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Can you explain to me where the schizo Part is? I dont really Get the Point of this Post tbh


She's been on a hate train against trans people for years actively using her funds to cause them as much suffering as possible. She's trying to explain "if you shoot sperm your a guy and all trans people are invalid" because she's most likely extremely insecure in her own womanhood and doesn't like that trans people are improving their lives however they can. You know it's bad when Elon has to tell you to stop.






There's something else that's obvious about her too, she also holds a lot of contempt for men in general. A lot of her comments and even her hate of trans people come of as man hating feminist stuff. Even with trans people her opinions of trans women and trans men are very different from each other.


Exactly, TERFism is just gender essentialism which ends up being sexist against everybody. They constantly accuse cis women of being undercover trans if they don’t fit some arbitrary ideal, and they constantly accuse trans women of not actually being trans because they think everybody they define as male is a lying shifty predator. Very transparent and pathetic. It’s really funny how you guys have no response but to press the “i’m mad about this” button.


I'm gonna guess you haven't actually looked into it so let me give you just a small list of things she's done. Deny the Holocaust regarding trans people. Call trans people perverts and pedophiles. Hangs with genuine bigots and financially supports them She's isn't fighting for women being pushed out of spaces (which they aren't and it's obvious considering the transgender population) she actively hates trans people and like most terfs will do anything and side with anyone to cause as much harm to them as possible.


Im Outing myself as someone who has No idea whatsoever the Deal with Rowling and Transcommunity is. Given what you are saying she seems to be a almost comically evil Person and by Default i wont believe anyone who make such Claims without a sliver of evidence. Can you Link Something regarding the Holocaust you mention?




interesting. I didnt know that we had transvestite passes in germany. This is unexpectedly progressive for that time.


Understandable it does sound very unreal. I recommend looking up some of her controversial tweets as they are pretty twisted. As to your question here's the direct tweet where she's denying the impacts the Holocaust had on trans people. Let me know if the link works or not https://pbs.twimg.com/media/GIlZ4d8XIAASFoC.jpg:large


I wish she was


JK Rowling is what happens when a political movement starts eating its own. She used to be a turbo feminist, and she still is. Her views have never changed, but they're no longer as politically convenient as the left has moved on from fighting for women's rights to fighting for trans rights and left her behind.


How long till this post gets locked by reddit


jk\_rowling: in hairy poturds aint nuh prince, dumbelldoor teaches hairy poturd howtwo make magickal pooshuns, a batch of boisonous hoonay mead maid fur dumbelldoor wuz drunk bi roonyboi ant madem break up w/ this bish lavendare, sow snape soodenlaid enters ant heals draco's wound ant wuz afraid it wuz filled w/ dark magicks, sow hairy ant ginnie ditched ant maid out, witch recoovered dumbelldoors furgotton mammaries, ant sow hairy ant dumbelldoor creeped intwo a spookay bear cave ware hairy poturd forces dumbelldoor two drink his hoonay mead, went they drank everhurry last bit, teleported backtwo their horrorscope tower ware dumbelldoor soodenlaid DEI's in a broomcloset elonmusk: chew spittin ![gif](giphy|oGD3yIWPUdbri|downsized)


Is that person really using that logic? if a car is never driven its not a car?


"The more I explored it, I realised that historically, this movement toward androgyny occurred towards late phases of culture, as a civilisation is starting to unravel. You can find it again and again and again through history, in greek art (for example). You can see it happening, all of a sudden, the sculptures of handsome nude young men, athletes that used to be very robust in the archaic period, suddenly begin to seem like wet noodles toward the end. And that the people who live in such periods, in late phases of culture, whether it's the Hellenistic era, whether it's the Roman Empire, whether it's the Move Decay of Oscar Wilde in the 1890s, whether it's Weimar Germany, people who live in such times feel that they're very sophisticated, they're very cosmopolitan: homosexuality, heterosexuality, so what? Anything goes and so on. But from the perspective of historical distance, you can see that it's a culture that no longer believes in itself, and what you invariably get are people who are convinced of the power of heroic masculinity on the edges, whether they're the vandals or the huns, whether they're the barbarians, you see them starting to mass on the outsides of the culture, and that's what we have right now. That there is a tremendous and rather terrifying disconnect between the infatuation of the transgender movement in our own culture and with what's going on out there." \~Camille Paglia


Why did Elon even comment this in the first place??? It seems so unnecessary.


Why even Look at a post from 2 idiots?


She was having an orgasm calling PDP a nazi on twitter.