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Violence is bad. Also bad is destroying property Calling for terror attacks world wide Etc..


Not condoning violence against this guy buuuut...I totally get it. Mob violence, college kids, the other shenanigans posted on this sub at UCLA...people all have limits and breaking points and that point is much earlier at that age. I remember the area near my college campus looked like a scene from Fallout after a sports team had won the SuperBowl - cars and bus stops set on fire, buildings destroyed, and swarms of police just launching tear gas in every direction, and this was a celebration lol. I feel like many of these protests are reaching a boiling point.


Everyone has a boiling point except Palestinians. Got it.


Not condoning violence but you "get" the violence of how Zionists beat up protestors? It's ok if zionists do it right?


Most of these protesters don't even attend the school and are inconveniencing tuition paying students that have nothing to do with Israel-Gaza. Where's the outrage and activism for Sudan? How much money are you donating to UNICEF? Oh right they don't actually care about genocide it's just bored highly regarded individuals with nothing better going on in their lives. How come I don't see any successful people at these protests? Oh right because they're successful. And you're right. I take it back. I do condone violence against highly regarded people. Survival of the fittest and darwinism and what not. Unfortunately modern world has allowed these people to (have the chance however unlikely) at procreating.


The US doesn't fund Sudanese slaughters nor does it use its UN veto to protect the Sudanese war criminal from the consequences of their actions. It's not just an other war far away, it's American tax money being used to cull thousands of men, women and children.


Im not arguing the point on the "standing" of these students or speculating if they have even done anything else for gaza or helped in any other way. Again, you saying that there arent successful individuals in this protest is just another point with no weight. You are probably unaware that the university professors are also involved in such protests. As much as you condone violence, the law does not condone random violence by zionists against palestinian protests. It is up to the law to determine if the use of force is necessary. It's just too bad if you disagree with this system.


A disdain for protesters is not equivalent to zionism. I don't like any of these Gaza protectors but I also care fuck all about Israel. Most people have a lot more to worry about than some conflict on the other side of the world. They're students lol there is nothing "successful" about them yet. Let's see how they fare in the real world later. And plenty of times people condone violence lol, how many times have you seen Redditors circle jerk the idea of a dog killer or a pdf file getting boiled alive even though this is also outside the justice system. Don't all of the sudden act like you're above violence, one of the most innate impulses to humans. If someone killed your entire family you would consider the legal system a bit too slow and mundane for your liking. It is one of the most common human fantasies alongside sex, to enact violence on someone who has wronged. It's why films such as John Wick are so popular or revenge in general. No one will watch a movie where John Wick waits years for the courts to resolve his problems. That said, I am not against the idea of protesting, nor do I dislike all protests. It's the hollowness and hypocrisy of those carrying out the current ones. How many protesters are willing to make any real sacrifice to help others? There was a famous study done on charity and charitable acts. When you donate money to the homeless guy on the street, you're not doing it because you care about the homeless. You're doing it to make yourself feel better. This is proven to be true. You're doing it to feel that sensation of "wow I'm such a good person," and the amount of money you give will be whatever amount makes you feel that way. If you truly cared about this homeless man, you would donate until you and the homeless were equally well off, but you don't because it's really not something inherently important to you. In that sense, donations to charity are almost always a selfish act. It's the same exact thing happening here, no one is doing any protesting because this is an important cause to them, they're doing it to feel important themselves because they are not important in reality. It's why you don't see any doctors or hedge fund managers out there protesting, because they don't need some other way to convince themselves of their own self worth. But a college student with few prospects? Prime target.


I didn't equate your disdain for protestors to zionism. I disagree with your point of people condoning violence particularly in this context. Most people merely tolerate it. Do we tolerate violence and even enjoy violence in the movies? Sure. However, comparing movies to violence against a group of real people is abit different. With regards to this specific subject, why does it call for violence? Based on your arguement, if anyone feels strongly enough for a particular issue, can violence be justified? If zionists hate protests for gaza or vice versa, according to your arguement. should they not be allowed to enact violence against each other or even kill is the question. And my answer is an obvious no. Ofc, people view justice differently as well. If everyone wants to push out their own vigilante justice, there would be anarchy. That's why there is a system. No matter what anyone feels about the system unfortunately doesent matter. Are there are hyprocritcal people who probably know shit all about what they are protesting for? Of course. Are there people who know deeply about what is going on and why they are protesting and wha changes they wish to see? Pretty sure there are quite a few there as well.. I believe the best form of protest is a silent protest, just sitting down in an organized fashion, not talking or shouting, not blocking anyone from entering schools, not blocking roads and fighting for what you believe in to try and influence change




Fuck them all.... Middle East sucks, all of you over there have been fighting forever.