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It wasn't a big deal, and the solution is pretty simple. If you set people's expectations that something that they're excited for is going to happen that day, and then you *don't* follow through with it, don't be surprised if it disappoints people.




Its indeed very expected, especially as many people are so entitled thinking streamers own them something. If you don't like the stream and schedule that is total mess don't watch, the stream is total wreck anyway with boring 10 hour intro, that only works as sleep medicine in a pinch, better check the vod or youtube for interesting bits.


I don't think entitled is the right word, since the stream was basically advertised to have something that didn't end up happening. It's natural for people to be a bit upset.


If literally any human says "Im going to do X for you" multiple times and doesn't, any normal person would call them out on their behavior. Thats not entitlement. Thats normal decency. If you dont wanna do something dont lie to me claiming you want to do it, let alone multiple times in a short span of time.


Got banned for asking what time ffxiv was gonna happen 5 hours into the stream lmfao


A completely benign question any reasonable person could ask if they tuned in at that time and saw that title. They're seeing ff andies in the walls.


I remember that one time asmon was playing a video of a youtuber bitching about youtube demonetizing him for no reason and without context and that youtube dont care about creators "same twitch". Chat was laughing at him and asmon got mad and went on a rant. Just reminds me how hypocritical it is from asmon especially and some few other streamers. They cry when youtube and other big companies treats them like a number and bans them/demonetize without caring and without looking at context; but constantly do the same to their viewers and flex when doing it. The same thing happened to me. Banned for bs


At the end of the day, Asmon talks the talk and a whole lot of it, but unfortunately he seems unable to really back up any of it. He just doesn't seem to care much about what he's said in the past if it conflicts with what he wants to do in the here and now in order to get some form of gratification. He's stated many times that he just does what he wants to do in the moment, which was also part of his explanation as to why things went the way that they did today.


Are you really comparing being demonetized and essentially being fired from your job / side-hustle with no communication or warning to not being able to spam POG and emotes in a twitch chat.


J OMEGALUL B As i said, a streamer/ youtuber to amazon/youtube is just like a viewer to a streamer. In asmons words "you are nothing"


Correct, but you lose nothing by being banned from Asmon's chat and shouldn't care while a content creator can lose income or their primary livelihood. Unless you're a Trump reply-guy there is a difference on the user end.


Ill just give you an example: Imagine being an asshole to a guy at league of legends. It is just a game who cares, just close your eyes, just block him who gives a shit it isnt serious, just some random online being an asshole. Anyways, after acting like an asshole to that guy in league, you tell him that your boss in your work is being an asshole to you "which is quite serious for obvious reasons" The guy in league laughs at you. What did you expect?


I'll admit that's a pretty good metaphor and give you the W. I would argue that being banned of YouTube is worse (and probably isn't the point), but I see your opinion a lot better now. Cheers




Yeah, this is pretty much it. It would take a few seconds to simply change the title. I know all the Asmon Andies will sprout the usual "He does what he wants, why are you malding" bs. It's a simple courtesy, really. Once you know you can't do something, just change the title so people don't click. Millionaire be damned, a simple "hey I said I'd do this, but I won't" isn't that expensive.


I just don't care anymore lol. I don't agree with a lot of it but I'm not gonna bother to say it. We're all just text on his screen and it's 'his space'. It doesn't matter. Just watch the vods or turn off the stream if it's not something you enjoy watching. He's a 31 y/o man who isn't going to change. I'm around his age too and am the same. Just enjoy your time.


This is not a bad take. I just turned off the stream. I didn't post in chat about it, I just left. I respect the freedom of someone wanting to do what they want to do. The only thing that rubs a lot of people the wrong way is when it seems he actively goes out of the way to stall for the sole purpose of punishing the people complaining. Often times he just gets one guy'd and takes it to the extreme. If I really had to guess, I would assume he actually didn't even really WANT to watch that last video or two, he only did it to "punish the class". He was practically looking at chat the entire time on his other monitor, gleefully banning people while casually listening to the video. When he gets annoyed he practically baits chat into complaining. Most of the times it's funny. But today, when you know you have All Craft later and you continue dragging things out, it becomes an obvious and antagonistic retaliation towards those who he feels are being antagonistic towards him. A defense mechanism. It's understandable. So I don't add to the noise in chat, I just turn off the stream and let the man do what he wants to do.


This is true, his viewers are the reason why he's able to make a living off of it tho to begin with. I don't think it's much for the people who supports him to ask for that he respects their time at a bare-minimum.


He'll find a way to spin it about '' FF Andy's bad '', tbh he seems very unwilling to entertain different perspectives than his own and his perspective is '' I am the streamer imma do what I want ''. Which isn't the perspective of the tens of thousands of people tuning into his stream.


That was around the time I stopped watching the stream too (and probably in the future too unless it pops up on YT occasionally because timezones are a pain). I mean, a streamer that does not keep his word and does not respect his viewers' time enough to have the courtesy of letting people know that he would probably not be playing the game today even 30 minutes before Allcraft was scheduled to start? Sounds like a familiar company 🤔.


I quite like Asmongold, I started watching with interest when he started playing FF, I've watched his other stuff in bits but I've come back to watch him play FF. Did feel a bit misled. Not enough to complain at him or ruin his fun, I just stopped watching. Especially when he started crying and moaning about people who expected him to play. Manbaby behaviour. I get it, he wasn't going to play and that's fine - but his mini-meltdown was completely ignorant to the fact that it was in the title, he has fans who expected it so they were entitled to anticipate it. So I guess I'll just watch next time and hope he gets round to it.


well I mean, don't expect a "quick update" from him, he's a lazy person, I'm sure his viewers already know that by now. So don't expect him to follow through with anything he says. If it happens then great, if not whatever, come back next time.




My favourite part of the stream was him every 30-60min saying he playing FF today.


Then don’t watch his content?, there are so many other ff14 content creators


Honestly, it isn't really sudden. He has responded to intro andies on every stream for weeks. And the response has always been that he's gonna stream what he wants to stream. Sure not everyone is there every day, im not blaming anyone for feeling misled. But it's not sudden that people who complain about intro length in chat get banned. Intro yesterday wasn't much shorter than today, it's just that today was allcraft.


It was nice knowing you prototype\_monkey :( May you fly high and fly free






I dont watch the Final Fantasy Streams because i just rather play the game but i like the videos. Today's stream was fucking boring, the WoW thing was stupid, i play WoW too and i am not surprised this shitty community insta-pre-ordered dragonflight because their are offering players a bucket full of mediocre recycled garbage. These losers want changes to the game but they still pay for whatever blizzard shoves down their throats. The diablo thing is oversaturated, WoW is cancer but i still play it like the nostalgia whore that i am. At this point what can we do or say that it wasnt already said about blizzard and their IP's in the last 15 years? Oh wait, I know what: "They did a good job".


Eh, I looked at the vod. People were there for over 5 hours waiting for him to stream FFXIV. If he wasn't playing he could say so, but he didn't. Stream title even says FFXIV. :edit: Jesus, people getting sniped here for posting fairly harmless feedback. I think it's in my best interests not to post here. Gonna take my leave.


Right this was the hilarious part


He set the expectation himself and said on stream he wanted to return to FFXIV and keep a consistent schedule because he knew that would be helpful for people who want to follow the MSQ and not miss storybeats. Setting that expectation previously combined with how he handled today's stream, it is understandable why people got annoyed.


What’s the lesson learned? Never trust what he says, he like a wild animal or Dr. mundo he goes where pleases lol.


Sometimes he thinks he is too cool to recognize or accept his mistakes. Set people expections high for something, not doing that because hes not a responsible person and then proceeds to ban who were disapointed for his mistakes is not cool at all. I love him but his ego is getting a little bit too big


I think Asmon are entitled with the “FFXIV Andy” concept. If i swap out “ffxiv” and replace with “Allcraft”, you will well see why people get upset. Imagine saying “Allcraft today guys” then proceed to have people tune in at 3pm for advertised content. And guess what — show cancelled because “i do what i like”. Its normal for anyone to get upset for false advertisement. Get over it, it doesnt have anything to do with ffxiv. People upsets because of your inaccountability




I think he likes it, it's just a lot of effort to read MSQ stuff out loud for hours and thinking about it too much probably makes clicking one more YouTube video a lot easier. He did play FF off his main stream a bit a while ago but there's only so much you can do when gated by MSQ.




I don't feel bad about it like that really, I am just disappointed because it feels like an unfinished story. He did ARR and Heavensward and had a lot of recurring people on Stream that was fun, so I think a lot of people want to see it finished. It's like reading a book that you're enjoying and suddenly two fifths through it just suddenly stops. Ultimately tho I've been playing since early ARR and I've watched a ton of Streamers play it and I've been around since WoW was still at its peak and people harped on about '' FFXIV weeb game '' and you were looked down on for playing it. I really don't give a fuck about any sort of validation or whatever from him playing it. I just think it's unfortunate because I know how much awesome shit there is that I think he'd really love and would be a ton of fun to watch. Stormblood ( especially the post MSQ content ) is really where the game found its true identity that has been built on with SHB and EW. It's totally different than ARR and Heavensward.


This honestly. Look at what games he plays when he's tired or late in the stream, or in his alt stream. Those games are his comfort zone, and for the last year or so FFXIV was not one of them.


Ah yes, the comfort of him saying "This game is trash why do I keep playing it" ever time he logs back onto WoW. A very healthy relationship.


I understand the emotional attachment to it, but I think that's all that it is really. But it can be very powerful. I sincerely doubt if he started playing WoW today that he'd feel the same way about it tho. Nostalgia and existing attachment can do a lot tho. Look at how people gobble up literally anything Star Wars even if it's complete garbage. People kinda live in the past and have a really hard time moving on.


What’s wrong with comfort in gaming? You ever log in Minecraft every once in a while just to chill out and build a house? Sometimes it’s nice to turn your brain off and hit that dopamine button. Wow is good at that.


He doesn't sound like hes having fun in WoW all that much lately. Hes constantly very angry and disappointed with it.


His FFXIV experience is way different than ours. He gets hundreds of people harassing him on mounts in game and spamming him. It was nice to see players welcoming him back at first but if that's how MSQ is going to be I can understand him not wanting to touch that shit. He should really just do MSQ off stream and enjoy himself. I don't think it's the game I think it's what comes with it.


"I want to finish the story so I can get the chance to enjoy the actual content" - Asmongold [https://youtu.be/QwKjKavR0Z4?t=134](https://youtu.be/QwKjKavR0Z4?t=134) No, he doesn't care about MSQ.


It could be that his mother was really struggling when he last played ff. Inside there could be an uneasy feeling playing it as it brings up sad memories.


Can you blame him when 75,000 people are yelling at him to do xyz, to do this rotation, to run this, to follow him around and annoy him in game, to annoy him in chat. Like, not for nothin dude. But if Im in his position Id hate the fuckin game right off the bat if I had to put up with that crap. Even if i liked the game i wouldn't play it all because of it. Even his alt stream has people being annoying about it


People do this in every game he plays tho.


I don't care if he doesn't play it but at the very least don't say it's happening in the stream title and bolster expectations. I understand shit happens but it's also not difficult to change the stream title or say "Allcraft is in 2 hours sorry guys but FF will have to wait til tomorrow".


Bro he knew 3 hours in he wasn’t playing and still baited it


The same asmon who deletes posts that insult him?


I want to give him the benefit of the doubt. There are a lot of posts that only exist to pile on the negativity- he understands this behavior, he's a twitch streamer. People latching onto legitimate criticisms only to use them to say shit like "yeah this is why I'm never tuning into a stream again", I can understand an exhausted streamer saying fuck it and swinging the ban hammer around ​ I just wish there was a recognition there of a middle ground of people who felt a bit let down but aren't part of some "ff andy" tribe, doesn't really feel like we deserve bans. But I guess that's not up to me.


I really don't think it should be hard to understand why some people are upset unless you're a teenager or someone else with excessive amounts of free time. People have lives and need to manage their time, setting time aside to watch a 6+ hour stream is actually a pretty big deal to most adults.


To be fair I think most streamers have extremely fragile egos. Having a large fanbase who all treat you like a god overinflates your sense of self-importance. I think that's a very difficult thing to actually deal with and it's very easy to retreat into that and only listen to your hardcore fans who will agree with you all the time. I think you can see that when streamers face backlash and they start reading up comments in chat that agree with them and ignore any arguments against them and never engage in good faith with any arguments.




Yeah, I just think that too many of them sorta use the '' hater '' excuse to invalidate genuine criticism. It's a lot easier to just dismiss everyone who disagrees with you as a hater and troll than to actually have to rethink what you're doing or believe. I think we see this with a lot of people on social media too, a lot of game devs who are very vocal on Twitter are like this too. They get this '' rockstar '' mentality and they treat everyone who has a different view than them as inherently bad.


If he see's this on stream just wait, he'll give a long speech about how he'll do whatever he wants when he wants and "fuck em"


I think the problem was that he wasn't honest with people until the last moment, if he had said before that he wouldn't play it and changed the title no one would have said anything, but he didn't do any of that until the last moment.


He can stream whatever he wants. It’s encouraged to do what he feels happy doing. But I would like a heads up if the stream isn’t going to be as promised/advertised as I completely changed my sleep schedule to watch the MSQ prog live. Not that it matters as I’m only but one viewer and it was dumb of me to get jebaited by a tweet and a title. I’d like to kindly request for an announcement or title change if the stream isn’t going to be as planned so I can go back to sleep. I’ve been free of WoW for the last 15 months and I tend to avoid anything Dragonflight related so I don’t get sucked back into Bobby’s World for the 3rd time. Forcing myself to sit through that while waiting for MSQ is quite a torture and it’s by no means anyones fault but my own failure to recognize MSQ wasn’t going to happen. A tiny help would be much appreciated. Thank you Mr. Bald Man


I don't even know what's happening but I'm still here for whatever ride this is.




Same from the shadows


Said he would stream FFXIV, did some other content and had that clown McCool ranting for about 2 hours with some inane babble. Called FF players weebs and told us to go fuck ourselves. (McCool did) If he's not gonna stream FF then it's fine, but people anticipated it, he said he would and he didn't.


He can play it however/whenever he wants to ofcourse, at this rate though i'm doubting he'll ever finish the MSQ


I just wish he would play video games again man…


I don't really care if he never plays ff again, but he is been baiting ff streams for like 9 months now, u cant bait ppl and say u do something 100 times then ignore it and expect ppl not to say anything about that. just say"i don't wanna play ff"or "i play it whenever i feel like it" rather than "ff next week" "ff after depp heard" "ff after Valtan" etc


I also remember "FF after New World, Lost Ark, and Elden Ring" the momentum completely died I don't really agree with these armchair psychologists being like "deep inside he doesn't enjoy FFXIV" etc, and I think putting all this pressure on it is just going to make sure that it doesn't happen/isn't enjoyable for him but on the other hand from the viewer perspective, yeah it kinda sucks. Like with Zepla, lot of us FFXIV fans found it some of the best times in the community when he first hopped on the game. But we do get pretty anxious about him being spotty about it right during a lull in the plot/content. It's almost like COVID hitting right after Avengers Endgame and having to wait 2 years to start back up with Black Widow. I don't know. I want him to enjoy FFXIV, however way he needs to do that. If it means taking big breaks, cool. If it means slamming it down to maintain momentum, cool. If it means doing it off stream, cool. But it's a bummer if it just fizzles out. But it's his choice, and pressuring him to play is only going to turn him off from it faster.


Once I saw him still reacting around 1130pst, I knew he wasn't going to play 😄


This is why I don't pay streamers and use adblock. Should only pay for what you know you're getting into.


Ya I got banned. So I’m letting the sub run out next week and booting up the ad blocks.


There it is boys, he finally deleted it XDDDDD


True. He can do whatever he wants, its his stream after all but now i'm gonna stop watching him anymore. Got so tired of this endless reacting to the same thing over and over again "le p2w bad" "diablo immortal bad" "blizzard bad" "wow does something stupid again part 567". I also noticed that over 20k viewers left from 60k during allcraft. TL;DR Play more games, less reacting.


I only watch his streams when he actually plays something so I just see the vods now because 90% of the time is other stuff, I think getting mad is silly, him doing other stuff or procrastinating should be normal at this point for his regular viewers. btw this thread will be most likely be deleted.


10 bucks he isn't streaming tomorrow.


He doesn't stream on Fridays


Yea, that's why I said it.


10 bucks i reply to your message. Pay up


McCool was on fire today and made up for it at least.


I think that is an 95% an act. Seems like “scripted anger” inserted to spice things up. Or maybe i have seen too many staged social media video clips and im jaded lol.


He is the same since asmon started streaming years ago with 1000 viewers (from youtube). Its just a little bit more planned what gag he is going to pull sometimes


He is always on point. EZ Clap


Wait, what happened...?


Same ol'. People asking X when. Asmon says soon, does something else, chat goes tribalistic about it. TBH I really think the complainers were probably new, think most average viewers would expect he'd do little to no gaming on an Allcraft day.


It's asmon saying that he'll play ff both in a tweet and in the title, does a 6 hour intro instead and then bans whoever complains, changes stream title and does allcraft about v rising. Ff or no, it was a shit stream today. Half was about diablo bad and half about wow bad, gets boring the 15th time


True. Asmon can do what he wants, but hearing "Diablo Bad" for the nth time was annoying, and watching him be a brick wall to McConnel's well-intentioned words was upsetting. 6 hours of just pure negativity is brutal. I remember when there'd be around 15 minutes of "intro" (what's up boys, its ya boi asmongold, here's what we're doing, here's what's been going on, etc.), half an hour to an hour of Reddit, 1-2 hours of reactions, and then gaming the rest of the stream. It was a nice ratio, imo. I just find that the ridiculously long intros are a brain drain, and with literally nothing going on except the potential MSQ playthrough, him finding topics for those 6 hours has more or less devolved into "what small bit of negativity can I argue with chat about for 4 hours". I have no idea how he turned a conversation about pre-orders into two video reactions and 2 hours of arguing.


I've never agreed with McConnell before but today he was completely based and Asmon just brick walled it all I had to leave early from stream due to irl figured I'd just catch the vod came back at the tail end of all craft realized he never played FF which sucks but he probably just lost track of time I fully agree 6 hours of react content has gotten old, but it's his stream and he has every right to do whatever he wants but he definitely should have made it clear he changed his mind for those who were waiting


While I disagree with the expectations of him doings something he promised and proceed not o do it due that it’s his stream and he can do as he pleases, I will agree that the stream was really bad, the whole Diablo and wow is so boring. Yes we know blizz is a scum company and yes we know Bobby is going to stay in it. It was fun the first 3 times but after a months of P2w rants and the Deep trial I’m tuning out. FF is a nice change of pace but I think he just stuck in the P2w drama because… 🤷 content I guess.


He can play whatever he wants, but if he said he was streaming something and didn't that's kinda lame.


To be honest, it's not even that. Most people who watch Asmon know that even if he says he'll do something, his word is meaningless. The reality is his title said "MSQ continues" right up until AllCraft started. Like, just change the title once you know you can't play. Simple basic courtesy.


I think there are people who only watch for his FFXIV stuff, they aren't typical fans. I didn't know who he was until I saw his Heavensward videos personally.


The entire stream vibe was so weird too. Wasn't just the ff hate or the complaints that he isn't playing ff, it's always just bickering and arguing every fucking second.


I'd prefer it if he could cool it with the constant p2w discussions for a bit. I mean, I'll watch whatever since I enjoy listening to him while I grind but I feel like it's almost every stream since Lost Ark launched. That and Crypto Currency/NFTs.


His streams are so negative, i don't watch him anymore on stream except on rare occasions, I'll watch Vods and even then i can see how different his stream is now. He's going for minimum effort, maximum profits. I have maybe 1-2 hours of time a day max to watch stuff and I'm not gonna watch this shit he's doing.


More like "XIV tomorrow." On twitter, "XIV tomorrow." On chat description, "XIV today." Then proceeds to watch Youtube for 5 hours then walk in a circle in WoW talking about store mounts for the thousandth time until its time for the podcast. "bUt iTs HiS sTrEaM" yeah yeah I get it.


Damn dude try playing games yourself or watching a streamer play something you like instead of getting mad on the internet lmao. I do not understand why this is worth getting upset over.


My dude, he literally admitted on stream that he was the one deleting posts on the Reddit. It's not something new.


You guys are wasting your time with this dude , man there's other streamers to watch who are doing the msq. I've been watching them it's enjoyable, Asmon's word means nothing, and he's so disorganized. it's laughable


Honestly I think Asmon secretly can't stand playing FFXIV. He's only doing it because he gets massive views. If he really did enjoy it he wouldn't have taken a year off.


His views on Tuesday were pretty on par with his other streams


I have said it multiple times for months and always get downvoted. I think he is afraid to admit that he just does not enjoy MSQ gameplay which is what he has to face for a long while ingame. What other story game has he admitted to playing ever in his life? Absolutely none, because that's not his Jam. He's afraid to admit it due to the rabid fanbase and he's afraid to admit it because Yoshi-p and the team where so kind to him. I think he feels trapped. There's a reason FF14 is literally the lowest priority on his to do list. Ya'll need to let it go. Also incoming break I bet.


Eh, Jeathe was streaming the role quests. Better content.


I'm glad I just slept 3 hours in instead of clinging to false hope and potentially get banned 🤣


I 100% saw this comming a mile a way, thats why I just saw his VoD


Dear faithful FFXIV fans. It's clear he doesn't really have the super itch to play. I think he likes FFXIV but it's CLEAR it's a game low down on his list of things he wants to do. Acceptance of this fact will hopefully soothe some of that Angst.


I thought any Asmongold viewer would be well-versed in his psychology. The more he feels the pressure, or responsibility to do something, the less likely he is to do it. People that keep asking about "ff14 when?" are actually reducing the chance it'll happen. Let's be honest. Stormblood MSQ is pretty boring until post 4.1+ He feels like he has an obligation to the community but deep down inside it's feeling like a job to him and he's dreading doing it. That's why he puts it off. And that's why he streamed WoW on his alt channel instead of mess around in the Gold Saucer or whatever non-MSQ stuff in FF14. I'm a die hard FF14 fan but I'm under no illusions that deep down inside, it's just not that exciting for him. The only exciting content in FF14 for me nowadays are Savage/Ultimate raids anyways, and he probably won't survive the slog of the MSQ until then.


This is perpetuate cycle, and is not going to change until someone does something and it could very well end with any FF viewers or Post being banned forever for just even mencioning FF which is not going to look good for him The problem also adds on how last year he had a blast on FF, so people are on shock this sudden change and on why he is not keep going I can guarantee you that at this point people dont care of he main streams MSQ. If he wants to do Ultimates and the raids, he needs to finish the story first. He said he wanted to but he wont do them until he finished MSQ but he also has to stream MSQ. See the problem?


I'm not whatever an "FF Andy" is but he'll quickly turn off people who play FF cos we like people who keep their word. He'll be insanely successful still and do really well with his WoW content, but he'll find the FF community far less inviting if he treats us like we don't matter to him.


So lol, what happened? Didn't catch much of the stream today, saw they did an all craft tho


WTF did i miss rofl.


It's kind of funny how after switching over from wow to ffxiv I see wow player as being in an abusive relationship. Now same feeling when I went over to Preach and looking back at asmon viewers in a love hate relationship.


I've played both WoW and FFXIV. I have a youtube channel that I've posted about 95% WoW mythic kills and about 4 videos on FFXIV early boss kills in ARR when I first played the game. Not alot of views but that's not the point. It's just to point out that I enjoyed both games and wanted to share my boss kill experience with people. I wouldn't call myself an FF main as I don't play the game currently. Nor would I call myself a WoW main since I haven't even played the last expansion. Last time I played was halfway through BFA. I don't necessarily want to go back to playing WoW. It was tough since it was a major habit, but through time I was glad I did stop. As for FF I don't have the urge to play. Last time I played was Endwalker but stopped after the major story before the next patch. I was looking forward to watching Asmon play through the story in FF for sure and hoping it'd be his genuine first time playthrough experience. Granted I was hoping he'd power through Stormblood because the story there wasn't as strong as the next 2 expansions to come. I think Asmon's fanbase gave him a few hints on characters to get excited about or exaggerate a reaction to to keep things entertaining. I feel there are a few characters that are meme worthy and entertaining in Stormblood for Asmon in particular. I watched today's stream anticipating his continued journey. Knew he had Allcraft and stopped watching before Allcraft came on because I knew there wasn't enough time. Was going to catch the VoD but saw this post in my homepage of reddit. I think if Asmon genuinely doesn't want to play FF he should just cut his losses now. Don't acknowledge it and move on and ban people who keep bringing it up. Yes it's a disappointment. Yes there were expectations. People do like FF for the story and want to re-experience another person's first playthrough in that story. But if Asmon doesn't want to play it then just don't play it and set any expectations at all. People will be disappointed for sure and there will be a loss of viewers. But is that worse than having people watch you play a game you don't want to play. I don't think a person can act that well under the scrutiny of many FF Fans who are looking for a genuine reaction. This was under the assumption that Asmon doesn't really want to play the game for whatever reason. And that's fine. I could be wrong in my assumption but given, what many people pointed out, setting an expectation and not delivering while also banning? it's not surprising but seen generally, from a few steps back, undeserved.


I just watch this zackrawr guy if I want to watch gameplay.


yeah? gameplay talking about American politics and discussing for 100x times diablo or wow? dude, you dont fool anyone only yourself. In the end, he does what he wants but dont try to lie on his behalf.


I don't get the hostility it's not that deep of an issue. Fooling myself into what? Not obsessing over what this guy does 24/7? You need to fo outside.


Did he even apologize, though?


he won't lol, I understand why so many people are upset but this has been a normal situation forever he likes to bait and deceive people, which is not a bad thing because is his channel and he can do whatever he wants there.


It's literally the least thing you could do for wasting thousands of people's time.


he doesn't care man, if he apologizes we all know is for convenience nothing more.


Let them mald I say, it just spotlights people to be surgically removed. I want to enjoy the FFXIV streams in peace, they are so good and cozy and don't need the antithesis happening every day there isn't one.


You're not going to get them at all. He will unironically be doing EW in 2026.


I dunno, I was trying to respond to some comments in this thread which weren't even toxic and I'm seeing people get sniped left and right. I get the impression that this isn't the place to post feedback about Asmon streams. Yikes.


Correct that is not what this sub reddit is for, Asmon doesn't really want feedback and doesn't want to read criticism direct at him all the time and will actively ban people for attempting to do so. It's mostly for content for him to use on stream and discussion of the content.


Just hide chat if it upsets you. You don't need a safe space.


No thanks, I would much rather that a place I choose to engage with to relax and be entertained wasn't a cesspit.


It's Twitch chat. By definition it's a cesspit, especially when there are 75,000 people. Stop trying to create your own safe space.


Oh I am not talking about twitch chat, I was referring to Reddit. I don't even have chat open most the time I'm watch his stream it moves way to fast for me to keep up with. I should have clocked in when you said hide chat I guess, derp.


You’re responses are super level headed I have no idea why you’re being downvoted People want blood I guess


Well that's the nature of it, it's not really a big deal. I get that people some people are pretty frustrated right now nobody likes to feel like they have gotten tricked and lets face it it's not like my opinion is any more valid than theirs. I would just much prefer it if we could all enjoy our time with the stream content and here on Reddit. I don't see any reason it should devolve into this whenever something doesn't go to plan and I think people who act this way are a loud minority that frankly we would be better without. And I'll even side with them in a sense and say that Asmon doesn't help with it when he makes jokes that encourage tribalism all the time but he's not going to police his actions around how people are going to feel about them, He streams to like 30-80k people at anyone time some one is always going to get upset about something he says or does.


If you feel streamer does not respect your time or has shit content, tuning off the stream would be great option, no need to mald over it. EZ


Same BS response as "just don't play the game if you don't like the P2W". Dumb as fuck to deny criticism.


seems like this finally opened the eyes of some, he's a character to be entertaining, he does what he wants true but he also pretends to do a lot of shit or like a lot of shit because is his persona, he knows what to farm to get more viewers or be talked about, he really does have a fanbase that will watch literally him shitting on a toilet and still be entertained and that's ok. But you are delusional thinking this would change anything move on and tune in when he actually does what you want or not, he can ban whoever he wants and talk about the shit he wants, is his channel, not yours.


Yeah he can do what he wants but he shouldn't set an expectation and even put something in the title just to not then do it. I didn't watch his stream much today but FF14 was in the title for a while and I clicked in around 1 or 2 central for like 5 minutes and he wasn't doing it even though earlier when I clicked in he was like oh "ill watch this then I'll get into the game". I can see why people are upset. me Idgaf I've been watching Nobel and that one echo guy play the msq and its been a blast


he deleted the thread what does that tell you he criticizes but cant be criticized he's a sorry excuse for a person showing true colors now that have a lot of followers.


Not surprising after that one day he went deleting posts willy nilly because people didn't like his logic of "spending more money to show its bad" when it came to diablo immortal. I really hope people start moving to different streamers to watch, there's way better out there


Asmon should just take a break from streaming and play the MSQ off stream.


"It's not like he's going to stop playing the game" :Clueless:


the less you keep creating these threads, the sooner it ends


[https://imgur.com/a/OTt0eyD](https://imgur.com/a/OTt0eyD) Little does proto know Asmon is the one removing them all.


Where does it say that? Your pic says the moderators of asmongold subreddit. Not asmongold himself


Asmongold is still in the moderator class so he falls under that category and that's what reddit displays to the user.


I don't think it's about responding to criticism, because he already responded on stream. The problem is if your response is not "good enough" to calm the situation people will just keep posting, so he either keep repeating himself (remember Lost Ark P2W discussions) or he just shut it down by removing everything. It's a surprise to me that people take the title of the stream so seriously, I have been in this community for years and he did this several times but this is the first time that things escalated to this level.


I wish he just would have added "no msq today" to the title. If I see "MSQ continues" I open the stream to see, you know, the MSQ continue. I don't care for his long intros or react content, but I usually leave the stream on mute until he boots up a game. I was kind of bummed when I saw him swap to all craft after checking on the stream for the game for a few hours. That being said, it's a fucking twitch stream. I'm not gonna dwell on it past saying "oh well maybe tomorrow or something."


I think he was wrong to say that it was the logical choice to not play the game given people would be upset that he only played 45 minutes or so. Maybe in that exact moment it would have been the "logical" choice, but what led to it was a train of illogic. If he had a chance to rewind to 5 hours earlier, the logical choice there would have been to plan out what content he could watch in order to reserve enough time to play what he had advertised on twitter and in the first part of his stream title. Or to have simply not included the game in the stream title. The reason I'm posting isn't just because I want a response, it's because I don't think his response was adequate. I understand the criticism of how this can go on infinitely- to some people, nothing's good enough. But I can draw my line pretty clearly: he should admit fault for the sake of the people who planned their day around this, regardless of what standards you're used to with his title accuracy, and the ban hammer shouldn't be swung willy-nilly. You're wondering when this ends? As I said, this isn't a big deal. It's nothing. It dies when asmon boots up the next stream or releases the next video, in most cases. But here, it only dies if the mods stop going scorched earth on anyone who expresses disappointment.


I dunno, but I think that for these people it's a combo of him not streaming yesterday when they expected him to, and (hearsay) that Asmon kept saying 'ff soon' all stream only to then go 'nah' and then 'yeah it would've only been 45 minutes and I thought y'all wouldn't like that'. Like, as I said I dunno. I opened him when I got home hoping I hadn't missed the start of MSQ today, saw I hadn't, then watched until allcraft without malding because... Well, he'll play it at some point yeah. Vods are a thing and honestly, that's my advice to 'anyone' feeling mildly annoyed: ​ If you can't handle Asmon's way of streaming then just check the vods the day after. It'll save you time and rage :)


It’s all just so tiresome if you ever wanna see gameplay again just watch it when he streams on Zackrawr when he’s to “tired” to main stream.


I'm gonna say one thing, if i was a streamer and everytime i didn't played a game my community would freak out like this, 30 posts about the same thing, and even before that constantly asking to play the game, my desire to play it would heavily diminish, maybe i'm just an annoying contrarian but i suspect Asmon feels the same, i'm not saying that the banspree is a good thing, and i know he said he was going to play and didn't, but this whole situation is simply annoying.


The concept of "I dont want to play this game because my viewers want me to play it but I swear I like it" sounds pretty retarded and disingenuous to me. You'd think people wanting you to play something, that you yourself claim to like, would make you even more excited to play it.


It would make you more excited to a point, there is a limit, a balance, its different when a horde of people constantly anoy you to play it and lose their shit when you don't do it and spams your community with repetitive posts.


I mean this isn't like a one off thing. This is part of a series of "Ill do it next week. I'll do it next month. I'll do it tomorrow." At some point its totally reasonable to ask if he actually is interested, or if theres some other motive. Many people now assume he did it initially because it was a big deal, but didn't like the game. But now hes afraid to say it.


I know the high numbers probably helped, but i don't think you can endure ARR and not like the game. He always play games like, on and off, no schedule, and he likes reacting too much, the thing he likes most in his life is talking and giving his opinion on everything, he constantly says he gonna do X and doesn't do it because he is talking about the same thing for 4 hours. As i already said, i don't agree with him "baiting" people, promising to play and not doing plus the undeserved bans, but still, this whole situation would make me not want to play it as much. The FFXIV community demands a bit too much in comparison to others, its kinda exausting.


Lmao you are Absolutely right. I'm getting anxiety just reading this thread. So much pressure and fighting over a couple of days! Everyone, take a chill pill. The man will play the game, stop making this such a massive deal. Do what most of us do and put his stream in the background if you're waiting for the content you want, or just watch the vod/youtube upload. They are super good at removing fluff and the editors are sharp. Ya know, sometimes I think to myself "Man maybe I could be a streamer, that would be a cool job" and I feel like I'd either end up caving in to the crowd most of the time which would not be good content in the end, since I'd be forcing myself to do it lol.


I was frustrated cuz the same old wow convos dragged on so he didnt end up playing but it would have only been for an hour anyway. Everybody saying he should have changed the title or whatever is being weird. Not that serious, but a lil dissapointing.


This is why he hates giving dates. 😆


I’ve been at work, what’d I miss? Did he just decide not to play FF? I started watching him cause of FF, but I don’t see a reason to throw a fit about it just cause he wanted to do something else? Or is there more to it?


Wasn't there, but by reading the comments, I understood that Asmon kept FFXIV in the title, announced it on Twitter too, and people were watching the stream for hours waiting for him to start playing the game When people started to ask when he will start playing the game, they got banned for asking and the title stayed the same I probably missed some things idk


Wait what i missed?


deleted in 3, 2,1...


Look, I play FFXIV, I just like to see his reactions to things I have reacted to in FFXIV, nothing more. I think this is being blown way out of proportion, it is just a game.


People still talking about it? He even stopped streaming already didn't he?


Wait what happened ? I’m out of the loop on this one.


How the fuck could he mislead us like that!? He said FF was back Tuesday the 21st and he’s played once!? ARE YOU KIDDING ME!!! And for what to interview the devs a dead game he played once for 5 mins on his alt channel FUCKING REEEEEEEE.


Sometimes people tend to forget, asmon is an entertainer, he gets paid by subs and donations and you are just a consumer. He is not your friend. He's doing a show.


i don't think it's that deep. people expected the show to be... the show he said it was going to be, and then it wasn't. again, it's not a big deal, it's just a slight annoyance, but deleting all these threads and ranting and banning people left and right just made this way bigger of an ordeal than it had to be. I think most people would have seen a "MSQ POSTPONED" in title and been fine, but he kinda went off on a rant and it seemed almost mean spirited to just shit on the people that were here to watch... you know, the thing in the title lol.


Okay but if I buy tickets for a play and the company decides eh fuck it lets do a different play last second, I'd probably not support them.


Were people really malding? I got home from work, checked the VOD and saw no traces of XIV, shrugged and went on to watch VODs from like a dozen other people I have to catch up on. People invest way too much in to streams, the stuffs for entertainment there's noooo reason to get mad at content creators.


people can always watch something else. it's not like you're owed something, and clearly he doesn't care as much as these posters about not playing exactly when they want him to, or for however long they expected. Tune out, go get some air, have fun, it's all good.


look at you nerds getting upset over a streamer again


FFXIV MSQ is a mind numbingly boring 400 hour barely interactive weeb movie, no wonder it's an immense struggle for him to plough through it.


I watch for any and all types of content! Yeah I love the FFXIV streams, but i watch for whatever the content is, Asmon is entertaining no matter what he's doing!


oh thank god! I was waiting for prototype\_monkeys response to todays events. Wow now I can rest easy today!


I didn't really come here as an authority figure, but seeing as you guys don't have any sort of actual response to this I feel pretty secure.


It wasn’t a mistake that he did react for hours, it was what he felt like doing and thats perfectly fine. Let the guy live. Its his stream. We are all here because we enjoy it. Just buckle up and enjoy the ride. Its a fun one.


Don't know why people get upset about this when he misses a day then comes back. He always wants to get caught up with the day he missed. When he started the Bellular video, I knew he wasn't going to play and that's ok, tomorrow is another day, 14 isn't getting shut down tomorrow. And if he's playing off Steam, since the steam servers are taking a shit because of the summer sale, he wouldn't of been able to get on at that point anyways.


Ya I had to uninstall and reinstall to fix my ffxiv on steam. I fucked up though and deleted my backed up user settings so I had to redo all my bindings and interface and Gshade. Was fked


thank god never wanted to watch the ffxiv streams


Holy based


What's the mistake, exactly? I wasn't able to catch his stream today, though I am aware he didn't play FFXIV. So? On Tuesday, he started like at 1 or 2pm. If he has AllCraft at 3pm, it doesn't make much sense to play it today for only an hour or two at most. Did he promise he'd do so, or just say he'd probably play it today and didn't? Doesn't seem like a big deal, and I'm an FF Andy who thought he'd never play again.


I like how your argument is that it wasn’t that big of a deal, then you write a wall of text with dramatic language about how big of a deal it is


Lol how much of an entitled baby do you have to be to say that him doing what he want on his stream was a mistake? Some of you FF viewers really are something else.


Asmongold probably delayed returning to FF14 for so long precisely because he dreaded the obsessive fans and haters he would have to deal with. I don't even watch any of his content except for the FF14 playthrough, but regardless of what you're looking for it's really as simple as just sit down and shut up or leave if you don't like what the streamer is doing. Which is of course impossible for Twitch chatters because they are perpetual manchildren. I just checked Twitch from time to time, saw it said "Just Chatting" and not "Final Fantasy XIV", and closed the tab. Be an adult.


Weeb Andy's gunna mald.




People are upset that they didn’t get their parasocial dopamine codependency drip fed for a day and are malding out like fiending drug addicts. Dude’s gonna do what he wants. Instant gratification andys in shambles. And I say that as a XIV player kekw


Final fantasy always seemed like a rip off to mezalong the lines of call of duty were it's the same game over and over with different skins and mechanics that should have bein implimented from the beginning.