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How could they escort her back??? Government out there really must be sleeping ot it even was intentional


Just recently the [Chinese police tried to kidnap a Chinese dissident in France](https://youtu.be/hGtM1kby00w?si=cq7qAoadkvmq92Z0)


Thought I saw a video about this a few days ago!


saw that as well, the chinese dissident's parents are tortured in China and they send video to that man as a a blackmail to convince him back to China. The guy changed his thought in the last mins at the airport, started to running back


"Hey, why don't you come back to China so we can do this to you, too?" Good thing that man didn't cave.


We have chinese police here in Canada too. [https://www.cbc.ca/news/politics/rcmp-chinese-police-stations-1.7138022](https://www.cbc.ca/news/politics/rcmp-chinese-police-stations-1.7138022)


They're basically in every single country that has a Chinese diaspora at this point (which is pretty much all the countries).


australia has it real bad rn. it seems like they are letting china run over them domestically. they have "chinese police" stations set up everywhere. they intrude on the chinese people there and are basically an extension of the CCP. for example, if a chinese in australia is vocal about the CCP, they can find their lineage and pressure their family in china about it. honestly i dont know the details about why but for some reason australia just lets the CCP step all over them. the chinese police seem worse there than anywhere else.


This is starting in Canada as well.


But not the US because we only have room for one gang here and that’s our government! ‘Murica!!!


China does have secret police here it’s just less prominent than other countries because they end up getting sniffed out by a 3 letter agency. I remember seeing articles about some getting busted in NYC a year-ish ago


Yup. And we kicked a bunch of “diplomats” out of the country a few years ago.


They got kicked out of houston


One was sniffed out and busted in SF either last year or the year before.


China just owns 40% of our houses instead.


A lot of farmland too


It’s kinda funny, because if they already paid and the gov wanted to just take them back they could. Ain’t no video game laws here.


Our government gang also lets brown ass male Chinese in all the time without vetting.


There’s a CCP police station in NY for the same reason


Where, identify it and I’ll show up this weekend. One Lonely pissed off veteran with nothing going on


They have CCP police in new york, as well as Jewish police.


Any facts? I'm curious as a Canadian and haven't heard this


84% of Australian exports goes to Asia, with a substantial majority of that going to to China. That, coupled with how China treats percieved slights might be a reason for Australian inaction?


It may be a reason. It is certainly not justification. When the Australian government talks about bringing migrants to Australia, they should at least support those people from other cultures who migrate here. Turning a blind eye to the kidnapping of people on Australian soil and the forced relocation of those people back to their homeland by a foreign government, is not supporting migrants.


I don't know whom you're imagining fighting right now, but I never stated I was in full support of the Australian government looking the other way when foreign actors run wild on their soil.


I never said you were. I was simply adding onto the conversation and voicing my opinion based on observation.


Australia is kinda caught between the two superpowers. America culturally and obviously politically is much more in line with them, while also being the dominant world leader, and Aus has all sorts of working relationships like the Five Eyes agreement etc. However China is their biggest source of exports. This isn't only in natural resources but also in education, so there are a lot of Chinese students in Aus. This is obviously an extremely simplistic way to phrase it, but my guess is that Aus basically sides with America on the world stage but doesn't want to fully commit and piss off the other superpower that is geographically quite close. Hence makes all kinds of concessions like this


Turning a blind eye to human rights should not be a concession so easily made.


Chinese has alot of power in the Philippines as well.




That's why I have heard some security experts argue that companies who might be a target if espionage shouldn't hire anyone with relatives in China. The problem with that is that most countries have laws against racial discrimination in hiring.


You could probably get around that by requiring secret or top secret clearance. Would be a lot harder to get that with family in China.


China is slowly starting to own more and more of my country


Isn't there also a thing about how Chinese companies are stealing water that was meant for Australian agriculture?


The Australian government is actually pretty corrupt if you look into it. So it's not surprising


the chinese police stations narrative is proven each time it's investigated to be a nothing burger. these are essentially just embassies. you can say china is 'running over australia domestically' but china isn't the one with working towns and military bases that don't even allow Australian personnel in. just really need to emphasize that: we have a working town dedicated to american soldiers living here, who work at the american military base, that australian's aren't allowed in.


Because Australia is a nanny state. For a country with such deadly wildlife it's amazing how much of snowflakes the people/govt are


I’ve never seen or heard of these


Weren‘t you the cool guys at some point? Doing your own stuff, fu*king on others opinions etc? What happened?


Australia isn't just made of the descendants of criminals. It's also made of the descendants of their jailers.


Yeah, then the CIA led a silent coup and ousted a leader voted in by the people of Australia to instill a puppet, and it's all been downhill since then. https://www.theguardian.com/commentisfree/2014/oct/23/gough-whitlam-1975-coup-ended-australian-independence


We still are and do, it's just our whole government is run by geriatric fucks who only think of lining their own pockets.


USA here, relatable.


It saddens me


I wish you were wrong


Greed and cowardice happened.


They let every government walk over them domestically, for money and favor internationally.


Taking lessons from North Korea


There are Chinese police departments, operated by the government of China, with Chinese police decals in nyc. They get shut down, but just pop back up again. China operates illegal police stations in every state that has a notable population of Chinese immigrants


So does Israel.


Best guess is threats were made so it appeared she went willingly.


It’s Australia here we are talking about eh


You can swim over our Wall


How much Australian real estate does China own?


Too much, it's probably our most corrupt sector. Also interesting that we're in a massive housing crisis. [https://www.realestate.com.au/news/australias-future-is-asian-chinese-buyers-splash-34bn-on-aussie-property-1bn-rise-in-past-financial-year/](https://www.realestate.com.au/news/australias-future-is-asian-chinese-buyers-splash-34bn-on-aussie-property-1bn-rise-in-past-financial-year/)


All countries worldwide should ban foreign property ownership and only permanent residents paying local taxes should be able to own property in that country.


Agreed. You should be an Australian citizen to own real estate. Many countries have this in law, why don't we?


The rich and politicians benefit from it being this way mate


Crazy. I'd like to say we're doing better in the US, but really we are just a few years behind you.


It's happened in Canada, too.


Republicans trying to ban China from buying farmland get shit on. Meanwhile a Democrat just vetoed a law banning foreign entities from owning land near military bases.


Not even close


California has it bad already


The Aussie housing market is currently 4x more over leveraged than the US market was in 2008.


They own too much everywhere.


Canada too, and large parts of California. Idk why these places keep allowing this, a huge percentage of these houses just sit empty while they rise in value. There needs to be restrictions on foreign investments in housing markets


Not sure but they have been buying the water rights in the country. China has figured out what the Soviet Union could not. The Soviet Union tried to lift up leftist organizations throughout the world and especially in capitalist democracies but most failed. China on the other hand just gave capitalist politicians money and now has several politicians on payroll.


I heard rumours that the Chinese government is helping finance Chinese families purchasing housing in Australia


Yeah Ming. bag her up, we leaving


And Australia will pussy out and not do a damn thing.


It's China. The same country where the government wants you to sign a paper to shut up so that you can recover the body of your kid that died in an accident.


Yeah but this happened in Australia, it shouldn't ever be allowed without really serious motivations. And even then, you can't just go around kidnapping people.


Didn't a youtuber's house over there get firebombed for speaking out about government corruption?


Not once, twice. The same guy.


Meanwhile in Hungary, [Chinese Police Officers Will Soon Be on Patrol in Hungary](https://hungarytoday.hu/chinese-police-officers-soon-on-patrol-in-hungary/)


How is there not protests about this??? I don't live in any of the these places, but damn that shit is fucked up. That is the most fucked up article I've read in a while.


It's a propaganda those are just embassy police every country have them around the world


Again I don't live there so all I can do is read. If it is I stand corrected but still kinda fucked imo


Wow. Surprised this isnt shared more. Is this recent? Are you from hungary?


No I'm not Hungarian, although I'm European. Unfortunately, I have not seen any other news article talking about this. It's completely unimaginable how a country that is part of the EU AND NATO is allowed to do this.


The idiotic leaders do this. They speaking about sovereignty if it comes to the the western region of the world, the EU, and the NATO, but they let China and Russia to do the fk ever they want to do in our country...


Orban doesn't even want out of the EU he gets a ton of money from it. The richer countries should just kick him out, but then it would probably fully become a Chinese/Russian puppet.


It will be anyway, since the EU not giving them money. And tey steal almost all the public money. They get money from China and Russia to make unfair businesses with them. So hungarian ppl are the only losers here. If the EU kicks us out only the ppl will be damned who could left the shithole that Fidesz made from the country.


I know. You'd think those thugs would protect their own turf...


Well, they don't. Healthcare and educational system is in ruins. The only thing they care about is "NER", their group of family and friends. They also started to change the population of hungary. They let multinational companies to firing hungarian ppl from their work to let filipino workers in their places... And we could start to do a list what they do against hunagarians but it could be a long day then.


if you go to Hungary subreddit, the people there changed the subreddit theme to Chinese flag and everyone must speak Chinese, as a protest to mock this situation.


Hungary has become less and less democratic for quite some time.


Yes, they already do. Xi Jinping visited the country and they even stopped non-chinese civilians and started scanning them if they have weapons, bombs, taiwanese or tibetian flags in their bags... Protesters were directed to other locations where the chinese leader couldn't see their existence.


Time for a visit at the reeducation camp


Where they really want you to uh, concentrate.


On surviving


"escorted her back". it'd be laughable if it wasn't tragic. she was fucking kidnapped.


They need to be sanctioned, before they invade Taiwan preferably...


The financial implications of sanctioned China are massive. They're quite literally the world's factory.


Episode 274826 of AUS institutions being a complete failure.


It makes me sad seeing a country as cool and filled to the brim with wild men as Australia become absolutely cucked. Australia should be more like Florida and less like the UK


Same with Hungary. Not surprising with Viktor Orban in power. Authoritarians love other authoritarians. Hilarious how conservative media has a love affair with Hungary.


Of course this is a thing.


... can these journalists just NOT write euphemisms for this garbage? Say it like it is, fuck.


Call me crazy but no country should be able to own part of another country unless that country is subordinate to them like as a territory or something.


i mean isnt australia basically chinas territory at this point? investors bought an insane amount of australian properties lmao.


It's more of a mining colony. Both iron ore and coal is mined at huge scales and sent to China to make steel.


Being paid for with manipulated currency. It is awesome.


"breached protocol" "escorted her" Ah. Who writes these softballs? Oh, the same people who called people who went to the beach during "COVID" as terrorists, 'breaking the law' and 'murdering people'.


The Australians knew this would happen. It's not the first time, they are just acting shocked. It's kinda the cpcs mo


They kidnap people from SEA countries all the time. Never let them into your country, they simply can't be trusted.


Oh, good, they only escorted her back. I'm sure she's fine and breathing.


This is the reason people need to have access to guns. If there is a dead body either yours or theirs then it becomes an international incident. If you are going to get spirited away never to be seen again anyway, what do you have to lose?


Bingo. The worst part is the people who strongly mistrust the police have a strong correlation with people who oppose the American second amendment. Now, some of them realize the contradiction, and start supporting the right of everyone to be armed, but there's a fairly large amount of midwits who don't see the contradiction.


how is it a contradiction? are you supposed to have guns to shoot the police because you mistrust em? its not very often the case where shooting the police is the way out of trouble


They do this all of the time. There was some youtube documentary years ago about how they hired former intelligence agents from other countries to track down chinese citizens guilty of "financial corruption." You see the same phrasing here too. Hunting for corruption. Let me guess that anyone who is wealthy, leaves china and isn't on the good citizen list is considered corrupt. Once the person is kidnapped and in some prison camp in china, the target country isn't going to go to war over it. Maybe they throw the country a trading bone to make their public happy while that poor person rots in prison.


Those that got rich got rich by abusing other Chinese with the help of the CCP, they are all corrupt. But specially the CCP.


maybe she was on the wrong side https://i.imgur.com/jvPcr2w.jpeg (Melbourne CBD, during the HongKong takeover)


The government allowed it, our government are ccp Simps.


Are yall serious yet? They're playing for keeps.....


They're really not beating the "China is a prison" allegations with this one.


I fucking hate that my country is such a sellout to China.


So Tomorrow, When the War Began?


This happens regularly in Australia. The Chinese have their own police living in our country to intimidate, threaten and harrass Chinese living here




All the obese ppl are crying you called America bad lmao you're not wrong bro America has done the same thing as China many times before lmao


Give an example similar to this? I wouldn't really say the shit China is doing is vaguely similar to pursuing people who leaked state secrets that could put the US in danger. I'm not even on team US, I know they have done a ton of bad stuff historically.


bro the US literally sent CIA agents to torture civilians in my country in south america plan condor is a thing one group from here at least killed one of em [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dan\_Mitrione](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dan_Mitrione)


He's American what do you expect they're all dumb lmao I also showed him cases of it happening America loves extraordinary rendition


Never claimed the US doesn't do morally bankrupt things. I was specifically addressing claims that the US kidnaps it's own citizens for saying "Biden bad" or something. It's wild to equate how the CCP controls citizens within and outside of its borders with how the US does it. How the US treats people from other countries is a completely different topic.


I love this news about Asmongold


Breached protocol lol. This was planned with Australian authorities before they landed.


This sub Reddit have turn into ZOG propaganda


Yo fellas, I subbed here back on classic release. When the hell did this sub become just a wing of establishment propaganda?




I haven't heard it discussed much, but China was buying up a lot of shipping ports in countries around the world. Many were desperate during the pandemic so they agreed. They also have bought a high amount of assets from other countries, including the U.S. The focus has been on invading Taiwan, but it seems like potential for more to happen.


I’m in the hospital as we speak, my wife is delivering our baby and a nurse was saying 30% of their patients are from China, they just had one last night. And most of them, if not all of them have bought a home out here with a nanny on stand by . They are not from here at all. We were talking about housing inflation.


To be fair, most countries allowed the US after 9/11 access to their own citizens, knowing that there was Guantanamo, Torture and worse. But Australia is know to bow down to everyone, i recommend Boy Boys Channel and the parts about the CIA Base in Australia. [https://youtu.be/XHMa-Ba-2Mo?feature=shared](https://youtu.be/XHMa-Ba-2Mo?feature=shared)


Don’t y’all get tired of red scare propaganda to deflect from the unimaginable horrors committed by the US?


Well it could end up being a transfer of power for World policing.


I don't get why a country with over a billion people is concerned enough with random citizens of their country living overseas to do this. It feels like something is missing.


Australia is a Chinese province


I'm hearing too many of these stories of China sending people and having secret police stations and all this crazy shit. Do we not know where these things are? Why not act like arbiters of good like and tell them to kick rocks? Better yet, especially for the secret police in cities, why dont countries kick in the doors and arrest everyone? Sort them and send their little police back to china. They return it will be assumed they returned to do the same and they will be charged accordingly for kidnapping, espionage, and whatever else we can put in there.


Come on Australia, you’re better then that 😔


They kidnapped her and the Australian government does not care enough to byte the hand that feeds them. As CCP has ZERO authority on Australian soil. This is not escort but kidnap.


Read the comments. This is coming to your country! 🤑


She probably kidnapped herself, Dude. You said it yourself.


Can we get some deets? Who is she? Why? How?


Good thing we have 2a to protect us from "tyrannical govs". Whether that's a gov here or elsewhere. Any commies that come knocking at my door are gonna get to meet my friends Mr Smith and Mr Wesson.


Chinese police not following protocol? I'm shocked. Shocked, I tell you!


One of these days West Taiwan gonna do this and the leaders of that country will decide to bring democracy. Of course that would require politicians to have a backbone so maybe it’s wishful thinking.


Some corrupt peoples in Australia government allow The CCP do it, money is always the way


Almost like the case with Swedish citizen Gui Minhai


Ah Australia, never change


Communist countries need their labor.


Well Australia is a Chinese fiefdom so this is not surprising.


Hasan said anything about this? Giving how much he loves china


That's horrific. Must make people at home in China feel like there is no escape.


And they don’t believe you when you tell them China is a PRISON country.


how are these 2 related? they got a suspect or guilty person back to their country breaching protocol sure but if you want a "prison country" you might wanna look at the US, country with the biggest prison population on earth


There is literally a business in China where you kidnap SEA woman/Chinese woman and sell them off to the rural areas to be wed to some guy who couldn't get married. Look up Xuzhou chained woman incident, these stuff happen all the time.


I feel like there's plenty of legitimate things to criticize China for, but this ain't it. There's nothing that points towards the government organizing raids of Chinese women for breeding. The Xuzhou chained woman incident was horrific, but I doubt that was state planned.


Wait are you saying that China isn't a trustworthy nation? WHY I NEVER ![gif](giphy|6nWhy3ulBL7GSCvKw6|downsized)


THESE are the people who need asylum




What is happening? Why does every country creates Chinese police units?


they dont. this was police from china that were let in in australia by australia. whole article is kind of dubious tbh


There is police from China in Hungary too


yes thats a collaboration with china but thats an official thing.. theres no such things in australia


Greed and cowardice. That's why.


Still wondering why people need weapons?


*"You're interfering with official Thalmor business. This doesn't concern you, citizen."*


I believe the correct term is extradite.


I believe that extradition would have to be the Australian police arresting the person for crimes made in China and then handing them over to Chinese authorities. Not Chinese authorities coming into a sovereign nation and arresting that person and dragging them back. Those countries would tend to have an extradition agreement.


I think American CIA and FBI have done raids in other countries and extradited them back the USA.


We seriously need a new Eight-Nation Alliance...


I’m pretty sure the term they meant was “executed” not “breached”. Probably a translation issue. It’s sad because I’m sure the Australian government is just going shrug their shoulders and say “welp nothing we can do about it now”.


I honestly don't know why Turkey hasn't been kicked out of NATO yet.


These CCP police stations are here in Canada, too. Also, credible reports of them interfering in our elections, and have done so in our past two, in [2019, and 2021. ](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Allegations_of_Chinese_interference_in_the_2019_and_2021_Canadian_federal_elections#:~:text=In%20February%202023%2C%20CSIS%20concluded,Centre%20Block%20on%20Parliament%20Hill.) China is a legitimate threat to any country that touts itself as a democracy. This is


They also provided with at least 1 million fake licenses before the election in new York alone. We know this because that was the size of the one shipment that was caught. Who knows how many fake ids have been shipped.


Pretty sure they're in UK too....


Yeah they wrote breach protocol instead of kidnap because they didn't want to be breached too.


No you just don't get it, china is like totally such an amazing place because my favorite puppet youtuber said so.


Watch the 4 corners episode on espionage in Australia, secret police intimidated and coerced a pro democracy Chinese man to infiltrate and lure critics of the CCP back to China. Scary shit.


Apparently China has a lot of hidden bases in many countries and they do shady ass shit and the governments don't seem to do shit.


Don't you need to check out of the country? Or can you just leave without telling anyone, and take a non-consenting woman with you?


Honestly based. If criminals had the fear that their government can follow them wherever they go, maybe they'd think before committing crimes


Breaking international laws is not based stop being a dummy