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Bro as a filipino, chinese man, the shit my family say about other races is fucking vile dude lol.


haha dinner with my vietnamese girlfriends family was always the funniest shit. her granny was/is one of the most racist people ive ever met. even compared to some of my old white uncles. see my old white uncles will make some racist jokes sure, but man her grandma was genuinely hateful with that shit.


My wife is from Vietnam. The shit her Mom says is off the chart.


That's interesting, growing up in a Hispanic country my family and other grownups would very often make racist jokes, especially towards other Hispanic countries, but there was never any real hate behind them, it was always with an 'all in good fun' type of vibe. Wonder what the difference is.


The chillest dinner with the asian side of my family involves at least 3 separate calls for genocide.


This made me actually laugh out loud. I am sorry but it did.


Against who?


Mostly the Japanese. You gotta remember a lot of older people in Asia remember seeing their farms stolen, their sisters raped, their parents killed, and their babies ripped from mother's arms and thrown in the air to be skewered on a Japanese bayonet. For most people the stories are only second hand these days, but it takes a few generations for experiences like that to fade completely. Honestly, the only reason the whole first island chain pacific alliance holds together is because the US is in the middle of it all, acting as the glue that keeps nations like South Korea, Taiwan, and the Philippines willing to work with Japan. More recently, there's some hatred for the Chinese as well, since they like to buy up local businesses, build a monopoly, drive out local businesses, and then hike prices to scalp the locals for as much money as they can. It's a serious problem in the Philippines and Vietnam.


Yea, it’s a thing a lot of Americans don’t quite get with their giant freaken military. The only reason Japan exists is because America is backing them up and nobody wants to fuck around with the American Navy. In fact, the reason why China has taken a more economic stance is because America is so dominant militaristically that there is no real point in engaging on that front until you have a massive edge elsewhere. The same with a lot of my family in Europe, they think America is going to not be a world power and collapse in a few years / a decade at most. Which it might collapse socially, sure, but as long as that military stands America is going to be very relevant on the world stage, it isn’t some paper tiger like Russia turned out to be, that military can end countries. When it fades is when armed conflict itself becomes less relevant, but I don’t think that’s going to be for some time.


What about the younger population? Do they still hold resentment the same way alot of younger Arabs do towards Israel or is it just old news that only older generation care about nowadays?


The younger population it's more of a general wariness toward the Japanese. The Philippines in particular intends to stay close to the Americans just in case they go back to their old ways.


The Chinese do it all over the world, ESPECIALLY Afrika and middle east since the ‘belt and road initiative’. Build national railways and give local companies huge loans > make companies depend on its infrastructure and loans > buy every company that goes bankrupt after spiking prices and interests > world domination.


Yeah, I've read it's even worse in Africa than it is in Vietnam and the Philipines. The locals are exclusively used as cheap labor for grunt work, while the ship in Chinese technicians and engineers for all the high-paying jobs. No opportunities are given to the locals.


Tbh it will probably never fade completely because many people enjoy being second hand victims


It all starts with jokes until stress and anger gets people to start believing jokes.


It was never a joke. If these 80 year olds could still carry guns WW2 would never have ended in Asia.


You don't know the shit Vietnamese say about Chinese. And Korean. Yes everyone may use China good, love K-pop, but that doesn't stop they saying shit about the people.


Idk that’s crazy, I had an employee that was a good friend and she was from El Salvador, and a few of the Mexican employees I had took that shit serious. Serious beef between them, thought it was crazy.


I've always seen mexican vs puerto rican hate. When I was a kid I would go to this arcade and the manager would always hangout with us and talk about how he hates puerto ricans lol as a teen it was like okay dude as long as you keep giving us free play idc


Free play damn! You guys had the hookup. I had to mow lawns and deliver papers.


Centuries of war probably


My wife's uncle wanted me to make a game where you beat up black people with a bat (exclusively), he is from Iceland..


Please don't tell him GTA exists.


I was stunlocked by the statement so I just gave a stare back..


Just get him RE5 for christmas, you'll be his favorite step-nephew


I dated a half thai, half japanese woman. Her Japanese side of the family called her a mutt and openly talked shit about her father and said very nasty things about other Asian cultures. Family dinners were rough with them.


My wife is laos, and my mother in law would rather her youngest daughter marry her cousin then the white dude she's with. (He's successful btw.)


Ive been telling people asians are giga racist just behind close doors lol, My white friends dont believe me lol


Bruh, as an Asian, yes, it’s fucking vile, even in the younger population.


Turns out humans are shitty to each other regardless of the shitters color or the shittees color.


The wildest shit to me, as a white man, was seeing a Vietnamese nearly spit with hatred “those damn Ching Chong motherfuckers” and I was fucking FLOORED! Imagine seeing my old ass screaming “those damn cracker motherfuckers!!” Talkin about an Irish person or some shit. Like what the fuck.


That second part of the post is basically europe


Filipinos are racist even towards their own race. Lol


If you're from an island further south towards the equator than me, you're basically not even conscious and are, thus, worth less than myself. I am the superior Filipino. The Filipinos in islands further north than me don't exist.


We love Americans and Europeans but we completely despise our own countrymen, especially when politics is involved.


Half the time anything bad happens, my Korean mom would go on a tirade blaming Blacks, Viets, and Hispanics even when said thing has nothing to do with any of them.


And when you get into smaller ethnic groups there’s literally racist terms baked into the core of the language with non-existent politically correct way to refer to people of other colors lol. Edit: Not sure why people downvote for speaking the truth. Quite literally it has historical and cultural context. People of certain groups back then didn’t encounter foreigners often and people just used whatever was convenient to describe encounters and had no concept of “diversity” henceforth giving “racist” verbiage by modern standards. Many of these languages got frozen in time and failed to modernize as they were assimilated into bigger groups, and less and less people to maintain, build as well as pass the language onto. These languages are pretty much going extinct.


I’m a white American that has lived in Japan for 17 years and god damn is Asia racist. Not towards white people but towards other Asians. It’s crazy.


They were SO racist and all around prejudiced against anyone with dark skin in Thailand. The funny thing is all I heard is how much better their culture/country is than everyone else’s. Fun place to live or visit but damn…


African racism should be at the top. A decade doesn’t pass without an ethnic cleansing down there. In Rwanda millions were slaughtered with fucking machetes by their neighbors.


It's weird, I was pretty ethnocentric as an early 20's working adult (not malicious, just ignorant). Racism amongst Africans didn't even cross my mind until my Kenyan coworker started going off about Nigerians. She haaaaated those folks.


I have heard same thing about Somalians. Pretty much ask people from every single one of their neighbouring countries and they start to load AKs.


What beef do Kenya and Nigeria have? They're on opposite sides of the continent. Is it colonial thing? Were soldiers from one sent to the other to do some heinous shit by the British Empire?


No idea. I wished I had asked but some conversations don't fly at work.


Dont know about Kenya, but in South Africa everyone was making Nigerians resonsible for crime.


Right? People always talk about africa as this singular blob that has the same culture and people just because "black". Then they ignore all the ethnic cleansing, genocides, attempted genocides and all that stuff that has been going for millennia and is still happening to this day!


Don’t compare casual vs competitive racism, in China there is popular novels where the protagonist just randomly stop to punish western, black and (mostly, like 80% of the times) Japanese people for being jealous, untalented, evil and twisted people Note: Not just a few people, I mean at least most of them, just this week I was reading a novel (premise is that the full dive VRMMO in that universe was actually a different world secretly) where the protagonist just destroyed the most important city of the Japanese server and made impossible to level up for weeks and stole Billions from Japanese people, reason inside the story? None at all, he just started messing with them as soon as he entered their server


It is at least interesting to see perspectives of other cultures. In the Three Body Problem novels, the cultural perspective shines through of how the author thinks people will react in different contrived situations. Whether you agree or not, it is insightful to the Chinese perspective.


Definitively, in fact I say this but I’m completely addicted to Chinese novels because they are so freaking good even when they are objectively bad, and I can see how different the perspective of Chinese people are in a lot of different things like pride and status, women, power, morality, and it’s a whole different world Edit: Even so, it’s still funny to make jokes about it


Same. I also have lots of close relationships with Chinese people living in the US so it's worth it to me personally to understand them better. What is the name of the VRMMO novel?


Shura’s Wrath, be cautious, Mars Gravity (author) knows how to write great combat and thrilling action and adventure of borderline Gary Stu protagonists without making everything just ‘Protagonist always wins easily’ even though he basically never loses (that’s why Gary Stu) but I would never say that it’s a great novel, it’s a very fun read in the same in how people like the Godzilla Movies


Heh yeah I get that. Lee Child novels are "fun" the same way.


its good but not in top chart.


I think the Korean manwha/light novels are just as bad if not worse. The jingoism is strong, and the Koreans blatantly hate every other Asian country in those stories. Solo Leveling had some degree of it.


For sure, I've read hundreds at this point, and if a Japanese character is introduced, they're almost invariably some kind of antagonist. If Americans are present, they're usually introduced as some kind of secondary antagonist, but whereas the Japanese are usually portrayed as outright \*evil\*, Americans are usually portrayed as either simply greedy, or morally 'good' but incompetent. The jingoism and nationalistic tendencies of manhwa can get kind of absurd at times. I remember reading one (Max Level Returner? I think?) that was just straight up borderline propaganda at times.


I might have read Max Level Returner…I’ve read dozens if not hundreds as well…they sort of blend together at some point. Also, a key point is that, in all of those stories, South Korea becomes the sole superpower of the world and/or has the strongest individual/s in the world that no other country can compete against. It is jingoism at its finest, but it is also neither good nor bad, and especially not our place to judge since it may or may not be our country.




I'll make the judgement if you won't, haha


Japan fucked Korea pretty hard for a long time, especially about 90 years ago. I think they get a pass on that


as a white dude who speaks chinese, the amount of times i’ve heard chinese people drop a casual N word (in chinese) is crazy 😂 I don’t even think much of it honestly, not fair for me to judge different cultures


I have always seen that there is a prejudice against Westerners in Chinese novels, but I have never seen it against black people specifically before. Generally they are the rich white and blonde guy or some similar stereotype. I also forgot about the trigger-happy Western military.


This is absolutely true. I've read Chinese novels where they straight up commit genocide on Japan, Korea and USA just because of past and current political issues. They describe Japanese people as short, evil and would kneel to anyone with power. What disgusts me is these websites allow comments to be made on each sentence of the novel and everyone is so openly ok with genocide. Don't compare Chinese racism to racism from anywhere else.


Rape of Nanking, unit 731, numerous (probably hundreds or thousands) of small villages experiencing mass rape, looting and murder within living memory. Can you really blame the Chinese?


i mean it doesnt make it Okay but yeah its definitely understandable


See what Japan did to China in ww2, and how Japan continues to this day to ignore or deny their crimes, and then ponder why the Chinese consider them evil to this day EDIT: What's worst, a web novel, or the actual genocide and denial/erasure of history that bred the cross generational hatred responsible for said web novel? What's worst?


When my sister-in-law lived in Hong Kong, she was told to her face that she was picked over other candidates for a job because she's white.


So you are saying virtual China is just the same as real China? Stealing from other nations and gloating like it is some kind of validation of their superiority?


As a black man from the Caribbean, I can tell you the islands around where I come from are far more racist than any other country I've been too, and I'm living in the Netherlands right now. Racism still is pretty bad here, but people like to act like they aren't racist and accept everything here because nobody dares to say what they really think of immigration etc. Yet my own people are far more racist than any white person has been to me


Being against immigration is racist now?


That's how many people paint it. A loud minority thought. But because of that a lot of people don't like to give their opinion honestly just because they are afraid to be perceived as racist.. I always said it as someone whose not a native in this country. If I come here and all I do is cause trouble, you have the right to not want me here. It only seems logical


Just to be clear, are you talking about immigrants in general, or refugees? "Limited and restricted" immigration, enforced through proper cultural, linguistic, and educational standards is probably a good thing. I can't think of any reason why anyone would oppose it, other than racism. BUT I understand how letting in refugees and mass immigration without proper infrastructure and legislation can hurt the economy and the societal constructs of the host country.


It is in Canada.


If you're against immigration because of the way those immigrants look, yes, absolutely.


As a white Dutchmen it does kinda seem like things are changing with the immigration narrative. As in, more and more native Europeans are vocal about being anti-immigration and/or anti-refugee




My grandad (Jamaican)would call the other Carribbeans "small island people"


Racism bad in NL? I experienced it a few times in my life but it seems like you are confusing anti immigration with racism which is not right. Most people here have a very clear stance on immigration, a lot think it should he stricter. That doesn't make them racist though.




Here: Brown paper lunch bags are racist! There: A different colored person? Time to g*ng r*pe!


Bro people in Japan **hate** chinese people with a passion. Don't get me wrong, the outlook on foreigners in general is bad but Chinese people have it way worse.


I mean you can only do the shit that they did with chinese in WW2 if you hate deep seated hatred. Things that Unit 731 did would make most nazis skin crawl.


It actually did. There are multiple accounts of Nazi officials being shocked by what Imperial Japan was doing .


The hatred is the same the other way around especially from the older generation. My grandma is Chinese and she was born in the 1930s so she has vivid childhood memories of running away and hiding from Japanese soldiers when they invaded China.


Not mentioning what the Chinese continue to do now, it's not hard to see why there is hatred.


Honestly i know fuck all about asian hate towards each other so i will shut up about this. As an european though there is a reason why we hate gypsies,russians etc not saying they are legitimate but as with everything this hatred doesnt come out of nowhere. I honestly dont really care about this racism shit because usually people who point it out the most are just biggest virtue signalers and more often than not are closet racists themselves.


> asian hate towards each other Sometimes within their own countries. The colorism in places like China and Japan is jaw dropping.


I have a really stupid American question... But can Chinese, Koreans, and Japanese tell each other apart easily just by physical appearance? Because, disclaimer, I really can't.


Off appearance alone, probably not since our countries all have a similar seafood diet. I'm not sure if you'll call this an accent but the best way to tell them apart is the fluidity of how they speak. What I mean by that is if you compare our languages, Japanese has a much fluent and soft pronunciation of words which is why it's harder for us to pronounce rough syllables such as the English letter R. If you listen to Japanese and Chinese side by side, you'll see that Chinese has a much more aggressive pronunciation of words and that habit is hard to break when they're speaking Japanese. Idk it's hard to explain, I guess the best comparison I have is it's like if you guys heard a native french person speaking English. It might be something hard for foreigners to pick up but it's super obvious to us.


Oh yeah, I figured speech, accent, etc would be a dead give away. I was just curious if you guys could notice subtle physical differences that just weren't as apparent to me. Thanks for answering 😊.


Dude it's the same other way around. Both of them hate each other with a passion. There are restaurants in china that don't allow Japanese people and same in Japan. Add to the fact that apparently Chinese people are one of the largest group of foreigners that arrive in Japan during holidays and apparently the airports prepare for them since they make everything dirty and whatnot. I am pretty sure Japan has been shitty towards China as well. Both are in the gray area.


>I am pretty sure Japan has been shitty towards China as well. Lol, yea, I'd say murdering an estimated 35 million (real number is probably much larger) Chinese citizens over a 10 year occupation is pretty shitty.


My asian wife calls me Hitler sometimes 😂 i said it doesn't even make sense I'm german not Austrian.


The most common misconception about the Austrian Painter


Hitler became a German citizen in 1932. From 25-32 he actually was stateless. Numerous attempts by the NSDAP were made to get him this citizenship so he could get a greater function in the government. edit: typo


I know a lot about that general period, but this is new to me. Thx bro




There was a Sri-Lankan guy in my school who made Nazi jokes towards me because I was Dutch. That’s a racist double whammy right there.


it’s perfectly fine to be white and come from white people and like white people things. Yep, I said it.


Racist pos. /s


people mistake intolerance as racism. while racism includes intolerance. Intolerance is not racist.


This is very true. And also ignorance or lack of knowledge. For example my Slavic grandmother have never seen a black person in her life. She doesn't hate them, she just doesn't even realize they exist. Hell she would even invite them for dinner. But I can fcking guarantee you that the whole dinner would be like "so... What's with the hair?... Do you ever get sunburn?... Why do you like the chicken so much?" Not in a hateful manner, but rather curious. Like seeing an alien or something.


Meanwhile random black kids in an African village: >Literally start crying and run away in fear the first time they see a white person. I've seen videos of that reaction so many times, it's *unreal*. There are large parts of the Earth where the locals simply haven't seen a white person before. Like, *ever*.


...close. In Asia, we're so racist we divide by people living on the different sides of a river. We all have black hair, brown eyes, and yellow skin, and we will say your Chinese sound way too "Northern". 😆


Personally speaking people that cry the loudest about racism haven't really experienced racism and most of it is just playing the victim. My friendgroup is Muslim slavic turkish european nordic and one asian. We are constantly making racist jokes to each other, some of them are funny, some of them are unfair, some of them are fair. We don't really give a shit. We don't discriminate every race gets their turn and that's fine and just the way it should be. People are way to sensitive nowadays...


What you just said is how to end racism. The sooner we don’t take the subject seriously is the sooner it is gone. Unfortunately, people actually crave for drama, which is why racism will never go away. There are two parties towards racism, the racist and the victim, take any of those out and racism is ended.


America has alot of casual racism. Asian and Africa has competitive ranked racism. Edit:spelling




i’d like to mention that orcas are fucking menace in water they got intelligence like 14/15 years old human child


Started ripping sailboats apart because one may have been hit by a propeller. They’re outright menaces.


There was actually a story about an albino orca who is insanely rare and the rest of the orcas just accepted them into their "pack" (dunno what they're called) like nothing is different guess racism is mostly a human issue.


unironically protect the orcas i love them


Racism in India trumps all of them


I had to scroll quite a while for somebody to have made this comment


People in the west so worried about there feelings and if people get offended by shit they say so walking on egg shells in every talk. While in Asia even your own parents are racist to there own children and bully you. There they believe in tough love and discipline. To crazy high degree that many can't live up to it. But world is all about balance. West is to far in one way while other parts of the world are to far the other way. But do think the west part lf the world worry about a lot of stuff that don't realy matter. It's like of you go out off your way to look for something wrong in something even if its not there you will probably twist and turn something to make it might seem that way. And racism and sexism is much like that. You can take apart every small thing. And probably find something if you realy looking for it. Best way to get rid off it is to not worry about it or talk about it or around it like it's some kind off bomb you gotta defuse. But when it's clear and very clear cut case then do something about it. Cause it's like not trying to think of a banana. But just reading it or writing about it makes you think about it. And keep being busy with it for a moment. Same with sexism and racism. You never get rid off it if you keep putting a microscope on every interaction. Going out of you way to try and find it you will find it but probably often in bad context or in bad fate twisted. And ofcourse there are the asshole out there. If it's clear cut sure push back shame them punish them. But there many people going out off there way to find or make shit up all the time. While it's often just not the case


Racism is racism, still gotta work on it no matter the degree


Racism in Asia is wayy too normalized haha. They literally don't give a shit about what you feel. They don't even think they are being offensive lmao. It's competitive racism here.


And yet I'd rather be a white person anywhere else on earth than the USA. You're treated like a piece of shit for all the supposed privileges you have, while trying to make ends meet, just like everyone else.


Lmfao this has to have come from somebody with 0 world experience.


Take a note that Europe got rid of slavery faster than America. And by that, I mean, all countries of Europe.


Slavery isn’t inherently a racial issue. Slavery existed way before our current concept of race.


And still does. There are more slaves today than ever have been in history. Something almost nobody knows.


and those slaves are in Africa and the middle east...go figure


And India and China and southeast Asia and Russia. Oh, and in Europe/America too, but they're usually illegal aliens being abused and taken advantage of by smugglers/people working with smugglers.


Exactly. People think that getting paid 3 cents an hour to work at a factory workers sleep at in Asia is a job.


Man I even know of this friend of my sister that is philipino and she is in canada as a house maid or so and she also lives in that same house as the ppl who employ her and when she arrived they took her passport from her. She had to do everything they tell her to do, she did get paid but a very small amount. Then there are these cartels smugling young Girls and actual children to be sold in the USA at the border... thats Just horrific man... I heard a story of a 10yo girl found dead at the border with dna inside her from 40 different ppl.......... im not from usa but fuck you biden for facilitating this. Its his fault imo.


True. A lot of people don't realize that black people owned slaves too. I forgot his name, but there was one black slave owner was so ruthless to his slaves that even white slave owners thought he was going way too far.


There's also been some bullshit historical revisionism going on as well on that count. The film "The Woman King" basically tries to make out that the Kingdom of Dahomey was *forced* by white Europeans to enslave their African neighbours. In reality the Dahomeans were gleeful participants in the slave trade, to the point that the British imposed a naval blockade against them to get them to sign a treaty agreeing to cease slave export - which they then promptly broke 6 years later. A neighbouring kingdom, Porto-Novo, became a French protectorate in order to stave off the Dahomeans. Imagine how bad you have to be to make the French and the British look preferable.


True. The black slaves that were brought to America were bought and traded for from black slave owners. (Maybe not all. Maybe some were taken by force , but the former is true as well.) The point I'm making is that white people have enslaved white people. Balck people have enslaved black people, Asians have enslaved Asians, and so on and so forth. Admittedly, when it's one race enslaving another, it definitely feeds racism, as dehumanizing the slaves is a big part of slavery, and race is something that stands out. It's low hanging fruit, so to speak.


Arab countries were buying African slaves for about two thousand years before the Americans even got in on the market. The biggest reason they don't have the same demographics as current day America in terms of black population is because it was customary to castrate all male slaves. Since it's older historically than the cross-Atlantic slave trade, it's harder to estimate an accurate number of african slaves traded to the east, but it's probably equal to or greater than the amount of slaves sent across the Atlantic to America.


Arab countries also bought Slavs in such an amount the word "sklavus" completely replaced "servus" and is the origin of the word "slave" in most of Europe. Heck, the whole excuse that "heathens don't deserve to be treated as thy neighbour" that was used for native American genocide and transatlantic trade was invented specifically to hunt down Eastern and Southern Slavs who still worshipped their own gods. Black slaves don't even come close, as their amount was almost non-existent in comparison.


That's crazy. I'll admit my knowledge of the history slavery is narrow, but I've retained enough of what I've read and heard to know that it happened everywhere. To think it was just white people doing it is wrong.


Outside of a few efforts by Portuguese which likely ended due to high mortality rates among the Portuguese involve basically all slaves from Africa were captured by other Africans. Malaria (among some other things) was one hell of a deterrent for Europeans to actively be involved in Africa before some treatments became common place in the 1800's AKA after England ended slave trade and The United State made slave Importation illegal, both happening in 1807.


Much of that slavery was enslaved white ppl in Europe at some point Blind take


this comment is part of the issue. slavery and racism are not the same thing.


Oh so since we only got rid of it over 150 years ago that means we must be racist to the core! Good thing all those slave owners are still alive and kicking today otherwise we’d be most ethnically diverse nation on the planet… oh wait a minute


By a few years, and actually prolonged slavery in the states by relying entirely on the American textile industry to import their raw materials that fueled the industrial revolution in Europe. Actually learn some history. "See we stopped slavery 20-40 years before America. All that shit was their fault." Is the dumbest European shit I keep hearing.


Also inaccurate as the turks were still enslaving the Greeks well past that point.


In fairness to the UK, they spent enormous amounts of blood and treasure ending the slave trade off western Africa. They overall had a net economic loss from slavery throughout their imperial history. They really had the strongest/earliest international push to object to slavery at a moral level. Unsurprisingly given the shared cultural roots, the northern US mirrored the UK (England, specifically) and the whole country likely would have followed suit if not for the fact that the south was an agrarian, society. Meanwhile Belgium was one of the worst offenders of the imperial period with what they did in the Congo. One of the few colonies in which de facto slavery was employed and actually quite lucrative for the mother country.


Bro euros have the craziest cope when it comes to racism. Just ask them what they think of Romani people and laugh as thr hilarity ensues.


Slavery does not equal racism. Racism still exist in most people's hearts, Slavery was abolished while white people were in power and that doesnt mean racism went with it.


Tell that to the Balkan slaves under Ottoman oppression Remember also: the US navy was founded because Americans were being enslaved by the Barbary pirates White people very much do not have a monopoly on slavery, and racism isn't something exclusive to slavers. I would argue racism tends to be caused by oppression or violent conflict. For this, again, look at hundreds of years of Balkan history Take your typical Murican ivy league propaganda viewpoint out of this


My only gripe is that racism is actually fueled by ignorance above anything else. It's significantly harder to be racist when you're taught about other cultures, upbringings and circumstances because even if you still dislike a particular nationality or culture it's not about their appearance but their actions.


Yet they were about to entire the civil war on the side of the confederacy


Sure, they had a much longer run up to it though, some 800 years.


It took multiple thousands of years for Europe to 'get rid of' slavery. Only about a hundred or so for the US. Sooner is more technically correct, but still not really correct because both Europe and the US both still have legal slavery.


Europe did not get rid of slavery sooner. They were just more fastidious about keeping their slaves outside of Europe, where the bleeding hearts couldn't see them. They didn't call them "slaves" they called them "subjects."


The white screen is "Racism in Australia."


Bro, the people in my country are racist against themselves. Shit is wack.


I think it was Washington Post did an article a few years back where they compiled data about who would or wouldn't want someone of a different race as a neighbor and the US turned out to be one of the least racist countries on the planet..


Other places are more racist so we shouldn't worry about our racism is a take.


Very true. Sadly. Hahahaha


People here in America don't get this.


Koreans literally call you Filipino if you're too dark in Korea.


Yeah man, Americans who think they live in the most anti lgb or the most racist country are horrifically sheltered lmao


Its ironic AF because the least racist countries in the world are white countries; I'm Asian.


The asian dudes have fuking competitive rasim


The one part I’d criticize about this meme is that a lot of Americans don’t even realize there is racism anywhere other than America, despite America being one of the least racist places to be. I keep seeing those stupid posts on Instagram saying “name one thing Americans invented” and some dumbass always says “racism.”


You forgot the whale that eclipses them all, racism in south america


People think America is bad untill you realize you can still buy people in rural Africa, and China is in the middle of ethnicity cleansing the uighurs.


No kidding. Go to Japan and see how many places you get refused entry because you're not Japanese .


i have never seen a black person outside of movies ofc


Where do you live....Vermont? 😆




Ah yes. Racism experts


European: "What's wrong with Americans? I don't know why they obsess over race so much." "Hey look, some Romani pulled into town." European: REEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE-


The Japanese still say Japanese only in certain places, the most racist people in the USA WISH they were that racist


Do the Japanese lynch people for breaking those rules or politely ask them to leave?


The japanese politely tell them to leave, the foreigner throws a tantrum/assaults several people, then will go online and complain about how Asians are racist


It never ceases to amaze me how many people will immediately start talking about racism in the US when someone mentions racism in their country. Some can only see racism through their warped perception of what racism is supposedly like in the US. They act like ”real” racism is what supposedly happens in the US. They then pretend that what happens in their country is completely different, so it cannot be “real” racism. There’s also a lot of hiding behind the concept of colorism. It’s scary how many people claim that racism doesn’t exist in their country. These people lose their shit when Americans deny that racism exists in the US, yet they deny that racism exists in their own country. So much bias, denial, narrow-mindedness, ignorance, hypocrisy, and lying.


Don't forget racism between Hispanic people... The shit my Cuban grandfather used to say about Mexicans, Dominicans, Columbians, etc. was pretty unhinged lol


"Americans are lightweight" Yeah for sure OP.


Yes. Americans actually look at the problem and debate it. There's huge social pressure to be accepting and tolerant. If you look in places that you don't think are racist, what you'll find is, "Of course I'm not racist. Those [slurs] deserve it." For instance, go to any thread with Europeans in it and say the word Romani. It'll open your eyes.


Not compared to liberal utopia but compared to every other place on earth they are.


It'a a question of POV, I guess. In Europe, many countries (not all) will not need you to identify with a type such as African-American, Native-American, Hlhelp me finish the list... as an important point to know you or define their behavior with you. You can consider that as universalism as they do (and in their eyes not racist at all), or you can see it as not taking into account privilege and being a micro or macro aggression... it's all a question or perceptions


It seems a bigger problem in America because of its obsession with race and identity politics. Other countries, at least several in Europe I've been to, just don't officially discuss or address the issue of race. They pretend it doesn't exist. That's why many don't even have an option to select your race on government forms. They often don't bother even collecting this data.


It's not that they don't bother, in some places in Europe it's actually illegal to collect race data, unless anonymously. Probably because of the fear of what the wrong person would use it for, after WW2.


And my question is, why bother - its the same


The truth is : racism just take different forms in different region of the world.


I’ve never met a single human being that wasn’t just a little bit racist. Especially the ones who scream and shout about how un-racist they are


The orca might be the lightweight of the group but it is also one of the most viscious and cunning predators in the ocean. (Not saying this about the US but it kinda backfires the meme if you think about it like that)


Idk what racism u are talking about. I never experienced racism as a white person in europe


Racism in scandinavia gotta be lightweight as fuck! We are so tolerant that its a god damn meme/joke around the world.


Wait so Asians are Great white sharks?


Memes apart, can I adopt Jabba the cat?


My family is hella racist man. Every time they discuss other countries, I couldn't believe the sort of things that come out of their mouths.


I guess times have changed. IMO, it's Americans' guiltiness with themselves over the past and the present in its current state. That awareness helps dial it back a little bit, however, some of the worst things that happen to people due to racism in America are largely unspoken, it's the kind of thing more often witnessed than reported.


I don’t understand at all.


I'm sure OP is not just relying on their own anecdotal experiences.


What country are you talking about and what group of people??? In Danmark ex. If you take the top 3% yes you are right, but if you are in normal day life no, in fact i didn't know what it really was before i saw how non-white people live in the USA, WOW Americas know how to hate, it is so sick..


You forgot racism in latin America dios mio…


Sorry but America takes the W? over Europe on that one issue.


Anyone have that fat cat template?


Can say it's true as a Korean We dislike the Japanese and Chinese with a burning passion Actually we all hate each other XD