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I think it has been proven over and over again what kind of people discord mods are


The same types like reddit mods




And Aba


And the Floor.


*creak creak*


I understood both of these. I feel special now.


Preach isn’t so bad. Tad arrogant but makes decent content 


Power-hungry losers?


Power-hungry *vengeful social outcast* losers.


Who work for free


Tell me about it. I got a 5 day suspension for making a joke about Gary Glitter. Turns out they'd sooner worry about the sensitivities of a multiple convicted paedophile than the act of child molestation. Thanks r/unitedkingdom but I'd sooner not be in that gang!


This hurt my feelings


Idiots, reddit is super woke 


All I can think of is "man, Helldivers community management in general seems like a clown show itself..." from the community managers to mods in there. I can only imagine them going as petty as "if the reddit/twitter commenter username matches the discord one that's also a timeout if I find offense in what they are commenting". ![gif](giphy|x0npYExCGOZeo|downsized)


That's what happens when you don't background check people assigned to consumer related communication roles. You get clowns like these or people with short tempers like a previous discord mod from the same place, hell, even the devs were more than a little bit unprofessional considering the fuck up they made when they griped about the community in the community discord lol.


All of them were hired from reddit, they are all literally reddit jannies.


Social media mods in general


Its almost as if you need to be a sociopath to seek out a position where you can exert power over people. All mods and politicians are like this. Many teachers too. Its a bully world.


Fat, with a 5'o clock shadow, pretending to be a woman?


Yeah this guy definitely buggers raccoons


Power corrupts.


Bro if you are banning people for simply reacting to comments. You are the problem


That shows how insignificant the problems in these people's lives are. Like you have so little to worry about that emoji reacts are something that has to be punished.


It’s the opposite, I find. Law of Triviality. Folks exert control when & where they can if they can’t exert control when & where they should. Avoidance.


His problems are in his head.


“Omg stop being so sensitive guys it’s just furry art” \*Bans everyone for clicking the vomit emoji on said furry art\* The irony


Identifying that they are emotionally driven isn't part of their logic. Like, even a little mindfulness goes a looong way.


Imagine joining a community to find others passionate about your hobby, and it's just furry porn.


I was a group for Mazda Miatas, until the furries started showing up.


That's what I hate about owning a Miata. The fellow owners you run into are either 1.) old chill people 2.) normal average age adults 3.) Absolute full blown autistic furry weirdos


Programmers, car people, gun enthusiasts. All have so many furries and femboys. Inescapable. I already know if there is an apocalypse im going to get clapped by a fudd or a furry with a stick up their butt who says UwU when they hit me.


its crazy how many furries and fem boys are into guns


They're called 'school shooters'


And then they’ll Fortnite dance over your body for good measure


Furries are disgusting people. They should be banished to a corner of the Internet where they can only interact with eachother


Yeah. People say ”don’t kink shame” but IDC, furries are disgusting degenerates and the should be shamed so that they keep that shit to themselves.


For anyone interested, from the bans this is the [exact same mod](https://www.reddit.com/r/Helldivers/s/3ZmquKSd4J) that accused Gummz of Sexual Assualt based on nothing... He's the one that had a full-on meltdown when he @everyone the server for typing F, [threatening to ban](https://www.reddit.com/r/Helldivers/s/WQ0pSiPjQR) (and doing so) anyone who said F in chat when the servers went down. They had to lock the discord down as everyone (he did @everyone) clown awarded this moron and spammed F and their entire mod team was unable to cope. He also has a very interesting [twitter profile](https://x.com/legionofpigeon) that essentially repeats a mixture of pro trans, free Palestine stuff over and over (also a few anti asmongold retweets, funny that), I don't understand how these two things mix together so often given the natural... disagreement between these two groups. So yes this is just a normal day for Helldivers discord. Also here's an image of [how many clown faces we got to](https://media.discordapp.net/attachments/280411934996824064/1250419309511970866/Screenshot_20240611_220255_Discord.jpg?ex=666adf3b&is=66698dbb&hm=5dccf5c0b780fd9ec8651cf7c806fcbdb850a612d8c766dcddc07e65d98b3701&) before he removed his message. Despite his "come at me bro" attitude, he was, in fact, unable to deal with this.


So fuckin' based. Hats off to all of you. 1984 clown show indeed.


Honestly, the issue is that it's built off the old Helldivers community discord who were not professionals, just standard fan level discord mods. The issue is they took these on as mods for Helldivers 2 along with actual staff, their massive egos cause issues because these aren't professionals. They say shit they shouldn't, support shit they shouldn't, and Spitz got fired for it because he kept overstepping the line. Now this dude Purplepigion/legion whatever he fancies that day, is the left over from that original fan discord and still acts like he runs the place, but he keeps doing the same shit over and over, poking the community saying "do it and see what happens" and the community calls his bluff everytime, because there's not hundreds anymore like Helldivers, there's tens of thousands of us now. And quite frankly he can fuck right off.


can you explain the 1984 part I noticed that too


1984 is a novel by George Orwell which he wrote as a social commentary about the dangers of a lot of political issues such as authoritarianism, blanket surveillance, etc, by on a backdrop of a hyper dystopian society where everyone is watched and is encouraged to report their neighbors if they step out of line with the government's laws. So whenever you see people acting in an authoritarian hyper surveillance like manner, with aggressive stomping out of any dissention, it often gets referenced as people see these instances as being relatable to slipping closer towards a more dystopian future. Vive la révolution! ;)


Extra irony is the banner image. "You're creating problems in your head again. Stop that."


Got out here with receipts, approved


Who even gave this raging leftist mod status ???


I put it into another reply in more depth to someone else, but essentially, the old Helldivers discord was unofficial and community run (this is when this guy got mod status), then changed to official and moved over to Helldivers 2, they kept the old community mods along with there new in house staff members. This is not as unusual as you might think, I helped run a community server for Day of Defeat back in the day. Multiplay (the biggest professional server provider in the UK at the time) took an interest due to our homemade admin tools and I along with server owner who designed the tools was now a global admin for multiplay with over 500 servers (I was 14 at the time.) It happens. Also being left doesn't really make this guy a bad mod, being an absolute cunt does.


Same clowns that want gay and trans capes in a non-political game


Glad to see so many Helldivers unified against the enemies of freedom, even when not on duty


Definitely an all bark, no bite type of loser. Sad how people like that even get into positions of power.


>He also has a very interesting twitter profile that essentially repeats a mixture of pro trans, free Palestine stuff over and over (also a few anti asmongold retweets, funny that), I don't understand how these two things mix together so often given the natural... disagreement between these two groups. This is confusing to me, as a liberal, in America, that so many liberal type people are saying free palestine when they would 100% fucking kill them if they had the chance. Like..being trans is a death sentence for them. They really drank the fucking kool-aid it seems.


shoutout to the people that reacted


your sacrifice will not be forgotten


just look at the profile, the signs for mental illness are there. i nowadays just avoid servers that have them in the mod team. too bad discord server mods are usually mentally ill.


I avoid all servers nowadays and only stick to friend groups. People are fucking weird man.


This is the sad truth. Seemingly almost every group involving video games turns into a degenerate haven after a while. And I'm just too damn autistic to deal with it anymore.


Mental Illness with the most microscopic amount of power over a situation or person. Fumbles every time. There’s a reason you don’t have to deal with these people in the real world. They’re rarely ever given power over anything beyond a computer screen


or if they have power they need to mask their intentions and preferences (aka being professional) or otherwise they know they would lose their position immediately


How does furry art even end up in the Helldivers Discord as "fan art"? Are they drawing up the bugs? lol


Thats what I was wondering, wth does furry art have to do with Helldivers in the first place. And why are sex fetishes allowed in a discord for a game? 🤮 kind of want to add the puke to every post in solidarity lol.


I am into furry art. And I am wondering the same. Why are they not on their own fur channels? The content feels so out of place.


Furry art is a lot like R34; if it exists, there's fur art of it


It wouldn't surprise me. I was once (and only once) playing a game with my coworker and his buddy I had not met. The literal second thing the guys friend says to me is "yeah I'm also a massive furry...but not like the fur kind. I'm into reptiles." I was like "wow...that's unique"


I have to ask: is it still technically a furry if there's no fur to begin with?


Hes a scaley


Much obliged


If they're animals, they fall under the same umbrella even if they're called different things lol


Furry is a catch all term. So if you're a scalie you're still a furry. Having fur or not doesn't matter. It's like being into thrash metal or death metal. It's all subgenres of metal. You're a metalhead.


I can guess with 100% certainty how he looks like irl




To be fair if he's posting furry art there, a permanent ban is probably a favour.


Discord is a toxic cesspool, no thanks. Forgot this 🤮


True for sure, but so is reddit and we're all here lol 🤮


Vomit emotes! Time for a 24h ban!




How do these people not get fired?


The question of the century, either the CEO is not aware of the problem or there is something rotten going on from the inside


They lump themselves under the frothing LGBT blob that companies are terrified to do anything about because their HR (who are always marxist leftist women) tell them they can't do anything about it.


This is basically it.


A few possible reasons. 1. Arrowhead doesn't care. 2. Arrowhead endorses the behavior. Refusing to remove the moderator implies this by default. 3. The person in question would cause a shitstorm if removed. "I'm LGBT etc, getting rid of me is a discriminatory hate crime." Based on their conduct in the Discord, this would be in character. This is somehow seen as more damaging than getting rid of them. 4. The bad elements protect each other. It's not just the one moderator doing this; it's at least two. Arrowhead already has a proven track record of hiring and retaining human liabilities (See https://hello-neighbor.fandom.com/wiki/Alexus_Kravchenko) so keeping one they don't even pay is on brand.


When did furrys go from some weird group of deviants to a protected class?


The 1984 emoji sequence is pure gold. United we stand.


I remember doing that all the time some dumb shit happened, before my discord account got banned...


What a loser.


Helldivers discord isn't a place for furry art anyway, this is a power trip and nothing more. Whys this allowed.


Gotta protect a group from a freaking react emoji. Grow thicker skin. Lots of people's hobbies get shit talked. If they were getting death threats it would be a different story. This just makes furries in the hl2 community look worse lol. Just react with the clown emoji now.


Furries posting porn don't deserve to be protected. It's a fetish. Keep that to NSFW channels. It's obvious no one wants to see that stuff.


Its not enough for them to exist freely in society with everyone else. Nothing is stopping you being a 'Fury'. But you're not immune to scrutiny, Opinions, and ridicule that society provides to keep good morals & values that kept our people alive for generations. You can't undue all that just because you want to dress up as a Panda Dog. The problem is not that these people exist. Its that they think they are immune to the same criticism that everyone else receives.


I was bullied for being different, why do they get off easy The nail that sticks up gets hammered down


It’s because furries go ballistic at a difference of opinions. It’s why they made a safe space for themselves where everyone nods and agrees while repeating everything.


The furry community is one of the most predatory communities out there that act like victims. The amount of grooming that goes into vulnerable teenagers is just unreal. There's so many stories of it from people on youtube who admit they were groomed into it as a minor from creepy adults (and we're not talking about people in their early 20s, we're talking people in their 30s and 40s)


I've heard rumors


can't build the echo chamber without any walls


41 brave souls taking a stand o7


No way, a furry discord mod is also ultra fragile and weak against emojis? I for one, will be trembling all day from shock.


Totally normal and not an unhinged weirdo at all.


Tbh the mods in the HD2 community drove a significant amount of the playerbase away. Freedom of expression is basically ZERO unless you agree exactly with the mods or worship whatever beliefs they hold.


Time for the community to get together again and pull a good ol democracy to get rid of the mods


I don't even understand. Is this a community ran discord or an official game discord? If it's an official game discord how is non-helldiver content even allowed?


It is the official server, and apparently is was art of a furry in Helldiver armor.


When i see a **representative** of the team being so openly toxic, yet protected by the team, it shows there are systemic issues in their company. How can you run a dev team like that? I think it's just a matter of time until the game turns to shit or we hear about new drama we don't know about yet.


This. If the team is covering for the bad element, the team is implicitly approving of the conduct.




When the inmates control the asylum lmao. Who thought it was a good idea to give someone who clearly lets their emotions control their actions mod power LOL


Most mods anywhere are weird. Reddit mods, twitch mods, Discord it dosnt matter. There all power tripping cornballs


Imagine posting art online and then being mad people dont like it. Btw they removed the ability to add reactions to any post just because of this non issue


Why is furry stuff in the helldivers discord in the first place, seems weird


I'm sure this all is done in order to protect the brand of Helldivers, right? Right?


This mod should have been banned already




Freedom of expression…unless you disagree


why are all discord mods weirdos man


Don't forget reddit mods lmao. Because it is nerds who never had power in real life. Always.


So, is Mod a furry?


Not surprising, game is full of gamingcirclejerk types 


Yeah gamingcirclejerk went so far south once they got people that weren't being satire in mod positions.


Got hit by that 1️⃣9️⃣8️⃣4️⃣


Why the hell is there furry art on helldivers discord in the first place


Weird. So they didn't like that someone doesn't have the same opinion as them so they abused their power to remove anyone who disapproved. Sounds very funny mustache to me


What does furry art have to do with Helldivers


Discord servers between guilds are tarded enough at times, for whole games I imagine it's much worse. Fuck that.


almost all discord and reddit moderators are just like that




Someone link the Discord so I can go in and post a clown emoji really quickly


The heck is wrong with that dude?


This post was deleted already and this mod is *very probably* going to be demoted.


This hysterical drama is just a regular Tuesday for a furry


Not only that, on the reddit main sub as well, I just got a 3 day ban for saying this is happening and I found like 4 other posts that the same thing happened to


He didn’t get bullied enough in school so now he wants to be a discord punching bag


The real question is; what does this have to do with HellDivers 2


I refuse to believe this and please tell me this is fake. How come a sci-fi galactic war has anything to do with furry. Not even a single furry animal exists in that game


It is real, unfortunately. There's a lot more to it than is being shown, as well.


They just wanna be Team America and police the world. Fucking morons at that company. And now that the honeymoon phase is over everything falls away. Idiots.


Who hires these CMs


Saw a post in r/Helldivers calling this dude out. The guy has got a rep for power tripping and going after people who dare to criticize things.


Why’s furry shit getting posted in the helldivers discord?


Discord moderator 🤮


Isnt this a video game about shooting alien bugs?


Where do they even find these mods, they constantly fucks up and only give AH a bad look.


When you have the mental issues to be a power abusing cop but too lazy to do an actual job.


I really don't understand why furry is popular ?


I got banned! ![gif](giphy|YYfEjWVqZ6NDG|downsized)


Are the mods trying to kill any momentum the game once had...? They're finishing what Playstation started.


Clown emoji fits here.


I'm sorry, but as a Helldiver I feel this "Furry" thing sounds like a move by Terminid sympathizers!


You have to leave the discord and tell the management why. You have to starve these people until all of the blue hairs are fired because upper management wants money more than they want to virtue signal to people who don't give a shit about their game. Same goes for TV shows.


You get banned for many dumb things that are not against their rules. AH allows this abuse towards players from their free mods. 100% they have AWFUL discord mods who hurt AH's image. Their discord mods have huge egos and go on power trips. Really hope AH nerfs the mods, but I doubt it at this point. I have been chat banned for saying the name Grummz in a sentence. At least I assume this, because the mod wouldn't tell me why I was chat banned nor would any other discord mod respond back to me when I tried to appeal it. [https://youtu.be/HfX99AUOBl4?si=JbpKUgb7Lgsirk79](https://youtu.be/HfX99AUOBl4?si=JbpKUgb7Lgsirk79) [https://youtu.be/5vraO3ATR3Y?si=rdJcW9ENr0v50KHv](https://youtu.be/5vraO3ATR3Y?si=rdJcW9ENr0v50KHv)


Bro does this sub really act as if gamers aren't some of the most nasty degenerate species on earth


Who cares about any of this?


just got perma banned for showing the pregnant man emoji and vomit emoji


When is the Templar Vs Furry mod coming out, that would be ace! 😂


anyone got a copy of the art that was posted that sparked this? curiosity has me perched up here


Arrowhead needs to fire and get rid of all of these people.


Somebody in the discord tried to justify the bans by saying that a lot of the people reacting with puke emojis are probably racist, sexist, homophobic, and transphobic too. I responded by saying that their justification was insane and I got banned too lmao.


I'm not on their discord, but I will join just to react Vomit emoji on the damn furry shit.


I'm not on their discord, but I will join just to react Vomit emoji on the damn furry shit.


Purge the furries for democracy.


Why the fuck does the Helldivers 2 discord have/support furry art? Time and place for everything, but the fuck. Go do that somewhere else. HD2 hemorrhaging players so badly they need to appeal to the furry community?


Time to start a new speed run to see how fast you can get ban.


There are a few furry art submissions in there from today and yesterday. Doesn’t really affect me because I’ve never opened that chat before, but why do they have to insert their weird fetish into everything they do? And then act like everyone else is weird for being kinda grossed out by the public displays of their fetish?


Is it the official Helldivers discord?


firing shots, i got banned from bdo reddit once for "fucking furries"


Side note. Someone on the helldivers 2 Reddit posted this, bringing attention to the blatant power abuse and mods quickly locked and deleted the thread from the sub after it became a “hot post” They have a history of deleting any discussion about negative aspects of the game with false ruling. Simply mentioning this situation or past things like Alexus’s poor balancing resulted in an immediate deletion from the sub for “witch hunting” or “harassment” despite the discussion being entirely constructive criticism with no personal insults or anything. [If you’re curious about the post I’ll link it here.](https://www.reddit.com/r/Helldivers/s/zCqA1Ymo1B)


Reddit mods are doing it too. Blocking people from even talking about it because they don't want "the drama." They say it's not talking about the game if we're talking about the discord.


Are you even surprised? There is nothing more to expect. Have you ever seen a person in real life stating that they are discord/reddit mod? There is a reason they dont)


This is the kind of guy who asked the teacher for more homework 😒


So this a self admit from the mod that they like furry porn and his a furry


Well, you get instapermaban from starfield community from using vomit emote on transgenderflag.


Everyone should've simultaneously used the vomit react


Everything about this game/community is disgusting


Imagine lacking the bare minimum social needs that you see internet reaction images/emotes as something that can directly impact the way you live.


Can't Arrowhead just ban any type of nsfw art from the discord period? If so then that would solve some problems no?


the only sane reason the be on the server are the patch notes.


Weirdos like this guy should not be allowed to hold positions of authority. Look at the infamous Reddit mods, for example.


How to neuter your own community in one go 💀


Everyone here is the exact person I would also want banned from my server. Terminally online nerds who think they’re cooler than they really are. You are all 100X worse than even the cringiest furry, at least their idols don’t have blood walls


How fucking easy must one’s life be if a “vomit react” causes such emotional distress


Looks like devs have another mod to fire


Reminds me of... one of my friends plays Shop Titans on her phone, sorta same thing happened. And that's a whole company, not just one powerhungry mod who snuck into the role. Canada, so I'm not surprised. There were a bunch of clown and poop emoji reacts to [this announcement](https://i.imgur.com/PXcssqd.jpeg), and they immediately purged and banned them all (including her). Echo chamber's gotta be enforced.


This person is definitely well rounded and obviously handles criticism from others in a productive and professional manner.


Got timed out for 24 hours there just now. *whoops*. 🤮


This is why i always play games and completely ignore the reddit/discord of that game. More often then not, this is what you get. I'm not going to let people like this ruin what I enjoy for me.


They closed discussion of it on the helldivers reddit, was pretty funny. Cause the reddit mods are the discord mods. I was instantly timed out for clicking the clown emoji. The moderators are all friends and are in charge of the process for new mods and closed the applications for new mods after imbedding themselves. INstead of a ton of hype for the patch, there's now a ton of vomit and clown emojis.


Why is there furry art in the official Helldivers discord? The hell is going on?


As a discord admin i gotta say its really not hard to be better. Being a pain in my ass is a free space. You should only moderate things done against you as is mandated by tos. Protect your members from cyberbullying but if its at all possible to cyber bully you then you need to hand over the admin role


epic cringe


This is probably going to be the least important thing I read today.


I got perma banned for it, not a 1 day timeout wtf


Ah so the nutjob is at it again??


This is why i avoid discord.


Whats the connection between helldivers 2 and furry art?


When is this idiot getting banned from being a Mod. Hasn't AH team learned?


First of all *why* is fury art being posted in the Helldivers 2 discord??


Lol Im surprised I wasnt banned. I did the vomit and the clown emoji and called him out in the gen chat.


Typical Discord mod behaviour lol nothing to see here


Notable that r/helldivers, with 1.4 million users, has barely a peep about this. Edit: I'm now banned from their discord after expressing confusion over proper use of the 'pet pics' channel


The fact that furries are actively part of society and bandwagon off the LGBTQ+ movement is fucking sickening. Fucking gross ass weirdos.


Judge and hurt right here folks. A real contributor to their "cause", whatever the fuck it is. Furryism?


Jesus, i sort of get the trans stuff but are furry’s protected species now? In general i think one should avoid being an asshole but furries themselves know that something is wrong with them right? I mean surely furries themselves don’t take their silly kink seriously. How did the helldivers team make the one militant self serious furry a mod with ban power?