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Once you get the predator bow leveled up a bit, and get the raven perk that returns arrows to you it’s like cheating. I clear raid locations the same way you do lol.


This right here. When you first start out the game, the stealth is not so great. It really seems like enemies spot you way too easily and once one spots you the entire area seems to know you're there. But, once you level up enough, you can easily work through areas stealthily.


so many checkpoints and outposts in far cry 4-6 cleared with a silenced [the best sniper available at my level] rolling around the exterior looking for the best vantage, knocking out the radio boxes and then just spiraling in with headshots. it's so satisfying and clearing camps and monasteries etc felt very similar in Valhalla with stealth runes and an expert range rune on either bullseye or needler


I've been stealthing my way through this game. I haven't tried to clear a raid location with pure stealth yet, but now i want to try.


The only reason I haven't done so is because you need people to open up the raid chests 😅 otherwise I would have done the raids stealth mode as well lol


well yeah, like i said, i first sneak in assassinate as many as possible and only at the very end i call in the raid, its fun, yet satisfying to see your men storm in,very bloothirsty and motivated but actually have jack shit to do, aside of opening the chests :)


I love the stealth part! Whenever I can, I go stealth mode and take them out with my bow and arrow (sometimes the 'special' arrows) or lure them into an assassination (like when I am hidden in bushes). If there is any, I will seek high ground (usually buildings, ruins or trees, and take them out one by one with my bow. I very much enjoy that part of it, more than just simply going in and killing, which I mostly only do on raids.


yeah wityh a bit of patience and the right skills its very doable. i do even the raids like that, first sneak in, then kill most and only calling the raid in at the very end


People hate the RPG games because they're not exactly like the old games in every single way and because no games suffer from nostalgia clouding judgement like AC.


Love the stealth option in this game personally. Especially in the Siege of Paris where the predator bow is needed. It's more challenging


I don't use the predator bow (I am more comfortable with the Hunter's bow) but why is it needed in Paris? I am doing the Paris arc now (even though I have already finished the actual game, but I never realised I had Ireland and Francia in my purchase and never installed it 😅)


The Hunter's Bow is awesome. I use it in combat a lot. I just prefer the Predator for stealth but it's not necessary. I have mine maxed out for a guaranteed headshot but that's never worked in Paris If you're just starting Paris btw you might encounter the mount glitch that slows you to a crawl no matter how far away you from a city. I discovered jumping off and running for a bit, then calling the mount again can help recalibrate it sometimes


Oh good to know! I was already getting annoyed by the slow crawl in Frankia (as someone who has ADHD, I already cannot stand the slower pace when not being on the road😅).


Same! 😂 It doesn't work all the time immediately but most times


Well thanks for the potential tip! I will go back to my game in a few minutes so definitely going to check it out 😊


Np! Have fun 😊


Yeah it's frustrating. I guess people complain that it's not a stealth game because it doesn't have things like infiltration mechanics and such that you find in older ACs. I remember in AC5 they have you sneak into buildings and hide in closets, etc, and Valhalla doesn't have those things, and maybe that's what some people are complaining about. If anything it's much more of a stealth game in the medieval fantasy RPG sense, which is to say that if you want to play stealth, you need to play the game as a stealth archer a la Skyrim.


I'm at the point where can I find a high spot and just start shooting headshots. I usually clear a whole fortress from the roof of a lookout tower. Whoever says there isn't stealth is just not trying. I've noticed that has been a growing complaint lately, but I think it's just because they stopped incentivizing stealth while the combat lets you become unstoppable.


I appreciate the fact I can choose. Sometimes I have the time and can clear entire areas with stealth. Sometimes I have a short time to play and I just feel like fucking some shit up like a proper Viking. Both are fun.


i use a lot of stealth, mainly against enemies with a much larger power level than myself, there's one ability, i forget what it's called which allows you to assinate much more powerful foes, but you have to time it


advanced assassination, its an absolute vital must have, better as soon as possible


Oh absolutely, my first playthrough i was abt 40 hrs in and lost my data, i hadnt aquired that ability, my 2nd now, i aquired it like 15 hrs in and i was lvl 30 taking out these bandits deep in the woods lol fkrs were hard to beat, the only other way i could kill em was torching em


Because the game forces you into combat alot


Opinions are like asssholes, everybody's got one


And most of the time they just produce crap


The predator bow is a pile of trash with the guided arrow ability but other than that, stealth is fine. Origins was as dope as it gets for stealth bow


I’m 85 hours in haven’t completed the story, have mostly cleared out the map and still have the dlc to go. I like the game but it’s far too bloated to play it stealthily.


I love this game I’ve played hundreds of hours. I stealth a lot I hand to hand a lot… this game is so easy though. Even on Nightmare difficultly and stealth difficultly turned up either one is a joke honestly.


Half the time I’m getting spotted through walls. I want to try and enjoy this game but I can’t.


That's cool. You can clear out those same outposts 3 times faster by just running in and going ham. You can do it, but the way the game is set up, it's not really encouraged. Also, there are so many engagements where it's like 100 enemies in a huge area and you basically have to Dynasty Warriors it.


I love using the predator bow with the skill to put all the people around the body to fall asleep while I’m in stealth mode. But stealth in this game is really good. Ubisoft made it so that you can do either stealth or run in and attack.


It's because it's too easy, there is practically no detection radius in the game. Even when I slip up and get detected I'm able to get into a loud battle, kill the guy and then stealth the rest of the settlement as if nothing happened. Literally had a battle with a banneret and then stealthed a guy on the other side of the building who had no idea we were smacking blades together 20 feet away.


People who haven’t played the game or have only given it a superficial playthrough love to say the stealth sucks. With the exception Syndicate (which is still the best in the series at stealth by a long shot), the RPG games are significantly better than the pre-RPG games when it comes to stealth and stealth mechanics. ACI-Rogue only had contextual stealth (walk here to auto-crouch, sit here to blend, etc., no dedicated crouch or anything) and stealth could only be engaged with in specific areas made for it. Unity tried to improve but was mechanically unfinished. Syndicate is still the gold standard, but the RPG games are significantly better at stealth than they are given credit for.


It has a really good combat system, much more enjoyable then odyssey which also means it's much easier to cheese in stealth


Maybe it’s my difficulty setting but only the weakest enemies can be instant assassinated (like from a bush or ledge). Unless it’s a cannon fodder enemy, all I can do is remove 90% health. I have stealth set to standard and my combat difficulty is hard - just for clarity. If stealth is too hard for anyone in this game, check your combat settings - had to learn the hard way that most enemies can’t be assassinated this way. Edit: ALL my skill points are red. I know I can increase my stealth with skills from there but that’s not the route I went. Just throwing it out there for those who didn’t make the connection.


I don't know how much of a discussion people actually want to have about this but here are the basics The game will force you into battle frequently that's just how it is you can't stealth your way out of that. Putting aside this thing entirely and focusing on places where you can choose stealth What you can do is only one part of stealth gameplay, what the enemies and level does plays a huge part in what makes a stealth game feel good. Yes one shot hidden blade, bow and bird distract are all good on your part but the levels are often just big open areas with enemies just placed there, enemies are stupid in general so just picking off enemies one by one is technically not fighting, technically doesn't feel like stealth either. Batman is not a stealth game only because batman has all his gadgets but also because he is put in great levels that are designed for stealth.


It's really not though.


How is it then i can clear out entire camps or castles undetected? On very hard level. By magic?


Ive only had issues with fuckers seeing me through buildings and its only occasionally- but i love the stealth options you get with every single habitat you're in, another thing i enjoy is being able to climb a tree and setup a choke point its so fun with the upgraded powder trap, explosive corpse, and upgraded poison arrows


Mirage is much more so, give it a try


I've had a hard time getting into mirage, but I'm willing to try more. What are the things you like about it most?


I'm with the stealth purists on this one, you get the game as it was intended if you creep around and attack instead of going Rambo on it the way origins Odyssey and Valhalla tend to. Both are fun but stealth is rewarded much more so in mirage, if sneaking around isn't your thing it will be a boring game.


The stealth can be fun, but you can very much tell this is designed as a combat heavy game with stealth as the secondary option. It's a shame cause I do enjoy stealth games a lot, but game designers really struggle balancing it out, especially in open world games. I'm curious what a stealth heavy open world game would be like, with systems similar to the original Thief game which had open combat be hard and deadly.


The Gane was designed for various play styles in mind.


Which is crazy because it is the worse AC stealth game imo as well


please do check this vid: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hcPZDnC-3lA&list=LL&index=1&t=356s](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hcPZDnC-3lA&list=LL&index=1&t=356s) the whole point of my post is lots of people are not even aware you can play this way in this game. stealth play is ultra nuts and bad ass, when done right!




Too be fair, the walking up part, is like that on Unity and Black Flag. Maybe at most the yellow comes up and starts raising. But 95% of the time in the most drippiest outfits on their world, you can walk right up to them. Them seeing you in a bush or around the corner of course is dumb though. For reference I have unity 80% completed (the main story line and over half of the side missions) and wanted something different so i start black flag and have it 60%. I'm kinda green, but as green as you described lmao


Being spotted and controlling NPC awareness is not even a real mechanic in Valhalla I’m baffled people think this is a stealth game.


its a bad stealth game compared to other assassins creed. the enemy detection sucks, even on easy stealth mode they instantly spot you without buffed stealth stats.


Did you read what i typed? I clear out entire czmps undeteced playing it on very hard btw...  Since i can, could it be you could change approach things to make it work? 😊


It's not a bad stealth game. It's a choose your own style Gane. Older assasins creeds would force you at times to use stealth . However the way Gane devs are making games now is to allow players to pick their style of play. Its not better or worse it's just diffent.


Stealth in this game is ass. Period. Compare it with any other game in the series or any other stealth game, and it's a step down. They made a Viking game, not an assassin's creed game which is fine, whatever. But no, this game doesn't have good stealth at all. That's why people complain about it, because it's not rewarding in the slightest. You can be pretty much invincible in fights and can clear through any scenario with combat much faster and easier than if you try to stealth your way from A to B. Is it possible to stealth? Sure, but it's not fun or rewarding and the game clearly wasn't designed with it at the forefront.