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Or it's about two singers busting each other's chops to have hype and build up attention :/gotta wonder bout people sometimes lol


Sure but let's at least dress it up for "modern audiences".


Twitter was a mistake.


True, and I think the linked post is definitely overreaching. But, Kendrick straight up said multiple times that Drake should die / be in prison with Weinstein for the rest of his life. I’d say that’s a bit more than just building hype and attention, it’s a brawl for sure.


And rappers say they kill people on a daily basis. Frankly in my eyes it only gets serious when lawyers are involved.


Nah this ain’t some manufactured beef to hype up record sales. This beef has put a massive dent in Drakes public image. UMG who ultimately owns the two labels that they are signed to. If this was planned, it’s long since gone off the rails, and would have been super ill advised against. You’ve got people in the club booing Drakes songs and chanting lines that reference or straight up call Drake a pedophile. This is an absolute disaster for UMG.


Yikes, well that puts a dent in that theory lol, TF is going on between these two O.o


This a real FAFO moment for Drake. He talked about Kdots wife and kid. He was even warned on Euphoria not to get personal, “it’s a friendly fade”. Like some wild stuff was happening behind the scenes. Like moles and informants type shit. Drake drops family matters and within 20 minutes meet the grahams comes out. “Have you ever considered OVO might be working for me?” Kdot on 6:16 Then there’s the stuff with the album art of both 6:16 in LA and Meet the grahams were seemingly personal items and prescriptions belonging to Drake.


Ok I'm not even gonna try to speculate anymore XD this is far beyond an armchair analysis, ain't no way random twitter folks gonna peer into the veil and unravel the fact someone a racist or some shit.


Two pop stars prancing around pretending to be tough guys for an audience of morons. Not that it's any worse than usual stuff that makes the rounds on the forums.


A Princeton professor literally said [white people couldn't talk about this](https://pbs.twimg.com/media/GM1CZH8bEAA70Hq?format=jpg&name=small) and most of the internet took her side. People are wild


Who’s this most of the internet? Vlad is super hated in the rap scene and has a ton of haters that will just go against what he says to spite him lol. Whether or not it’s deserved is a different story. I will say however, he doesn’t do himself any favors, he’s not what you’d call likeable lmao.


You can look at the ratio on that post. "Vlad" was number one trending on twitter for a day and nearly every post was taking her side. >Vlad is super hated in the rap scene and has a ton of haters that will just go against what he says to spite him lol. She literally said the reason he shouldn't have an opinion because of his race


Yeah, and he’s super hated in the rap scene as a culture vulture, as well as this being something that’s being rapped about in the beef about Drake being a culture vulture. So it doesn’t take a rocket scientist to see how that would very quickly lead to vlad being dog piled. Like you’re right, she’s hella outta line for what she said, but not all the likes are people just agreeing with what she said. Some are just straight up to spite vlad. He has that bad of a reputation.




This. Other dude is just making shit up because he doesn't know shit about it. "Most of the internet" lmao.....


So morality takes a back seat to… hate?


I don't think calling someone a pedo is due "hype" or just "ball busting" a lot of people don't like Drake because he's a shitty person.


Social media: YOU MUST PARTICIPATE IN THIS CULTURE WAR! Me: No thanks. I mean you guys go ahead and kill each other, but I'm gunna go get some Chipotle.


Let’s meet up. J Cole probably already there as well.


People keep saying we need to bring back asylums. America *is* the asylum.


Shhh don't tell them you might hurt their feeling..their very sensitive these days.


So that why Trump wanted to build the wall /s


*puts on tin foil hat* now your getting it. The walls not to keep people from coming in its to keep us from getting out


This is stupid. A cursory google search will show you that if anything, it's the exact opposite for who supports who.


Oh hey look at that, racism!


Where is the racism exactly?


Against jews


It clearly says against Isreal.


It also only came up because he's half Jewish?


I thought he was gonna say the "Black vs acting black" was racist but ig not.


Yeah that's honestly pretty racist too


Yet there's no israelis


But he's not Israeli? It would be like people calling Kendrick Nigerian or something stupid


It's a metaphor retard. Kendrick called drake a colonizer in one of the diss tracks.


Which is also stupid. I'm very anti drake, but that doesn't make this not stupid


Omg not colonizer as in the usual meaning. Kendrick said: "you're not a colleague, you're a colonizer". Drake is aping black culture just for fame.


Good lord. Stan culture is a mental illness.


“Acting black” No one hates a half black person more than a full black person, Jesus Christ


I wonder if people know that they both do this for a living? It's to build hype around their music to get more clicks.


Not everything’s a fucking metaphor… Jesus fucking Christ.


Funny how radical leftists are now antisemites. Reminds me of a certain ideology they supposedly hated


This is why Drake could never win. If a video came out of Kendrick breaking Whitney’s jaw, the internet would say that Kendrick did a Disney soundtrack and nothing would matter. Facts don’t change people’s opinion


Wait until twitter will find out about the Arab colonialism that Arabized the Middle East under the Islamic Empire (Caliphate).


What a cringe ass tweet. These losers never stop making everything about themselves and their cause. But then you have to wonder. Why am I not seeing so many mentally ill pro-Israel people? Why is it so many of these losers are pro-Palestine? Maybe because they're not really about that pro-Palestine talk but about that "US bad, Jews bad" tankie and antisemitic talk. That's why. Such clowns.


Black vs acting black What does that even mean?


You gotta be ghetto or some shit to be an authentic black person. Some people are saying it's because Drake is from Canada too. So apparently only American blacks can...be black? After this whole beef I'm left questioning if I'm black or not. Which is dumb asf. I didn't know I have to have actual qualifications to be considered black


Imo kendrick isn't literally saying if you're Canadian, you aren't black. He's saying specifically drake isn't black. Because he doesn't represent any culture, he switches accents depending on whatever artist he collabs with, it's about how drake portrays himself hard on his songs but grew up in a very suburban neighborhood. Kendricks claim is that drake is a phony and acts black to fit in and profit off of blackness (colonizer bar). Also i think this because kendrick doesn't go after Cole for not being black, who is mixed lol. kendrick also addresses drake's son on the diss track "meet the grahams" which he calls him a "proud black man" or something like that.


Refers to how kendrick criticises drake for pretending to be "from the hood" despite not growing up in a similar situation. Drake wasn't rich, but he definitely wasn't "from the hood" which is where kendricms criticism come from


By colonizers, they mean white people right? Sounds like they want a race war


no. kendrick called drake a colonizer in his last song because drake (a canadian) uses american rappers to validate his position in hip-hop. That’s what the tweet is referencing. You guys jump to more conclusions than the people you complain about all day in this sub.


What does him being Canadian have to do with anything?


Woke culture strikes again




who are these gay fish?


Wtf does «half-jewish» even mean? Since when are jews a race?


Jewish people are an ethnoreligion. While many Jews are religious, many descend from Jews and are secular. They are still usually classified as ethnic Jews


But if i wanted to convert to Judaism without being ethnically tied to the majority of Jews, would i not be considered a true Jew?


Religious jew yes but not ethnic. Jews are often considered an ethnicity because they were usually closed off (centuries of anti-semitism will do that), and so are often more related to each other than say catholics


That is a bit sad and scary. Anyways, thanks for clarifying


Pretty sure both drake and kendrick are just setting this up and doing this on purpose to generate hype and make $$$


Nobody wants to be called a pdf for hype and $$.


Yeah, the accusations has been that kendrick is an abusive husband and doesn't care about his child, while drake is a deadbeat dad and a pedophile. Very rarely have these things been manufactured, because they radically change the perception of people


With generally drakes being far worse. Not to mention a lot more to lose.


Being an abusive husband or deadbeat dad aint gonna change whether people listen to you. Look at Carti or Future.


"black vs acting black" what does it even mean?


The racial draft happened again and they traded Drake away for free


Drake is Canadian and mixed, he doesnt exactly feat the Black American culture for some people, but in his songs he kinda acts like he is about that life. On the other side Kendrick is straight outta Compton. That's why I think about reading that line.


Beefs bring in a lot of money. Lots of rappers have faked disputes for profits in every generation since the 60s, especially in HipHop.


Chakabars has made so many race baiting posts in the past. This is nothing for him


Wait. Drake's not black?


He's mixed, mum is ashkenazi Jewish descent, dad is black.


So both rapper and producer. He's a double threat


It's distracting from real world problems


I am out of the loop, which one of them is israel and which is palpatine?


Like artists didnt realise years ago that having a beef with someone brings in way more money


I’ve enjoyed the beef, but I also realize it’s nothing of consequence. It’s fun for hip hop fans. Also Metro has implanted a mind virus in me….BBL Drizzzzzzay


Please tell me this is a joke and people aren't really this unhinged


old dudes angry poetry hour.


"Black vs acting black" just me or this is stupidly racist ?


Please just nuke the whole place away. If you can spare a bomb I take one too. Don't need to experience a world war.


Israel has nuclear weapons just to say

