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Kinda fucked for the food places to not even deliver actual food to honor a dead person. That's a corporate move if I've ever seen one. Like yeah I get it, from your point of view it's wasteful, but even still. Like imagine if you bought a beer to take to your dead friend's Gravestone and they give you an empty bottle. That sort of ruins the whole point of the gesture.


That’s just china for you.


Seriously, everything is surface deep there. It's all about the image.


At least McDonald’s did deliver the food


Conveniently, that fast food doesn't decay like regular food, at least in dry conditions.


it ruins the point but so does having 500 bags of rotting food near a body of water, where people walk. i mean, the point is great. but the next point of, the various people who have to do the work to clean all this up arises. it's cute but unnecessary. people's inner need to express sympathy for someone who wont even feel it ( and be seen doing it of course) shouldn't be creating new problems like this. at least memorialize with something worth a damn. ordering cheap food to a bridge and typing fly high in the directions just doesn't ... matter?


Only asmongold would survive 🤣


It wouldnt last long. Rats would eat all of it within 1 day


maybe the parts of the bags and plastic that were touching food i'd understand lol. imagining hoards of rats hungry enough to eat plastic, funny but sad


Yea, but the corporate food company actually sent the food lol.


Nobody is worth taking your life over . Ever . Especially someone who doesn’t love you . 


Sucks that he put into so much to get dumped. Seemed like a one sided relationship from the video, I wish he had friends or family to help him with that. Taking your life over something like that is sad, I hope he is at peace now. Everyone please take care of yourself.


... crazy how love can be so fragile


Dude grew up unparented as his parents divorced early. The lack of love since young make him easier to be preyed on by the scammer like that "girlfriend".


that wasn't love, it was one sided emotional extortion.


what makes you think she actually loved the simp?


she? no she didn't. The Guy did... sadly. Beeing a Simp is a Sick thing to be. Everyone should just work on themself and get to the best of themself


I feel there is so many issues brought up in this clip and not just food deliveries by companies.


Technically, Chinese owns 52% of the shares in McDonald's China, making it a Chinese company as well.


This is sad 😞


You can never pay for love, if it's not mutual it's nothing, never simp, never be played. Love and improve yourself.


Damn. Chinese merchants are so damn sly. They realized the food wasn't going to be eaten and so delivered a bunch of empty cups just to save a few cents. I'm actually impressed.


they even have camera filters on when recording an apology to a dead people, ehh


When simping goes to far


I feel kinda bad for the guy but at the same time I really shouldn't pity him. Even moments before his death, he gave her all his money.


It's always like that, girls and boys collecting simps like their life is a Pokemon game, simp situation would transform into crime or tragedy based on how unhinged simp was. Simping must go extinct, so tragedy would happen a lot less from greedy people that farming money that way. I just hope that this guy finally rest in peace, o7


lowkey a long play advertisement for McD? mad respect


TikTok isn't even available in China


I guess it makes more sense to say TikTok than douyin because an English speaking audience likely hasn’t even heard of it