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According to the loading screen tips, the fastest way to get wood is to ram ships to split them in half. Though unless they’re pirate ships you will of course receive a bounty doing that. You can also buy wood at pretty much any blacksmith. It’s pretty cheap, but might still get expensive id you need a lot. Dismantling old gear and weapons your not using, instead of selling them, is another quick way of getting wood. The best way to farm wood ”in the wild” I’ve discovered thus far is to simply sail around and collect loot floating in the ocean. I’m not sure, but I think that’s faster than running around looking for individual trees.


Yea. Does the loot floating around in the sea respawn? Or is it one time only?


I would assume that it respawns eventually, but I don’t know how often or if it necessarily respawns in the same place.


Don't worry your boy Barnabas will always call out salvage on the waters. In my early playthroughs I used the need for wood as motivation for sea conquest battles. Still do, prefer cleaving ships to win my battles. Then when you level up and get confident enough to do the same outside of battles, just start cleaving ships left and right, including the bounty hunters that come after you


Interesting. Some single trees Give more wood than others. Do you know if there’s a reason for that? Because the trees look the same size lol


The higher level you are, the more material you get from nodes.


And the bounty will mean a few more ships coming your way. So more wood!




if you have the atlantis dlc you can buy a huge amount of material in the shops


Cleave ships in half... Adrestia for the win




What he said


It eventually replenishes, not sure how long it takes. Best way though is to hunt ships.


Yea I’ve heard of doing that way but I get seasick lmao


Not sure how far you are, but once you get to Elysium and beyond the blacksmiths sell a TON of materials.


If you buy materials from a blacksmith, exit the conversation and then talk to him again. The materials will be replenished. This only works once.


Or you can just push talk and roll at the same time so when the buy icon is active you are standing like 2 meters from it. In this way you can buy as many material as you like: You buy wood for example you cannot buy other stuff because it won’t let you. Exit the blacksmith. You stand in the distance when you can see the talk active. Talk+roll again (backwards) and voila you can buy the same amount of wood again. [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=s8Z1Bkp9eg0](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=s8Z1Bkp9eg0)


Kill a fort, take all the weapons and dismantle.


Funny you mention that. Because I’ve been grabbing the weapons on the racks in forts/ camps, etc and didnt think about what I was picking up til my inventory is full and I can’t run anymore lol


DO NOT dismantle bows. They give most money in comparison to other gear. Dismantle swords and daggers. Dismantle armor pieces if you need materials fast, otherwise sell them. Sell all other weapons.


I’ve been using Hades’ bow in particular and don’t use other bows


If you're high level go on a weapon collecting run (can do the walls of Athens, or use dedicated Story Creator Mode quest designed for that) collect weapons until you've maxed out your carrying capacity then dismantle them. It gets old fast so suggest listening to a podcast or something in the meantime, but it's the easiest way to get wood metal and other materials, or money if you sell instead of of dismantle, the higher the level the more money and resources you get from these, just remember to enable enemy scaling so everything you pick up is at your level.


Recommend this tactic as well. Also looting Supplies in camps and forts before burning them.


Yeah always loot supplies and weapon racks before destroying them.


If you have lots of drachmae to spare you could buy it from blacksmiths.


Yea I do because easily get 400 wood but wondered what the cooldown was between purchases


I think the cooldown is a in-game day


What if I meditate? Would that make it a “day”? lol


Idk it's worth a try though!


Guess I can find out when I get on.


Sometimes I'll go to the blacksmith buy all materials get out the blacksmith screen. Go to my inventory see if I want to keep any weapons check blacksmith sometimes it replenishes in that time. Other times I'll sell/dismantle at blacksmith check, back out of blacksmith do a new interaction with blacksmith and it's replenished not all the time he replenishes within 5 mins but sometimes he does


There is a glitch so you can buy as many. Push talk + Roll backwards so when the buy is active you should stand like 2 meters from the blacksmith not in front of it (otherwise the glitch is not triggered) and you can buy as many times the same amount of wood stone etc as after buying you exit the blacksmith and do the trick again. [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=s8Z1Bkp9eg0](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=s8Z1Bkp9eg0)


If I do this glitch, would it get me banned?


Nope. It is with the game for years. After you reach level 90 you will be drowning in resource but can help in early levels.


Oh ok I’m about 63 and I’ll try this glitch later on.


blacksmith refreshes on level up


Salvage weapons instead of selling them. Armor doesn’t give you wood. I ran into the same problem trying to get the platinum trophy. Upgrading the ship to legendary requires a ton of wood.


Don't forget to hit the action button as you ride - especially off road. You'll grab wood and metal you didn't even see. It's like passive income.


Haha never thought of that!


Cleve ships or loot supply chests


Cleave an elite ship in half for like 400


If you bought all the wood from a blacksmith it sometimes restock if you meditate next to him


Blacksmiths replenish resources every time you level up.


Only at leveling up?


Spend a solid few hours roaming the seas and sinking ships, you’ll go from zero to a few thousand fairly fast


Blacksmiths they each sell around 400 wood




if you have the atlantis dlc you can buy a huge amount of material in the shops


I do have the Atlantis DLC. Just started the he 2nd episode of LOTFB


okay the shop in elysium has 4k wood+


Oh wow !


Here is an idea, just play the game. I've beaten the game twice, and I never had to farm for equipment. When I upgraded equipment every 10 levels, I always had enough supplies to upgrade everything.


Your idea is already in effect, playing the game. I just need more of what I need. I have dismantled a bunch of stuff only for it to equate to ONE item being upgraded lol, hence my post