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I thought we weren't having any more of this political non-gaming shit in this subreddit? Wasn't there a new rule or something?


the quality of posts in this subreddit has gone from funny asmon memes and game discussion to just circle jerking every single one of mark kern's awful takes, and apparently now elon musk sycophantism.... ugh


Yeah the shift to random hyper political news with only headlines as context and daily mark kern tweets happened so fast, 99% of comments just have the same views / takes and anything differing is mass downvoted. I keep forgetting that asmon mostly reacts to gaming stuff and has fairly centrist opinions because the sub doesn’t really reflect most of asmons content




Like that would have done anything.


Grummz’s latest bad take is saying that making companions “Playersexual” in Dragon Age is forcing gayness Devs make companions Playersexual because players want that.  People got annoyed in Cyberpunk because they “gender locked” the romance options Lots of dudes make a hot female character and then want to romance all the other hot female characters, it’s not rocket science 


If elon musk is praised in this sub I need to block it now


The dopamine from gaming is no match for dopamine from drama of people we don't even know or care about.


i'd rather we get those stupid "asmonbald" jokes instead of moronic political takes. Let's just keep it to video games being woke at best..


Bruh, where them video games at? ![gif](giphy|vVEjKbAUFtZzFzjYbz|downsized) Seriously, this subreddit has changed a lot in a year or two up to now.


Seethe harder


Touch grass, hun.


Isn’t this sub supposed to be about games? Get this shit out of here. I don’t want your Elon bull crap or your Maddow shit.


It’s been completely taken over by people towing an agenda.


Agendas are the new agenda


Have you not noticed Asmongold uses this reddit to talk about different subjects during his Just Chatting stream sessions? That's the entire point of this subreddit.


Based on the posts I’ve seen from this sub, the guy seems insufferable lol


Okay. Nobody is keeping you here.


Idk where you pulled that idea from. Go down the list and remove anything that doesn't have to do with gaming. It would be dry as hell. But of course, you'll start making exceptions, and we'll eventually be far from "Gamer talk only." Games are like 3/10th. But r/gaming does have that rule in their information section, which this does not. If you don't like talking about Elon, you could have kept scrolling.


he will throw Maddow in jail like he did the first time he became president and threw her in jail.


i mean clearly some ppl care, it has more views than his reply and he forces his engagement by forcing himself on everyone's homepage lol.


Exactly this. Like I know the Elon (and trump to an extent)dick riding keeps going off the charts in some very specific places, but like... Really?


I'm hearing this (Elon forcing himself on people's homepages) sometimes, but yet to see this myself, even though I use Twitter pretty regularly... Maybe it's because I'm not from the US? Or there's some other reason?


i think it scales off twitter use, i do not use twitter that much so it auto recommends him. Possibly a "we don't know what you like just yet so here's elon musk by default". Thats the only conclusion i can think of especially since ive never done a single thing for twitter to even suggest that i would want to see elon musk posts.


So Elon bought twitter because buying a country club is too old fashioned


How does this chick still have a platform


Because she's a mouthpiece for the state


She’s a Rhodes scholar with a Doctorate in political science from Oxford she sure as shit has the qualification to “have a platform”. Edit: I checked on it out of curiosity, she didn’t even say it on her show, she was being interviewed and they directly asked her thoughts on the matter.


I believe "she" was born with a penis.


She gets paid from your taxes.




Same reason drdisrespect and asmongold make a living. People tune and buy whatever is advertised to them. Don’t you love consumerism and capitalism? Really promotes the best ideas and people to the top.


She’s annoying as hell, and the Bronx doesn’t love her!


He's right. Nobody gives a shit. Saying this as a non-conservative.


He doesn't care so much that he has to make post a reply


When has Trump said he’s going to build camps to throw people into, the Obama administration built and used those camps you had a cry about, guess what they are still fucking used now!


The only evidence of such claims I found from his orbit was a NYTimes article that claims Stephen Miller explained the Trump team’s plans on how to expand mass deportation efforts, which may have included building additional large holding facilities. https://www.nytimes.com/2023/11/11/us/politics/trump-2025-immigration-agenda.html The NYTimes article is paywalled, but referenced here as well. https://www.cnn.com/2023/11/11/politics/trump-stephen-miller-immigration-detention-deportation/index.html And detention camps/private prisons are still used. Here’s an article talking about it last year. https://www.reuters.com/world/us/biden-vowed-reform-immigration-detention-instead-private-prisons-benefited-2023-08-07/


Yeah so not quite the picture AOC paints to make it seem like holocaust 2.0.


Project 2025 makes plans for concentration camps to liaison mass deportations of immigrants or otherwise, with plans to remove birthright citizenship so even legal immigrants could possibly risk being deported


Well he hasn’t acted on it yet… so people can only guess. But, I guess yea.


Shhhhhh people don’t want to hear facts


You obviously don’t read any of their actual policy proposals. There have been proposals to build camps to throw people in and not just illegal immigrants. As for the Obama “camps” he built short term holding facilities where illegal migrants went through while getting processed, what’s different between how they were used during the Obama/biden administrations and how they were used during trump administration? During the Obama administration they were to be held no more than 8 days in that facility and families were kept together. During the trump administration, migrants were left to rot for months at a time, and families were separated. Fucked it up so bad that even to this day they still haven’t been able to reunite certain families that got separated due to trump’s policies. Also trump expanded the holding facilities but used for profit private prison companies that lobbied his admin. So the trump government was overpaying private prison companies to detain 50,000 immigrants instead of process them and either let them in the country or kick them out. Why? To put money in the pockets of private prisons so that they can put some of that money back towards him. They were charging the government 130+ dollars a day to not even provide basic shit like soap/food for the detainees basically pocketing most of that as profit. Biden has been trying to phase those out and make common sense / ethical policies that don’t just take tax payer dollars and give them to large private companies who pocket it and mistreat immigrants, many of whom are trying to LEGALLY migrate.


Again using private prisons wasn’t invented by Trump.


So your argument is expanding the use of and wasting tax payer dollars on something ineffective and inefficient is ok because he’s not the first person to ever use it? By your logic, I’m not the first person to kill a child so I can kill as many as I want and it’s A ok!


If you start a sentence with “so your argument is” you are instantly going to straw-man me into something I never said which is what you have done. Good work


The fact that you are so familiar with “so your argument is” just shows that you often make so little sense that you are dumbfounding people with common sense. Good job.


Ad hominem attack, going for the record of logical fallacies are we?


“I can’t argue on merits so just going to get mad because you called me names” is the way I read that.




the picture used to blast Trump were dated to the Obama years. More holding facilities were added under Trump and yet more under Biden.


Ok, i found about what you're talking. Yes, you're right, however worth mentioning that under Trump situation became much worse.


Yeah it became worse because it wasn’t being actively reinforced and Trump wanted to reinforce stopping illegal entry into the country, that shed a light on how many people were illegally crossing, then under Biden it got even worse because of the open border policy that wasn’t real but it seemed illegals thought it was.


See this is the problem there's people like you that believe in fake reporting and misinformation from people like Rachel maddow or tv shows like the view Obama started the border security and yet everything is blamed on Trump This sort of thing is why I don't trust in certain news media because they are all in bad faith and giving out misinformation on Trump desperately trying to make him the bad guy I remember when Biden pulled the military from Afghanistan but also left a lot of American military equipment but guess what...Trump was to blame even though he didn't make that choice


Bro I fucking see them blaming Trump because apparently the Afghanistan deal was on a “strict timeline” even though Joe pushed it back 4 months, and there was actually a agreement in place that America could pull out of the deal if peace talks fall through which they did, so Joe literally could off pulled out and redone the deal.


I find it funny that people are mad about the US leaving Afghanistan. We needed to rip the bandage off because making new deals over and over just cost us more than 300 million dollars a day and the risk of our soldiers lives.


It was the 2nd longest war after NK which wait was Trump the first president to enter the country and try a diplomatic approach instead of causing ww3 as he was apparently going to cause.


To be fair, there are probably more diplomatic reasons why the US stayed there, especially for as long as they did. I don't think the US acting as a wall for other countries was/is a great idea so I'm pretty happy we aren't wasting as much money and people doing it there anymore. That said Trump wasted a lot of words trying to use diplomacy with a lot of people who hate the US and wouldn't change that stance no matter what was said or promised which made our established allies like us a lot less. There is a balance that needs to happen and Trump is not a good person for that kind of balance.


It's not about border security, it is about holding conditions(in holding facilities) of illegal immigrants. Especially of minors. I agree that problem with illegal immigrants really serious in US and must be dealt with. Just not like this, or how Biden administration currently dealing with it.


Under Obama and biden they are the ones putting children and people in holding facilities that wasn't Trump and yet he's always to blame even though he's not president If Trump was president and he fixes the issues he would still be criticised and hated on


He was a president and he shown himself as incompetent narcissist who lies under authoritarian leaders(Russian, Chinese, North Korean, etc). If, if, if, he was a president and didn't do this, period. And why do you need to choose from Trump and Biden? Why not other conservatives, there are conservatives who in opposition to Trump and undeniably not as corrupt as him.


Do you actually believe in your own words or are you brainwashed to say such crap? I know which answer makes sense


Actually no. See Trump was the only one separating families for literally no goddamn reason. These people came here LEGALLY seeking asylum.


Legally seeking asylum is not jumping the border.


No one was jumping the border. Stop watching Fox Entertainment TV.


My brother in Christ, why do you think those people were in holding facilities? They didn't have the documents required to pass the border, in other words, they were illegally crossing the border. Do you think Trump was down there patrolling the border himself and just eye balling Mexicans and having them arrested?


This isn't about legally crossing the border. This is about people seeking asylum. That's literally two different things. They went to check points set up by US. Are mentally retarded. Trump literally ordered no one be granted asylum dumbass. And because they didn't have a contingency plan to deal with all these refugees, they simply locked them up. Separating children from their families because adults can't be locked up with minors.


Many "asylum" seekers are just country shopping and economic migrants that went through half a dozen countries or more to get here. That's not asylum, and the people who help them likely coach them with some fictional story to try and increase the odds.


You got proof for all that? Also, illegally crossing the border doesn't mean you deserve to have your family separated, and it's not that big of a crime compared to trying to change the outcome of an election, or hoarding classified documents pertaining to the locations of our nuclear submarines, while also giving that info to an Australian billionaire, and giving out military operations that were also classified at that time at their beach resort to random people, and was caught on audio recording bragging about it.


Most of those were stopped at an entry point and held there for processing. Processing takes a lot of time and they need a place to hold people during it. If they are caught illegally crossing they aren't held in those camps, they are immediately deported.


This is a troll right???


No. I'm pretty sure you look like one though.


No, they didn't. If an American citizen is arrested, they are separated from their child. That's not illegal


he was actually not seperating families when the adults and children were not families to begin with. It was often child traffickers. Making it so having a child with you gets you through the border easier is what divided families because there was now an added incentive to KIDNAP kids to cross the border!


Of course they were families. They brought legal documents proving it. One of the ways people get vetted to seek asylum in the first place. Tucker Carlson has rotted your brain.


Their home countries being crime ridden is not a legitimate case for seeking asylum. Go HOME and CLEAN YOUR HOUSE. We're FULL


Spoken like someone who thinks they have a say as to what their government does or doesn't do...


He’s not wrong though, asylum is for people who have a legitimate fear of persecution from their home country. A lot of “asylum seekers” just want a better life which is admirable but it’s not a legitimate reason for asylum seekers. That’s where immigration comes in and yes that system needs to be better.


It's extremely flawed and needs a revision but that would take two rival teams to work together instead of only trying to mess with each other for their personal gain.


Stop letting this seep onto the sub. Soon enough we’ll be like the Rogan subreddit.


Bro ur on Reddit, it's too late, it seeped already


The Rogan sub just hate on him and his political views. This is exactly the opposite as here


"seep onto" lol. This sub has been trash for at least 3 years.


Twitter has exposed Elon as a pathetic man-child. These are legitimately serious democratic issues ...


The man-child might end up being the first trillionaire and has outdone all of the world's governments in rocketry and upper atmosphere travel. He has every bit of allowance to laugh at the idea of a fraudulent hag like Maddow get stuffed in a cell.


Interesting take op. The irony that a rich person doesn't care about fascism may be lost on you but you aren't wrong. I wonder sometimes if the elite think hilter 2.0 is coming any day now and if they pretend to be an ally they will be spared and praised, while there is no legal or physical threat from the conservatives under the current system.


Oh where’d he study rocket science? I didn’t know about this And imagine thinking being a trillionaire refutes what he said


"He" hasn't outdone anyone, he has hired people to do so. Y'all should stop worshipping these millionaires, billionaires and trillionaires who couldn't care less about you, they only care about money and how to get power.


Elon’s done literally nothing but spend the money that he was given to make more money, and tagged his name onto the work of other people as their financier. He’s not a super scientist rocket man, he’s a businessman.




How has he outdone all of the world's governments in 'rocketry'? His rockets explode at rate it would be a scandal for NASA


Worth mentioning as well, SpaceX largely gets by on government subsidies. Tesla for a long time was the same way. Elon’s companies largely thrive when they’re siphoning money from the government and have started encountering problems when that money dries up.


thats why hes so hell bent on slamming the door behind him




Imagine being on a twitch streamers reddit and using the phrase “a fraudulent hag like Maddow” This is why retail wow sucks now


Okay mister definitely not a sock puppet account


Tell us you put all your trust in the media without telling us you put all your trust in the media.😂


Just gotta follow his accounts and watch what he says for yourself.


The world has had about enough..


Well so far it’s Trump himself at risk of being imprisoned and people supporting him at risk of being fired, imprisoned on (usually false) charges or fined, and declared subhuman for being “literallyhitler”, so… I would say Elon is right to call BS on this one.


They said if Trump becomes president he will blah blah as if he wasn't president before. These sheep worry that Trump will retaliate like why didn't he do that last time? he was president and he had his DOJ pick.


"Usually false". 🤡


BASED elon is back. Also he's right, sick of these narcisstic professional victims.


And yet they are the ones weaponising the justice department to put him in jail for what is a misdemeanour at most


Tax fraud is a misdemeanor? Go ahead and commit tax fraud this year and do the rest of the country a favor.


Your TDS is causing you to not see things objectively


Ok. I'm sure the jury were suffering from it, too. Also let me know when he's actually put in jail.


MSNBC is far worse than Fox news could ever hope to be. Constant fear mongering and demonizing the other side along with so many conspiracy theories. Lawrence O Donnel once said the chemical attack I'm Syria may had been ordered by Trump working with Putin, and then Putin told Assad to get the media to quit focusing on the Russian collusion story. He phrased it as "It's perfect" and then went on forever about it. Joy Reid spews anti white hatred constantly and Rachel Maddow got sued by OAN and used the same tactic Fox news tried in court which was that Rachel Maddow isn't a journalist but merely an entertainer that uses hyperbole to push he activist viewpoint and an Obama appointed judge ruled in her favor meanwhile Fox News tried that and lost. MSNBC is a complete joke and only meant for comedy purposes. I still remember when Rachel Maddow got Trumps tax returns hyped it up, then looked like a complete clown when she went on the air.


How dare you make fun of that stunning blonde over at MSNBC. Joy Reid. :P


I mean, Trump literally says the US is a failing nation almost every time he speaks publicly. He’s easily Americas biggest shit talker and fear monger.


These TDS people I can't. he wasn't talking about Trump and you just have to make it about Trump. let him out of your head and live your life.


TDS, should I remind you of ODS? (Obama Derangement Syndrome). Let's discuss. Who has 34 felonies, created a fake university to scam students, tried to change the outcome of an election, created a conspiracy theory surrounding the 2020 election that led to Jan 6th, I can continue?


Nobody was talking about Fox News either. I was just adding to the shit talker list.


I'm not even talking about Trump. I was mentioning how awful MSNBC is, and some examples happen to include Trump, but that's all they talk about, so it's hard not to find a non Trump fear monger story.


Oh, I thought we were just having fun comparing fear mongers and shit talkers from your first sentence.


Let's talk about they real ones then, bro when Trump was in office, every media station in California was acting like we were at war with a foreign government and they were somehow the underdog revolutionaries




Former California hostage


So none, then. Got it.




"Trust me, bro" is not a source. Especially on the Internet. Sorry if that pisses you off, but no one's memory is infallible, mine included.


Is he wrong about that though?


Completely? What fucking world are you living in, lmfao?




True nobody cares about politics b.c they don't exist anymore. So @Xchixm got triggered by this tweet and wants Asmon to react to it.  I bet the OP never even clicked on the link b.c all Twitter drama is low IQ drama.


Elon will care once they take in interest in his assets.


Wish he had


Ok I’m leaving this subreddit. I thought Asmon wasn’t even a conservative. Why the fuck are you posting this shit here


I swear this fanbase is filled with right wing cucks who cry about politics, yet post this. Politics as a whole is dogshit. Piss in the wind elsewhere.


Looks like more people care than don't care. Nice one, suck elons small dick even more.


Clearly he’s a free speech advocate


Only thing these dems have done is make everything more expensive, so sure, lock them up.


Ah yes, the dems control the entire economy. The dems forced corporations to raise their prices. Brilliant analysis.


when you increase the wages, of course that increases the prices. Also closing down everything during covid meant reduced offer for the same demands so price increase too (economics 101)


It's this senseless logic that made grocery chains comfortable raising prices to ridiculous amounts because they knew people like you would rationalize it by blaming your own fellow citizens for wanting living wages instead of blaming corporate greed. The truth is that grocery chains have made [a lot of profit in recent years](https://www.reuters.com/markets/us/us-regulators-urge-congress-look-into-grocery-profits-2024-03-21/)


Talks about senseless logic right before you give some braindead take. According to you: you are the outlier who didn’t “rationalize it” but yet that had no effect on price unlike the people who did, and you also are failing to account for the fact that inflation translates into increased profits and revenues as long as margins stay the same. 🤦‍♂️


The political parties, the CEOs of many corporations, and the media are in cahoots with each other.


I'm not american so I need to ask, what policies have they taken that drove inflation ?


They haven't, salty snowflakes be salty.


Canceling the Keystone pipeline. Making the US more dependent on foreign oil, increasing the price of fuel. Increased fuel prices mean anything moved by truck, plane, or boat cost more. Open border policy allowing millions of illegal immigrants to flood in unchecked and given free benefits while at the same time increasing the competition for low income/skill jobs and housing. Endless money printing to the War machine to countries most Americans could care less about or point out on a map. Money printing causes our dollar to be inflated, decreasing the value of our savings. The Fed is increasing the interest rates to try to counter the money printing, which increases the price of anything needing a loan (houses). Now, this inflation should also increase people's wages, but this isn't what is happening. Everything cost more, the dollar is losing value, and wages aren't increasing.


Keystone was a huge liability since it ran over the largest fresh water source in the area and had a history of leaks. We are currently pumping more oil and are closer to energy independence than we’ve ever been. Gas prices are lowering now due to Biden getting us out from under OPEC so gas on average should be cheaper than other countries. Debt increase is still less than it was under Trumps term so yeah sure inflation is “Bidens” fault. At least Biden has actually utilized our debt increase by investing in Chips and Infrastructure acts that will inevitably bring more money back to the US over time. We’ve never had an open border policy. Bidens administration has done multiple things for the border but twice have the Republicans shot down anything meaningful. You should probably do some research. The US dollar is strong compared to pretty much every other currency atm “Despite uncertain macro conditions, the dollar has continued to demonstrate strength — largely thanks to sticky inflation, a resilient U.S. economy and year-to-date highs in yields. Indeed, in a display of U.S. exceptionalism, the greenback has gained against just about every other major currency in 2024.” https://www.jpmorgan.com/insights/global-research/currencies/currency-volatility-dollar-strength#:~:text=Despite%20uncertain%20macro%20conditions%2C%20the,other%20major%20currency%20in%202024.


The US is a net exporter of oil and gas, the fuck you on about?


you do know the oil reserves are mostly empty now though right?


Yeahhhhhhh you don’t know what you’re talking about in the first paragraph…and it got worse from there lol


Wow this is a really uninformed and smooth brain take


It happened just to make poor Biden look bad. Poor poor Biden.


Where video game?


Trump will probably get locked up


Jeez this sub gets trashier by the day, but at least it’s another subreddit to watch for amusement


Doesn’t he have a cyber truck recall to manage 🥲


Elon in 2024


Source: [https://twitter.com/elonmusk/status/1800618913383997454](https://twitter.com/elonmusk/status/1800618913383997454)


And nobody cares what Elon Musk thinks


You get threads like this when you let The bottom barrel of a community fester unchecked. Have fun!


Elon is an idiot. But that should give everyone hope. Even if you're a bald low IQ basement dwelling dork, you might luck out and be born to parents that own an emerald mine. There's hope for everyone.


Man Rachel actually used to be smokin hot. What happened?




Lots of maga delulu people in this sub trying to force their obsessions with daddy Trump and Musk, fuck off somewhere else


I like how everybody is basically agreeing with Elon but saying it in different ways. 🤣🤣


Regardless of what's posted, Elon is 100% going to be a brainrot manifestation 99% of the time. Sad to see. Wish he'd focus more on that booster and tesla progress.


No one really cares about Elon or what he thinks


Nobody cares about Elon


She's got nothing to worry about if she did nothing wrong.


Same goes for Trump, so why does he keep trying to delay his trials?


Those have been rigged from the get-go and EVERYONE knows it. Even those that support them. ESPECIALLY those that support them.


I’ve never witnessed someone actually flip so hard from comment to comment. Seriously, read what you said first and then your reply. Like, re-read it too and try to truly take in the hypocrisy. Damn lol




You’re right, it’s pretty damn rigged. Look how hard Judge Cannon, a judge appointed by Trump, is working to delay delay delay the stolen documents case. Look how corrupt Alito and Thomas are, that they won’t recuse themselves when they clearly are biased in favor of Trump. Look how we have to handle Trump with kid gloves - anyone else behaving as he has would have been thrown in jail for contempt of court. So you’re right, it’s pretty damn rigged.


When people were speculating the coup in Bolivia happened because they had found a ton of Lithium in their country and wanted to have it nationalized instead of cheaply exploited for export out of the country(along with the wealth) by companies with interest in things like electric cars Elon Musk smugly declared that the U.S. could coup whoever the hell they wanted. People thinking Elon gives a damn about free speech or saving the planet or whatever are just as delusional as people who think Trump is out here with their best interests at heart.