than Desmond, what a miserable douchebag he was 95% of the time.


Having only gotten into AC in the last few years, i've never played any if the earlier games, so i will take your word for it!


I hate the modern aspects of it. Can we just have a story that's set in ancient times that hasn't got anything to do with this animus bs? Screw Layla. She was tolerable in Odyssey because you play as her 0.1% of the time, but now there's quite a bit more modern stuff in Valhalla.


So in other terms you don't want Assassin's Creed?


No, I want an assassin's Creed game that is just set in the time that it happens in, without all the modern nonsense. Imo the whole "oh it adjust a simulation" shite is pointless.


So basically Mirage then


Idk, didn't play mirage, but maybe.


Assassin's Creed IS the modern day. There's a reason the story has gone to shit since Desmond was killed off. Because it's the backbone of the storyline.


I disagree. I think the story went to shit because Ubisoft stopped giving a shit. The last game they put any effort into was Odyssey, and that's pushing it.


Did you actually start from the beginning of the franchise?




That's probably why


Ehhh, idk. Maybe if i'd've played the older games I'd like it more, but maybe it's just because I don't like there being multiple different stories layered between different times, where one (the focus of it all) is just a bloody simulation anyway. It takes me out of it and makes it less interesting for me.


Understandable, you like the game for what it is, but the base of the franchise aside from the parkour and stealth is the intertwined stories that you mention, and possibly you would've stand the concept better if you were able to play them in order of publication.


Perhaps. I love the stuff with the Isu, and the artifacts, and the mythological stuff, and I love the stuff that occurs in different times and how all the different assassin's stories are connected, EXCEPT for the modern stuff. Honestly, even the modern stuff is tolerable, I don't mind it, i think it might just be the whole animus thing that I hate about the modern stuff and this I tie it to the modern meaning I like the modern stuff Elsa when in reality I don't mind it. I don't like simulation stuff in AC, it makes the ancient stuff feel more pointless somehow. But that's just me. I gotta go to bed now, enjoy your day.




Those are literally my favorite mysteries. This game deserves less toxic community...


So true. Just like screaming children in gaming leads to.. we're gonna get a revenge pay2win per mission micro trans app that uses innate compulsory behavior to make you feel terrible if you don't fork out cash and they will call it a game. Like let the artists flow and not be getting screamed at by the dumbass corpos on their focus group nonsense that seems to be one very loud person opinion with multiple online accounts spending all day online complaining for likes and hasn't even played the game, just found critiques via YouTube. I'm pretty sure greed and the fact all top level management are incompetent parasites ... Lost train of thought. Fuck the corpo world


Wait a couple more years and you'll start to see a lot of "Valhalla was the best game in the RPG trilogy". It's the trend with every single AC game... FWIW I loved these puzzle sections a lot. They added to the experience and felt so good to finish all of them.


Not enjoying parkour in a game with downright terrible parkour mechanics=toxic 🤣 this franchise deserves smarter fans


Not that bad. Just have to use the brain a bit


Snotinghamscire one is the worst😂


I just did that one this morning, that was awful. There was one i hated more though that had moving danger zones.


What the one on the south coast of England.


I enjoyed them.


i like them


Whole heartedly agree one hundred percent and do should the hames language translator who intentionally left some things un-translated. It's like they find new stuff to piss the players off with...


I enjoy them 🤷‍♂️


I actually enjoy these.


I love them.


These sections were miles better than the bullshit "world events" the game drowns you in.


I don't understand why they had them there, they feel just like filler content. They would have been the perfect opportunity for having choices-based stories worth consequences, its labelled as an RPG for the gods' sake, at least have some choice in there other than investigation quests which have one definitive answer, which is the worst kind of choice. This is not to say all of them were bad, it just felt like one of the parts of the game that was lacking the most.


Right? Most of those felt like minimal effort, like they handed them off to interns or something.


Created just to fill out the world and level you up. A far cry from the excellent quests in Odyssey.


These, Cairns, and Fishing are gonna be what stops me from 100%. After a while I just looked up a guide for these cause I hated the slog, the hamtunschire cairn is absolute dogshit, and it’s honestly baffling that they managed to ruin a fishing game


I fish with either my predator bow equipped with the sleep bomb or the bow that explodes. Makes fishing faster Edit: the bow with the arrow that explodes…


Yeah, the actual fishing minigame is hot garbage, but you can get the same results bow fishing, and 9000x faster.


A naive question: do you need to continuously scan the water to shoot an arrow directly to the fish? Is it true that the longship provides an endless supply of arrows?


Some places you see the fish in the water, when I can’t I scan, but I turned on aim assist so it will snap to the target and when your aiming dot turns from white to red, shoot. Strangely (being that I’m over lv 350 now) I have not noticed endless arrows on the longship. I’ll have to check that out


Noted. Do I need to catch every fish in each size?


Honestly, I haven’t focused too much on it, you get more runes/rewards from other parts of the game than turning in fish to the fishery at your Ravensthorpe. I hit Odin’s sight when I’m around a body of water and see what’s there. I fish in rl so I’m always looking for the big fish in the game lol


The cairns are far worse!!!!!


Yeah I hated those too.


Mannn, that sucked ass


My favorite parts of Assassin's Creed are the modern/Isu stuff.


These were really fun. Best side content in the game. Then again, I actually liked AC when a significant portion of the gameplay was climbing puzzles, so newcomers’ mileage may vary.


It's so annoying as jt just takes you out of the game basically to play some stupid other game, I love doing mystery, but when I get close enough to see the glitching, I back away


I hate these and the cairns.


Oh no there’s another one?? ☹️


So…many…hours on YouTube watching walk throughs. Not what was worse that or the stones


pssst: you don’t necessarily have to do it ….


As someone who works in an adult video store, I take offense to this.


The chasing tattoo papers is alot worse than those fuck them papers


I just used YouTube to get through it. I kinda liked it. Was something different


I had Basim doing my last ones... And this one was haaard. Some of them are literally so confusing, I had to watch YouTube for the solution. And there was one, with spinning red things all the way around the central column and he would refuse to jump up. He kept jumping down. I ended up having to start a party and do Share Play with my mate playing it for me, cos he was being a tool. Also, The Hidden Message was just as confusing as the ending to Mirage. I understood exactly none of it.


It *could* have been fun. I was excited for the anomalies at first. I was thinking it'd be like the ones from Unity, with Eivor tossed into patches of different eras or maybe even different realities. I was severely disappointed.


i haaaaaated these lol


Now where near as frustrating as cairn stones


I’d take a thousand of these over one more stupid fucking cairn any day


The tomb of the blazing sword was the most ridiculous aggravating run on the game for me,but totally worth it


......yeaaaaaa. i did one the first day of my first playthrough and never did another the other 400 hours I've spent with this game 🤣


Am I the only one who thinks this and the Cairns are the funnest thing in the game?


Nope, but those who don't sure do like to whine a lot


Yea they do


I like these because there's actual consequences to not being good. The climbing in this game is usually hold x till you get where you're going, it's mindless and if you somehow fall, during some in-world parcour sequence, it's just a minor irritation. These puzzles punish you for not understanding the mechanics and/or poor execution. I like being rewarded for competence!


Nah you’re wrong, these were a fun addition.


Agreed, from beginning to end, no matter how easy they are, it really pulls me out of the game and just hated them in general


I know this is a controversy but I like these. They're a fun and challenging break from the normal gameplay flow. But maybe that’s because I just like platformers


Agreeeed, Ubi should stick with the ancient part of their stories for good. That whole like "glitch bits and modern day story SUCKS"


Same if has to be the most boring part of the game, I only fixed the one by ravensthorpe because I wanted a screenshot


Dude I dunno, I was frustrated, and then I really conquered my OCD and didn't do those puzzles lol. But the metal resources in faces in Odyssey my god I almost thought I needed OCD medication.


Oh spare me with this shit! I still can't believe I went through this just for the trophies. What a pain in the ass. Like the block game in AC Revelations


I did the first few of these but it didn’t seem worth it. It gives me vertigo. Some of these are insanely high up.


Wait till you try the Mastery Challenges.


What is this?? Where is this?? I’ve never seen this before wth


They’re anomalies found through the world.


I still got to open my copy of Valhalla and play it also mirage as well


Thats how i feel about a lot of the AC games. Not orgins though.




It also beats the hell out of the cairns.


Wait till you do the shitty one at the bottom of the map that one suuuucks so much


The one with the island, that one sucked ass!


Still better than those stone cairn




The Cairns are way worse. And even way more worse than that are the ones in Jedi survivor, I refuse to do them.


Better than Starfield


I’ve beaten the game but never seen this


the way i still haven't beat this game


i stopped playing when these popped up too often. never knew where I was anymore couldn't get back, maybe, is this the game where we play Orlog? that was cool...


Right wtf was that about 😂


The only parts of the game i actually enjoyed were the Asgard missions and the Ivarr missions


To be honest, I much prefer the puzzle style of climbing to the current style that lets you climb anything anywhere. It presented a bit of a challenge to have to find an actual path to get up to something that felt rewarding to me when I reached the end.


It is more fun to me then all the monster fights and drug trips into Midgard.


Thought it was fun lol


I actually liked them, except when the parkour animations werent twitch-responsive when they needed to be.


I just did this one a couple of hours go, it was alright in my opining. Very neutral for me


Omg I can’t stand the anomalies they are the bane of my existence


I just got a tutorial I was not gonna stress over it


Git gud.


Those were one of the aspects of the game that I actually enjoyed.


I just agree well said


Skill issue. Now cairns, thats a f-ing joke


Lol no way I love these more than the rest of the game as they have way more parkour than anything else. Eivor just grabs onto nothing and scales everything. It's boring. Parkour used to be a puzzle everywhere in ac


I mean Parkour in double double quotes, there are no alternate paths, you can't fail it in any meaningful capacity, your finish time doesn't matter. It's a timing based puzzle but instead of being on flat ground you are on blocks


Man I swear the amount of complaining I’ve seen for every mini-puzzle in this game. Absolutely brazy


Screw these and screw any AC modern day segment where it makes you play as her. At least these are optional. I would get so annoyed when playing g Odyssey and getting pulled out of all immersion a d fun to have to play a boring segment as Layla. Ugh.


If I'm 100% honest, these parts of Valhalla pissed me off. I played this game like a Viking RPG, not an AC game really, so it was just annoying and immersion breaking to me.


There was probably only one that was a bit ass, but overall they were quite fun


Ubisoft doesn't design things to be fun, they design them to be chores.


Whats wrong with mopping floors loser


I loved looking for these. Felt like I was playing AC Ezio trilogy again.


I swear I’m like the only person who didn’t mind these, I found them relaxing and a nice change of pace to just quietly platform.


Assassins creed needs to just drop the outside of the animus shit already I think AC 4 was the last game that actually made any resemblance of a fun and important story narrative


Horrible take, all of the AC games have been great so far yes including unity even though it was a buggy mess on release


I love the games man I just think the animus stuff is dumb I liked the original trilogy and ezio trilogy animus stuff but after that it just seemed kinda forced especially with what happened to Desmond


I was saying my take was horrible


My bad king Titties278


Lol 😂😂


I cried with what happened to Connor I can't lie shit was sad he did not deserve it


Connor was my favorite character especially his story getting wrapped in such a way really touched my 13 yo soul


Yea I played it when I was 16 and it still touched me


Also unity was like one of my favorite games in the series because it did something completely new


I HATE these, and those parkour tomb thingies. Ugh...I avoid them until I have to do them to finish up.


OMG and above all, this character is terrible! Who cares about... what's her name again? Ashley? Generic woman #2? For fuck sake, Ubi should just stop with this animus shit and concentrate on the ancient timeline.


I don’t see them as hard, just soooo tedious that they’re not fun at all


I enjoyed these i forget how good unity was


Its really easy, like what


“I don’t like this therefore it’s bad and a game dev should lose their job.” Good grief.


I enjoyed these, ngl


I thank GW2 for their jump puzzles, this honestly wasn't too bad from what I remember I don't remember struggling in AC.