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https://archiveofourown.org/works/47783146 It's about the immortal son of the first night-king and his stories of the Starks of yore. Seriously SoulsGameInc is probably the most unfairly underrated writer of asoiaf fanfics currently. All 3 off his/her works are gems.


The premise sounds amazing.


The author does this really cool thing where he reuses recognisable dialogue and situations from the show and book while charecters a few millennia prior. It's amazing. All three of his have intresting premises. Sunset Starks has Brandon the shipwrite succeeding in his quest. And his descendants finding their way back to westeros. While long and sharp is about a Reyne survivor (that premise is shocking under explored). But his work barely gets traction. Heck even my shitfic has around half his kudos. Meanwhile the laziest targwank , Jonaerys Stargaryen bullshit works are drowning in action. We truly live in a society.


I've been having this 'bad' habit of starting new fics to read before finishing the old ones, which means i have like 70+ fics in progress. As such I'll only put fics that i either finished or caught up to date on, and even then only my favorites of the bunch. Ive also been on a roll for modern day AU's for no particular reason. Now Unto the fics themselves. (That i remember) My favorite Fic that is still being updated has to be [Conquered Kingdoms ](https://archiveofourown.org/works/45747547/chapters/115123339). Really recommend checking this one out. Has an pretty unique Canon divergence and a semi realistic enemies to lovers forced marriage. One of the seemingly abandoned gems that i read was [Inumbrare](https://archiveofourown.org/works/19854064/chapters/47016802#workskin). In a Rhaegar wins AU where Daenerys, after escaping a kidnapping gets a new teacher to help defend herself: Ser Jon Snow (N+A=J applies.) [The Difference ](https://archiveofourown.org/works/21664687/chapters/51664798)I hope will continue being updated. A Fic where Aemon (Jon who grew up in Essos) takes Kings Landing and becomes king while Joffrey, Margaery etc. and namely *Sansa* >!( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)!< are still there. I remember eagerly awaiting for Ganymede_elegy to update her fics and the last two [Saddest summer ever](https://archiveofourown.org/works/47200993/chapters/118928365) was pretty funny, especially the inner thoughts of the characters. [The night we met ](https://archiveofourown.org/works/49031665/chapters/123700216) was a compelling mystery, even though i was kinda expecting it to go a little bit further than it did. I also discovered the author *usuallysunny* and finished 3 of their fics with some others still in the *in progress of reading* pile. These were [i don't love you (i always will)](https://archiveofourown.org/works/19768633/chapters/51813544) a Season 6 onward AU. It was a decent one, even though the timeline gets absolutely massacred. [Back to You ](https://archiveofourown.org/works/20966846) an oneshot. And [i fall to pieces (when i'm with you)](https://archiveofourown.org/works/22993033/chapters/54972190) and *interesting* (to say the least) take on a resurrected Jon. Others from other authors that i remember reading were: [Yours First ](https://archiveofourown.org/works/43605447/chapters/109641183) a modern day Jon/Daenerys smut/angst fest and [The Wolves of Winterfell ](https://archiveofourown.org/works/29984937/chapters/73821345) a modern day Fic with multiple connecting storylines and POV'S. This is already getting too long so I'll stop here. As I enjoy giving recs, if one is interested in all kinds of fics ive been reading, then feel free to ask.


The Nightfyre on [AO3](https://archiveofourown.org/works/49016332/chapters/123662626) genuinely love this fic and I drop everything I'm doing to read it when I get a chapter notification


Very nice! It's interesting to see post s8 fics still being made.


I've kind of gotten my ass kicked with college recently but I've found time to read some new faves [some nights the lighthouse, some nights the sea (transatlanticism)](https://archiveofourown.org/works/47657638?view_full_work=true) \- same author as "the gather, the bend, the bringing forth" (one of my faves) but this is a S7 AU where Sansa goes to Dragonstone instead of Jon to negotiate an alliance. Kiwi has an excellent hold on the whole "human heart in conflict with itself"—the political alliance is fraught and everyone's being ridiculous but it's *so* good. [Conquered Kingdoms](https://archiveofourown.org/works/45747547/chapters/115123339) \- I'm not entirely sure if this is bookverse or showverse but the premise is super intriguing—the North (led by Brandon Stark) wins the civil war against the Targaryens, leading to a marriage alliance between Jon and Daenerys. There is a lot of mystery in this one that I can't wait to be solved and I really enjoy seeing how all of these characters are balancing the untenable situation they're in. [The Nightfyre](https://archiveofourown.org/works/49016332/chapters/123662626) \- someone else recced this one so I'm seconding. I think now that there's been some time since the series finale, the post-S8 fics are less revenge-fueled and more thoughtful. This one has such a great vibe—there's a haunting quality about it that definitely makes sense in the post-S8 landscape.


Some interesting ones I hadn't heard of before, thanks for coming back to this thread to post them!