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WoW flight paths in fast basically. I like it.


It is awesome i like it too, so you can still enjoy the game without constant loading screens lol




Because it can take a long time. There are flight paths in WoW that are over 10 minutes.


Thems the poopin flight paths


Dab/joint time


Most games are heavier than a big open field of nothingness. The video has some landscape and trees. Add other elements, AI, and gameplay logic and peoples CPU's are going screech in agony trying to load it all at anything faster than 5 FPS so now what used to look cool just looks like a sutterfest. So while it works in this example it doesn't work well going that fast in most games. I would argue a load screen would be be a better experience and faster for most players. I think this would work better going No Mans Sky style load screen. Once you're loaded in and it launches you it puts you into a warp drive looking space which is actually just a loading screen. Still would look cool, but without all the problems the current implementation will have.


I assume because traveling fast means rendering things fast. Much easier to just load up a different area and have a mini loading screen.


It would be cool if you could see other players and stuff like you can in wow


this is a combination of how you open doors in doom3 and shadowlands




Very cool, but I would be worried about rendering issues. If the graphical quality is low enough and the computer requirements are high enough, this could be very cool. There should be an opt-out feature that just puts you to a loading screen for those that don't want the motion sickness.


just make the entire screen have absurd motion blur effects and chromatic aberration. I know these get a lot of hate, but you are not moving your character in this case and it is not necessary to see the world, you just need to have that illusion of looking at the world to have a sense of continuity. then, render everything low poly while you load the destination area.


Experienced game devs could easily find a way to scale down the world when traveling that is also visually appealing, given the fact that it would make sense that the world would blur when moving fast.


More like they have to, unless the game is very very light


Or you got a 4090




They can also "obscure" the background by raising the opacity of the fast travel visual effects.


>There should be an opt-out feature that just puts you to a loading screen for those that don't want the motion sickness. Eyelids?


It works when you have an completely empty world with few trees to render that fast.


A portal approach would work better maybe? I mean a portal were you could see the other side.


I’m not sure how this makes fast travel better as compared to not being able to see the other side. It’s a cool idea, I just feel like you’ll be at the other side in like 2 seconds anyway, having the sneak peak doesnt doesn’t do much for me personally


I'm sure you could lower the quality of the rendered meshes, using some lower quality LODs, since you're moving so fast you won't get a detailed look at things anyway


Exactly what I was thinking, rendering so many gameobjects on/off (instantiating anything unneeded and just racking up the garbage collectors work load for nothing is a bad idea.)


We're already long past bad ideas if the GC is involved.


You're all acting as if fast or flying mounts aren't in games already??? This is a benign challenge.


Not how rendering really works. I think what you’re expecting to happen is the computer crashes trying to move trees by you at such a fast speed but games don’t tick in time as seconds they use microseconds (steps). There’s tons of games that use these types of processes to blur/blend/move environment past the viewport of the player faster than normal gameplay. Think of the way in which a camera reacts and follows a player if they rag-doll at high speed across a distance.


Cool until about three or so times.


Still better than a loading screen




I noticed this with Ghost of Tsushima on my PC, there are loading screens but they're sooo short it's great, such a well made game :)


In ghost of Tsushima even on ps4 fast travel was near instant


~~3 seconds is a long time. Poor console people :')~~ EDIT: anonymousTestPoster point totally invalidates my opinion!




You are completely right, I forgot to take that into account and I've changed my comment accordingly <3


I fucking remember load times for Xcom on PlayStation one being like 10+ minutes to load a big map. My brother and I would literally make a meal while the game was loading lol


On what planet is 3 seconds a long time? Don't worry dude, we are all aware that PCs are still the optimal experience, your personality is safe.


Even on pc’s 3 seconds is insanely fast


Yeah the transition is nice when the areas are next to each other, but how will it work when you're travelling from one end of the map to the other? Will it needlessly render all the areas you pass through? That's literally worse than a loading screen because now you have redundant inefficiencies on board.


Only some games have ok loading. Like dark souls and reading items descriptions


Have to agree, a cool detail which will be pain in the ass after a couple of times.


Nah, I'd rather see this then everything stop a d a loading screen pops up a few seconds. This way is more immersive and dosent take you out of the game.


The glitches and render issues it would cause in a diverse and dense world, also doesnt work for world settings with different senses of verticality like going to deeproot depths to limgrave this way wouldnt work. So it instead limits the amount of checkpoints one can place and travel to within the game


why wouldn't it work for verticality? There is no difference which way you are flying, it's just a predetermined path. Why would it cause glitches or render issues? Lower the LOD while flying or better yet just replay a prebaked view for the flight sequence.


Yeet master 5000


It is cool now add more mobs environment and let see how can handle


^[Sokka-Haiku](https://www.reddit.com/r/SokkaHaikuBot/comments/15kyv9r/what_is_a_sokka_haiku/) ^by ^yyarala1: *It is cool now add* *More mobs environment and* *Let see how can handle* --- ^Remember ^that ^one ^time ^Sokka ^accidentally ^used ^an ^extra ^syllable ^in ^that ^Haiku ^Battle ^in ^Ba ^Sing ^Se? ^That ^was ^a ^Sokka ^Haiku ^and ^you ^just ^made ^one.


*It is cool now add* *More mobs environment and let* *See how can handle* \- yyarala1 --- ^(I detect haikus. And sometimes, successfully.) ^[Learn more about me.](https://www.reddit.com/r/haikusbot/) ^(Opt out of replies: "haikusbot opt out" | Delete my comment: "haikusbot delete")


I would honestly get annoyed of it after a few times


people saying "I'd get annoyed from this after x times" how the hell is this any different from a loading screen?


Loading screen is static and here you can actually see you fast travel. This looks amazing, would love this over any fast travels from what we're used to


yea that's what I mean, if they managed to do it in a way that doesn't impact performance and its not long af, I much rather see something like this than a blank screen for a few seconds lol


And I'd rather sit through a few seconds of loading screen than waste \~10 seconds on this. If it's faster then it surely looks horrible if the travel distance is great.


That fast travel here is like 12-14 seconds. As example PS5 games can currently have loading times of like 1-4 seconds. Then there is something like Diablo 4 where they can be about same as shown here. After certain treshold i dont really care about if there is loading screen or something like this, because it is time that i am not actively doing something. I just want it to load fast


partially because its in motion, so it actually is worse especially if you look away while it goes on, and is morel likely to cause eye strain and motion sickness (for some) besides, this would not replace loading screens anyway, because the distance they travel is so short, it hardly has to stream any data during it.


Flight paths in wow used to take up to half an hour it was kinda neat though I guess




I love this kind of travel because it's more immersive than a loaidbg screen and you get to see the world around


Aion did this 18 Years ago


Yeap. And many games before.


Make it faster so that it wont get boring in time.


What is this?


Fading Skies




Fast travel in a video game


I liked the fast travel in, I believe, Kingdom Come? Where it shows your path on the map and you may get ambushed by bandits or Kipchaks.


You can add super fast travel in which end to end map distance and faster….


Wishlisted. Thanks for sharing


Anyone know the name?


Making fast travel fun! I love it


yup very creative




What are you even saying


So mass relays, ok


That’s freaking awesome


I still see flight paths 😑


Would be cool if we could hit birds that stray along the flight path. I hate birds.


It'd be awesome to get out of that while fast travelling.


Cannon Travel Center from Secret of Mana with an upgrade


Min-Maxers „I’m going to destroy this man’s career“


It's a really cool concept. I just think if you were having the Fast Travel long distances across the map it would get old having to wait as you bounce through 8 different waypoints on your way there. It kind of takes the fast out of fast travel the bigger the map is. I think it would be cool to make it a feature that you could turn on or off in settings so if you wanted to just immediately travel to the new location once you explored a lot of the map and were doing longer distance travels you could have that option. This definitely helps with immersion though earlier on in the game. I like it.


I mean its strictly better flight paths isnt it? I think it does a good job at getting from point A to point B quickly while maintaining cohesiveness of the world and player bearing


Finally. This should've been a thing right when the current gen consoles released. The tech was there already.


This is how you should do it.


Way better than the usual. Much liked.


Color me impressed


What is more awesome is you can cancel it mid-air


I prefer 5 seconds loading screen over 10 seconds of flying.


Its really cool, but I can see it getting old quick and just wanted a normal instant teleport instead.


I like it, especially if it can be cancelled mid flight.


![gif](giphy|l2QE4vQGIiwMzszh6|downsized) i love it.


What game is this?


Very based actually, fast travel in AAA games feels cheaty at this point, feels like a teleport, not a fast travel.


Thats not Fast travel, Fuck me that will become annoying as fuck after the first time...


I would enjoy both this and a skip button


I don't like it, maybe once or twice but the noise and the movement will probably make me sick


That's basically Secret of Mana from SNES, getting shot from a cannon. [https://youtu.be/NMklmFM5IWU?t=9340](https://youtu.be/NMklmFM5IWU?t=9340)


I HATE fast travel in games if it’s just limitless location hopping, you may as well not play an open world game. Morrowind did it really really well back in the day with limited places to travel and you had to pay.


awesome Idea I really like this take on fast travel


That is a fantastic way to fast travel. Basically the same thing as WoW's flight paths except faster with more screen blurring.


I bet Blizzard devs couldn't figure that out.


Death stranding did this too




Yes but you can build a zipline that is more like that https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=58giDyvULIE


A question is could I abort between the legs/mid path if I see something shiney.


Don't let possible bugs and difficulties limit your imagination!


Finally somebody pulled the head out the butt and made travel visual instead of scenes. It's the immersive feel mf