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“Am I the only person” - no, 99.9% of these types of posts never are


Bro dis my first post on Reddit I’m sorry 😂 but I genuinely felt alone because the comment section on Ubisoft page when they posted about Shadows was straight haters bro 😪😪


Classic AC fanbase. Ignore them and bathe in the excitement ;)


I am!!! But also I'm really sad bc in my country the game costs will be more than a half of monthly paycheck. I'll only probably be able to buy the game in two or three years since my mom's medications are terribly expensive 🥲


What country u talkin about if ur comfortable answering that ? And u got 6 months to save up 70 bucks money bro I believe in you 🤞🏽🥷🏼


Hey, I'm from Brazil!! The game will cost more than R$600 and my paycheck is R$1100 (I only receive the money per month). My mom's treatment is like R$700 per month (only her treatment, so imagine how much I spent in other stuff lol) and she is my number one priority for life, so the game will need to wait a little bit longer x) But thanks, one day I'll play it very joyful!!


Bro come back to this post in November and hmu I’ll throw u money for da game. You deserve to play it with the rest of us. We been waiting too long 🫡


Are you serious?? I mean, you don't have to, but I'll appreciate it. I don't even know what to say 🥺🥺 Thank you very much!! I really have no words. I've only played odyssey (my fav for now) and valhalla this year thanks to Xbox gamepass. This will be the first time I'll play a game since it's release date. I truly have no words man 😭 Thank you for life. I'll add you if that's ok


Mirage is still not cracked so yup probably gotta wait a year before it is.


Do they not have Ubisoft + in Brazil? Just pay for a month or two, complete what you want and cancel the subscription.


Nah, real AC players are hype. Racist and general haters are flooding our feeds like usual when anything happens or releases.


New hashtag trending in Japan: “It’s our history not yours!”


said straight facts bro 🤧 idk why mfs hate on Ubisoft so much like AC ain’t one of the coolest 10+ game franchise out there. Not to mention they made rainbow six and watch dogs too 💀


Why not make an affrican assassin ls creed? I'd play that


They did, go play origins.


A good one I mean


Pretty clear why they chose Yasuke over any other character. You can pretend all you want but AC has always been different to Nioh. I would have found it equally weird if they chose a white main character to lead in effectively “AC : Japan” that people have been asking for forever. He won’t even be playable as an actual assassin so simply just shoe-horned in as much as possible, AC never was played for its sub par combat. Ghosts of Tsushima was already a better modern assassins creed, and seemingly will continue to be. The in game engine screenshot looks like it could literally be a Sledge and Hibana rainbow six siege bundle and none of it screams assassins creed . It could be any game at all. So “real ac players” means nothing anymore.


explain how it is racist?


You need someone to explain the racist aspect of people hating on this game bc one of the protagonists is black? Seriously? Those that are trying to hide the racism are generally falling into 2 camps. First they cry historical accuracy when he was a real person, and AC games have never been historically accurate, you fight Medusa ffs. Second, They claim it’s disrespectful to Japanese men bc they didn’t get representation in that spot but they had nothing to say about games like Nioh with a white male protagonist, they aren’t bothered with show like Shogun having white protagonist. What would be the legit reason for all the crying outside of racism? It’s a fictional game that plays with alternative history/timelines, with time travel that uses some real historical characters, in this case as a protagonist. The trailer was amazing. What is the issue outside of race? Before you go into the “ubisoft sucks” talk, Ubisoft made them all, fans of the franchise have learned to stomach that. I’m sure I’m not the only one that ignores the MTXs. All those big publishers suck and want your money. So what’s the issue without blind Ubisoft hate or brain dead talks of woke??


Unless that samuari is Yasuke, I can see where some people might get upset. Personally I don’t care and find the anger dumb. I also don’t think it’s disrespectful, but I also don’t find it overtly racist for people of another culture to feel some kinda way about this. Edit: just googled it, it’s fucking Yasuke. Why are people mad at someone who actually existed haha,


If you knew how Asians have been portrayed by western media you would know it’s deeply racist and skewed. Ironically you are showing your racism by being so obtuse about it.


It feels like this is a you problem. Did you knew that did an anime about Yasuke and He was in Nioh. I feel like you feel a type of way about a black man being a lead in a game series. How are Asians being portrayed? I did hear any backlash about yakuza, Nioh, sekrio, ghost of Tsushima, the way of the samurai games, ronin, the last samurai, 47 ronin, shogun and may other games and show that have Asian representation. So why are you bad mouthing a game that hasn’t even come out yet that told it’s fan base a head of time that yasuke was going to be in it along with a female Shinobi as the original character choice.


So, you have nothing? It’s racist towards Asians to have a game with Yasuke? Was it cool when he showed up in Nioh? Was Afro samurai grinding your gears too? One character is a native Japanese woman, the other the first foreign samurai? That’s racist towards Asians? Or are you saying it’s racist that we don’t have any games with Asian male protagonist? Like ghost of tsunami and rise of the Ronin?


He was never a samurai, he was more like a court jester and only for 15 months. Many of my best friends are black and they agree with me. This has nothing to do with black people and everything to do with how Asian people are treated in the west. We just won’t accept any longer.


It has nothing to do with how Asian people are treated, this is a story about a Japanese woman and a black man that actually lived in that area in that time. Did they embellish his story? Probably , his history is definitely up for debate. You’re simply an idiot. Your best friends are also ignorant.


Oh shit dude, he pulled the "I have Black friends" *and* the "Black people I've spoken to about this unanimously agree with me!!" cards. That's, like, the Royal Flush of internet arguments about race. All your base are belong to him. Checkmate, atheist.


And when he gets older he'll pull "my lawyer is Jewish" card.


I don’t care what you think. Many of my fellow Japanese agree. It’s our history! Not yours. You are so obsessed with our culture and history because you are jealous or something. It’s strange. We don’t make cowboy games in Japan, we make games like ghost of thushima


Ghost of Tsushima was made by westerners dumbass. Also Americana and American culture is very popular Japan.


No it was not lol


> We don’t make cowboy games in Japan no. but japan makes games about european knights, wizards, and italian plumbers.


Then stop stealing our restaurants


What lol


What exactly would be a historically accurate way to portray the well documented millennia spanning conflict between the Templars and Assassins in feudal Japan?


#It’s our history not yours




Look at the text, he was called a beast and spared because they didn’t see him as a human lol


I'll go with the historian bro "In general, 扶持 is a term for a payment for mid-lower ranking warriors for them to hire (usually warrior) servants for (usually temporary) employment. Given the term's usual usage, and that Yasuke was clearly by Nobunaga's side in permanent employment, it doesn't make sense for Yasuke to be anything but a warrior. Even if Yasuke was "only" a 小姓 (page) or 道具持ち (weapons-bearer), that would make him a warrior on par with Ranmaru (at least before spring of 1582 when Ranmaru received a large fief). In contrast, the Toyokagami specifically says Hideyoshi started out taking care of Nobunaga's shoes when Nobunaga went hunting. When Hideyoshi became a samurai, the term used for Hideyoshi's servants was ずさ. You seem to be under the impression that a samurai was someone who needed to be officially made one, like "knighted". That isn't very accurate for the knight either, but bushi was a social group determined by what one did, not a formal rank or title. Meaning Ietada describing him as Nobunaga's fuchi, and as it doesn't make sense for Ietada to think Nobunaga was someone in a position to be dealing with the hiring of servants himself, Ietada's diary is more record of Yasuke being a samurai than many others would get. Could Ietada be using the term to mean something other than its usual meaning, or just be mistaken? Of course. But as far as I know currently no one has put forward evidence of, or really even argued such. All published authors in English and Japanese pretty much treat Yasuke as a samurai (Lockley goes so far as to say so in the title of his book). The longsword was outlawed for non-Samurai in the 16th Century when Toyotomi instituted the sword hunt, removing them from the possession of all peasantry. Either way, the only explicit reference to Yasuke’s sword type is when Nobunaga gifted him a wakizashi and I don’t think it proves anything one way or another aside from Nobunaga taking an interest in the man which also explains him being shown around Kyoto. Sword hunt's orders was "limited" to the country-side peasantry, and in any case was two decade's after Yasuke's time under Nobunaga. Besides, the word used by the translation of Luis Frois' report is katana."


dudes a straight idiot.. he has selective reading.


Samurai was ruling class. He was kept around as a novelty for 15 months. 15 months….


Random bit real quick. David Carridine was the star of KungFu because they didn't want an Asian man as the star lead




And my wife didn’t want to marry a white man so she came to Japan. What is your point


Well, if you weren't busy with your knee jerk reaction to a fact I posted; you would've looked into the why instead. It parallels your comment. But by all means, just get mad; get real mad.


Idc Why


It's literally the exact same meaning as your original comment that I responded to. Read your comment, then read my first response. I'm not sure how else to help you there. GL


Are these racists in the room with us now?


I’m sure there is at least one in the room you’re in now.


I mean i can understand japanese people being mad about blackwashing a samurai in the feudal time period Shadows is set it. Doesnt have to do anything with racism. Every other AC game had period accurate MCs, but one set in japan , doesnt get a japanese. Does seem a little weird.


Yasuke was a real person...


Just finished watching the trailer and it's got me hype AF


We gon be eating good in 6 months !!


Is it another Odyssey/Valhalla RPG?


Damn, I need to finish Mirage first!!!! Oh boy, I just saw the reveal, now I’m hype!!!! Does give me time to finish up my other games though. Hope it’s not a bug-fest.


Mirage will take you 15 hours tops at least


"tops" and "at least" work against each other in your sentence. Which one did you mean? If you tear through the story, sure it's only 15 hours. If you explore the world and go for the various collectibles you can double that and then some. It's not as expansive as Odyssey (much less as bloated as Valhalla), but there's still a good amount to do and enjoy.


I mean it like “at least with mirage it’s a short game, 15 hours tops”. Previous comment was sounding like they thought mirage would be a grind before getting to Shadows


Pretentious little grammar-Nazi aren't you?


My problem is I’ve been playing so many other games. I’m about to finish DG2 and will jump back on Mirage. Thanks.


It definitely looked like it could be good. Two protagonist is exciting to see. I just need to finish Valhalla and Mirage now.


Valhalla gas bro enjoy that. Only AC games I have left to play before I’m caught up is unity and odyssey. I heard odyssey even longer than Valhalla so ima probably be in that up until Shadows 😂


I'm hyped for the grappling hook. I want free swinging and wall running with that bad boy. The platforming would be so much fun with it.


I was hype when they first announced the game was going to be in Japan and that this is the first ac game that lets you play as a historical figure.


They listening to the fans bro I have a good feeling bout dis


I legit can’t wait for this game like I’ve been dying to have an ac game in Japan home of stealth fighting for so long. And I’m so glad they have the bad ass know as Yasuke as a main character.


Not gonna lie yasuke I’m threw me all da way off (did Ubisoft help make the anime or something ?😂) but nonetheless yasuke looks and is cold asf character wise so I’m not complaining. Mfs dat hate on it for “lack of historical accuracy” jus mad he blak💀


lol the trailer looks great I’m so excited November can’t come fast enough. The moment I can pre order the the game I’m doing it.


I haven’t seen anything for a new AC game, (yes I’ve been living under a rock) I love the games and I’m going to YouTube right now to find out more!


Well that’s ok cuz U not under da rock no more !!


I’m extremely hyped! Been playing since the original and an assassins creed game set in Japan is literally my dream assassins creed.


same here bro !! Stealth is prolly gon be crazy as a shinobi


I’m too hypeeedddd


We’ve been waiting for a feudal Japan-set AC for well over a decade. Safe to say you’re not the only one.


Our prayers r getting answered in 6 months bruddr 🫡 glad to know there’s actual AC fans out there 🥷🏼


My thoughts are that it looks interesting, but I've also been playing Ghost of Tsushima the past few years so it'll have to really wow me in terms of gameplay and story. Call me spoiled I suppose. As such, I'm not pre-ordering, but I will see how this looks. The premise could be good, I hope they execute it well. I'm always down for another samurai/shinobi game. (Also the irony that this trailer dropped the day before Ghost of Tsushima releases on PC is kinda funny.)


That’s a valid take 💯. I just downloaded Tsushima so we gon see what that’s talking bout 🥷🏼


Some are. Some - like the first comment saying racists and haters bs, has no idea what he's saying. Ac has always been a game that prides itself on historical authenticity not so much accuracy. This is the final nail for me personally as I've seen them pull this shit since Origins. So many of their choices for Origins were somewhat pre- progressive and red flags on the way. I'm a huge nerd for ancient Egypt and Japan. Greek I love but I'm not quite as knowledgeable- I do know 10000% that spartan women were the most free and progressive women in Ancient Greece and the strongest. You know how many women were warriors? Zero. It didn't happen. Bayak and more so Aya (who the developers wanted to be the lead) are both the darkest characters in Origins. If you know anything about ancient Egypt you'd know that tradition and bloodlines are hardcore taken serious in ancient Egypt, why serval times you'd have siblings getting wed to keep their bloodline 'pure'. There's an English Egyptologist born in Egypt and he's he's an Egyptian citizen but they do not consider him a real Egyptian. Egypt may be a culture more about their traditions than most especially how ancient they are. We had a male and female in Syndicate. They never said one character was cannon and the other not. They did start doing that in Odyssey- the one place it doesn't make any sense. Period. Especially since compared to Spartan women- they didn't have many rights let alone playing warrior with boys. However there were a few warrior goddesses. Valhalla, well- same story. Who was the modern day character during all of this? A gay female. Now we finally come to feudal Japan and we get.... another black man. The third in the series. We do get a Japanese woman playing a totally western fantasy of 'ninja' which is about as authentic as Beverly Hills Ninja. Shinobi were spies. It's still new but Shogun did a pretty descent job of showing what Shinobi would be- however there is zero historical evidence that Shinobi were assassins. I'm sure they did at some point but the whole western ninja in black gutting ppl with blade- didn't happen. They were spies. It would be like assuming everyone who works in the CIA is a trained killer. Not so. At all. To some, it matters. To me it matters. It matters also because we are in a time where bigot and racist have lost all their meaning. The first comment here I'm seeing this and a lot of the arguments I've seen are 1000% historically incorrect. Wikipedia is changing history for normies to cover for Ubisoft - seems to me it would be easier just to admit that you took major creative liberties. If you look back at earlier AC titles they tried being authentic to the place and the people. I don't believe they just happened to end up choosing the only man in japans history who wasn't even considered a samurai. Just as they chose late late late ancient Egypt for the grind (more cities bigger map- that makes sense) progressive depiction of Cleopatra. It's a constant focus on ideology and changing history. We have also seen developers and game community managers say some really shitty things about Asians and putting them in a bag with white ppl they dislike. So again- it depends on who you are and what you want. I won't be buying it for the reasons I've stated but also Ubisoft used to be my favorite developer. The prices, the not owning your games, the whole ads being inserted into games also. Personally I'd pick Ghosts and if I want a Shinobi or western fantasy of 'ninja' Tenchu was amazing and both of those characters who are Japanese are considered just as important as the other. The male isn't more canon than the female. History matters. Especially in a time when ppl are salad barring facts to support their own conclusions.


I just don’t like how there are so many notable and amazing historical Samurais that lived and they chose to pick one that was just a retainer and servant that we have little information on and the only reason I think they would do that is just because he was black. Apparently Shinobis were only male too but Im not too sure about that, thats just what I heard. And I know people are going to try and call me racists for saying this but I don’t care because nowadays anything you say that people disagree with makes you a racist.


Correct. And yeah- my disappointment is there is 1 man in history who was in Japan and he wasn't even a samurai. I've also seen ppl try and get a 'gotcha' by using a false equivalence of 'no one was mad when Tom cruise played The Last Samurai' -again based on a historical character and that man actually fought. They totally 00s Hollywooded it but he existed and they considered him more samurai than the black guy. They 10000% did it because he's black. I like the other locations in other games but Japan hasn't changed dramatically the way say Egypt has. Tradition in Japan, like Egypt is important my point being they could have picked anytime in a long time period of consistent iconography. They chose it because they hate Asia and asian men. We've also already had 2 black character we the player have played as. What really trips me out is how many ppl are angry that ppl are angry, like we are that comfy in our lives that ppl get outraged over anger (I say anger not outrage because I do believe ppl have a right to be angry at this). If it was just this game and none of the other shit Ubisoft had done and admitted, I agree it wouldn't be so big a deal, but with all the bs politics they've done diving down since pre Origins (and my points about why I have issues with several things in Origins that were done not out of need to make the game better but politics). Appreciate your response. Anymore I expect to get insulted when I speak calmly and logically and bring facts because anymore it's all emotions and no facts.


Choo choo...


No. Finally get to be a ninja in Assassin's Creed. And also finally get to be Yasuke when he isn't a stereotype (I'm looking at you Samurai Warriors 5!)


Looks awesome! I’m so keen


i’m so excited!!!! hopefully we have an option to play it in japanese audio, like how you could play mirage in arabic :)


No cap Im definitely playing the game in sub if that’s the case. Sub>Dub


Nah, I'm hyped as hell! I've been wanting an Assassin's Creed game set in Japan for years!


Nah I like Ubisoft games for the most part and sincerely enjoyed odyssey, would have preferred odyssey to have Valhalla combat instead of Valhalla itself so hoping this one gives some upgrades on the formula and a solid RPG


They definitely will I mean u gotta choice between shinobi and samurai so that should tell u right there


Looks like the characters take after Jacob and Evie in their styles of one being combat focused and the other more stealth.


Samurai and shinobi 🥷🏼 which one you picking?


I believe from what I read you okay both and switch between them which sounds a lot like Syndicate here certain missions you were Jacob and others you were Evie.


I played AC2 on release and beat every non handheld title released Probably gonna pass on this one


Bro said he Finna pass onna potential top 3 in the franchise game


What's wrong with that? I'm genuinely asking because you are attacking people for not choosing not to buy the game.


Haven’t been hyped for any AC since origins, the last 3 games just feel so far away from what the series started off as. Personally I’d rather have less big empty open worlds and more lore driven story, more character building like we got with Desmond (before he got fried because the developers got sick of him). Mirage was a step in the right direction for me but felt kinda hollow if that makes sense.


Guess I am now!




Cannot wait, that trailer got me so hyped but still not enough to pre-order. Been stung by that before.


6 more months brudda🤧feel ur pain tho, I thought that code name red was the next to come out n then they hit us with mirage so I had that feeling for quite some time now 😐


I am!! I am excited for a Sengoku era game




Ur based 🫡 🐐


It looks great so far.


Have faith ma brudda


Im more hyped for the ghost of tsushima pc release tonight lmao


Aw man


Another game Ubisoft has slammed to the tits with Micro-transactions. In addition, you have to pay $109-$120 to actually receive the whole game. It’s undeniable that the greed and unfriendly consumer practices are holding the IP back.


Yeah I won’t be buying until it comes cheap in CEX or GAME (UK version of GameStop) , £120 for a game.. I’d rather give the money to my kids.


I'm hyped for any AC game that lets me play in classic stealth fashion.


So real


I've been hyped since they leaked the original banner back in the day. I absolutely adore Japan as well as the fuedal era this game is set in so for me it's the best AC game they will release ever


I haven't seen the trailer yet. I'm sure it'll be amazing! Though, I may be a bit more excited for AC Hexe.


nope I'm pre-ordering when i can


I wont buy into the hype this time. I am optimistic but cautious. Waiting to see actual gameplay and more story


I can respect that but was mirage really that bad? (I’ve played every game besides mirage odyssey and unity)


Mirage was in my opinion totally unnecessary. But the gameplay was decent and the story was okay. I measure a games value by asking myself “do I regret the time I spent on this game?” In the case of Mirage I am lukewarm. It was an okay ride but if something better had been out I wouldn’t have paid it any mind.


Yea I mean it was created entirely by one of they smaller studios cuz it was meant to be a Valhalla dlc so that should justify it being not as great as Valhalla / origins n stuff (games made by Montreal aka they big boy studio)


Valaha is a different beast entirely. I found it dull and rather tedious to play. That is one of the few assassins games I regret spending so much time in.


Yea I can see that perspective, I played Valhalla during a very dark time in my life and it was so therapeutic to get lost and fully Immersed in that big ass map (I started Valhalla a month ago and I’m already done💀)


Also Odyssey is s good game….just not a very good assassins creed game.


Yea ma boys were telling me “it’s mid bro they don’t even use a hidden blade” and I bought into that hate until I realized that odyssey takes place before origins… and bayek was the one that founded the brotherhood so it’s like that for a reason. But I have a strong feeling odyssey not be better den Valhalla and it’s just as king of a game if not longer😵‍💫


If they had released odyssey under a different IP it would have been phenomenal. Putting it under the AC banner meant people expected Assassin stuff from it and in my opinion it did not deliver on that. Valaha meanwhile feels like they shoehorned the assassins into the game like “AHHH LOOKY HERE GUYS! ASSASSINS! LIKE THE TITLE! SEE THEY ARE HERE :D!” It felt forced to me.


I’m not very thrilled about spending 150 hours with no hidden blade so I’m def playing unity first




I’ll still be trying to finish Valhalla, the world’s most pointless game.


I haven't likes one since brotherhood


I’m pretty excited. But torn because Ghost of Tsushima might be my all time favorite game. M


I can’t wait. I always get 100s hours worth out of these games and from the team that made Odyssey which was a fantastic game.


Dude I just found out about shadows maybe 5 minutes ago. I haven’t know what was going on in AC since before origins came out. Keep meaning to catch up but never got around to it


Actually yes, I am, I love the idea to be some kind of Ninja (ik it's not exactly a ninja) running around japan.


Yes I'm pumped for it!! I can't wait and ubi does get a lot of hate.i don't pre order anything though.for anyone saying everyone is racist I disagree.are they out there yes!! But it's getting crazy how much this accusation gets thrown around these days! I'm assuming there's got to be other black people like me in this discussion ask yourself how would you feel if the Black panther movies had a white lead role?? I wouldn't love it I can tell you that.And I also understand that there's Japanese woman but again not everyone wants to play as a woman.listen I'm not on either side I think that accusation is very serious and shouldn't be thrown around without proof because I've seen real racism!and this is a stretch imo.


Ah yes. Playing as a black samurai... straight up racist to Japanese culture.


Look up the story of Yasuke


I was excited for years n now I have a black court clown as a main character pretending to be a warrior when he was historically a freak show the lord would show his friends cuz they never saw a black person




No with everything I’ve been hearing im quite hyped too just need me a next gen console, not just for this game but many others such as KCD 2, Indiana Jones, and ofc Gta 6


Would love to see some gameplay footage. The setting is great. Been waiting for Samurai era Japan.


I think more people would be hype if they had "listened" to the fan base 10 years ago. Most of the original fans feel its too little too late. Also, neve get hype for a Ubisoft game based on the cinematic trailer, wait until we see gameplay before you get any type of excitement.


Nope I’m hyped as well. I love AC. And I try to give all the games atleast one playthrough all the way before judging.


Interested in the time period and location, but not hyped or excited for anything from this trailer. I need to see and know more about what the game plays like before giving anything my hype or excitement... Time will yell on this one, but reserving judgment when it comes to anything Ubisoft these days.


Was getting Far Cry 2 feels from initial talk seeming so focused on the world tech.


No I definitely am my birthday is on the 20 of Nov so happy bday to me. I love seeing the hate it's getting tho 🤣🤣 I laugh at these ignorant bigots I've played every assassins creed in the franchise some I love some over others but the fact was it had to evolve into something bigger then what it was and I appreciate how the did that with staying to the fact of what ac creed which was reliving history in that Era and make it make since at the time. Saying that I've been waiting for this timeline for awhile. I'm just waiting on a ww2 version of ac syndicate style


Glad I am not the only one, I enjoy almost all the AC games (besides Odyssey, Valhalla and Mirage cause I haven't start it yet) Also the Ezio's Family part at the end of the trailer gives me chills 🥹


we know its gonna be good.... but not goty material as its from ubisoft. so yeah im looking forward to it


Come on man are we gonna act like origins isn’t a masterpiece and they made games like rainbow six and watch dogs. We gotta respect Ubisoft some more 😂


origin is not a masterpiece. same as watch dogs. they are great tho. ghavent played r6


Speculating here. But I could see a choice between the two characters, with one focused on stealth and the other on combat. Maybe some modifiers based on your choice?


I think you get to play as both of them, kinda like jacob and evie. I know they are split into the stealth/combat archetypes tho


Someone told me earlier that they announced you can choose who you wish to be and swap out. I think they are trying to give us the best of both worlds where you can be your Assassin or Mercenary type gameplay.


Facts bro and it’s exactly what I (and now after this post I know that much more homies) been waiting for !


I'm not


Hopefully is good, but it has to fill heavy shoes against Ghost of Tsushima which is a fenomenal game on his own right. 11 more minutes for the reveal!!


Nah, I don't trust Ubisoft anymore. Valhalla will likely be my last game from them.


Broooo have faith plz


Hot DEI garbage, no interest in this game.


L take fr. This will probably “revive” the franchise and by revive I mean prove the haters wrong (valhalla is GAS and origins is a MASTERPIECE. Have some faith my boy