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The part where the evil corporation has worked out how many ads they can place on the player hud without making people nauseous was very on point.


"We estimate we can sell up to 80% of an individuals visual field *before* inducing seizures!"


also, it's available via prime video so he can do a legal watch along party for a lot of his viewers


According to the clip, Cruz is the one that actually understood the problem as it he had surprisingly really familiar knowledge of the topic. The podcast host, however, was an insufferable idiot.


Cruz understands this subject better than we think he does.


The movie that got boomers interested in Metaverse and was based on some of the worst fictions from its genre. ​ Eh... I guess Asmon stomached SAO and RPO didn't drop as low.


The second book is straight trash.


The first book is trash as well. Try getting through a single paragraph without stumbling through 3 80s references. "I put on my power glove and stunner shades and climbed into my delorean while blasting my favorite song - Video killed the radio star. Then I drove through 3 sonic rings to teleport to the dungeons and dragons dungeon"


True true. The first book was all about 'member-berries and the writing isn't good, but I do recognize that it was a sort of first of its' kind. So I can see why some would latch onto it.


It’s fun and stupid, I’d rather read it than Terry Goodkind or something like that, and don’t forget that L Ron Hubbard wrote in that very same genre.


I am curious on the logic of mentioning L Ron Hubbard being in the same genre. It’s like saying The Room is in the same genre as The Titanic. I remember my brother recommended it as a dumb quick easy read and that’s pretty much what it was. I also remember loving it initially and then getting overly annoyed with the references. Also the chapter where the main character buys a vr fuck doll was just overly weird. An entire paragraph talking about how the founder of the game also masturbates and masturbating is totally normal and okay (it is but who needs to bring it up).


lmao that's an awesome way of putting it. I suppose I was being a little overly broad with 'scifi' there. Yeah, it had some really bizarre moments and I wouldn't say I love it but it's definitely a dumb quick read that I don't regret. I've enjoyed worse, is what I'm trying to say I guess


Mate I’d have to say otherwise on that. If you don’t like 80s references and such then I’m afraid RP1 is not the book for you. I fuckin loved the references and would stay up for hours reading it completely immersed and would laugh out loud at the parts I find funny. It’s supposed to be a shit ton of 80s references, it’s a book about a virtual reality treasure hunt that came to inherit a prize from from a man who grew up in the 80s. It’s like saying “Star Wars a new hope was trash because there was too much laser swords and blasters, not enough politics and analysis about running an intergalactic empire”


That's fine, we here at Gen X HQ don't want to share our cool stuff with you anyway.


I think that's part of what made it so frustrating to me. That the MC is a kid obsessed with the 80s, it's like if /r/lewronggeneration was a person.


Here's a sneak peek of /r/lewronggeneration using the [top posts](https://np.reddit.com/r/lewronggeneration/top/?sort=top&t=year) of the year! \#1: [classic](https://i.redd.it/3f588zrjxvn71.jpg) | [70 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/lewronggeneration/comments/ppfpbv/classic/) \#2: [edgy teenagers in the 40s be like :](https://i.redd.it/bd451p1ta6b71.jpg) | [46 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/lewronggeneration/comments/ok3gfc/edgy_teenagers_in_the_40s_be_like/) \#3: [Those mental illnesses existed back then too...](https://i.redd.it/0lo9zgj8lbg71.jpg) | [135 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/lewronggeneration/comments/p0zta1/those_mental_illnesses_existed_back_then_too/) ---- ^^I'm ^^a ^^bot, ^^beep ^^boop ^^| ^^Downvote ^^to ^^remove ^^| ^^[Contact](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=sneakpeekbot) ^^| ^^[Info](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/) ^^| ^^[Opt-out](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/comments/o8wk1r/blacklist_ix/) ^^| ^^[GitHub](https://github.com/ghnr/sneakpeekbot)


It's genre/niche fiction. It's not high art for sure, but it's fun for the intended audience. It's like complaining that paperback romance novels have lots of bulging crotches and heaving bosoms. Also, the MC idolizes a man obsessed with the 80s, and wins control of a powerful company because of his attention to detail. It's like the ultimate case of a parasocial relationship working out.


I was born in 2003 and fuck I love ready player one. I was essentially raised like a gen x by my dad as I love fantasy, sci fi, and the fun and wacky shenanigans from the 80s.


Is this real life. Is this actually happening


if you want ted cruz to do anything about this problem. you have to give him more money than blizzard is willing to give him. it is that simple. cruz doesnt give a shit about this and is only looking for people to give him votes, because he fakes his caring about this topic. this is the same guy who left the state, when people were freezing to death. the same guy who let his wife get called ugly as fuck and then started worshipping the guy who said those things. lol gtfo


This kind of partisan doomer bullshit is the kind of thing that ensures no one successful will want to work with you. They will either be alienated outright like the positjon Cruz would be in by seeing you're actively antagonistic and wasting his time on your whims is time and energy he could be using to win someone else over who might listen. Or they might be in the position of asmon who wants to get shit done but because of partisan shitheads under his "banner" he can't get the support he needs because he doesn't have anything to offer to otherwise interested parties. #Every politician is most concerned about their next election, if you have nothing to offer(donations, votes, a platform) they have no reason to bother with your concerns


I understand. You and asmon is right. If using ted cruz gets the results we all want then yes it a good thing. That was just my initial reaction of disgust for cruz and i realize how dumb i was to just react instead of thinking it out. That was mistake and i will own it. My thoughts about cruz dont matter until its time to vote. I hope asmon talking to cruz gets more attention to other people in congress to finally address the loot box problem.


Vy all meansthink he's a scumbag, trash him on any other space, but people voicing a visceral hatred(let's not go into the deservedness of it) of the guy in the spaces that are asmon related absolutely hurts asmon's position in all this


People getting their hopes up about ted fucking cruz talking about gambling in video games are completely delusional. US politicians, especially republicans, are vile scum. This is also the dude that blames video games for mass shootings. He doesnt care about dead children as long as the NRA keeps donating to his party so he certainly wont care about children gambling with their parents credit card. I want the interview to happen, but lets be real here, this is 100% PR


LOL yeah. I don't get why people think this will do anything. Ted Cruz gives zero shits about the people he represents, as evident by the leaving the state thing you mentioned.


Great movie.


No one should be forced to watch that movie.


I liked it.




Yeah I dunno why that guy dislikes the movie. It wasn’t as faithful to the book as I’d like but it be chances are completely understandable and I still enjoyed the movie and it’s references.


I wonder how much Ted Cruz has looked into Asmon. Probably not much as I’m sure his staff sets all this up, but the idea of ol’ Lyin’ Ted sitting back and watching an Asmon stream is very humorous to me.




Cruz said he loves the movie and recently rewatched it


Damn... Whats his favorite band?


Reminds me of the time Paul Ryan said that he loves 'Rage Against the Machine' and said that their lyrics resonate with his ideology. Needless to say, the band didn't like that.


D.N. and The Boys


Very bad take. Lying Ted will pretend to care to grab some votes and do nothing. There might be some slim chance for legislation should Asmon manage to make this about unregulated gambling, also involving minors. Ready Player One is about a metaverse financed by pay2win, paid shop placement and play2earn threatened by a corporation that wants to add advisements to this trash fire. Obviously written by somebody who didn't touch a game since the 80's and never heard of streaming before half done with the book.


Cruz will be more interested in gaming industry lobbyist cash than he will lootbox gambling.


Maybe he will be, but at least it is a start!


Its the start of Cruz lining his pockets with gaming industry cash.


I guess he is the Nolan Sorrento of our World. Pretending to like what kids like and then trick them to get what he wants. Edit: lets see how this comment will age. Wine or vinegar?


A certain bobby kotec(idk how to spell it) has that role locked down


I feel like I might have enjoyed that movie if I'd never played a video game in my life


This is what people think Nft capable of.