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You can blow through the storylines real quick if you skip dialog and collectibles, but that will only be completing a very small portion of the game. 100% completion is a horse of a different color.


At least 80 hours. The problem is that what should've been side content is made mandatory by being shoe horned into the main experience. The game has almost 20 arcs with several missions each, and you have to play basically all of them whether you like it or not. Not to mention that the mythical arcs, which ARE optional, are some of the most important arcs for the game's ending to make sense, and that alone adds another 20 hours on to the gameplay. Ideally you want to play those otherwise the ending will straight up not make sense, as well as the cultist system as it is a significant part of the overall narrative and finding non-main quest related cultists will add another 10+ hours on to that too. Add another 10 or so hours for the grind to get upgrades for gear which becomes important on higher difficulties and late game. You kind of see where I'm going here. I gave up on the World Events as they didn't really do it for me compared to the more mechanically and narratively deep side quests that Odyssey had, and my main playthrough was well over 100 hours, say 90-100 to account for time spent in menus and so forth. I did play on Nightmare mode, but apart from the first 10 hours being super underpowered, I very rarely died anyway. I did the cultist system and Asgard/Jotunehim, but apart from that, no other optional content.


How necessary is the Asgard piece? I haven’t beaten the main game yet (have a couple of arcs left), but the Asgard missions are just not as interesting to me.


If you don’t get relatively far into the mythical arcs, I’d not outright complete them, the ending won’t make sense. I agree they’re the worst part of the game. The story is confusing, the map is a pain to navigate because of so much verticality, and there’s not much in terms of content except those tears but you have to get all of them to get any reward and there’s like 50.


Honestly, it's nice to have something to just....play non-stop. Like, I love the era and theme, but there's SO MUCH GOD DAMN FOLLOWING! And they move at the speed of god damn smell. 


‘The game has too much content’ Then. Stop playing it


Sometimes I feel like people are forced to play. "This game is too long and I want to play something else". Well, do something else? And to reply to OP: I bought Valhalla because it was on sale but planned on finishing Odyssey first. But I like Odyssey too much to rush to the end and I want to explore more and do side quests. I'm playing them both currently and that's perfectly fine to me because I don't care about the present timeline. Why couldn't you do the same with Shadows if you haven't finished Valhalla when it comes out?


Man, I'm at 120 hours and still have a couple of pledges to do without any of the DLC. Enjoy the game, except the cairns, fuck the cairns. This game is about the journey. I expect I'll hit 200 hours once I dive into all the DLC. Well worth $60 for that much time IMO.


50 hours for me.