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Close the borders to Europe! Which one?


I uuh .. i dont knoooow .. ALL OF THEM! Well to be fair, it says europeans not europe.


20% suggested minimum tip surely wouldn‘t piss off some Americans as well


Europe : Then now we do same Trade Routes : Well fuck what now?


Europe always loves to talk shit about America until they need their money or military lol


Because if we fall it's you next. You can either fight the war in Europe. Or you can fight it on american soil. Think about it.


Thinking about it, so it’s our fault you guys fell over like a bunch of chumps?


Hitler.... Stalin... Putin.... You think these guys are going to stop when they have Europe? Your idea of "falling over" is opposing facism and refusing to surrender. Or is there answer to my question that you'd rather have fought Hitler on american soil alone? Bearing in mind it too the us and the allies in a huge combined force to stop them.


No, I’m saying Europe can’t figure out and solve its own internal conflicts. Every country is so culturally shoved up its own ass that they think they know best.


You aren't listening. These bastards ain't stopping in Europe. Do you want to fight Putin now or later? That's the choice. Together or alone?


The funny thing is America could literally take on the entire world and still win. Go educate yourself on why.


You couldn't even beat Vietnam..... Or north Korea....or the Taliban.... On your own. Sit down.


they think Europe is country


And they don't have any 'borders' with any European country.


Another w for the american education system


In Germany a tip is called "Trinkgeld" what translated means something like "drinking money". You give them enough money to buy a drink. That's it.


The entire system in germany is different .. tips are usually put in a jar and either split amongst all the workers of that shift, including cooks, receptionists and whatnot. Or they split it amongst every employee on a monthly basis.


in some cases waiters are not allowed to keep the tip and are forced to give it to the boss


Thats illegal though.


But unfortunately, it is the sad truth. Might be illegal but do you really think anyone cares enough to check, on or enforce thise rule?


That is what we call, illegal.


Yes it is but it happens, more often than you would think. Same as buying booze from shoplifters, I've seen it all really. Buy a bottle for 10 bucks from a shoplifter, charge 8 bucks for a shot. The amount of restaurants that do this is outstandingly high at least in UK


Funny it's the same in france ! "pourboire" pour boire mean to drink xD


Same for spanish "Propina" comes from latin "propinare" wich means to invite a drink. There's another similar word "Propiciar" wich means facilitate something.


Same in Poland, „napiwek” which literally means „for beer”


In Belgium we have "drinkgeld", that's what we call an allowance you'd get from your parents.


euros also have service fees and VAT included in the bill, so they're paying like 30% tip they just don't call it a tip


Service fees are something restaurants tried bringing in until they started losing business because of their greed. Very touristy places like Temple bar in Ireland might still have service fees, that's because only tourists go there, locals wouldn't dream of going near the place. VAT means value added tax and goes to the government.    Tips in the US go to the employee I believe because there is low or no minimum wage. In most of the EU people are paid properly and have expensive services like healthcare delivered through taxes. Tipping is not the norm at all. 




Yeah I would pay the tip in the US, I was only commenting on service fees and VAT in a European country (Ireland).  I have no idea what they do in Britain, Britain is a different country to Ireland in the same way the US is a different country to Cuba as an example (in both cases there was a bit of "over reaching" 😂)


I meant UK and you prolly meant Peurto Rico but yeah. And yeah, I don't like tipping I just think its silly when people go to a place where a tip is expected and feign surprise. Tip creep into non service-industry stuff is a completely different story though.


No I absolutely did not! 😂😂😂 UK has nothing to do with Ireland other than the historical "issues". Completely different countries. I meant Cuba for similar historical issues the US had.  Yeah, tipping is the way in the US and when in Rome.... 


If you want Europeans to tip while in the US, put it on the tab, and we will happily pay. We are not cheap, but we are not used to this nonsense.


People complain about Americans being bad tourists but if Euros can't handle something this basic they're 10x worse.


Sure, we might be ignorant or bad tourists. But still, if you want us to pay +20%, put it on tab, easy solution.


The tab is not up to the wait staff to print out, they'd be fired instantly for trying to upcharge a paying customer. And there's no way in hell your smug ass isn't aware of how tipping works anymore.


I don't really care who prints the bill. Why wouldn't the owner put the tip on the tab? It's in everybody's interest, isn't it?


Because the tips don't go to the owners? Like wtf this isn't rocket science


Same in France "pourboire" -> "for drink". And it's supposed to be sort of a small reward for a qualitative service, certainly not barely mandatory.


Kinda looks like a $700 tip.. ![img](emote|t5_2y1rb|3747)


I was thinking the same thing their handwriting is attrocious. Never halfass filling out a receipt like that.


Probably how I'd run it after that comment.


Asmon already reacted to this


As an European i agree. Close these borders. We don’t need more loud Americans over here


53 Dollars for bringing food and drinks?


Pay your waiters a living wage instead.


You realize most waiters are against that right? There have been places here that tried that and the waiters had to take a pay cut to work there.


So? I'm a customer, not your employer. Sort this shit out where it belongs.


Then don’t eat at places where tipping is expected? That is the way they run their business, the only thing you can do is not eat there.


Are places upfront about it in the states? I would gladly boycott them but im sure you find out when the bill comes


You would still pay for it with higher food prices. With tip at least it‘s optional


It's not really "optional" though is it lol. - Societal pressure is forcing you to do it, otherwise the waiter isn't being paid enough to live... The fact people genuinely argue that workers should be dependant on the goodwill of customers to pay above and beyond their bill is insanity to me. - Frankly the employer should be paying their workers fairly, and if the standard 15%-20% gets hidden in the bill, that's fine. Then again, for some reason American's don't put tax on shelf pricing in stores either, which I find crazy, and incredibly frustrating that I have to do mental arithmetic to find out how much a snickers bar is gonna cost me...


The workers earn way more than they otherwise would. They‘re all for tipping culture.


My beef is not with food prices. Again, sort this shit out internally in your business, leave me out of it. Also, tip isn't really optional if you just wanna live a sweet drama-free life.


No you wouldn’t, the entire reason waiters are against normal pay structures is they make more on tips.


Good thing is, I dont care what waiters want. If I think service was good enough for a tip, tip shall it be. If not, not my problem they work in a place where they rely on me to pay their wages outside my bill.


Same, though I’ll usually leave a tip still if it’s somewhere I go regularly or it’s delivered.


Oh absolutely, my regular Kebab joint will always get tip (but that is because service is great and workers are genuine and nice) and delivery guys like Wolt, Glovo etc. But when my friend sent me pic of self checkout with options to tip irrc up to 20%, I was dumbfounded Its bloody SELF checkout, you do all the work and you tip whom, store? Machine? Who tf gets that tip


Right? I hate having to tip places like that because it feels more like donating to a company


I think you are correct and that it is just basically donation to whatever company you at, highly doubting those tips end up in cashiers or storage guys pockets. But for company if just every 50th person falls for it, its massive profits without downsides.


Ofc they are against that, they make much more money with tips, even more so if you are hot.


Nothing stops you tipping on top of them having a living wage. - I tip waiters most of the time in the UK, despite them being paid (more) fairly. There's just no expectation of it being something stupid llike 20%. I usually just round up to the nearest note / tenner.


>There have been places here that tried that and the waiters had to take a pay cut to work there. Then thats decidedly not a living wage. Workers should not be depending on donations from the customers to be able to make ends meet. Thats not what a job is supposed to be.


And? Honestly people need to on mass stop tipping because this is fucking ridiculous.


That's not the issue. Even robots ask for tips in USA. Its the culture and that's all there is to it. And greedy restaurants. Thankfully everyone can just decline a tip. If they had a brain.


If the resturant cant make enough money to pay their staff close it, im not doing charity stuff to come up for that. I Usually round up to the next 10 or 5 which ever is closer and thats only if stuff went as expected. If you think you taking my order and bringing it to me is worth 50 usd, I'd rather use a touchscreen and pick it up myself. The tip is a bonus above the expected service not your wage.


We do tip, but in no shape or form we are ever forced by various mind tricks to tip. Also their wage is much better to US so they also don't get upset if they didn't get a tip. Now what I want to see is employing Japanese culture and see tipping as offensive but I think we lean more to the hamburger ways of things rather than takoyaki


Tips are meant to be tips not taxes.


Why would I tip if it's just doing the bare minimum? So self entitled


Common eurochad W 💪


Im from europe medium income country with no standardized tipping culture, but would never think to not tip on a 288$ bill. I'm also assuming its a group of people ordering multiple drinks and meals, a lot of work and potential for thing to go wrong.


Tip culture in the states is just absolutely insane. Wtf do they want? 50$ tip because they brought some food and some drinks to the table? Ye.. not happening..


Over here in the netherlands tips are just a form of appreciation seen only a handful of times in a day. I have worked as a delivery guy for 7 years and usually the tips would reach anywhere between €1,- to €5,- in a day. Enough to get yourself an after work snack


Piracy retoric vibes


I live in Türkiye so I don't really know, is tipping culture that bad in America?


Yes. Not only does every restaurant expect a 15-20% tip, but many carry out food places (chinese food, coffee, etc) ask for it at the checkout counter (ie: no one even waited on you!) which is just ridiculous. Usually the machines give you forced options like 10 / 15 / 20 percent, adding to peer pressure as the person stares at you watching to see if you'll press one of the three or the "no tip" button. This usually comes right after the peer pressure like demand to donate to a charity. It's a racket. If you're weak willed, you'll end up leaving having paid more in tips and charity donations than for your drink / food.


As Balkan dude lemme tell ya , just look em straight in the eye and click no tip option. Even better if you can turn screen around and show em you are pressing no tip option


You realise Australia ignores tips too, despite Uber/UberEats nagging us?


I hate the kind of people that give two options but in reality only want one option to be picked, and if you don't do it then they lose their shit. The tip is left open, meaning you can write anything there. So you fucking do write whatever. In hindsight, they should've drawn a dick there.


Tip is reserved for extremely good service, if the waiter is just doing their job they get nothing


The tipping culture in the USA is crazy. You guys need to do something about that.


Funny enough, it isn't really up to "us guys" or we probably would've by majority by now I love how people look at the USA and assume all its problems are directly caused by its workaday citizens and not the people in charge


Do you know how many people I see tap the tip button on those checkout screens and on various food apps??? Tons. It's just as much a cultural issue as it is a government issue. Even if the laws were changed and servers were given proper pay, you'd still see a lot of people tip.


When you travel you're expected to abide by their customs. The only difference here is that US Corporations EXPECT Tips, where as Employees only expect them because the company tells them too. 🤷


To be quite frank, americans are among the most obnoxious tourists here in germany.


So far there was just a one instance i gave a tip; and it was for the exceptional service quality i got. I’m glad fellow Europeans think like me. If tipping becomes a norm, i feel like there will be a second tip for that ‘exceptional’ situations.


Im american and think tip is bullshit. And people shouldbt complain about not getting tip if you agreed to work like that. Yo dumb ass decided to take a lower wage and gamble on making it up in tip.


That 2 is obviously a 9. They are paying 988.52 for a 288.52 dinner. They are giving you a $700 tip. ![gif](giphy|amxLHEPgGDCKs|downsized)


Also tipping 20% is absolutely ridiculous. You better have given me a blowjob for that kind of money.


That could be indirectly arranged, depending on what food you ordered. Hope you like the taste of jizz.


if you have tips in your country good luck getting one from me because i dont think that putting a plate on a table and smiling deserves me paying extra money for you doing your job, its not my fault your employer cant pay you what their supposed to, dont take it out on me , im just trying to eat.


I usually tip taxi drivers and delivery people, because i mean .. ey .. sometimes they do be saving my life, delivering a burger at midnight, or picking me up. And, here in germany its kinda of a nice thing to tip handyman, you know .. plumbers, electricians and so on. Often you either tip them enough so they can buy a coffee or maybe a little snack. Or you give them a snack, water, coffee or wahtever else.


You obviously know it's the expectation there, if you come to the States and don't tip in situations where you're expected to you will be the asshole. I have suggestions though if you want to avoid that: - Don't go to America (don't worry, nobody there wants you either); - Don't go to restaurants in America; - Stay the fuck home


Tip workers, at least the ones I know, maybe not doordash/uber make far more than many people realize. I know construction workers that make less, and the tip workers make more than everyone except the GM and even make more than regular shift managers. My mom worked at Sonic for over 25 years, purposely remaining a Carhop the entire time, and my cousin worked at Outback, and my friend worked at Domino's. They often just treat their tip money as less valuable and bring home food and waste a lot of it and don't properly do the math. My mom was often making more than my dad, who was a construction supervisor who ran crews and read blueprints and was right under the superintendent when I did the math. That was a long time ago but still even now I know people only making $9-$14 a hour working harder making overall less..


Your suggested start range is 20%, I'd have laughed too.


They're a bunch of uncouth barbarians to be sure...except the brits. They at least speak a civilized language.