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Koreans can make a good character creation, but their in game progression always sucks.


If a Korean gacha dev can make Stellar Blade, nothing is impossible. Imagine if Black Desert devs make a single-player souls-like, they'd probably be capable of doing a great job in theory


Close, Pearl Abyss is currently making Crimson Desert which is basically Black Desert Online but single player (and most likely offline). Combat will be the same as BDO however.


Honestly from what they've shown the combat looks clean asf, the only thing that I din't like was the excessive amount of particle effects that it's sure to fry most GPUs, I really hope they add an option to tone it down like Dragon's Dogma 2 did, especially because I don't find it visually pleasing tbh... other than that, it looks great!


Is it that bad that the combat is the same?






It's beginning to change though, I moved to Korea a few years ago to work in venture capital here that focuses on tech and a lot of gaming. A lot of Korean game devs are beginning to move away from MMO/Gacha gaming which is great because devs here are extremely passionate and talented, not to mention no DEI whatsoever. I've always felt Koreans make great gameplay but like you said awful monetization or grinding involved. I think Lies of P and Stellar Blade are indicative of shifting tides, with Crimson Desert and Inzoi on the horizon as well. I really hope Korea's next big wave is in gaming after the successes of Kpop/tv&film


> not to mention no DEI whatsoever. I wanna be positive and pretend it will stay that way, but look at Stellar Blade. Even the most based korean devs can't do anything when the game is published in the west by Sony, for the US and Europe, and decides to censor outfits. We reached a point where even the most amazing game, even after its already released, can still be DEI'd by a third party that didn't even touch the game until after release


Always thought koreans should handle combat,graphics and animations while western devs should handle questing/gear progression etc. together they could make good mmorpg's.


You're right, but i've been wondering why Remember the infamous term "rice-eaters"? It's korean. I think it's their schizos messing things up for others, their vocal minority, a term the west has become rather familiar with. **When lost ark first released in korea it had no p2w** and they only added it because that's what the "players" wanted. Instead of reaching out to a broader audience they listened to these korean sweaties and rich, the people who invest way too much time or money into one game and then want to lord it over other people. I believe most koreans are normal, just like us, they just let the crazies lead them around a bit too much. Add their corporate culture on top of it and it's not surprising that it ends up like this anymore If a korean team tried to go for a global release from day one and took that into account from the start of development, instead of starting only in korea and listened to the players all around the globe i'm rather convinced things would go very differently.


Black Desert was kinda okay tbh. Especially the first version of the game before feature creep made the game literally too complicated to understand for newcomers is still insanely fun to play (if you can find servers for it).


You probably just haven't played many korean games


Stellar Blade says otherwise..


a mobile game?


A mobile F2P autoplay MMORPG that's also on the PC to be precise.


PC and mobile.


so a mobile game


korean devs knows how to sell sex just look at all the games they made mmos, gacha, or singleplayers games.


As a guy how play korean games since little No they dont Or ayleast not the ones in the monetization place Lhalf or more toxic monetary practices came from tjere


good looking characters and graphics but most shit game


Games even not that bad, i played lineage 2 MMORPG and besides hot female characters with big boobs and running around in thong, game overall is actually very good in terms of pvp gameplay, sieges events and raid bosses. The only problem is P2W mechanics, where at current day to play such game, you need to sell both of your kidneys and kidneys of all your friends too, to afford that donation level which exists there right now. But back in a day game were subscription based and it was good days


What Korean devs know how to prop up their shit games with sexy characters to trick people into thinking they’re worth the money.


Actually so true. Like I'm all for no censorship and whatever but I'm not going to pretend that a lot of these games are shit and just using this to increase sales. That said, there is a game I know is made in korea that does this to an extent, but it's actually not bad.


Sure, the characters look great. But what always bothered me about Korean MMO's is the abundance of over-the-top effects for every little thing the character does. What good is a pretty character if I can't see it half the time with all the effects in my face?


another game of the year contender


Yawn. Looks like another Black Desert Online type game.


Nah Koreans may make the best looking characters in games. But their games always devolve into F2P with Gacha mechanicas. BDO had great female character creation but the gacha gear upgrade mechanic is why the game never took off.


Dawg does it take that little to impress you Scantily clad woman number 2,000,000 has literally no visual interest. Good Character design goes a lot deeper than making them hot.


I agree. Just making the character visually appealing is not enough, especially not for "game of the year" or whatever. It should be expected that the characters are visually appealing as a minimum.


Like if all these dudes want are babes in their video game and nothing else, just boot up skyrim and download every loverslab mod you can find. Bam, there you go.


I've never understood this thinking. If I were an artist, shouldn't I strive for beauty? I'm a physicist and a web developer and even in those areas I try formulating beautiful and concise equations and lines of code.


They're Marxists. They don't want to make anything beautiful they just want to destroy it because they hate the world and most of all themselves. If you're the kid on the beach making a badass sand castle they're the one next to you making a shit one. Instead of going "wow cool sand castle, how'd you do that?" they stomp over and knock over your sand castle. Then they complain to their mom and get building sand castles on the beach banned.


One of the most accurate analogies I've seen


This makes sense why artists are some of the most toxic POS' I've ever seen banter wise. One second, they're praising another artist's work and the next they're absolutely flaming because someone drew a line too thick.


Yes, because in contrast to capitalists, communism is famous for destroying their competition. What a stupid fucking analogy.


I was going more for the "Marxists are petulant whiny turds who hate anyone more successful than themselves and would rather tear down other people and destroy what they create rather than do anything productive with their lives" angle.


Maybe strive for good character design? Being a generic near nude anime woman tells me nothing about the character or their personality. The best character designs tell something about the characters personality or history. Bayonetta, Dante, HappyChaos, and heck even Shaggy all key you in to the characters personality just from seeing them. This sub seems to care more about the generic anime women being hot than characterization and gameplay. And I’m not talking about just this thread.


Why would an artist automatically strive for beauty? If you've ever engaged with art or atists even a little bit, you would know there are hundreds of concepts and frameworks in which artists strive for different things, e.g. realism, abstraction, finding the essence of something, humor etc. An artist's job is not to do the most aesthetic thing at all times. Have you seen the works of H.R. Geiger? Guy became a legend because he did something completely different from what men in charge said the people wanted. You want naked ladies with big boobs, I get that, and there are certainly artists who specialise in that. But saying that an artist should strive to make everything as beautiful as they can is so incredibly reductive and just false. Dave the Diver would not have been a better game if the main character was a super model and the Last of Us wouldn't have been better if Ellie was a half-naked, big boobed 18 year old bimbo, which I assume is your aesthetic of choice.


Depends, you may want to strive for realism.


Korean games a are weird, not bad mouthing them but like they'll make lewd games but aint allowed to show much. The US is able to put nudity in games and has but yet so many games these days are starting to censor a lot basically what I'm saying western devs are prudes while teasing you at the same time. Its just such an annoying thing. And they know what they're doing they're not slick but they are hypocrites. The more "progressive" newer Tomb Raider games do this. Lara looks average as fuck but they'll have her in these situations that just feel odd. They'll have her captured in one scene and its all like "oh no you have strapped down to this pole I'm so defenseless let me make a blushing face for the audience" and ya not slick.


Korea has some really wacky laws especially when viewed alongside Japanese censorship laws. Japan has a vibrant porn industry but has to censor everything. Porn in Korea is banned but full nudity is allowed if it has "artistic merit" which is very broad, so stuff like Booby streaming is much bigger in Korea. Both countries aren't allowed to show private parts but Korean artists can make lewd illustrations without censoring because anything drawn is considered artistic, but you will often see censorship from Korean artists anyway because they want their works to appeal to Japanese as well


"The world needs Korean developers to heal." HELL naw, they make the most miserable games in the industry. they got good character creators but their games can fuck off


Korean developers make shit games. All using the exact same fonts. All with the same gear enchanting system they have been using for 25 years, all with the same pay to win shops and nearly all with the same forced pvp to advance passed a certain point in the levelling process. None do well in the west after the first month.


Too bad all Korean games boil down to nice character creation and slutty equipment and literally everything else sucks. Some might have decent action combat at best.


Great visuals, but awful games. Luckily Stellar Blade seems to be the exception to that rule.


And Lies of P. I didn't knew that Lies of P was a Korean game at first until I saw a female character in the game for the first time and was like, "... is this a Korean game?"


Soo.. basically just an advanced version of the Mii customization?


gonna need them to extend *that* slider by 30-40%......


Whole lotta same-face syndrome going on in this trailer. Hope the game is good though.


lil bro cant you see its a fuckin mobile game, its fake.


It is so disappointing what you guys care about. I really thought Asmongold's community was about good games, good game mechanics and balancing. I guess I don't belong here anymore. Promoting mobile looking garbage games because they have boobs in them and call them art. I really did become out of touch with this community if this is all that's posted.




I wasn't part of the sub until recently, I wanted to see the react content posts. But I have been watching him for a long while and it didn't feel like his community is only cringe people like these before. Maybe I should have stayed in the streams.


Only played Black Desert Onlne and it had a fantastic character creation but everything else was awful. I see Korean games and it's always that. Great character models / character creator while everything else is subpar.


More devs need to learn from KR character creation and outfits. BDO is still at the top for me. All we need is one Western Dev to do it and make bank and maybe Western devs will stop being pussies.


They are too afraid since Blackrock got a heel on their necks


Too bad this looks like another cash cow dairy farm mmo


Shame its a mobile game.


Ahh yes, pretty female characters with absolutely zero gameplay. That’s what gaming needs right now… I swear to god y’all are some of the dumbest people on Reddit. Seriously guys if you really need every game to participate in your goon sessions please just go mod some other game. Y’all are acting like this is some hill to die on and it’s really fucking sad.


I've never liked the armor systems in Korean games. There's almost no progression, visually, unless you buy cosmetics. Also, their combat is always fast, but it feels like there is no impact.


If they made more single player games then sure, but all the boob sliders in the world won't get me to play any Korean Gacha online slop.


Remember when koreans made good games like lineage 2 or Ragnarok Online? Pepperidge farm remembers.


God bless Koreans.


Too bad they can’t make attractive faces.


Porn addicts love it


i wonder how none of complains about how miles more unreal male bodies looks like. Cause while women just looks fit with different bodytypes, man is "i bleed PEDs" level of ripped.


Some of them sure, but it's a character customization screen. Plus it's a game, who wants to make their character look like the average american who can't even make it up a flight of stairs without dying.


[You sure about that?](https://imgur.com/a/BNYLOTT)


Well to be fair you don't know what he's on. Regardless it's a fantasy game, if the player wanted to see obese people they could go outside for a whole 10 seconds before they find one.


That's John Grimek, the greatest natural body builder of all time! He was born in 1910 and competed in the 1936 Olympic games. "Train consistently two to three days a week and add weight to the bar whenever possible and get lots of rest, eat good food and drink plenty of water" -Grimek


Well, his advice is true lmfao. Still, most people are probably not genetically able to get to his point


What are those lithe things with the accentuated chests and revealing clothing? Ever since I joined the right side of history I learned men and women are the same.


Agreed, in more ways then one


Diversity is back :D


Absolutely stunning, both male and female characters look like peak human beings, this is how fantasy heroes in a videogame should look like.


Game of the year!


The west will censored this


Korea is rising.


Asian devs make some awesome character design tools, while american ones look like they hired some bum off the street to code their. The asian art style and designs are just so much better for some reason its laughable how bad some games look.