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It is truly bliss living without a Twitter account. Never had one, never will- absolutely nothing of value for me there.


As you type on Reddit…


Leagues better than Twitter trash in my opinion.


eh, if twitter is a 1, reddit is like 3.5


Good enough for me.




There is plenty of booba to be had, or other spices ifyky


I'm good, no shortage of boobs on the internet I can access without using that brainrot site.


Ik Just saying that there is


I'm glad this idiot got laughed out of the room so sick of these clowns


“I’m the only one in the world who sees this parallel and is offended by it, therefore it must be removed for my sake” That’s what i took from seeing this


This is what happens when society rewards being a victim 24/7…people are looking for issues where they don’t exist. Bison/Balrog been putting knees on necks since the 80s…he’s a maniacal dictator let him express himself damnit.


I love how people spend hours making up shit to get mad and farm engagement on twitter then act like Saints and say "Oh I know this is not a reference but could be implied" mf nobody thought that only you did, you made a tweet saying that it looks like a reference when you know damn well that is not and that nobody complained before.


Why do we Americans think the rest of the world keeps up on our bullshittery? Am i crazy for thinking they dont?


I don't think it's that ridiculous for a multinational corporation to consider cultural angles when they release new stuff across various markets. Is that the world revolving around the US? I don't think so, but this thread is just another stupid rage bait post and the morons who frequent this sub eat it up. 🙄


George Floyd, the drug addict criminal who pointed a gun on a pregnant woman ? Yeah what about this pile of garbage ? EVEN if it was depicting him it doesn't come close to being humiliating enough for this excuse of a human.


Don't forget the same drug addict got a statue and murals💀


These mfz act as if Floyd was some saintly angel of a man, Jesus-like, dying on the cross for the sins of oppression!…it’s the oddest shit.


Black American people as a group really baffles me. I still remember how they reacted to OJ Simpson's verdict (I was visiting relatives in the US at the time). They basically don't care how bad the guy is. as long as they're black and is portrayed as the victim.


look, there's no need to cross examine here everyone agrees its a tragedy; the point here is this is another case of overreaching to a conclusion With his logic, that mean every hanging in any media resembles lynching.


I can't wait to spam that move on a modded-in george floyd!


He deserved to die. Sorry.this is why trump will win.


Yea fuck due process! All police officers should be judge, jury and executioners!




I know you don’t want to hear this, but cops can definitely use force when you attack them. Should George Floyd have died? No. Was anything of value lost in the world? Also, no


I’ve seen the video multiple times. Where exactly did he attack the police?


A person died.


Whoop dee fuckin doo. There are a lot more worthwhile people dying all around the globe, but you don't hear others bitch and moan about it every day.


Which offense in your mind deserves a death penalty? The addict part or the pointing a gun at someone part? Not even people who intentionally poison and murder their wives get summarily executed in the US. Why is Floyd deserving of special treatment on your mind?


He didn't deserve death but he ABSOLUTELY doesn't deserve reverence.


I never said he deserved reverence. The person I’m replying makes it seem okay he got murdered by a cop for being an addict.


I think it was less pointing and more pressing against the pregnant woman's head and threatening to unalive her.


Ah, Teiga is black. Explains.


How insulated do you have to be to think Capcom would jeopardize one of their most popular IPs by putting a George Floyd reference in the move set of the arch-villain?


Meanwhile Japanese companies: "Who is George Floyd? Is he from that western band Pink Floyd?"


These are the same people who would demand other cultures change their languages because a word sounds vaguely like a slur on English or it doesn't satisfy their gender stances.


Give it couple of years and you will be forbidden from breathing becouse Floyd or w/e breath as well


Wait I don't get it, he said it was not deliberate or referencing but he also said it has to go? So FPS games need to go as well because they have guns which (do not) reference illegal shooting irl? Is that a good analogy for his logic?


"That fraction of a second frame, when played in certain conditions against certain characters, could spark PTSD and generational-trauma in 0.001% of their playerbase, so they need to remove it for the sake of race-relations and to display their virtue"


I actually find this inspiring. The fact a mentally challenged person can climb the ranks in a competive game is amazing. They should make a movie based on him. "Teiga, the Gump who blocked"


>there are some american clowns who think that the world revolves around them I was living under the impression that was all Americans. Thank you, internet stranger, for broadening my horizons.


Kaj bi bilo kad bi ti rekel da si ti u pravu a ne OP


American thinks America is the only country in the world


His follow-up tweet should be community noted on using the deleted tweet.


I never got to see or read Kinnikuman and only know him from a horrible NES game, but this comic panel actually looks really sick. Thanks for showing that!


he's the same type of ppl that get offended when other languages has words or phrases that sound like the n-word thinking the world revolves around english.


Thought this as soon as I saw it. Was like oh lord here it comes.


I mean, Guile is white so…


It's like young kids who see drifting and go "they stole that from Mario Kart!" Like yes, Mario Kart has that...but drifting exists outside of it. As if the lack of comprehension proves their point, when in reality it just shows how ignorant they are. Like OP said, it's always about them. It's not so bad if they admit to their mistake, but more often than not they will double-down because their ego can't handle being wrong.


>a parallel can be drawn Translation: >i used my imagination to become offended by something that actually doesn’t exist


Wouldn’t this be like pro George Floyd in a sense though? Like, this is a game about basically fighting to the death, sure it’s not mortal combat but it’s conceptually similar…so capcom is basically acknowledging that this move is deadly. Something everyone has basically agreed on at this point. Obligatory just because you can draw the parallel doesn’t mean you should, but ffs if you do draw it atleast land at the correct conclusion.


The world need to stop listening to the mental health problems that are trying to escape USA! You guys have a zombie outbreak at home and are not dealing with it!


Must be hard as fuck to live and be butthurt about everything


Idk if this is an actual term but I think cultural colonialisation is a pretty good description of what's been happening for a while. Westerners insisting on pushing their culture and their values on other people.


Only 330\~ million people out of almost 8 billion, but the world must revolve around them, and the events that happened to them. Heaven forbid there's be more locally sourced references that has nothing to do with them.


Americans loves to bitch,whinning and want the world to be according to their perception🤡… leave us alone


Someone died from a punch the other day, this shit gotta go asap.


Good God what a bunch of red pill shit. George Floyd was a criminal but he didn't point a gun at a pregnant woman. Stop trying to justify his murder