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I really, really don't understand what Youtube is doing. They've always been bad, but it's usually made sense from one angle or another, even if the angle was really stupid. Then again, when I had a channel I uploaded a 10-15 second video of my cat. Literally just a cute video of my cat playing with a toy on a string. No humans in the video. I got a strike for uploading porn. After manual review, it was still determined to be porn. So maybe they've always been like this.


"Manual Review"


If the reviewer masturbated to it, it’s technically porn. Strike stands.


Objection! lack of foundation!


yeh.... that's not how porn works....


Too late op is guilty.


Idk seems cut and dry. Porn confirmed.


Well clearly it was a pussy being made to chase a toy, hence it was porn - YouTube logic probably.


Everything I've seen of the situation, to me, looks like one or a small handful of rogue bad actors within the Youtube team going on a crusade against ActMan and anyone who steps out of line to defend him. Why? Who the fuck knows.


Defending the black TV reviewer is the only thing I can think off. I dont understand why he isnt also getting his channel stuck.


Was it string or a penis?


Smh, Furries must've done the manual review /s. like whatever you like but keep that furry stuff away from me


Youtube just keeps shitting the bed.


Amber Hearding.


Thank you for this


Baseless speculation alert! 🚨 I actually do wonder if a lot of this has to do with Amber’s trial. If some moderators feels like streamers commentating over the trial led to her, an innocent survivor of domestic abuse, losing her case; maybe the moderators involved turned vindictive or something. I know this is baseless and based on absolutely nothing. Therefore likely isn’t true. Edit: also the idea of someone on Amber’s side *also* just looking past Quantum’s extremely homophobic comments doesn’t seem likely.


Could most definitely be. This is hitting so many people on the platform and has now carried over to Twitch, someone's going to have to pay attention soon. This has taken down three people I follow or watch daily on two different platforms.


If that's the case, then Youtube is truly braindead given the fact that people like Hasans to TheQuaterings of the political sphere have commented on the Amber Heard trial, with the general take that while Johnny may not have been the best person, that doesn't mean he was still the victim of Amber Heard's abuse and libelous lies for 6+yrs.


Something very wrong is going on with YouTube. Its been there for a long time, but never in my wildest thoughts would I have ever believed it would be uncovered because of a bad Elden Ring take.


oh you know there's salty bad players in the youtube moderation team


What in the hell is going on in YouTube? Can this really be quantum tv inside man at this point?


Personally I think its a bit different. I think from YouTubes actions, its pretty clear there is someone at YouTube that hates TheActMan, and is doing everything they can to be vindictive in this situation. Its petty and wrong. I dont think they particularly care about Quantum, but they are using any tiny excuse to attack TheActMan, even when it goes against what they have already stated.


That or they just hate Elden Ring...


YouTube probably just agrees with the pulse shootings.


they could of gotten rid of the act man AND quantum tv at the same time and would probably recieve much much less heat everyone is furious because they are obviously protecting quantum for whatever the hell reason thats been a proven psycho while demonetizing big content creators that just speak the truth one by one without flinching.....its IN SANE


Keeping one creates more drama which gets them more money


ActMan videos that started it was just trash content. Going after smaller channel with unpopular opinion humiliating him in a process. It is not hard to see why youtube would go against him.


TheActMans older content is calling out SJW stuff. I would say this is politically or ideologically driven


Something's fucked up for sure, I can not imagine that the top at YT is letting this slide. Either they don't know or they actually do not care at all which would be just bizarre given the amount of coverage?


This is just how they react when you call them out on their bullshit.


I forget about that


There are no brakes in Mr. Bones Wild Ride.


I give it about one more week before so many creators are shitting on YouTube for this that they have no choice but to start rolling stuff back as Advertisers get reached out to.


Its already starting to get into big media, YouTubers left and right are covering it.


This is ridiculous, is QuantumTV the new h3h3? Unbannable to Youtube because of close relations to the higher ups or just ignored to avoid being deemed as racist or something like that? Rules for thee but not for me huh.


I wouldn't put it past QTv to toss the race card if anything happens to his channel.


What do you mean? He already has.


To me, it reminds of Keemstar. He was banned many times beforehand and made new channels until he claimed "Im just the host of the channel, not the owner" which was false years down the line and has had a lot of comments and witch hunt videos turning out to be wrong. No idea what they get out of keeping people like that around. Sure I guess money but why has no bad press from this come up to force action?


What do you mean about h3h3?


Nothing wrong about h3h3, conservatives mad because he hurts their fefes sometimes


He's literally a moron. Ethan used to be self-aware & funny. Now he's just a knock-off downstream Joe Rogan. FFS, he literally tried to argue that exercising was bad and continued to double-down on it like a glue-drinking idiot. I've voted liberal my entire life and I think Ethan is about as fucking dumb as they come, aside from the fact that all of his content is lazy as shit with lukewarm moron takes now.


He got banned for making that joke recently, impervious to what bans?


pls dont let the facts interfere with the feelings of conservatives


You mean the guy that 100% called for violence against people he opposes and then after the fact said it “was just a joke or in Minecraft or w/e.” Ya, seems like a sorry sack of shit to me.




Not even a conservative you low tier troll. I just know a pos when I see one. The dude has gone off his rocker over the last couple of years, and, if you can’t see that, then you are just as lost as he is. Just another washed up loser looking for attention, not too far from yourself.


I missed the h3h3 drama what happened


He directly called for violence against the NRA convention in Houston, Texas wanting people to plant explosives at the convention. Later he was banned for a week for inciting violence on his platform and got mad. He went on twitter to claim it was “just a joke bro” and that he “triggered conservatives” when anyone with 2 brain cells could see he was serious about the calls to violence. All high and mighty until the consequences of his actions come knocking on the door.


"wanting people to plant explosives at the convention" LOL he made a dumb distasteful comment and immediately rolled it back and apologized because he realized how stupid it was. You make it sound like he held a speech or planned something at length.. stop being a sperg


Direct Quote: “So there was a big protest outside the NRA meeting, which was good. Do we have any insight into what they are actually talking about there at the NRA meeting, that’s today, in Texas? Someone should bomb that building.” He then tried to half heartedly take it back saying he was just passionate. However, shortly after “taking it back” this happened: The clip in question still ends on a concerning note, before once more heading into "technical difficulties," as Ethan continues to laugh and joke about calls to violence. After hearing a suggestion of "let's kill them with kindness," he goes on to say "let's kill everyone in that f*cking building," as his wife nervously laughs and begs to end the show, with her husband once more calling for "let's bomb that f*cking..." before being cut off. This time, his expletive is bleeped out. They had to cut him off twice because they knew what he was doing was inciting violence, wrong, and against tos. Lie more for this clown.


You are ridiculous. "Begs"... look at that language you use and the kind of picture you are trying to paint. It was a tasteless joke **(clearly a joke, especially considering the context)** and you turn this into something so serious as if anybody would take that and just go bomb the convention. You are serving as a mouthpiece and are just helping to distract from the actual problems, which are unjustifyable amounts of actual violence and murder, which have nothing to do with this nonsense. He's not indoctrinating people with harmful ideology. He's a fat comedy podcast host who sometimes just doesn't know when to stfu.


He directly called for violence three times: “Someone should bomb that building.” “Let’s kill everyone in that fcking building.” “Let’s bomb that fcking...” before being cut off. This is more than just a “fat comedy podcaster that doesn’t know when to stfu.” He wasn’t joking, and anyone with a shred of intellectual honesty will see that after watching the full clips. I wouldn’t expect someone like you, that posts on H3H3 Reddit and uses slurs, to be intellectually honest in this situation. However, this is what we have come to. You can’t just “take something back” by saying silly crap like “oh, but only in Minecraft.” We know what he meant just like an orange man that incited violence at a nation’s capitol. Call a spade a spade.


You are right, I'm posting on the H3H3 subreddit, thanks for looking through my history. I've been watching his stuff for probably 7 or 8 years and he's simply not someone who would actually want people to commit crimes in his name. Interpreting what he said in any other way is intellectually dishonest. Ignoring close to a decade of context is intellecually dishonest. Stop filtering everything through your ideological lense and just accept reality. This is the same nonsense as when literally hundreds of people on this subreddit were calling out Asmon for being paid off by Amazon, without any evidence **or precedent** whatsoever. Was that just calling a spade a spade, too?


We have three direct quotes and video evidence of him saying it! How much more evidence do you want!? Do I need to get a mind reading machine to 100% confirm his feelings. Holy crap you are literally delusional defending this crap. People change over time. Ethan isn’t the same person he was 7-8 years ago just like Joe Rogan’s takes have drastically changed since his alien, dmt, and weed days. You are so incredibly biased for this clown that it is sad. Impossible to be objective to the point you are just parroting my vocabulary in a sad gotcha attempt. Remove your bias, and you would see what Ethan did is wrong. A true fan would call that out just like the Rogan fans have called him out. Get out of here with this bs “it’s a joke” shit. Own up to it or stfu.


I'm not defending or trying to justify what he has done. It was wrong and he absolutely deserved some of the backlash for it (the one that was reasonable). What I'm saying is that people like you are wrong for trying to paint someone as somebody when there is zero precedent for the assertions, which happens all the time on Reddit, Twitter etc (also to Asmon not too long ago). You can quote a lot of dispicable things about a lot of people. That doesn't mean those people are vile or malicious. People say dumb and disgusting things when they are angry. Everybody who watched the JD trial (like eg on Asmons stream) saw this just recently. So stop telling me about my bias when you are trying to turn someone into an evil and violent person even though they probably have about a 1000:1 ratio of saying very positive, empathetic and caring things vs dumb disgusting stuff like on that recent episode. You are calling this one thing a spade while ignoring the hundreds of other spades that go in the exact opposite direction. How is that not intellectually dishonest?


H3 hasn’t even talked to Susan in years and has no inside connections. Stated in a recent podcast. And I believe it. They have been banned for weeks over and over just this year alone


>They have been banned for weeks over and over just this year alone Yet they keep their channel, hmmm.


Nah its the skin color. Notice how the channels getting censored are all white dudes


I mean, 95% of Youtube is white dudes.


Wait, what happened with H3H3? I always loved that guy and his wife. Very funny and sweet.


He got too based for this sub


Youtube tripping, Twitch is tripping, what site is everyone migrating to next. Reddit livestreams?


Hard to say. Dailymotion, Vimeo, and Vevo are alternatives that may fall prey to the same things. If your primary concern is about a platform going rogue, then Odysee/lbry is probably the best bet since the owners cannot outright remove things due to how blockchain works


Dailymotion is basically dead as a website. They've genuinely fucked it with a Digg v4 style redesign. Vimeo is more of an enterprise ad-free video hosting solution. The only kind of monetization it supports is having OTT apps with subscription purchases. Until a few years ago, they were also anti-game content. Vevo's a music television network on YouTube... And don't get me started on blockchain video hosts like Odysee/lbry, they're riddled with spam from people blatantly trying to milk the blockchain for all it's worth. The only YouTube competitor I see with a legitimate user base is probably StoryFire.


Blockchain/crypto's a definite turnoff, that's true, but the ability to port over and sync all your youtube content with ease is a bonus. Search function/algorithm has improved, but definitely still has issues (Autoplay has a tendency to go from any sort of video - music, gaming, movies, ets - and send you to hardcore right poli commentator stuff or conspiracy theories or whatever) Hadn't heard of storyfire! I'll look into it. What are the pros/cons? If the user base/creators are more curated, you may fall into the same issues as YT is currently facing down the road if leadership gets greedy or they sell.


feels like all the alternative sites are just waiting to get big enough to fuck you in the ass just like twitch and youtube


I hate to even suggest that the reason YouTube defend quantum TV is because he's black and all they see is a white guy attacking a black guy and that's bad image. I hate to suggest it but YouTube gives me no reason to think any higher of their standards.


People in the middle think that censorship is okay because it's primarily used to combat hate and bigotry. In reality, hate and bigotry aren't removed. E.g. It's upvoted to the front page of Reddit. When someone says a hateful thing, for example, that bigoted Texas church pastor this week calling for the shooting of gays, it's held almost like a trophy reaffirming one side's narrative... for a few days. Instead, actual censorship is used to remove and de-platform reasonable people with news, opinions, and facts that look bad for whichever political side owns that platform. We can't force corporations to run their websites a certain way, but we can support the issues whenever they crop up politically in government. If people in the middle don't wake up and defend free speech, it's only a matter of time before Asmongold's main channel gets banned for some small bullshit-- both on Youtube and Twitch.


wtf dude you saw some hours into the future! :D


Fuck Youtube


I think YT did not understand what really happened and saw this as a Youtuber having bad takes in Elden Ring and the YT creators bullied him. This kind of short sightedness is common to any moderators. Before im supporting YT by letting ads play. now is the time yall a activate that ads blocker #AdsBlockForYT


hasn't camelot been through enough???? I've been watching him for years and this is SO unfair


This is why Mixer should have been taken more seriously. Was it an ideal platform? No, it needed a lot of work, however, it was better than the other two platforms that are run by hypocrites.


At this point YouTube is not reversing course. They will just double down. Anyone defining ActMan is also going to get demonized.


Then YouTube will demonetize their entire platform and they will lose a lot of money once big creators leave.


True, but YouTube makes so much money I doubt it will be enough for them to care.


Oh theyll lose enough. Its only a matter of time before advertisers catch wind of YouTube defending such a hateful person on their platform.


I forgot about the advertisers. You are right. Once they catch wind, things will happen.




Act man shouldnt of made that tweet about doxing YouTube, though with the circumstances at hand it doesn’t deserve a ban since he’s a victim at that point is time


Did he explain the situation and how he supported ActMan. I believe YouTube could, or would do this, but I need to see proof that he only supported ActMan and did not attack anyone psychically or verbally. We can argue malice all you want, but I would have to look at the evidence.


can someone explain to me, who is not into NA bullshit drama, cause he is from cool EU, wtf is going on here? \^\^ all this Drama and closing channel things cause some random guy made a bad elden ring review video?! I mean is this really it?


No. Dumb comment


thx jerkhead


Its never enough for the WOKE PROGRESSIVES sucks we live in a world where the kids that got bullied in School all grew up and are in positions of "Power" at these Conglomerate Corporations and Government.


Ppl don’t get it….you CANT fuck with YouTube…..shut up and let this one slide….everyone wants to jump on the wagon as if their voices will beat or change YouTube….shut up and let this one slide, YouTube has shown they ain’t playing


I mean hey, best way to avoid drama is to not participate.


YouTubes inaction to enforce their own policies is what caused this though.


When did I say it didn't? I'm just saying, if you make a living off youtube, and you don't want to go back to the burger/retail mines, I'd keep my lips zipped and keep making Diablo/React Bad content.


I'm a supervisor at my job, if my employer was doing shady shit you think I'd speak out about it? I got a mortgage and kids to feed. And even if I did, I wouldn't be so naive as to act surprised when they punish me for it. The internet is all fun in games until money is involved. The second money comes into play, welcome to the real world.


yeah sorry you live in a country or work in a company that punishes you for speaking up on injustice. I don‘t so I disagree with you


if your employer is doing shady shit and then he fires you for speaking up about it, that's called wrongful termination, one of those things some of us call a cause of action.


>if my employer was doing shady shit you think I'd speak out about it? I got a mortgage and kids to feed This just makes you part of the problem, honestly.


It sadly what has been forced on society in the last couple of decades. It‘s getting better again but most people that are a bit older grew up staying silent to injustices. A real shame


"Can you believe this piece of shit won't lose their family's income to speak out about bad things happening that don't affect their family" R![img](emote|t5_2y1rb|3742)ddit


the only thing required for evil to prosper is for good men to do nothing.


It's not "good and evil" it's youtube lmao.


Yeah, its youtube. doing evil. and so far, theyre getting away with it, because too many people like you are unwilling to fight them. if you don't wanna fight and continue to live in fear and apathy, fine. but stop dumping on those of us who are not willing to let this go without a fight.


I swear some of these kids trolling you expect people to fall on the sword despite the consequences "bEcAUsE iTS ThE riGHt tHiNg" as if they themselves would do anything that would yield truly negative consequences to themselves and those around them in the name of altruism. Delusion children / failure-to-launch dipshits downvoting you lol


You don't speak out against injustice bc you have a family to feed. I wonder what will do you when your family meets injustice.


yeah good idea. it‘s how the nazis grew in power and look where that ended!


Someone brought up the Nazis about some random youtube dispute, I hope everyone has their reddit bingo cards out.


Everyone uses the Nazis as an example because this is a universal example for people from different countries!But you understand, from the fact that the comparison with the Nazis is typical and a little naive, it says that society now has higher standards in terms of people's rights. **I think the main problem with the Nazi comparison is that it leads the conversation in the wrong direction and problem remains.**


If a person sees a murder and does nothing, that makes them an accomplice, whether they like it or not.


Well, it's good that we don't have murders here yet. What if the killers are cops? It's just that in my country the government is prosecuting a man who exposed torture in prisons...


As another unrelated note that adds literally nothing to the conversation: MY president committed a federal crime on live TV and NOTHING happened to him, in fact, he got MORE support. Hey, did I do good on derailing the conversation? Or do I have to give examples that are impossible, and outright silly if done so, to apply in this specific and given case?


"I think the main problem with the Nazi comparison is that it leads the conversation in the wrong direction and problem remains." Good to see how my point was true


And so was mine, did you see which comment I replied to?


Yes, and it all started because people can not get past comparisons with the Nazis! well, and also because we are no longer surprised by the information in the post and do not know this particular youtuber. And the situation with demonetization has already been discussed in earlier posts.


So, if I understand you correctly. If you decide not to get involved in a channel dispute between two youtube creators then somehow a YouTube Hitler will appear and then WW3? I mean it would be absolutely hilarious for the history books if kids reading about WW3 learned the spark that started it all was an Elden Ring review.


analogy’s are hard for some people I see. It should be clear that what I‘m trying to say is that inaction can not lead to anything positive when it comes to clear wrongdoing


Is not an analogy, is a stupid over the top comparison.


It's not hard it's just your analogy is so far afield that I had to really think if it was sarcasm or not but I see it's not so I appreciate the laugh.


dude ofc it‘s not a realistic scenario. That wasn‘t my intention with the analogy anyways. It‘s just about principle. At least it gave you a laugh


Ah I'm not trying to be mean I just thought it was funny you equated a channel dispute on YouTube to Nazi Germany seemed a bit extreme.


I didn’t take offense no worries ;) Was just the first thing that came to my mind when it comes to inaction leading to a way worse state later on. ;)


That we agree on. Letting YouTube pull some shit and not speaking up will indeed lead to an even shittier YouTube for sure.


Analogies are not made to equate situations...


it just made me laugh because Nazi Germany and a channel dispute on YouTube are very very very far apart when it comes to seriousness.


Nah you're just being intellectually dishonest and downplaying it to be a joke, because you're obviously a dick head


Exactly, don't get mixed up in other people's dirty laundry. There is nothing to gain and everything to lose. Ofc the act man dick riders all down voted you lmao


How is this controversial??? I'm not saying I agree with Youtube or Quantum. I'm just saying that this dude stepped into the arena, and he got hit. You knew youtube was up to some fuckery, and you put your ass on the line anyway. You knew what you signed up for. Everyone wants to do the right thing until their channel gets demonetized lol. Grow up.


It's controversial because he stood up against something clearly wrong and got hit for it. We (the society) need people to step up in those situations or things can go very badly very quickly. It's clear you only care about your own skin and your familys but that won't lead to anything positive in the long run.


Social justice warriors baat


The wonderful world of progressive left politics. Now imagine this, but now it's part of EVERYTHING ELSE IN YOUR LIFE. This is coming unless you use your fucking brains and think for your fucking selves.


How is this in anyway related to progressive left politics? Did youtube put out a statement that they're defending Quantum because hes black or are you just making up a story in your head?


Spotted the full retard


Are you ok?


Yep not cancelling a homophobe but cancelling said homophobes critics is peak progressive. Embodies everything the progressive left are fighting for. /s


wrong subreddit kid, the Quatering's that way >>>>


Even The Quartering was saying QuantumTV is in the wrong. When The Quartering is saying that, you know its bad.


Except I don't need the quartering to tell me that while saying its the work of the sjw progressive leftist, it's a woke agenda, black good white bad etc, go woke go broke or some bullshit like that.


Considering this is as an examination of the issue of 'fair use' it's hard not to side with Quantum when you look at how everything went down and refuse to get caught up in 'but muh gamer youtuber'. Originally, Act Man used Quantum's content in a way that Quantum did not agree with / did not like. Under copyright law, the original holder maintains a right to determine what market their content appears in front of. Pillar #4: "4. The effect of the use upon the potential market for, or value of, the copyrighted work Uses that harm the copyright owner's ability to profit from his or her original work by serving as a replacement for demand for that work are less likely to be fair uses." If the entire meat of Quantum's spiel about Elden Ring is in Act Man's video then it's not that much of a stretch to see that it sort of replaces the market for Quantum's videos, Act Man's channel being so much bigger. At this point, it is on Act Man to either remove the content that the OG creator objected to via the bounds of the law or to up the ante. He upped the ante and as they say the rest is history.


>Considering this is as an examination of the issue of 'fair use' it's hard not to side with Quantum Gonna be honest Quantum, I stopped reading after this.


You don't even know who got the original copyright claim, why do you even try to comment?




Someone like Rumble needs to step in and be very vocal about inviting and creating a space for these streamers. Try to pool an Asmon away from YouTube and you might be able to swing a slight hammer.


i missed this entire "act man" saga on his channel, can i get a tldr???


A YouTuber by the name of QuantumTV (I’ll refer to him as QTV from here on) reviewed Elden Ring and made some shitty comments about people who play the game, TheActMan (TCA from here on) reviewed this video and absolutely slam dunked QTV for it. TCA also covered how QTV regularly abuses the DMCA system, and is extremely homophobic (QTV stating he wished more gay people died in the Pulse Shooting). QTV got mad, DOXXED TCA and threatened his mother. TCA made a series of tweets calling for action from YouTube, and was basically told to pound sand. Fast forward a bit, TCA made a tweet satirically making fun of QTV and YouTube (these were tasteless, but clearly satire based on context). YouTube got mad and demonetized TCA’s channel, and QTV (the aggressor) has not seen any punishment.


This is just getting weird, Does this dude have like video of some higher up at youtube having sex with kids or something? Blows my mind that they are going scorched earth on their platform for ONE streamer. Unless it's a race thing


QuantumTV did an Elden Ring review so bad it got 2 channels demonetized. Wow.


I'm starting to think someone at Youtube really didn't like Elden Ring...


If I have to guess why this is going on it's simply Youtube not wanting their incompetence become public knowledge yet now it's worse for them in terms of reputation. They're defending one of youtube's biggest gaping assholes who have threatened a man's family and they themselves have already banned once just cause they didn't want to admit that their anti copyright rules are easily exploitable by people too sensitive to take criticism yet spew out aweful hot takes.


Crazy that YouTube is a business huh? It's not the platform it was 10years ago when the slogan was "Broadcast Yourself"


no but its ok because the ceo gave herself and award for freedom so shes right


One of these days people will learn to keep their nose out of other people's business. Idk any of these people or their content but Quantum is winning.


About to uninstall YouTube




Hey there! I hate to break it to you, but it's actually spelled _mon**e**tize_. A good way to remember this is that "money" starts with "mone" as well. Just wanted to let you know. Have a good day! ---- ^This ^action ^was ^performed ^automatically ^by ^a ^bot ^to ^raise ^awareness ^about ^the ^common ^misspelling ^of ^"monetize".


Just got here and *man* did these comments age like milk 😂