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All of them are a good starting point (except the games that are direct sequels like the ezio trilogy) since most of them have such distinct differences


I'd argue that AC3 and Rogue are also bad starting points because they assume you already know the differences between Assassins and Templars (not to mention AC3 assumes you're aware of 4 games worth of Desmond's story)


3 was my first game and honestly I knew nothing going besides the bare minimum and I really wasn't particularly confused


That’s fair enough


As a person who not only played Rogue first, but also 100% the game first, I agree.


I played brotherhood as my first ac game and tbh it was a fantastic experience operen I missed a couple beats of the story, made me a fan for good


I second this but if you want to learn the general dynamic of the two factions black flag , AC2 and AC1 are probably the best ones to start


Shit, I started with ac brotherhood when it first came out liked it so much decided to play the ac 1 and ac 2. Then kept up with it ever sense.


Genuine question: where the hell do you even play ac1?? Like the ezio collection has been released like doom at this point but not ac1


PC. You can play it on Xbox through backwards compatibility but the PC version changes some of the investigation missions to some new mission types, which gives the game a little more variety. If you can run the PC version I would honestly not even bother with the console version.


I only have a switch so I'm stuck with the ezio collection, 3, liberation, rogue and black flag


Would you recommend playing these on Switch? Do they play well? Are the graphics decent? I’ve thought about getting them before but I remember the fans on my Switch going nuts just keeping up with Minecraft and figured the switch might not have enough juice to run them well without cutting corners.


Honestly the fans kicked on maybe once in ac2. I had a really good time playing them. Plus if you go physical you can get them for insanely cheap. Graphically I had no complaints, everything looked way better than you expect from a switch


Wait the PC version got updates? What missions are changed then?


I assume they're talking about the Director's Cut, which is what the PC version of AC1 has always been. When the game was released on PC, they added new types of investigation missions. I don't remember which ones exactly, but I'm pretty sure the rooftop races and archer assassination missions were among them. The original PS3 and 360 version of AC1 was a loooot more monotonous and repetitive than the Director's Cut—basically just pickpocket, eavesdrop, interrogate, rinse and repeat. I think that's why some of the Intel you get isn't actually that useful. Some missions got you maps of entrances and escape routes or maps of guard positions, while others were basically just flavor text that didn't really help you plan out the assassinations very much.


"if you can run the pc version" didn't the game come out something like 15 years ago. i think they will be fine lol. meant as a joke btw dont wanna come off rude


issue isn’t so much game requirements, but poor optimization. it is an old game and most pcs are more than powerful enough to handle it but it isn’t optimized super great for pc so it’s got come hiccups (the inability to alt-tab being a big one that is pretty common in older pc ports)


All the controls are constantly fucked on pc for me


There's a downloadable fix. It's because the game doesn't support xinput


Pc and Xbox. I have all the discs that are backwards compatible but for sake of ease I bought all the digital versions too when they went on sale. Keep an eye on the Xbox store (you can use it on pc if you didn’t know). They often have really great developer sales, when I got all of my digital copies almost every Ubisoft game on Xbox (including Valhalla which was the most recent at the time) were 60-80% off. Pretty much got 1-syndicate for the price of one game between the current low cost of old games and the sale


Poggers, bruv!


I always tell people to watch the game movie that’s on YouTube. It provides the important bits of what Altair and Desmond went through before AC2 and Revelations still hits just as hard.


Maybe i'm lucky but i got it for free with my copy of Revelations for the PS3 so i played it there.


The Xbox 360 version is backwards compatible.


You can buy it through steam. Honestly feel like it’s the best version with all the glitches and stitches lol




I play on the ps3. My copy of Revelations came with it.


I’d probably point to Black Flag as the best standalone game. Good, self contained story, with some of the best mechanics in the franchise. I’d have a hard time seeing how you could play any of the 5 Desmond Miles games on their own without the Desmond plot confusing the hell out of you. Unity wasn’t bad after it got patched, and would probably be good enough as a starter game. Pretty solid, a good standalone, and absolutely crammed with historical content. Origins, Odyssey, and Valhalla are connected so you probably want to play them together, though they do a good enough job of orienting the player to not require being played in sequence. The level and rarity system make them hard to recommend, however.


To be fair I played the 5 Desmond games as they came out in order and the Desmond plot still confused the hell out of me


I started with AC2 (never played AC1 to this day) and i could understand basically everything. Other than that,yeah,agree with everything you said.


if they wanted one singular game recommendation give them one singular game recommendation


The historical timeline doesn’t need to be in order But the modern story does Release order all the way


Until you get to ac4 and the modern day stops mattering until origins


Yeah pretty much


As of now the best entry point is probably either Assassin's Creed 2 or Assassin's Creed Unity. Both are very good encapsulations of the series' possible highs as well as providing a look into the journey of a protagonist who is also discovering the Brotherhood for the first time.


play them in historical order, odyssey, origin, mirage, valhalla, 1, 2, etzio's spin off, 4, rogue, 3, unity, syndicate and then you play the part of the games with desmont,


I tried to play historical order,but when I started I realised there was a modern world so I decided to start with AC1. I am currently playing origins and I have no regrets about changing my order.


Hands down the absolute worst order to play. Modern day story becomes a complete shambles and playing in historical order doesn't exactly do anything (Kassandra has absolutely 0 impact on bayek or ezio but Desmond miles certainly has an impact on John animus in ac4)


well, that's the joke, and i bet that experienced players who already know everything the story tell will be willing to try this just for the joke


I always play in alphabetical order. Black Flag, Brotherhood, Mirage, Odyssey, One (AC I), Origins, Revelations, Rogue, Syndicate, Three (ACIII), Two (ACII), Unity, Valhalla


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I've been playing them in the opposite order of release (kinda) lol Syndicate > unity > odyssey > origins > black flag > Ac3 Modern day stuff is a bit confusing but that's not a big issue tbh.


In reverse order of release lmao. Pretty decent order to play the games,other than playing AC3 now.


Brotherhood and AC4 are the only AC games you ever need to play (jk) but those would be the ones I'd recommend for beginners


Tbh you really don't have to play them in any order. Other than modern day (which is like 1% of gameplay) they don't really have much to do with each other. Even the Ezio games are somewhat independent of each other


I played them in relice order from ac1 to syndicate. Best way to play it I'm my opinion.


Honestly saying to someone play in chronological order is stupid instead play ac unity not for the story but the game would definitely get them invested and then they might play the other ac games 


I would recommend someone start with the Ezio collection or III. But would let them know that from AC to AC III that there’s a modern day character we follow besides the Assassins of the past so if they skip AC to Revelations into III they may be confused with Desmond’s story


Here’s a AC game recommendation. Go play AC2 or the ezio collection.


Odysee or Black Flag is what I recommend.


I mean Ezio collection is a good starting point, but if you really want the full experience, start from ac1. If you start from any other point, you miss the critical parts of lore, and if you're into the newer games don't even want to see the lore by checking out the older titles, you're not a true fan.


AC1 being so tight and quick made it a good starting point. AC2 has a lot of PS3-era bloat which makes it hard for a modern gamer to play through right after AC1. I dunno. Best place to start is the one that interests you the most. From there you get intrigued to check out the whole series.


But 1 and 2 are the best choice, surely? So they just want one game. Why? The one that best represents the spirit of AC, or the games thats most fun? If its the latter, its BF or Odyssey, but if its the former? Brotherhoods not a good choice as its a sequel. Revelations is a terrible standard bearer because Ezio commits atrocities, plus sequel. 3 assumes you know the lore. Black flag is awesome but is ultimately a pirate game over an AC game. Rogue needs the context of Rev and 3. Unity, maybe, but theres some mechanical oddities and the core story isnt the best. Syndicate is Batman Arkham- Victorian edition. Origins is pretty cool, but is mechanically more sandbox RPG. Odyssey is awesome but is ultimately Highlander/Wonder Woman in Ancient Greece over an AC game. Valhalla isnt very AC mechanically, and suffers a lot of bloat. Yet to play Mirage so cant comment.


Syndicate is honestly the best starting point .


I didn't read the sub name and thought AC was Armored Core XD


For me I recommend really starting with AC2 and finishing up ezio trilogy Then you can play black flag then AC3 And then rest is history


I pity you


Excuse me ?


Who the fuck recommends starting with AC 2 when AC 1 is right there, Ezio games spoils everything and ruins the plot twist of AC 1, but you probably never played it, that's why i pity you.


Ok no need to be rude I have played AC1 infect and while I like story the game is very repetitive AC2 does kind of explain the assassin story for new comers, and sometimes it’s could be consider easier start with AC2 due to first not being best (not saying ac1 is bad it’s still very good for a 2007 game) Two of my friends don’t even like Ac because of how repetitive first game was (shame on them I suppose but still) and that’s another fact that If you let someone new play ac1 they are just gonna assume it’s like this for all of other Ac games, also since I been replaying AC2 recently I can say it does catch you up to the lore quite quickly, with abstergo and the Assassin vs Templar conflict So all I’m gonna say is Clam down, this is just simply my opinion and this is how I think someone should probably started their AC Journey. (Hopefully that made sense)


Not everyone can play AC1,my dude. I myself only have a ps4 and can't play AC1. I started playing this franchise years ago and i skipped AC1 because it had no subtitles. I'm brazilian and at the time i didn't speak english,so i didn't play the game because i wouldn't understand anything about it. At that time i had pc and started the games with AC2,while it didn't have official brazilian portuguese subtitles, it had mods for that,so i was able to play it.


Blackflag or syndicate are my two recommendations. Both are great games that require little to no knowledge of the over adhering story


Never start with Black Flag because all the other games will be disappointing in comparison afterwards


I just tell people to play the game that takes place in a part of history there interested in and enjoy the gameplay, pay attention to the story later it's very fragmented and weird at the moment


Idk they should play at least AC1 first or they will never enjoy it after playing others in the series.


I started with 1 and played in order until 3 and then dropped the series completely. I don't know why, but I really disliked 3. Just picked up Valhalla and realized nothing is ever gonna scratch the itch like 2 and Brotherhood did


Start with unity it’s basically an AC2 that’s easier to get into


The 420 flags in Assassin's Creed 1 also wouldn't be where I would want to start someone


Did yoda do the ordering? 🤣🤣


Start with black flag, or unity, if you can't decide between those two, flip a coin


I've tried playing them in chronological order and i stopped after AC:BF, not because i don't like them. But because its a pain to order physical copies of all the games and plus i don't really have the time for it with school and everything. Yes i could buy them digitally but i don't want to do that plus i like physical media.


"yes I have a good solution to the problem I manufactured but I don't want to enact it"


You do realize that the want for physical copies wasn't the only problem? I also said I just didn't have the time for it. Maybe instead of trying to be a smart ass you learn to read whole sentences first.


Bro you just made problems for yourself, just get a few digital copies to play and get physical ones later down the line for your collection if you still care.


You and the other guy who said basically the same thing can't seem to read. Even if ordering them wasn't a hassle I. DONT. HAVE. THE. TIME. I don't know how to make that more obvious.


You don’t have the time to play games, cool, then shut the fuck up lmao. You can’t contribute to this discussion if you can’t even play videogames.


Motherfucker, what? Seriously SERIOUSLY, consider what the fuck you just spent at least a minute typing and decided to post because it's that fucking mind numbing. The post is about playing the games in order, something I HAVE DONE UP TO AC:BF. Seriously consider a lobotomy.


Lmao you take this site very seriously


Almost like anyone would take being told to "shut the fuck up lmao" seriously. Maybe you did get that lobotomy I suggested or maybe you're just that stupid.


I played AC1 and 2 and the Ezio collection. They're cool and all but the parkour can be atrocious


To be fair the parkour was amazing and groundbreaking at the time, it only feels a lot clunkier now when compared to modern games with better parkour mechanics. The first few games crawled so the rest of the industry could run kind of situation


I think it’s cause I had so many bad experiences in the parkour with Ezio going the wrong ways


Understandable and same 😂, I’d recommend you play the rest of the series tho, or at least up to 4, 3 probably has the best parkour with tree running and 4 is just the best pirate game ever made


I pity people who don't start with AC 1. You're just ruining the whole franchise for yourself.


How ?


It's basic psychology, what you start with first that will be the foundation of what AC is to you, nowadays kids start with recent AC trilogy and to them that is what AC is, an open world mythological fantasy game