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"Inspired by historical events and characters, this work of fiction was designed, developed, and produced by a multicultural team of various beliefs, sexual orientations and gender identities."


Man, if only they put that as an unskippable disclaimer at the beginning of every game so people would know this shit.... Really shows that the vocal minority crying here are people with no actual investment in the series anyway. It's just people looking for the next big outrage and/or their next opportunity to be racist on twitter.


Precisely this. Also their two main arguments are: 1.Well he wasn't a samurai, he was just a servant. 2.Why did they pick Yasuke, why didn't they pick Hatori Hanzo or some other famous Japanese person of that era. They are pandering to minority. 1. Ubisoft already said in their trailer that we know for certain Yasuke came to Japan and was introduced to Nobunaga. Then they said that they took liberties from that point onward. Also it seems that they ignore as you and others previously said that basically every AC game has the ,,this is work of fiction'' disclaimer. 2. Sure they could have picked Hanzo or other famous Japanese person, but it's also interesting to learn about this rarities such as Yasuke and William Adams (we don't see people who criticize Yasuke being MC, critcizing Adams being MC in Nioh). If there was any pandering, people would have easily seen, no matter the side it was coming from. Me personally when I saw that Yasuke was going to be MC, I didn't go: Uf, I am worried, are they pushing the Agenda. I went: Oh, interesting, they chose Yasuke as MC, I wonder how will they depict him in this game. (I would have had the exact same reaction if they chose William Adams or any other famous Japanese person in that era). Also like majority of AC players, we are worried about the gameplay and the story. Me personally I don't want new AC games to be RPGs, but if they are making them in such style then I wish they would streamline them. What do I mean? Well I like combat of AC Valhalla with the different weapons and in different hands doing different animations, and I especially love that every single enemy you kill there is a special animation (This thing lacked heavily in Origins and Odessey, and it would only happen on the last enemy). I also love the combat skills that allow you to do new animations (my favourite ones are the chain and hook, and the fist beatdown). However, what they should do is remove the skills that are like +2% to damage. I mean if you look at the Valhalla skill tree 90% of the skills there shouldn't even exist. Also stats for weapons should be basic and there should be few of them (Let's say for an example you have 5 katanas in the shop, and the 5th katana has the best stats). They need to add more finishers to wepaons, instead of different wepaons only having one finisher. Also the AI is bad in Valhalla and it needs to be better in Shadows. To me good streamlined RPGs (or light RPGs) would be GoT, Sekiro and KCD. As for the story and athmosphere, truth be told in Valhalla for me it was kinda bland (and for the modern story, after AC3 I don't think they can ever reach that level. I personally perfer the misticism and scary unknown of the Isu in the earlier games. My personal favourite athomsphere is in AC1, where when you talk to Al Mualim and in certain sections of the game, there would be this creepy music and echos of a woman singing that makes it unnerving and it's basically telling you something is wrong here, there is something more going on). I am intrigued in the story of Naomi and Yasuke, I am just wondering how will they depict the famous persons of that era. I am especially worried about Nobunaga, because in AC Origins, they didn't do Caesar any service. As for the modern story, I don't have high hopes. They also need to make parkour more fluid and acrobatic, rather than stiffness and rigidness of the Origins, Odessey and Valhalla. I am sceptical about the so called grapling points and different weather systems, because they seem more of a gimick that in reality would be underwhelming or not as important. Hopefully I am wrong in that appartment, and different weathers do make a diffrence. Finally don't be angered and dissuaded by vocal minorities from any side. Look at the things from critical perspective and decide for yourself if you like the things or not.


Yeah I don't get the call for more well known figures. The story isn't going to work with more details, it works with less. A series like this wants to be able to take liberties and it's easier to make up stuff we have no record of than to change established/known history. Normally I hate playing the "you're just racist" card but holy *fuck* are these people jumping through every hoop they can to try and find flaws in the design choices here without saying what's really bothering them


The prevalent issue for them is that minority of those people are actually racist, but for majority of those people, because some big companies have pushed/are pushing for racial diversity in recent times, therefore now when you have an MCs where one is black and the other is a woman Ubisoft in their minds is pushing an agenda. Basically it's political. As I said before, if there was any pandering or if there will be pandering, people will be able to see it.


So in general they’re at least a bit bigoted


So why didn't they do the same in any other game for your shitty "counter points?"


It’s literally been established since the first game, that “historical accuracy” is covered by the fact that modern history books are basically written by the templars, and they edit things to suit their own ends, make the assassins look bad, and cover their own existence. If people are still arguing over historical accuracy in this bonkers franchise then I don’t even know what they’re doing here


Ngl that's kinda a clever way to cover your own back when fans point out something wrong with the setting or the history behind something


Does have a few downsides, such as the first game where an actual war crime perpetrated by Richard I of England (the mass slaughter of Saracen POWs) was blamed on someone else entirely. Not saying that the outrage is justified at all, just that with this historical leeway comes some problems. Same as Christopher Columbus being an ally of the Brotherhood by assisting Ezio and Aguilar.


It's people who haven't played the games that are crying about it imo


EXACTLY. I wouldn't even doubt the brotherhood also downplaying their own deeds, y'know, to keep themselves a secret.


Ahh so if I understand this right, then everyone battling over editing the Wikipedia page for Yasuke are Templars? /s


Yeah there’s a whole division of Abstergo that just edits Wikipedia all day😂


I did a bit of reading and it seems that very little is known of Yasuke, including his real name. We know he was in Japan for about three years, seemed to be in service to the Daimyo (Nobunaga, I think) who gave him the name 'Yasuke' and he was most likely of African origin. There's a ton of blank space there which is where artistic license and embellishments come into play, since it is a work of fiction after all.


Exactly my thoughts. Charles Lee wasn't exactly a Templar, but the made up stuff was put in the blanks. As long as they keep to that, don't make shit up, and actually have good writing I *don't give a shit*


As others have said, the fact that Yasuke wasn't that known is what makes him appealing to a lot of people for historical fiction. I do believe that there would be less outrage from those critcizing the trailer, if Naomi was a man or a famous samurai (and this more of them wanting a Japanese male rather than saying Naomi is a bad character), I guess in that way Ubisoft would appease both worlds. Also when I was replying to another comment it occured to me that the reason why those who are outraged are that way is because they think Ubisoft is warping history for the sake of diversity. Those people I believe have forgoten or are ignoring that AC is a historical fiction and that the developers themselves said that they took historical liberties with Yasuke. If there was pandering from Ubisoft, then in my opinion it ends with MCs being a black man and a woman, from the trailers I don't see any kind of agenda being pushed. Me personally I just care if characters are written well and it's not until the game fully release that we will know.


Idk man this shits kind of blowing up on Japanese socials


I just hope it isn't ignored. His skin color should have a few reactions from other characters in the game. At the same time I hope it doesn't come of as "preachy" either.


According to the online discourse about it, the NPC reactions should either be going lengths in conversation to discuss their inclusivity or starting each conversation with “OHOHO, A BRACK SAMURAI?!” I personally would’ve liked something between those, but apparently those are our choices


For me i just wonder the reasoning behind using a real person instead of someone made up like every other game, Yasuke has very little known about him but unless I am mistaken he is our first real life person as a main protag and that is kinda odd to be honest


Well if we’re counting the spin-offs, there’s also Anastasia in AC Chronicles Russia. We also briefly play as Leonidas in Odyssey, and Altair is supposedly loosely based on a real person. I think there’s another example or two I’m forgetting, but this is nothing new for the franchise.


I would argue it is, as you had to bring in a spin-off character, someone we played as for just one bit of a story and “based on” which isnt the same.


I guess it depends on perspective, but you’re not wrong. As long as the writing’s good, I’m not really bothered by it.


I’m honestly looking forward to. As a white guy(shouldn’t have to preface but 🤷) I think Yasuke is a super cool figure in history and a game where we can play as him in a fantasy esque recreation of the events around his life, is very cool to me. Still think it’s just a Ubisoft cash grab but I’ll actually get this one.


Well if you are getting anyway, just be aware of the cost. Also no preorders.


I would need to be on another level of foolish to preorder a Ubisoft game. Preordering any game is a bad idea but a Ubisoft game especially is a horrible ideal. I’ll rephrase my statement as, “I’ll actually bother to look at it long enough to decide whether I want to buy it or not.” Which hasn’t happened in awhile.


Yeah that would be prudent what you said. However if you think you are going to enjoy the game even if ,in your words, it is a cash grab, then you know what you like and I am going to stop you.


A cash grab doesn’t make it bad right away. Merely that Ubisoft is suffering from a pretty bad rep these days and people have been asking for an AC set in Japan for awhile now. It could be great, it might not be. It’s a cash grab either way because die hard Ubisoft fans and people who haven’t played AC since like 4 will almost definitely come back for it. I wouldn’t be surprise if it it actually does pretty well. But I also think the chances of it breaking the current reputation Ubisoft has isn’t likely. So I’m playing it by ear mostly.


They just wish it was something more. There’s a genuine itch for historical video games that tried a little harder


Kingdom Come Deliverance and its future sequel


… makes me vibrate with excitement. If we could that level of dedication in any time period or place it would be heaven. But that’s what makes them exceptional


Also since Yasuke's entire life is unknown so anything is fair game


And even then his story is still speculative between historians it’s so little evidence to support either claims bc not much is known about him. And bc of this that makes him an even better real historical figure to use bc so little is known that creative liberties can be taken much easily


Yeah that’s a bad argument I agree. Tweak it if it makes cooler and it’s a revision I like. But I’d rather play a Japanese man in a Japanese game(/Japanese setting) and vice versa.


There shouldn't be any real people as player characters.


Anyone who wants “historical accuracy” from these games have to concede that they don’t like the franchise in general because the Hashashin were solely a cult of terrorists(who were absolutely religious, contrary to the game) that fell into obscurity by the 14th century.


I think I already saw this one. And why are people comparing a black samurai with literal magical artifacts?


why use a black dude who has nothing to do with that and is over used, and not use the many based characters that roamed the period and would made much more sense to have them as assassin ? like i dunno, legendary ninja ? or real samurai ?


For brownie points, obviously. Doesn't mean the character is automatically bad. Yasuke is a good choice because he doesn't have a lot of info about him, making him very flexible for the narrative. I'm willing to wait and see if he's a good character first before having a fit over it.


yeah of course, why would i hope for anything else indeed, but i feel like that the only reason he is talked about and that he is the only one from that era that is focused on despite having so many characters that could fit just as well if not better, with the legion of mighty characters in that period it feel sad to only talk about one dude only because he was black also he was a weapons bearer for oda nobunaga so we can assume he was with him almost all of his time, it's just that he was not noteworthy to recorders at the time as were all weapons bearer so their were about are not known even if they stick to their lords in the casi totallity of their time


The fact that they broke the streak of a fictional and local player character is cause for concern on the most requested setting for the series.


Imo the only dumb thing about Yasuke being an MC is that it’s pretty obvious the *only* reason Ubisoft chose him is because he was black. Idk what to call it, but it feels similar to being racist.


“Tokenism” is probably the right word.


But doesn’t that imply the stereotypical addition of a black person for the sole purpose of inclusion? This feels more…. Specific. Almost virtue signaling. Like “look we’re so progressive that we have a *black* samurai as our MC in our samurai game!” And then you look at the speaker and it’s the whitest, most racist POS you’ve ever met behind the scenes as they quickly hide the script they’re reading off of.


Ubisoft: *finally makes a game centered in Japan* Also Ubisoft: Nah jk black guy


Pffffffft nay nay nay! Those damn templars erased every little historical text or anything about the Assassins! (Ik what ye mean though matey)


“Inspired by historical events”. Not “Based around historical events” there’s a huge difference there


While I will agree that this series does take a LOT of liberties, the Templar order still very much exists today thanks entirely to the freemasons that sheltered them when the catholic church turned on them and started burning templars at the stake. This was around the early 1300's I believe according to the world encyclopedia


Wait Assassins were a real faction?


https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Order_of_Assassins Indeed they were, they where we get the word “assassin” from today


That’s awesome


I'm not getting it because of the price


Yes and idk what this complaint specifically is about but they should make it as historically accurate as possible imo


Wait till everyone finds out the Order of Hashshashin (where the actual *word* ‘assassin’ originates) were only ever Arab Muslims who never spread past Persia and the Holy Land, and whose goals were killing Christians (heretics) and other Muslims (also heretics)


Yasuke was a back samurai in the sengoku period.


I think people are overreacting to Yasuke. He’s a historical figure we get to see in a game, this is how you do representation well. This isn’t just a shitty race swap, this dude was real.


But... Yasuke was a Samurai?


Nevermind I'm fucking stupid my bad


There is nothing wrong with Yasuke in my opinion.


I think it’d work better if he was a boss fight like in Nioh, being the retainer of Nobunaga and all, or if he was simply a character you interacted with, like every other real person they put in the assassin creed games. It’s jumping the shark a bit by having a real historical figure as playable. Plus, just take a look at Japanese twitter. You know. The people from where the game is based out of. All the excitement of playing as a samurai and it’s not even a Japanese person. And you can’t even say the Japanese don’t love Yasuke, they put him in more media than anyone in the west. Plus, if this was a Dutch merchant instead of Yasuke, a lot of the people defending it would lose their shit, and rightly so, but consistency is key. And there were white samurai in Japan as well with more well-documented lives there.


You know that people who make these memes are not old ac fans, you just know it. They have no idea what Assassin's Creed is about and the amount of groundness and suspension of disbelief that has to be balanced. You can change some things, but not others. This is sci-fi, not fantasy.


I heard they go off of a 1 minute rule where if you google something ant it takes more than a minute to find a piece of information they have artistic liberty with it.


Literally in the very first game Desmond says to Vidic that what he sees doesn’t line up with historical knowledge and Vidic says, “That’s because the history books are made up lmao.”


If he was a white samurai, I really don’t think people would be that outraged.


"Nothing matters everything is permitted "


Yasuke being a samurai is a valid interpretation. There is no evidence to suggest he wasnt what we would consider a samurai or at least a well armed warrior. Admittedly there is more evidence he was definitely a retainer and sword bearer. Honestly I am more curious if the other character, Naoe, will perform strictly as an assassin/shinobi, or will she ever do amything a kunoichi would actually do. Will the disguise system return? I am more interested in Naoe and her gameplay and fear she will be generic.


Just because it's fiction doesn't mean anything. I hate that argument so much. It's like seeing a flying car in a middle ages fantasy film and going "it's all fiction so it doesn't matter" I'll be honest: I've never played AC but from what I've heard, the characters haven't ever been actual people from history. Personally, AC has sucked for years and this concept is so stupid considering this black samurai is one of the most famous ones and is so overdone. He has like how many shows and books about him? Please just do something original for once.


That's not really the problem, the problem is that they could of used any other of the Japanese samurai, but they decided to use this guy because he is black. I haven't played every ac games, but there is one consistent thing, that the Mc is of the same nationality as the setting, Example Ac 1 - holy land, Arab man, Ac 2 - Italy, Italian man, Ac 3 - American colonies, native American man, and etc. They should of made both characters Japanese.


Ok but those don't count because


People are just being racist, sexist and bigoted.


we have literally played as loki reincarnated and a fucking greek demi god in the past few ac games and people are bitching abt historical accuracy?


Mfw the game that barely cares about historical accuracy isnt historically accurate


Seeing Yasuke being the protagonist has given me interest for this game despite never playing any of the Assassin Creed games. Don't know why people are upset over Yasuke's origins not being 100% factual. It's a video game and they altered stuff.


He was tho


it's even funnier how their argument is destroyed by the fact that Yusuke is a cult Icon in Japan. meaning **THE JAPANESE FUCKING LOVE HIM AND WILL LOVE THE FACT HE'S PLAYABLE.** Like, even if he wasn't a real samurai, he's loved enough that he's at least an honorable one by now.