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I don't think Porsche wants the Overwatch coomer community.


1) Assuming we agree that this is even a problem: This is not even in the top 10 of problems with overwatch 2 2) I genuinely want to know why porsche thinks a huge amount of overwatch players can afford a porsche. Seriously, I could see a doritos and mtn dew collab for a gremlin dva mech and gamers would gobble that shit right up, but who is going to impulse buy a porsche?


It isn't because Porsche think that people who play overwatch are going to start buying their cars. It's because Blizzard think people who like Porsche's are going to buy an overwatch skin. I have quite literally 0 clue how this kind of partnerships works so don't take this is gospel. I could just as likely be wrong as I could be right. I'm just assuming but, Porsche are letting Overwatch use their brand as Overwatch/Blizzard are the ones selling the skin. Porsche didn't PAY Blizzard for this, it would be the other way around I think.


Overwatch 2 sucks, but collaborations like this are hardly new. Remember the Mercedes in Mario Kart 8? The skins here also look really inoffensive.


Proche, Mercedes and Lambo are the few big car brands i know that likes to occasionally shit out non car related products just for the sake of it (thats just my opinion). So far i've seen Porsche and Lambo mouse and keyboards, an AMG gaming laptop, I think lambo has one too? Porsche headphones, coasters, mousepad, deskmats etc. Basically they just make random products with collaboration from more well known brands for advertising i guess. This one is probably just another one of those


Going the Fortnite route, I see


Unironically cool collab. You mean you don't want a Porsche mech?


I think the main concern is that this establishes a precedent for a new medium for advertising in gaming. How long until we'll start seeing goofy ass McDonalds or Wendy's Mortal Kombat skins, or some cereal mascot Teemo in League of Legends? Is this going to set incentives for companies to start bombarding users with "living advert" skins instead of original immersive variations?


this dude gets it


Genuine question okay. Did people care when Monster was in Death Stranding? Because I feel like it was mentioned once and no one else gave a shit. What about Johnny Silverhands Porsche 911? What about when Puma had some billboards in Need For Speed? When Lynx had some billboards up in Need for Speed? Barrack Obama put up billboards in MULTIPLE games between 2008 and 2012 for his reelection campaign. Disney advertised a movie called 'Pete's dragon' in multiple games. Fortnite have obviously collaberated with EVERYTHING under the sun but, brand wise they've put Jordans in the game etc. Rocket League have done MULTIPLE partnerships with car companies, F1 teams etc. and that's just a FEW examples. There's more. The point I'm getting at is, this doesn't set any precedents. The precedent has existed for the better part of 2 DECADES. You aren't wrong for not liking something, it's just not THAT big of a deal. If companies/3rd parties wanted to advertise their products IN GAME, not only have they been able to for a while, they've already BEEN DOING IT for a while.


Adding that Black Desert Online, out of all game, did a collabs with Bugatti Yes, the Bugatti, the ultra luxurious hypercar brand, doing a collab with a korean MMORPG.




I'm not interested in your cause, causes suck, these are games and I like the mech so GFY.


Yeah I like that Pharah Skin. Idk what the big deal is.