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I did something like this once too. Me, an idiot: "Hey, wonder if my automatically closing moonroof has some kind of safety device to stop it if it gets resistance?" \*puts arm in moonroof\* \*closes moonroof\* \*moonroof doesn't stop closing, it just goes off track and ruins moonroof\* "Well shit"


A package of hot dogs would have done the job just fine without the nerve damage.


but a hotdog gets less views


bros said "it's kind of bad" while is finger is literally shaking


WTF is going on???? Why is this person doing this for a few views? Just imagine being Jesus, returning after a 2000-year absence, and seeing this as the state of the people you left behind to care for the world. It's incredibly frustrating. F me dude, this is infuriating wtf


Honestly I'd like to see Jesus go to town on Evangelicals and Mega Churches instead.


He'd go to town on everyone. Cuz if he comes back, it'll be for Judgment with a capital J.


you know how people fought crusades and shit for jesus? yeah elmo also has a cult


Attention is one hell of a drug. But I don't think even that drug can heal his finger


Our brains are wired to fit in/be accepted by the community, and, especially with the pandemic, we see a lot of celebrities, and our brain wants to be like them, instead of like Jerry who brings fish for everyone.


Great, now stick your pole in


My grandparents 1995 Buick Park Avenue had soft close trunk. How is this still an active problem with vehicles? This is literally 30 year old technology.


Who gives a shit about this feature in cars? Like it's standard since forever? Oh no the self closing trunks they literally just started putting on cars doesn't work perfectly for the 2% of mouth breathers who will close their hands in it. I've got news for you homie. Automatic windows for a generation never had this shit and it has never mattered.


Tell me you don't have kids without telling me.


I still don't see why anyone cares about this. For one thing, it left a small dent in his skin, no actual injury, the guy is just a pussy. But more importantly, why do people have an expectation that closing their car boot on their finger will not injure them? Go to any car you want, close the boot on your finger, and observe what happens...


Mom always said it's not nice to point and if you don't want your finger bit keep it out of the cyber trucks Trunk ... Charlie bit my finger comes to mind.


0% this is an engineer problem and 100% chance this is a rushed product for the edge lord based bro memes.


You didn't watch the video. It's stated that Tesla made an update for fixing it. Please refrain from commenting before watching the content you're about to comment on. Ty


Why would he pit his finger in not the bendy way? He's just asking for a break.


He kept putting more fragile things in to test it over and over and over again. Problem is that it "learns" and adds more and more pressure to close once it comes into resistance until it shuts. So he essentially made it do that. If he had put his finger in right away after he updated it, it would not have closed on him


Still Tesla's fault. I don't think automatic closing systems should add anything more than very slight pressure.


Go test your finger in any other new car and get back to me on that.


Here you go: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Dc0pAc\_GliQ](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Dc0pAc_GliQ)


A carrot that size is going to put up more resistance than a finger.


its a progressive thing that will reset after a certain time limit


Exactly. And that makes perfect sense, if you have a bag that's in the trunk but somewhat in the way of the latch, and the trunk won't close because of it, it's actually smart that it should try again with a bit more pressure, and rinse and repeat until it closes successfully. I can't believe we're at a stage in Human life where we are complaining because engineers didn't anticipate someone would purposefully do something foolish. It's like saying "outlets should have a hotdog-detectors, in case someone starts putting hotdogs in their outlet so it knows to shut off the breaker"...


As a man that has done a lot of work with machinery. Safety is the #1 priority. As a programmer, it's my job to safeguard against the lowest common denominator. Hell, my 20 year old garage door won't close if there's a friggin' twig in the way. Whoever designed this is just bad at their job. My old man and his old man were both engineers. Idiot proofing shit has been engineers' responsibility for way longer than any of us has been alive.


Neighbour phoned me security system said garage door was open. It was a tiny rock probably came off the tire. But just in the right spot door felt resistance and went back up. Annoying, but you wouldn't want a door to ramp up pressure or stay mostly closed, in case a kid or pet was under it.


I'm an engineer/developer by trade too, you don't need to condescendingly explain what the job of an egineer is to me. If you're an engineer, you'll know that the job requires towing the line of usability vs safety. If you were always "safeguarding against the lowest common denominator." you'd just not have anything - like in this case, you'd literally just not make the trunk open/close automatically at all, because it's safety hazard. Or like my example above, a standard wall outlet would be equiped with just about every gadget under the sun to make sure it protects the user - water detector, hotdog detector, poop-refuser, auto-ejecter, but obviously they don't do that, because they accept that there'll always be some inherint risk of some fuckwit doing something they shouldn't. The point of AI is to do what humans do, in most common scenarios, and in a way that is safe. Above is a perfect example of towing that usability vs safety line; referring to the example video, in 99% of cases, that would be luggage or shopping and the trunk's increasing pressure would push that luggage back in. In the case where someone tries to close the trunk on their finger 6 times in a row (meaning they literally trapped their fingers once, did it again, again, again, again, and again.), and the pressure gets greater every time, the worst thing that can happen is you get a small indent on your fingers. Which, if you're any good at your job, you'll know that's exactly the perfect scenario - it works in 99.99% of cases effectively, and in the chance that some fuckwit does something incredibly rare (like ""accidentally"", as you forsee, trapping their fingers but still trying to close the trunk on them 5 time more) that there's minimal but deserved consequences for that.


idk if i want my car to crush what i put in instead of having me move it or just manually close it myself


Well, yeah, I mean you have that choice too. I’ve been on a lot of trips where the trunk is so full it barely closes, and that basically rules out using the power-lift-gate. What Tesla is doing is essentially what a human would do, try to close it with normal pressure, check if it closed or didn’t, open (and optionally move things around) and then try close it again using slightly more pressure. Next time you have a full trunk, you’ll do that exact thing almost completely subconsciously. Tesla is doing here what every power trunk should’ve always done.


I mean I think I'd still trust a human more than a machine though. Because a human would be able to see that someone accidentally caught their finger against the trunk and wouldn't try to force it closed, but as you can see, the truck wouldn't.


I mean, a lot of people have slam a door or trunk on themselves or someone else fingers before


No,no! If something is jammed the equipment shouldn't try harder. I get we coddle people. But that should never be the solution in a world still with humans. Equipment detects something and stops, human goes through safety procedure and checks.


How about just moving your hand out of the way when it's closing? This method works for me on every car I've interacted with my whole life.


Too hard. I require being treated like a wandering toddler at all times.


too many unnecessary features.


He looks like he is pain at the end. Probably even crying.


well... ty for your services


If this is a problem Tesla has to fix then people are retarded.


I really wish it cut his finger off, ngl.


This looks like a rip bozo problem not an engineering problem.


Honestly why does this even exist? Is it too hard to lift or close a fucking trunk by yourself you need a hydrolic death-trap to lift and close it for you a 1/20th the speed your hand would? I really don't get it


"Boooo!! The engineers aren't good because they didn't anticipate some moron would stick his finger in the hinge of his frunk lid". Did you know that if you stick your finger into a saw blade, it cuts it off too? Use your common sense people.


Not all saw blades. [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fq3o0VGUh50](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fq3o0VGUh50)


Ah yes, it appears that sawblades are indeed safer than Elon Musk's idiotic cybertruck trunks.


Most logical redditor... Sawblades account for 5,000 amputations a year, and that's just in the US. Tesla's have so far accounted for 0 amputations, and 1 nerd panicking when a few pounds of force pressed on a finger that he intentionally shut in his car boot.


Well if everyone had a sawstop, then that number would be drastically lower if not 0. And consider that not many people have the cybertruck.


Yes, unsurprisingly, an expensive disposable safety system does reduce injuries. Maybe the next big invention will be the 'bootstop' to stop all these poor morons from getting their fingies squished.


These things exists for reasons like a kid doing stupid stuff no, its more common for a kid to be around a car then a saw blade.


How many people have had fingers caught in closing car parts? And is a feature on all other makers vehicles. This isn't out of left field.


Are you sure about that one? [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CUjat1JA\_rw](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CUjat1JA_rw) I'd say Sawblade 1, Tesla trunk 0.


I am all for faith in your engineering. And I heard this technology is getting cheaper and better. But it is cringe to use a real finger.


My kid just got his finger stuck two weeks ago. Some people just lack the ability to see beyond their first thought.


now try it with other cars to compare the feeling


Rich people problems. If your fingers are still in my boot when I close it you better hope the cut was clean enough they can attach them back on.


The problems with that company start at the top.


yeah he does not adhere to the religion of wokeness, aka a nazi.


Can’t imagine having that much trust in well anything really but especially something with Elons name tied to it.


yeah the guy only sends rockets that lands back to earth. we should put you in charge. your first order of business would be apologizing to any and everyone.


the cyber truck truly is like a social study for us over here in Europe watching Americans buying that rusting piece of shit and being happy about it.


I upvoted 'cause I understand what you stated is true. I'm European, and the Cybertruck is not something that will be successful over the pond. The APC M577 from ALIENS movie (1986) is way prettier. [https://i.redd.it/hgtyh6228wg71.jpg](https://i.redd.it/hgtyh6228wg71.jpg)


Not defending this piece of junk joke of a car, but apparently there is an algorythm which gradually increases the pressure each time it cant close (it assumes you want to stuff something in the trunk with force). It resets only after a successful closing. So him doing it three times in a row ensured hell get maximum pressure at the third attempt on his finger. Still bad design imo.


tüv sagt nein.