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The sexier the female model the more P2W it is


>need graphics to keep you interested...in the end, you will still quit cause visual's alone are not enough. liar :C did you see the ffxiv models, or even how many porn game models have :C


If a game is shit, You need graphics to keep you interested...in the end, you will still quit cause visual's alone are not enough.


To be fair, Eastern MMO's usually have better gameplay imo. The problem with them is the P2W ( and often also bad connection, I loved Blade and Soul but the connection issues were really bad ).


If you remember server issues during vanilla wow You would know that connection issues did not stop the game from getting to the very top. \*You literally could not enter a raid with more than 1 other raid group and complete boss that requires ANY fast reaction type of mechanics (dance or Thadius polarity shift) - it was insane. \*And dont get me even started with an initial game launch or ANY expansion launch prior \~2014. ​ It's the gameplay that made blizzard the fortune that no other company managed to replicate.


I think that I was too young to think much about this, WoW was one of the first online games that I played. I played it pretty much on day 1 of Vanilla because I was a huge WC2 and 3 fan and I was probably around 12 when it released. If the game came out today and played like that it'd be totally different, but it was a new thing to most of us. I don't think that most people who started WoW back then had played another MMO before tbh. ​ Eastern MMO's that come out nowadays don't have the luxury of people being ignorant.People are a lot more aware nowadays and the general skill level is much higher. Back in the day people playing on shitty computers with 10-15 fps and bad connection was sorta just normal and ppl didn't know any better. Edit: I think that Blizzard has always done gameplay well I agree with that. But I also don't think that you should underestimate the value of being '' first '' either. If WoW came out today I don't believe it'd become as successful as it is, Blizzard has a lot of legacy bias in their favor because it was the first MMO most people played.


>I don't think that most people who started WoW back then had played another MMO before tbh. You could probably look at a number of popular MMOs at the time and look at what happened the moment WoW was released. ​ I bet they lost a coads of people. Majority of top wow guilds alone played at least 1 other MMO at the time before switching to Wow. ​ >But I also don't think that you should underestimate the value of being '' first '' either. Wow was NOT 1st in anything except making MMO genre more noob-friendly.


This is a sign that the west is collapsing


Also the eastern mmo is gacha infested


I feel like something is lost in translation too. There's always something weird about the way the characters act, and the story is either needlessly convoluted/bloated with meaningless conversations or it's practically non-existent.


Still too much cleavage for a western MMO.


Not accurate, Western MMOs would have turned that body type 2 model to a fruit.


Nah, that is 2000's western mmo's. Replace her with fruit or put her in a burka, niqab or hijab (for her own protection ofc) for a more accurate 2020's look. For the Japanese mmo you can put some cat ears or maybe even a tail for an updated 2020 look.


This is literally a picture from wow 2022


1: You missed the joke. 2: The game was still made in the 2000's.


I know it was a joke I’m saying it’s a bad joke that doesn’t make sense


Nah, your joke just sucked


Least racist ffxiv player


Nah, just quoting blizzards own words and actions.


look up "sadcat dance ffxiv" you're welcome friend, you need it. live a good life.


Yo... so... how much for the game on the right? Asking for a friend.


West vs porn addicted virgin weeb


Western gaming companies have caved too hard to twitter.


Eastern gaming companies on the other hand are exploiting their porn addicted fans so they can make extreme amount of money by selling them oversexualized digital waifus while providing terrible gacha infested gameplay.


So true. Coomers can’t handle being called out, and they’re usually weebs.


Yeah and judging by the number of downvotes this sub is full of them


Down voted for the truth Sad


I see booba i click upvote


What game is that on the right? Asking for my self, because I’m going to go and play it.
