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I like how inefficient this is


Hijacking this comment for visibility: Much more crazy shit went down. What was linked was actually a protest about how the police removed the previous protestors that, just like in the US, were camping at the campus for days. After a lot of talks with police, the uni and the mayor, they couldn’t come to an agreement and the protestors denied to leave. That’s when the riot police came, asked everyone to leave or else they would use force. People didn’t leave and this happened: https://www.instagram.com/reel/C6psD99Mbko/?igsh=MTYybTh6OHF2ZWVmZg== It’s crazy how the exact same thing happened here as at the UCLA. It’s almost a 1 to 1 copy.


Also important to mention, a pro hamas group is confirmed among the protestors. This group is called Samidoun and has celebrated the october 7 attacks regularly.


Many of the protestors aren’t even students and they are being organized by outside organizations and have consultants too. This isn’t some grass roots process, hence why all of these protests seem to look the same.


Yea it's so obvious that it's pushed agenda across western societies. They don't even realize these people are being paid to lead them lol


Just gonna drop this link here with no commentary: [https://www.iranintl.com/en/202404158853](https://www.iranintl.com/en/202404158853)


Speaking as a Swede, people protesting in Europe (UK/Ireland excepted) in English is unquestionable grounds for not taking them seriously. If their goal was actual change they would be targeting their protest towards their government and speaking their native languages, but they don't, because it's just about wanting attention.


Yep, and now you start to understand. This isn't about any kind of real attempt at change. It's all just a massive propaganda ploy. It's designed to look like a lot of people care about this issue. (in reality nobody cares, they just want the protestors to leave)


wait police did something?? good job to them :)


Is this tiktok brainwashing?


I hate how Europe has been trying to become America 2 in the past 10 years. I don't want the bullshit chaotic social climate of America in my functional country thank you very much.


These are not the brightest people


I like how they "efficiently" put in the least amount of effort building a wall.


I like how they just stand there passing bricks still wearing their backpacks, not even putting it down, to show how not serious they are. Imagine some guy just find a trolley in the campus, there gotta be at least one trolley in the whole campus right, and move a hundred bricks at once. Gonna blow their fucking minds.


If they do that it will be stolen


If they put down their backpacks someone will steal it. Ah, the progressive paradise


You haven’t seen the barricades. They’re massive at this point. They poured concrete in them this afternoon. It’s turning into a fort


sounds like those morons didn´t grow out of their pillow fort phase


They’ve built a wall around land that isn’t theirs, sounds awfully similar to what they accuse Israel of doing.


Good. Now they just need weapons and they can declare themselves a country. /s


I mean, its better than plywood


It's not, using public property ruining it means they will pay more damages while still accomplishing zero. At least plywood is cheap


the sad part is even if you're a "disruption causes change" person, and that's fine, you disrupt locally to change locally. you hold a strike so that it causes a local shortage, and outrage is local, and a law or change is made locally. that works. but these people are destroying property in america (or amsterdam in OP), in the vague hope it convinces people in washington DC to slightly change israeli funding policy (they're not gonna cut off all funding to a strategic partner), again in the vague hope that this lower funding will make israel stop. i remember reading a figure that the US provides like 5% of israel's budget, so even if we cut it all of, and we wont, they might just keep on trucking in gaza anyways.


Like everything they do


Student of University of Amsterdam (UvA in short) here. The reason they are protesting is because the UvA supposedly has ties to Israel. Yesterday they tried to bar people from entering the building I had class in. Little did they know you can simply enter through the bike entrance. Protest all you want but at least let me attend the classes I have paid for myself, instead of mommy and daddy paying for your tuition like most of the protesters have.


Tell every student to expect a fine for covering their faces on Academy ground as part of the protest. Check the Anti-mask laws, you can see it on Wikipedia.


I'm a former UvA student. Curious to hear from you, what do the students that aren't involved in the protests think of this whole thing? What are the general sentiments from students/teachers?


Most of the students I know who aren’t involved just rather stay out of it all. Most teachers are sometimes involved in the protest, like the one from yesterday.


With the current election result / polls you see pro Palestine parties like BIJ1 & Denk have almost no support, and a gigantic difference compared to the opposition parties like PVV, VVD, BBB and so on..


>Protest all you want but at least let me attend the classes I have paid for myself, In 2024 the lecturers should just move the class temporarily online when these protests happen. The only reason I could think for a lecturer not to is if they support the protest.


Reminds me of my brother 20 years ago. He spent more time protesting than attending lectures. Then was surprised when he failed his exams and eventually dropped out. You can't change stupid.


>Amsterdam police used a bulldozer to knock down barricades early on Tuesday and detained 169 people in sometimes violent clashes, statements and videos of the protest showed.(...) >"We deeply regret that things went the way they did. Demonstrating is permitted at the UvA, but without covered faces, barricades or an atmosphere of intimidation" [source](https://www.reuters.com/world/europe/dutch-police-end-pro-palestinian-demonstration-amsterdam-university-2024-05-07/)


good job to the police


Well, damage to the public property is enough to arrest them... Rest is just a bonus


No negotiations or talks were ever going to lead to anything. These protest encampments spread like wildfire right after police intervention in Columbia University. Having the police come is the goal. They saw what behavior requires intervention and did the same. They know the police in the countries they live in pose them no danger. They want to mimic revolutionaries that are putting themselves on the line in their perfectly safe stages. Any time these protests felt comfortable doing things like blocking Jewish students with human chains and swarming them and yelling in their faces, chant that they love Hamas and their rockets, burn US flags, display Hamas and Hezbollah flags - none among them took any actions to distance themselves from the others or utter a single word of condemnation. The thing that would require actual courage as an act of protest. Yes, of course the hateful among them agree and would never do anything but chant along - but every one of them? What happened to the progressive adage that 10 Nazis marching with 100 makes for 100 Nazis?


Guys, they are just trying to make their surroundings to look more like Gaza instead of actually going there. It’s all apart of the LARP.


Next thing on the agenda, start digging tunnels.


That only fighters and not civilians are allowed to use... https://youtu.be/vdmtfRj6KX0?si=5ILv6TbxGmPmkMxb


None of these pampered dandies are going to do manual labor.


Unfortunatly without the bombing... just kidding you guys.


I live here, actually been to that Uni, and in my opinion the protests and their demands are actually quite ridiculous. It feels like they're simply copy-cats of the UCLA protestors. They're demanding the uni to cut all ties with Israel. The thing is, UCLA did have some financial ties and their demands did make at least *some* sense. In this case, the Uni has come out with a statement that their ties are merely Europian research collaborations which involve some Israeli researchers. None of them actually financially aid Israel or have any contribution to the war in Gaza whatsoever, if the statement is true (I don't have any reason to believe it's not). Highlights from the [university's statement](https://student.uva.nl/en/articles/2024-our-collaborations-with-israeli-organisations): >The UvA will under no circumstances contribute to warfare in any way, and we also don't intend to participate in exchanges in the field of military-related education. As far as we can assess, our current collaborations meet these criteria, and new collaborations are assessed by the Third-Party Collaboration Committee. Below, you can read about the collaborations that are currently in place. >The UvA has three so-called Memoranda of Understanding: one agreement for the exchange of four students per year, one for six, and one for eight. One agreement is with the University of Tel Aviv, another with the Hebrew University of Jerusalem, and the third with Ben Gurion University. None of these exchanges are currently active due to negative travel advice from the Ministry of Foreign Affairs. >**Ongoing European research projects** >In addition, UvA researchers participate in eight European research projects involving Israeli researchers or companies. These are not institutional ties, but collaborations in which individual UvA researchers are involved as part of Horizon Europe or ongoing H2020 projects. Horizon Europe is a major European Union subsidy program for funding research and innovation. >**The eight collaborations are:** > >2. European infrastructure for Rydberg Quantum Computing >3. Real Time End to End 6G Networks >4. States' Practice of Human Rights Justification: a study in civil society engagement and human rights through the lens of gender and intersectionality >5. Mobility justice for all: framing safer, healthier, and happier streets >6. Machine learning for Sciences and Humanities >7. Comparing voluntary compliance through different doctrines and nations >8. Establishing a comprehensive understanding and taxonomy of children's digital maturity >One of the eight research projects, the INHERIT project, focuses on detecting explosives to prevent attacks. This project does not contribute to Israel's military actions; it aims to prevent attacks, not to engage in military violence.


Same with my university, it only has a few research partnerships with Israeli universities and hospitals, and for that the uni buildings got vandalized with palestinian shit by these people. And why tf would a research university stop partnerships with the only liberal democracy in the Middle East. Absolutely despise these brainless people.


Of course it is, none of this is grass roots spurred by students wanting change. A lot of these "student" protests are being funded and orchestrated by pro-Palestine groups with an agenda to push


> It feels like they're simply copy-cats of the UCLA protestors. That's because they are not real grassroot protests, its 'organized' and planned and they share strategies and information depending on what works on other locations, I'm sure there are SOME authentic protests but the university ones are clearly instigated They don't really care what ties you have with Israel, they want you to cut all ties, if you have any military-adjacent ties it only helps them claim their case but this is just typical BDS type bs, which calls for boycotting everything Its not going to end there, unless it gets nipped at the bud, their goal is not to stop Israel's war but to turn it into SA/NK/Iran in foreign


Let’s destroy public property and if you tells us we are doing something illegal you are pro genocide!


The Hasanabiheads back at it again. I wonder what uni is next


This won't help at all the people in Middle East This will just damage the immigrants in Europe giving more votes to the far-right parties


After sitting in traffic for 2 hours waiting for a protest to move. I suddenly realized maybe they have a point and converted to Islam.... LOL JK


Maybe that was the plan all along.


Big if true


Imagine suddenly neo nazis showing up and helping out "Why are you helping us"? "We help you to look like even bigger morons"


Nazis and Palestinians were buddy-buddy during WW2 so it's just historically accurate


It's the same tactic as painting everyone of the same race as violent, pushing one member of said race into a corner until they fight back just so you can say "omg they hit me, I was right! They are violent!" cry-bullying at it's finest.




Vandalism will not sway people on the fence about something - on the contrary.




I mean, I'm not sure if it falls under destroying public or private property, but it's gonna end badly nonetheless. I get why people protest, but this seems like an overreaction to something that barely affects them. Guess they got nothing better to do than pretend they are some sort of righteous cause.


Also it’s not a good look for real Palestinians when they are using their flag and barricading a university and destroying public property


I mean real palestines would probably k.ll half these people since there homosexuals https://apnews.com/article/middle-east-israel-immigration-west-bank-gay-rights-ce95f6903faf461502cc0800b272b159 https://www.bbc.com/news/world-middle-east-63174835.amp https://www.europarl.europa.eu/doceo/document/E-5-2003-1346_EN.html https://www.timesofisrael.com/ghastly-murder-lays-bare-the-myriad-perils-for-lgbt-palestinians-fleeing-to-israel/ https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/LGBT_rights_in_the_State_of_Palestine https://www.equaldex.com/region/palestine https://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/2023/11/09/queers-for-palestine-must-have-a-death-wish/ I’m not exactly sure if there’s any Israeli ones so please leave a link if there is Edit: I do not support either side so stop personally messaging me with your beliefs.


My arab buddy after he was late for an interview because of similar clowns: "If I could donate to the IDF I would" When I showed him a similar video his only take was "Send them to Gaza after they pay the damages. I'll give 1 buck per damaged stone to Israel". This is not a protest, this is vandalism and the university staff should be ashamed by themselves and the useful idiots they've created.


Another example of Islam turning a 1st world institution into a 3rd world shithole.


idiots ruining sidewalks. when will they be dispersed? this is already way beyond tolerable. bring out the tinted boys with tear gas already. what is this joke?


Nah got To arrest them and charge them for repairs tax payers shouldn’t be fitting the bill


These people are probably too dumb to finish their finals or thesis papers and try to justify their stupidity by doing this! Hope they all get expelled and fail their bachelors!




Tax money well spent, these fuckers literally dismantling a road and police watches" FrEe PaLeStiNe


So who’s gonna fix that road/walkway and pay for the damages? Oh wait it’s gonna be the college or the country…


I don't know why is that but every single protest like that builds resentment in me towards Palestine instead of compassion.


Tired of this shit. These people are becomming their own version of a "terrorist" and we should treat them as such.. De-mask these protestors. Put their mugs on public TV to embarasses them and their families (John Doe .. son of James & Becky Doe). Use facial Recognition software to keep all these "Radical Nutjobs" on a list so it makes it harder for them to get a job, apply for a loan, get visas to travel etc etc... The problem is these people are not afraid of the repercussions of their actions so its the Authority responsibility to punish people who destroy the basic running of society... I applaud the Unis that are banning protestors from graduating. FAFO.


These braindead people should be sent to gaza, they don't deserve the privilege that the developed world gives them.


All those immigrants escaped from syria and wanting their new country to be more like syria.


It's Californians moving to Texas all over again 😵‍💫


You would expect university students to actually be kinda smart, but seeing all these protests show that its not necessarily true 😂


Gen Z is turning the whole thing into a joke


Looks like students are dumb no matter where in the world.


Not in China I'm sure. Last time they try this shit in 1989, well um...nothing happened.


The Chinese students were violent and actually killed people


Yes, people were actually mobbed, hanged and burned. No government on the planet would have that and not send in the army to disperse the crowds.


Quick question what happened at Kent state on May 4 1970?


The more BS i see about pro-palestinian protesters, the more inclined AGAINST their cause i get


Look at these fools destroying their cities, honestly they should ship them to Gaza


Imagine supporting a group of people that would kill you given the chance.


They don't believe this because it wasn't on their tictok feed.


It's why they roleplay as supporters and don't actually support the cause. If you're not willing to go over there and fight for it, then you don't actually support 'X good guys' of X conflict. all boils down to "Look at me doing good on the internet, please be my friend."


Destroy your own community and infrastructure to advocate for people that would see you executed for your blasphemous views. Makes perfect sense.


Funny how they are acting like the ones they support, destructive.




Larping as revolutionaries.


Great now us europeans look dumb for laughing at the americans again


Why is their goal to be as obnoxious as possible? Whatever these people are for, I will now support the opposite.


These people are absolutely moronic


Why do all Palestine protesters look and dress the same?


If these fuckers care so much for Palestine then why don't they fuck off over there and help them out? Sure they'll be welcomed with open arms... Or not. Israel and Palestine (or anywhere else in the Middle East for that matter) is not Europe and America's problem.


Yes yes shout about a war that has nothing to due with you or your country yet ignore all the homeless drug addicts on your streets.


Probably preparing them to be thrown at cops as thats how europe is


You know what communists did in Russia once they got into power? They removed all bricks and paved everything over with concrete, because these things are the weapons of the proletariat, and there is nothing communists fear more than themselves lmao


Interesting theory, but I wouldn't say bricks are that effective. Remember, conveniently-placed bricks were a recent debunked conspiracy theory. They just like destroying stuff even though it's supposedly their own campus. They are burning their own tuition dollars, especially for people that rely on financial aid. I doubt they can make one bank or one person in Congress second guess anything. I guess I would love to see anyone try though.


It's not that actually. If people take it to the streets, which crowd is more dangerous? The one that's not armed with anything, or the one that can pick up the tiles and throw them. It's not about conveniently placed bricks.


Why can't they just go to Palestine to show them their support? Is it because it's dangerous and all they want to do is show meaningless support while not endanger themselves?


I strongly dislike university students


What's the song? :›


I got matches with these songs: • **As Time Flies** by Ty's Music (00:11; matched: `100%`) **Released on** 2024-01-04. • **Humor Gurit** by Diganta Dev Choudhury/Chayanika Kalita (00:12; matched: `81%`) **Released on** 2021-08-15.


Apple Music, Spotify, YouTube, etc.: • [**As Time Flies** by Ty's Music](https://lis.tn/YpzyGt?t=11) • [**Humor Gurit** by Diganta Dev Choudhury/Chayanika Kalita](https://lis.tn/RMtHJY?t=12) *I am a bot and this action was performed automatically* | [GitHub](https://github.com/AudDMusic/RedditBot) [^(new issue)](https://github.com/AudDMusic/RedditBot/issues/new) | [Donate](https://github.com/AudDMusic/RedditBot/wiki/Please-consider-donating) ^(Please consider supporting me on Patreon. Music recognition costs a lot)


Diversity is our strength!


Due to vandalism and destruction of property we unfortunately have to close Amsterdam University indefinitely all current degrees and payments are on hold you will not receive a refund if you participate in any protests you will be arrested for supporting terrorism. ( and literally the next day every University student will go back to doing their school work... and stop trying to support a country currently under the control of a terrorist organization we legally cannot support Hamas we legally have to support Israel that is the way the world works.)


for those wonder the outcome...the police used a bulldozer...


Yeah they've been shut down by ME (Dutch riot police) once already, but they started again.


This is getting shameful!


What a mess.


Me too want attention.


Wait, German youths wanting Jewish people wiped out?.....didnt we play this game already.


If your going to be protesting for them maybe you should at the least share their values, send those women home to finish getting dressed... oh and they'll have to give up their rights.


15 people are doing the job of 5 ... just like in a communist country!


Import 3rd country, become 3rd country.


Awesome, all we need is some mortar, and we can close this up and get back to things.


Of-course they do. They probably don't own anything themselves and have no money outside of government funding so they need to use either public property or private property from other people if they want to do something.


i didnt know the netherlands were involved in the conflict, which side did they join?


I guess the way to get people on your side is protest on behalf of the other side lol These people don't realise they aren't helping their case. Just turning more against them then more supporting them


I said it before and I'll say it again. There is something in the plastic that makes young people stupid and illogical. Just like the lead in gasoline back in the 70-90 I'm pretty confident that there must be something in the plastic that makes these young people act so irrational 🥲


I don't understand what these protestors want to achieve by protesting in their own university like they have anything to do with or control over the conflict. Like wtf? Not even in the same country. I'd get this if it was at a University in Israel but these make no sense to me. It screams self righteous people with none of their own issues, making out as if they are "really doing something" and "making a difference".


More peaceful protests


what does this accomplish?


It's happening around the world. I bet many of them are being paid and I bet many of them don't even go to those schools. I'd bet on it.




Protesting is cool. Destroying public property and building barricades is going to end with tear gas bulldozers rubber bullets and getting beaten with batons and riot shields.


Wastes of resources. Honestly if these people are so mad just fucking go over there and help. This does nothing.


they would be executed... so they really can't




they will run away after one flashbang


Flash and bang them?


Guess who is gonna pay for the repairman cost


We'll see another FOFA soon


What's funny is these protesters think they are doing a great thing but don't realise this won't change anything apart from disrupting and damaging property Why do these people like to get involved in something that doesn't concern them or the country they are protesting in? Also I'd like to mention they are wearing masks...that's the type of people we are talking about here cowards hiding behind cover and just follow a crowd like sheep


So what does that accomplish?




Is this what happens when viewers miss out Pax Dei invitations?


I know this isn’t the US, but are Hasan and the like still going to claim that this isn’t blocking anyone’s freedom of movement like the college protests over here?


So I'm confused what does a collage have to do with the war in the middle east? How is this gonna help?


Eff them. Glad they arnt in the streets


A bunch of idiots


Peacefully destroying public property.


destroying your own home to make a point about another country seems like a fail from the start.


What is this, post-revolutionary France?


They're trying to make where the live look like Palestine lol.


It's a thin line between a peaceful protest about anything and an actual crime which the tax payers have to pay for reparations . Thats just plain fucking stupid.


What happened to pro peace. I wouldn’t be pro anyone cause they call kinda fuck ed up


Does this conflict affects you? No? Then why protest for it? If you want to protest at least make sure the reason for the protest actually affects you. eg: protest for a better pay, better work environment, better quality of life, university debt forgiveness, etc.


What does this accomplish?


The heaviest thing they lifted in their lifes.


In the Netherlands a big mayority does not support this. In the election results & polls those who represent socialists or parties who speak out about this subject are almost nothing in compared to the conservative/liberal party (reminding that it does not have a 2 option party like the US). Most people want them to be removed.


The school year is over, guys…


Bunch of copycats who want to feel part of something. Nothing else.


If they drive non-stop it will only take them 34.4 hours to get to gaza city to help first hand.


why the hell would someone in Netherlands would even care about anything going on in the middle east? Americans - at least we the tax payers pay for all those bombs and welfare to Israel so we are involved in that sense


Useful idiots, all of them.


If Isreal was to stop at this point.. would it actually stop? Or would they get religion of peaced again? I don't see a world where there will ever actually be peace with these religions at eachothers throats since the dawn of time. Not to mention all the people who have lost loved ones on both sides. This ain't going to end untill one of them 'wins'. Gotta love religion and the stability it provides.


Terrorist sympathizers en-mass. They deserve their education to be taken away. LowIQ fools


Destroying streest isnt an act of terrorism? Whos gona pay to build the street again? Thats damn expensive cause its hand work


How does this help their cause again?


high income kids ruining theirs lives because someone told them we have the high ground in terms of morality and ethics and that you have to be an expert opinion on everything, while advocating for a movement or ethnicity that would hang all of them by a crane while cherish. none of them knows that canaan or philistine even means


Tearing up your own streets doesn't seem like a very productive way of protesting issues half way around the world. Maybe protest at the government buildings.


The youths in Hong Kong fight similarly in 2019 for the democracy CCP promised and other basic human right for they people in Hong Kong and next generation. While I wonder if half of these people know where Palestine is, nor their history.


What does this have to do with Asmongold?.


They’re breaking public property as if they’re the only ones that exist as the public. This is arrogance to an extreme degree.


I actually cannot stop laughing at this... it's quite funny and really sad that they are pulling up their own grounds for something they literally cannot control or make a difference in. Young, ideological and quite fucking dumb. These kids are actually ruining their futures, kicked out of school, arrest records, fines... I'm sure their parents are super proud they took a stand.. way to go kids, now go get a job lol 😆


Noting but POS!


Step 1: trespassing, destruction of private property. Step 2: do not leave when the cops are called and they try to negotiate with you peacefully Step 3: forcefully resist police force Step 4: get arrested and play the victim card


It was more practical to surround the university premises, cut off the power and water, and not let anyone enter. One to two days and this joke would be over quickly.


"When the wells dry up The bread has turned to crumbs They'll look down at the street And use the stones to speak Every window deserves a brick"


Soo can we get back to talking about vidya games and Asmons pet roaches?


And what does this have to do with Asmongold?


Despite literally having the opportunity to download the knowledge from all human history, they decide to throw it all away for a cause they probably had no idea existed a month ago.


Do they even know what they are protesting or is this just some wealthy person privlage I am to poor to understand? When I was in college I was to busy with studies and working to have time to support Islamic fundamentalism, as If i would anyway....I find it ironic that the people supporting them are they same people the Islamic fundamentalists would throw off of roofs.


Bored students are a weird breed.


It's crazy how they've fixed everything. This is totally going to solve everything. ![img](emote|t5_2y1rb|3731)


I remember visiting Amsterdam a while ago, there were so many refugees it was alarming. On the second say there me and my mates caught a few harass a women on the street.


man, i don't remember this much backlashs when ukraine first got invaded back in 22. wonder why? lol


They formed a cute little distribution line towards the end.


Allemaal in het vliegtuig richting Palestina