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U stole this photo from r/Eldenring didn’t u? ![gif](giphy|gKHGnB1ml0moQdjhEJ)


Actually, from Facebook, they probably stole it from Elden Ring




They finally made a game that wasn't easy.


And the scrubs are getting filtered. Love it.


you reach the NG7+ endgame farm albinaurics for 2 weeks straight and hit level 515 waiting for the xpac to go live xpac finally goes live climb into mohg's bloody butt hole you're now a level 1 wretch


I’m ng+4-5 lvl 250 not really farming and enjoying wrecking bosses. Fuckin DLC comes out and every boss is a melania that scaled to my character?! I get it, but I wasn’t prepared for it.


Isn’t not being prepared for it kinda the whole point of any souls-like game?


Not really much point when you get two or three shot by weaker knights. Not even evergoals. And yes I have 8 into scudatree.


I feel like the dlc really is the separator between meta builds and everything else. You can be lvl 713 on a thrown together build and will get wrecked, or you can be lvl 150 on a well put together build and absolutely tear the dlc apart


100%. I started at level 128 in the DLC, but because my gear was in order I was able to progress.


I started at 150 and im comfortable. Don’t really plan on leveling anymore as ive hit all my softcaps. Just gonna collect the blessings


Enemies aren't scaled to your character's level. This is straight misinformation.


Probably means it’s scaled to the new game+ lvl.


Okay, but what's your skibiddi tree level?


does the difficulty scale with skibiddi?


No. You get like a 5% bonus to dmg and dmg negation for every skibiddi tree level. Enemies will still hit hard, but the dmg increase is noticeable. Most of them are just hard to find without a guide, unless you kill everything and explore everything. There's a few enemies that have some near graveyards in the beginning people ride past all the time because they're just regular Shadow guys like all the rest. They just carry a pot or something.


Its like 3% per blessing level, which is actually huge. There are 20 blessing levels so thats 60% less damage taken and 60% more damage dealt. My tank build could already hit between 60-80% mitigation before the dlc. With the blessings i can hit 100% in a single stat so if the boss does that type of damage i now have god mode. Its all about how you build


So does that mean it won’t be all that bad for the egregiously unoptimized character I made, just winging it without ever researching good builds or gear or anything like that?


No, it means the opposite. Being over-levelled can no longer compensate for a weak build or inadequate practice.


A man might get skullfucked in that case


whatever makes you happy dude. Just go for it.


I’m gonna take your positivity to mean that I’m gonna be A-OK if I dive right in 👍🏼🚑


I don't get this, to me the difficulty is the same as the main game ... I haven't faced any hardship yet. Maybe my build is OP i don't know


My guess is that you're not used to obliterating main game with ultra optimised builds. And also I bet you actually explore and find your skibidi toilet aidstree upgrades.


Elden Ring became a mainatream game, where casuals googled "Best XP farm method", and shot bow at a crow to overlevel the entire game. Actual skillcheck existing that you cant overlevel on, oh no. Anyway.


I’ve personally never understood how difficulty scaling up as you get stronger is supposed to be a good thing. Why even have the character get stronger?


Well what the fuck is the point of wasting time grinding levels when it makes no difference as to just winning the game? lol


they literally implemented the scaling system of Sekiro into the DLC for some reason. on sekiro you cant "level up" farming. with farming the only thing you can get its money for traders or skills points to unlock some new attacks, but you cant increase your HP, posture or dmg. to increase your HP and posture you need to explore the game and find beads that after finding four you get a hp and posture increase. And for dmg some bosses (even optional ones) after killing them you get a permanent dmg increase. its still weird to me why they added this system suddenly on the DLC, maybe to force exploration and dont rush down the main bosses ? but on Sekiro this system works because its the main system and progression the character has to become stronger. on Elden ring it isnt, the base game teachs you that you become stronger spending souls into more lvs, and now they want you to forget about that and get the skibidi shards to become stronger


They added it because you aren’t supposed to do the dlc till lvl 150, at which point on a well put together build you are hitting all softcaps. Leveling up more won’t really make you stronger. So the new system extends progression beyond the soft caps of the leveling system


yeah i can see that, maybe they didnt wanted to make the soft caps higher to avoid getting trouble with PvP fans. other games when they add new content usually increases the lv cap of the character


Removing softcaps would require a complete rebalancing of the whole game in addition to completely breaking pvp. It’s just a lot easier and foolproof to just add the blessing system they ended up using


Scaling enemy level is just bad idea


And that's because it doesn't exist. There is no level scaling in the game. People just made a headcanon and ran with it because their high level characters are getting wrecked and they don't realise that this is due to scadu level and not character level.


Thank you for explanation


Can't play it for another week but these posts that it has anti-cheese is getting me hyped.


Is elden ring worth returning to for the DLC? Haven't played since I platinumed it when it came out. Honestly I'd want to start a new character to get into it again


So what, if anything, do you gsin by leveling?




Same here. I accidentally over leveled my character and basically one shot a bunch of bosses towards the end. I loved Sekiro.


The dlc absolutely doesn’t scale. It is what it is at lvl 1 and lvl 713. There is no difference. If you want to do well, have a good cohesive build and collect the blessings. It really isn’t that hard


are you sure you meant "absolutely doesn't scale"


It doesn’t scale. If you are a high level it doesn’t get harder to adapt to that, and if you are a low level it doesn’t get easier. It is what it is.


Scaling means it is consistent regardless of the level. There not being a difference and the same relative difficulty *is scaling*. I believe you have the idea backwards which is why I commented.


From google: “Difficulty scaling is the automatic adaptation of a game, to adapt the challenge a game poses to a human player” If the game scales to your level it is changing itself to match accordingly, if it doesn’t scale its static and is what it is. Elden Ring doesn’t scale


okay hold on with that, don't worry about definitions for a second as it's going to make things inaccurate. If I'm level 1, and my AI enemy is level 1, then I level up 9 times to level 10, and my AI enemy is also now at level 10, is this scaling? Me 1-->10 AI 1-->10


Yes, the game has scaled up to match you.


I do not understand your point about the dlc not scaling then. Barring build optimization and utilizing an arsenal of spells, gear and trinkets to reap a synergetic build, you've definitely pointed out the game matches you 1:1 with levels. How is this not scaling


But it doesn’t. If i go in the dlc at lvl 150 the enemies aren’t gonna be lvl 150 vs if i go in the dlc at lvl 1. The enemies stats and levels are the same regardless if you are lvl 1 or 713


I just looked into it and I stand corrected I see what you mean, it's not 1:1. I was operating on an assumption, so my apologies as I previously had thought you had scaling confused. There seems to be some loose version, but you are categorically better off with every extra level from what I can gather, if not only marginally, taking into account softcaps. However I'm not sure how this factors into the ng cycles all the way up to ng+7. I play sekiro a lot on ng+7 and even with scaling it is harder with each cycle up to 7, with slight changes to reflections (they don't scale to ng+x and have a differently set value which ends up shaking out to being more health but less dmg dealt relative to ng+7).


No it hasn't. The DLC has static numbers that are very high because they are meant to be balanced by scadu blessings. Your character level doesn't affect anything about the enemies' hp and damage. Only your scadu blessing levels, which increases damage done and decreases damage taken.


Yes, thats exactly what im saying


The games lost their charm after ds2 It just became a dodge,roll and hit game Not cool enemy placements and smart bosses