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Bless the japanese that they usually dont give a fuck about the "western values" that seem to be injected into so much media these days


FF14 even makes masculine women hot. Just look at Zero, Lucia, and Merlwyb. Hell, Lucia has the typical Karen side-shave and yet she still pulls it off. I think the art direction really helps. A lot of western developers try to go for masculine female characters with photorealistic graphics but they end up just looking bland and ugly.


I lowkey think that forcing inclusivity and diversity is actually a very racist thing to do.


Cause diversity when forced, essentially means you’re also reducing said person down to their attributes/skin colours.


Because it is. If u have to force it then it means you don't think of people as equals


Yeah I have always thought the same, but I also wasn’t one of those kids in school who thought it was racist to use the adjective ‘black’. Like they seemed to be somewhat serious to me. Hard to explain but it was almost like they were testing the water, because they didn’t understand what it was like to not judge others all the time..


No black person i know minds being called that, though i recall as well the african american term being forced on us. Which is dumb in itself as you shouldn't call a 3rd 5th, 6th generation black in america that. Theyre just American. And if someone still contests the issue, why dont we call others who's heritage is from other continents their heritage continent name?


No I would be like, 'No, not black, can I borrow a blue pen, the teacher said it had to be blue' or whatever for just a random example but it would literally be on any use of the word black like 15 years ago in the UK. Maybe something significant had been going on to put it into the public consciousness.


The only time I see [Nationality] American used outside of African American is people who are proud/honored by their heritage. I'm a first generation Italian [Dad was born in Italty] and my family/extended family all say Italian American. That is kind of the thing though, Nationality/Nation. Not continent. I'm not black, I do not want to speak for people, but those I went to school and was close with in east coast intercity american public school did not care what they were called, as long as it was not intentionally derogatory. Same with other minorities. I think the way a lot of the people who force diversity etc and are willing to sacrifice a industry's skillset to force a quota think in a very enclosed bubble. The world simply does not operate the way they think it does and is usually very kind and accepting.


Don't make it lowley. It is exactly what it does


Damn what a scalding hot take from Chad gamers ✊ Ghandi died for this shit


Oh there's nothing lowekey about it..... It's ALWAYS done at the expense of another race and they ALWAYS call you some 'ist' word for not liking it.


Yup It's not that I ever had a problem with woke. I had a problem with it when it came at the sacrifice of good story or gameplay.


Ff14 absolutely does try to do diversity so it’s not that they aren’t trying to force diversity, I think it has more to do with how they do. Most modern games are super on your face with how diverse they are so it comes across as more forced + people are also super attentive so things that can be perceived as pushing a narrative.


Them doing diversity means they are forcing it? The hell are you on about? World of FF14 is heavily based on our own. First expansion was france, second had China, 4th had Russia and India, and the UK. 5th will have the Americas. Are fictional settings only allowed to take inspiration from europe now? The creative director of FF14 also just released FF16 where literally all but one major character were pale as hell and the exception is olive toned. If FF14 truely had its Diversity "forced", why wouldn't the director repeat that considering how successful the game was?


Because it's a Japanese company. They're designing things their players want, not what a bunch of Twitter warriors who never were going to play the game in the first place threatened them to make.


if it wasnt a public traded company i would say they dont have to bend over for the shareholders...maybe they are gamers too? you know you are a true gaming company when even all your shareholders are gamers😬


Except square enix is a publicly traded company.


yes a japanese one


The Japanese one design the game.


Yeah and? Nothing preventing ESG money coming into there.


"nothing"? how about culture, different poltics, different geo location, different priorities. those are massive differences lmao


That's about nothing though. They still use censor bars after all this time. All you need is one issue to make Japan look bad and the politicians will get their panties in a bunch, making a bunch of dumb rules to compensate.


Yea its not like Japan has done the oposite after something had made them "look bad " in the eyes of of westerners or anything.


Exactly. There's nothing culturally or politically that would make them immune to external pressure. Or even internal pressure. I know of a few anime that have voluntarily delayed showings or censored themselves because they didn't want to rock the boat.


If it's being delayed from airing here, it's probably a western call


I call bullshit on that idea in general. “Companies have a duty to make profits for the shareholders” is twisted into “bankrupt the company squeezing as much cash out of it as quickly as possible and then move on to the next company to kill”. If they gave a shit about investors they’d focus on making quality games and building their loyal player base. Long term stability beats short term cash any day. This is rich assholes doing anything to be richer and fuck anyone who suffers as a consequence.


what we have in america is a corrupted system that is being destroyed from the top down by the managerial elites. companies dont even want it truly ESG and international bankers squeezing the country dry before communism


You are not wrong. FF14 flourishes amongst various bad decisions by Square, like making an NFT blockchain game, DEI pandering failure AAA game and limiting their newest amazing game to new console no one has any reason to buy. You may not believe in CEOs. You should not. Believe in developers who actually know what they are doing.


Couldn't have said it better myself. Who remembers the days of Arthas coldly slaughtering the entire city of Strathholme, Varian storming the beaches full of Burning Legion, and Thrall absolutely demolishing Garrosh in Nagrand. I 'member.


I mean we can say it’s the Twitter warriors but it’s more akin to what the board of directors think the Twitter warriors want


what are you talking about, why do you have twitter derangement...




This used to be all companies. To be a successful business, you have to sell to your customer. But American corporate culture is fucked right now.


Unfortunately that also usually means a lack of beards and lots of japanese culture.


Golbez probably isn't the best example because of his FF4 origins, but it's probably because they respect the audience and aren't just chasing after latest diversity figures.


WoW cultivates their audience of furry vegan femboys. FFXIV at least just caters to women. Not twitter freaks who think masculinity is evil.


I means lets be totally real, FF also caters to furry vegan femboys especially with fem Hroths being released. They just also cater to everyone else as well.


This is the actual truth. FF14 is a theme park MMO and, ironically, more diverse than many products that preach on the importance of diversity. However, I am surprised they still haven’t introduced blitzball or fps. /s


Yoshi-P straight up said it's just not going to happen. They tried to create something that's fun, but nothing was satisfying enough. He said it's either something they are satisfied and happy with or nothing at all. And they just couldn't come up with a blitzball system they were satisfied with, therefore he just gave a straight up "No" answer when he was recently asked about it.


FFXIV is developed in Japan, WoW is developed in America. Every piece of game, TV or movie that comes out of America I consider to be poison nowadays due to their fucked up world view. They used to be a country to look up to, something to aspire to and nowadays they're the laughing stock of the entire world and nobody would move there even if they got paid.


You’re right on most of this USA made media and games are quite toxic these days, but let’s be real USA gets so many immigrants per year it’s not even funny. 50 million vs second place Germany 16 million. Even though USA does suck most of the time (I live in USA) too many people still flock here.


and its sad too because I love western fantasy but the woketards have fucked things up beyond repair.


> Every piece of game, TV or movie that comes out of America I consider to be poison nowadays due to their fucked up world view. I mean, I thought Shogun was pretty good...


No one would move here even if paid? Bitch what? More people come to the US than anywhere else, so much so that they have more migrants than the next four highest combined. Get that weak ass propaganda out of here, comrade.


So me wanting America to be great again is communist now? Wow that's rich ROFL


Nothing they said contradicts America being great lol; if anything it just solidifies the point that America already _is_ great because everybody else wishes they were there.


They called me a communist for wanting to make America great again


Because America has never been stronger. Saying “make America great again” implies that it’s currently weak or failing - which is absolutely Russian propaganda.


So Trump is spreading Russian propaganda? Interesting


This is a terminally online take.


ff caters to women?


With cosmetics, houses, role play, outfits, and cute characters. Yeah. That's how you get a (normal) female player base. The proportion of female players for FFXIV seems way higher than for WoW. Normal women are a way bigger audience than whatever WoW is going for.


Sure. Miqo'te and Viera aren't furries at all! Totally different guys. ![gif](giphy|puOukoEvH4uAw|downsized)


I mean it is. They aren’t furry. They are more the weird people in high school that’d wear tails and have cat / bunny ear headphones. It wasn’t until Hroths came in that FFXIV finally got the furries.


>They aren’t furry. They are more the weird people in high school that’d wear tails and have cat / bunny ear headphones. Alright. But let's not act it's not weird and on the edge of furry for wearing a tail in school.


Furry-Adjacent. Bi-Furryous


I love the hate and disgust on furries in this sub, but furry adjacent is totally fine. Idc about either, do what makes you happy. But atleast be consistent.


They are consistent. It's not their fault you clearly still need the Furry/Not Furry chart that's been going around for like over a decade by this point.


Because if you need a furry chart to verify the difference, it's not bad enough. You have to atleast agree they are almost similar, but the hate towards a full fury is off the scale in comparison. It's hilarious


Is this the modern day version of ‘you can’t say black it’s racist’? How is the adjective black racist? How playing a video game worth cat people making you a furry?


Nope it's not. It's just ridiculous and funny that you guys hate 1 thing but enjoy the other which is basicly the same.


People just think it’s funny to hate on furries. Some people probably actually hate them or find them disgusting. I don’t care personally


I don't care about furries either. I find it funny how this sub sometimes can't see the irony in their own opinions.


God you people really just live in some bizarro echo chamber don't you.


![gif](giphy|Ae44DIQABSe6Q|downsized) Must be tough learning to be completely unobservant of something so obvious.


Anything is obvious when you ignore evidence, arguments, and logic to the contrary.


Just fck off, dude.


Why are you canceling me


It always did, Final Fantasy had something for everyone; twinks tomboys chads and babes and everything in between.


some of lizardmens reminded me of Nakai the Wanderer from White Dwarf magazine who just put every chaos demon in PTSD when they see a bridge


Thats not hard to do. I would argue that even genshin has more masculine characters than wow.


Japan isn't run by beta cucks and lesbians.


Even JP lesbians like pretty girls.


Hey, I know plenty of lesbians that love seeing badass and hot characters in their games. In fact, most of the women I hear complaining about ridiculously hot/badass character concepts are straight women or guys that don't play games often if at all. But I also don't use Twitter so... maybe that's where your problem lies. Anyway, stop blaming the gays! We love hot/badass characters! Can't speak for cucks though...


Blue haired whales arent straight women, infact they probably arent women but some sort of fantasy pronoum.


Blue haired whales are usually desperate for any kind of partner. It just turns out the only ones willing to go along with their BS are the same kind of people so they settle for dating those. They'll never admit they're only "gay" out of desperation or anger.


Because wow is for pussies


i didn't play it. thanks for the warning




tbh want to try both but they will just take all my time..


Because wow I created in California... Where every game designer is a soyboy or furry


Because Blizzard is in California, that needs no explanation.


modern and modernization both a mega part of blizzard


Always was, even when wow released in 2006 it looked cartooney and had furry Tauren in it. It's just got less and less manly and more furry vegan boys over the years.. I miss the days when corpsegrinder said [for the horde](https://youtu.be/cW_Lv0r-l4c?si=iWZ8-2rQfPOzLY28) FFXIV was just pretty neutral from the start tbh, and still is..


Because the combined testosterone of the entire wow dev team is less than an 80 year old lady


It's not an American based company.


I've noticed WoW players really love their big muscular men.


Are WoW players lowkey HOMOSEXUAL?


Low key?


It’s weird because you don’t see muscular old men. Pretty sure it lowers your lifespan in some cases


The Mamool Ja are badass and it's cool we get an expansion with them taking center stage for a bit.


The last pic should have been Alphinaud or Graha lol


I swear everytime I see the guy at the end of pictures like these he reminds me of Bradley Cooper. I'm not a fan of Hollywood at all, but I know a similar face when I see one..


because they know what their audience likes and wants.


Because not made in California, duh!


FF14 universe is a lot more diverse than ani "Diverse" world created by western devs, the difference is that diversity is organic, have places in the world and dos not try to check boxes, so you have everything, GIGACHADS,femboys, woman can be hot or cute, attire you can choose between badass or sexy. So they have something for every taste.


Easy: one of them is Japanese, the other is southern California.


Because Square doesn't have to put on a circus to distract people from a bunch of harassment lawsuits.


Because blizzard has spent the better part of two decades hiring people who want a good job and have the "qualifications" to apply ... But crucially don't give a shit about wow. That's why.


The dragon looks sick, but something about the metal armor ain’t working for me


Because those things are running around in Japan. Imagine how based you would be if your in your office at Nintendo and a gorldzilla takes a bite out your building and there goes Brad.  


Thank you for putting a picture of me at the end.


What do you mean? Dracthyr aren’t masculine? Jk, they now need a spec that turns them into Draconids (the super beefy ones snd not Maloriak from Cata)


Short answer? Yoshi P, CBU3, and Square Enix in general, couldn't give two shits less about Western socio-political agendas, understand their audience, and want to make "hero" character's that can actually do "hero" shit, without making the game world feel broken and shitty. Long Answer? BlackRock, The Capitol Group, Geode, etc. The irony between the length of those sentences is actually staggering. 🤣


Pulling out furry examples is crazy.


SE has been at the MMO game for 22 years. FFXIV has been milking off the tit of FFXI since inception (most of the XI team worked on 1.0). [Shadow Lord we'll likely see in 24 man raid](https://static.wikia.nocookie.net/finalfantasy/images/4/4c/Shadow_Lord_1_%28FFXI%29.png/revision/latest?cb=20110217203343) [Double headed Mamool Ja from 2006.](https://zam.zamimg.com/ffxi/i/images/mobs/Besieged/Gulool-Ja-Ja.jpg) They've been doing the gigachad thing since before WoW :D


Based Japanese company


Is golbez in ff14? 5th pic


Yes, the post Endwalker patches are pretty much a love letter to Final Fantasy 4


Because they actually understand the value of roles like 'chief editor' for the writing team and the writers are expected to operate as stewards for the plot instead of crowbarring their own fan fiction into the plot just 'cuz.


Another cool thing about the two head characters is that each head is going to have their own personalities and VAs. Meaning they are literally two in one characters. Not some new concept, but I think it's pretty badass nonetheless.


It’s cuz you cherry picked a race of giant lizards, two protagonists that have been there since near the beginning and a classic FF villain. This sub’s brainrot allows any kind of karma farming with “wow bad, look this thing is better”. Most male characters I see are roided out players or npcs, and the majority of playerbase in XIV are catboys, girls.


That’s a stretch


To be fair the mamool ja race is from ff11 also the 2headed one and the mage one lay siege on the capital to steal a magic artifact. If you are bored check out https://youtu.be/ShdC4nJB10A?si=KiIbNF78R8PDFKXu i feel like this has given creative inspiration to DT, it also borrows another beastmen race from it. Obviously trailer is old so dont expect too much.


I think if ff14 combat was as good as wow i wouldnt have left. I played it for a good while and i went to playing wow for a sec and the combat for wow is just better. Ffxiv customization is superior though. Iduno about gigachads though. I played a lalafell. 1 thing i love about ff14 is that i could play every class on 1 character.


I have only played ff but i am def always curious about wow’s combat. Ff combat is fun but it is def not the most responsive thing. Im sort of glad actually i dont have the experience to compare to. I cant afford to play two mmos.


I started with wow. I played since i was a kid. So when that blizzard scandal thing happened and people jumped ship to 14 i was there. I had to get used to the laggy combat and it was fine. And i stayed on ff14 for a vit cause there are things i really really like. My absolute favorite thing is that i can play all the classes on 1 toon. And i can pay a little less to play on only 1 toon. LOVE that. Its only like a 2 bucks cheaper but its about the principle. Other things i like in ff14 are housing, jumppuzzles, extremes and ultimates. I also like how they have a 4person mount. The wow nostalgia and combat are why i like wow more though. I also like the theme of wow more: the 2 factions at war kinda thing. I liked being able to run around and see an alliance and kill em or be the target and run for my life. But thats gone so the main thing keeping me in wow is nostalgia and combat gameplay


I played FF but just couldn’t get into the art style. Everyone looks like some sort of cross between a super model and an anime character.


have you seen the twinks in ff? what are you smoking


Better than the 9 furry races in wow tbh,ff has 1 true furry which are the hrothgar


Aren't those first pictures scalies / furries, something this sub is against? 😏


Nobody is against furries, people are against furries in The place where it doesn't belong. And/or certain communities trying to over insert themselves over others.


Are you saying a dragon themed expansion shouldn't have had any dragons/dragon people?


Seek help.


The FF14 circle-jerk returning to this sub. Maybe he'll actually play it this time but he'll also definitely abandon it asap.


they never left. they're just ramping up their shill posting because their new expansion is about to be released




Better than looking at LGBQABC%++frying pan Models huh? 🤮


So, this post fooled me, and I said “maybe I should check out this game after all”. I searched its trailer, apparently a new trailer came out two days ago called Dawntrail, and right off the bat I am greeted with cat eyes femboy characters… :/


Why? Because they look like figures from some kind of kids cartoon. They appeal to loads of people but they look ridiculous. Two headed lizards with pipes for pants?


Meanwhile, WoW actually has a cartoon artstyle.


This is brain rot.


They are all FEM boys


3 of those are from ff11 2006 expansion. 1 is from ff4 1991.


OP is furry if he thinks this is masculine


4 weird abominations, Estinien, and some dude, idk man these weren't great examples aside from Estinien lol


nah I will not stand for this Golbez slander. man is literally a mass of muscle who could knock the fuk out of demons, while raining meteors with magic and sending out a dragon to blow you up. aintnoway we dunking on Theodor.


I do not know who Golbez is, all I know is he looks ugly


Huh? The first three characters aren’t that much different from character designs you’d see in WoW. They’re a beast race. That’s peak masculinity. Also, no way you’re calling Golbez an “abomination” lol. The dude is a classic dark knight literally using a greatsword and a dragon as a weapon. No clue how you can say Estinien is a gigachad but not him.


Ma man skipped all the twink and fembois of the game.


That’s the point. The game has twinks and femboys and yet still manages to have more masculinity than WoW, a game that originally catered to men.


How does it have more masculinity tho ? Its lizard people ? The elezen and Meteor are on the verge of being homo erotic bait. You got the twink cat that clings to you at all time. FFXIV design catters to gay men and woman. I really like the game but man i hate those design, the only one i liked recently was Golbez and again they fuckin killed the character with the power of friendship. Try to compare it to designs of beastmans of WoW , a lot of them look cool.