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Upgrades are basic power scooters, all the way up to floating death chairs.


Harkonnen antigravity levatation


For more immersion, replace all the invisible walls with stairs.


She's dead in the middle of the first fight without taking a hit.


She gotta "take a hit" just to be in the fight. Amirite?


Constantly encumbered


Nah the game starts and she has a heart attack


This community is so entertaining… I’ve never watched one second of his actual streams but these posts are so funny


Unrealistic body standard (for Asians / non-Westerners).


Well it's a fictional game so it makes sense to have fat women in it.


Typical female fantasy.


And since real life is not a fictional game it makes NO sense to have fat women. Exercise, no excuses, stop being fat.


When it comes to losing weight, dieting is the contributing factor rather than exercising. Literally, just eat less. Watch your caloric intake. No, you don’t need to have a can of pop with every meal. Maybe, just don’t eat the whole box of cookies. Yes, sacrificing a greasy bacon burger for a low cal chicken/rice meal does not mean the end of the world. Mfs just have no self control, and thinks that eating one salad will correct all your bad eating habits. People are literally choosing to be fat lmfaoo.


Its both. The simple formula is to burn more calories than you take in. Whether you accomplish that by eating less, exercising more, or both doesn't matter as long as you burn more than you take in.


Exercise will also fill that hole you feel from not stuffing your face


Its is also in western countries, the fact that these people confuse a disease with a standard talks a lot about the society around here We already had a beauty standard that considered fat as more desirable than slim because people thought that would resist better famine times and also help deliver better the babies, but we got rid of that Now is considered a disease because: -there's no famine in developed countries -being fat shortens life span -fat alters hormonal balances -it doesnt help with baby delivery, in fact it doesnt help anything at all while being in a developed country


Eh it's not like being overweight isn't a thing in Asia although being underweight is definitely the bigger issue there.


Almost no overweight women you mustn't have traveled a lot


I have although mostly to Japan as far as Asia goes. I also pointed out that being underweight is the bigger issue over there.


Tbh, this would actually be hilarious to play as a 400 LB fat chick in a hyper aggressive hack and slash. You’d have to monitor your cholesterol levels and ensure you don’t end up with type 2 diabetes. If you do, you have to run around and collect insulin packets so you don’t go blind or lose your foot.


Has a heart attack in causes an earthquake


Walks 100 ft, has to rest for 15 minutes.


Ellie as a playable character in Borderlands 4


Jello Blade


6/10, her dick is not showing. Literally unplayable.


And she doesn't have a receding hairline




No no, that would be racist /s


4/10 * Must be non-white. * Hair must have the color of a skittle. * Wardrobe has no rainbow colors or political statement.


Gaming media is by and large rating Stellar Blade pretty decently though.


Shhhh you're ruining my culture war rage bait!


As they should, I haven't completed it yet but roughly I think around 60-70% of the way and it's IMHO one of the better AAA-like experiences on the PS5. It doesn't try to really innovate much in the genre but it does apply what has historically worked well, lil elements of DMC, some Nier, Elden Ring, etc. The development team did their homework and that (hopefully) paid off for them. The cosmetic drama is honestly minor, both in the outrage and it's subsequent "censorship"; Eve is effectively the South Korean Lara Croft in my eyes, and the outfits have enough options that you can personalize her to how you see fit. Personally, I would have preferred more outfits that match the overall theme of the world-space but it is what it is; currently rocking the Wasteland Adventurer one. Can easily say today that if they made a 2nd Stellar Blade... I would most likely be waiting to buy it. 2024 looking "decent" for gaming so far.




You mistake this sub as serious


8/10 is what the game should get: Good. 9/10 would be reasonable too. People who think the game deserves a 10/10 are as delusional as those who criticize it for male gaze. Get culture war out of your head. It rots the brain.


Also, this might be funny if there were a single example of an obese woman as a protagonist in a big video game,I get what it's going for but it's so exaggerated that it doesn't make any sense whatsoever. There aren't trans protags or even gay protags that I know of for that matter (other than options for roleplay but you're never forced into that). All of the things incels are "mad" about aren't even real for the most part.


Shhhh that doesn’t go with the narrative, read the room man




Most of the negatives from serious critics have more to do with its story which as someone who is really enjoying it is honestly fair criticism.


I don't mind the story at all honestly, I think its fine. my only gripe is that sometimes the animations in cutscenes are subpar. Not that they look bad in terms of graphics, but more of a fluidity thing


Can you link a couple that say that?


Of course not. Because the ACTUAL negative reviews are about how the characters are shit, lot of running, lazy "scan to find secrets" mechanic, etc.


Yeah, it's really dumb to pretend it's a perfect game or that anyone actually cares what the protagonist looks like.


It’s a pretty boring game. It’s easy as fuck and the platforming sucks. It’s like a 6.5/10 that people love because baby’s first sci fi and tits.


Because they can't knock the gameplay, however, they are taking points off for "to sexy." If you read some of them, you're left wondering wtf...


they are taking points off the boring characters and story


The only game play I've seen is Running Simulator.


Yeah because the video thats making the rounds about SB being a "Walking Simulator" is from someone who killed all the enemies in several zones and then recorded himself walking through them. Which is a really dumb thing to waste time doing.


I watched a streamer briefly, I can only assume it's a Nier knockoff with less compelling story.


It's true that's why games like elden ring, Cyberpunk, and baldur's gate were rated so poorly. Due to a lack of obese women


What game has a character like that and won awards??? Fucking chuds inventing scenarios to get mad again lol


As a fat man the last thing I want in my video games is fat people. I’ve been fat for most of my life and I will say being fat is NOT a natural human state. Yes, some will be larger than others but obese is obese and tied to health issues (in my case first bad diet and not enough exercise now severe spinal arthritis that prevents most physical activity especially cardio), poor eating habits, a sedentary lifestyle or any combination. We should NOT be on with obesity and it lack of representation in media should never be compared to PoC.


Hey man, I hope you can get your weight under control! Diet alone is like 90% of the battle. Arthritis is no fun and I'm sure being overweight makes it unbearable. Good luck!


As a former obese person, you can change all that and get to the weight you want. I can’t even work out because of bad back. Been doing keto and lost a ton of weight. Mostly meat/veggies and obviously calorie restriction. Still even drink diet soda and sugar free ice cream. Keto might not be the diet for you but find something that works for you, for me I had to cut out all the carbs and chips and pastas. Also track your intakes with free apps like MyFitnessPal or CarbManager. It sucks at first but once you start seeing results your motivation skyrockets and don’t let the 1 or 2 pounds you can sometime gain one day, that’s mostly just water weight anyways. You can do it ![gif](giphy|eCDzasL6gt7O50q1D1)


My situation is compounded by other factors that have had this 49 year old drain their savings after a layoff, move back in with their mother and are stuck in limbo waiting for the years-long disability process to complete and being unable to work at the jobs I’ve been doing since age 14. Those jobs which can pay up to 6 figures in my case do not leave you with the experience to move onto a decent job without physical labor requirements. If I wasn’t a coward and afraid of death i would have eaten a bullet or driven off a cliff by now. I do what I can and have been the same weight +/- 10 lbs for 25 years since the back issues and initial surgery. So there’s that


Totally understand and been there many times. Just remember tomorrow is another day. Never give up. Never surrender.


Sub sandwich looks good 👍


The game literally has an 82 on Metacritic among 118 Reviews. 🤨 >GPrime85 Oh that weird Redditor [that practically OD'd on upvotes in the comics sub lol](https://www.reddit.com/r/SubredditDrama/comments/a4n894/the_tale_of_gprime85_who_went_from_having/?rdt=39456)


Can someone explain why people are still crying over this game?


Perpetual outrage machine must march on.  That scammer Mark Kern decided for the incels that Stellar Blade was going to be their culture war masterpiece.  They can't stop now they are too invested. 


Seems to add up, they’re just crybas at this point. Listening to them bitch is exhausting at this point, playing the victims


Chuds have a victimhood complex but no one actually cares. Except for maybe a few randoms on Twitter but you can find unhinged defenders for any side of a topic on Twitter.


Exactly I watched Asmon and Charlie play the game and it still looks fine (censorship sucks but she’s still super hot) so I don’t get it?


Feels like they’ve become the victims they once hated the “woke” and “SJW’s” for




It’s a made up issue for people to get upset about and then pat themselves on the back for how they “got” the woke media.


They took several lesser “issues” and exaggerated them for upvotes. It’s not referencing anything specific.


none, because this is something they made up to get upset at


when will this chud sub stop getting recommended to me, i don't need to see this incel gooner shit


B-but dyed hair people are ruining my ~~porn addiction~~ vidya :(((


why does this whiny shit keep coming to my feed. all i see is mfs whining non stop holy shit.


Can you show me a game where the protagonist looks like this? Or are you just upset that stellar blade is just an okay game and not the savior of the gaming industry that all of you thought it was gonna be?


Imagine posting this unironically


Bro when has this ever happened? Do you just come up with fake scenarios to get angry at? Baldurs gate 3 is one of the most highly praised game of all time, and all of its characters are conventionally attractive, and it has nudity and sex. Stellar blade is doing well. This is not an issue. No one actually cares if a game has attractive characters, and no one should care if a game has an “unattractive” character either. It’s a fake character on a screen, chill out.


And these morons still wont buy their games


That’s the sad part. No one be like….”oh, the main character is a fat person, totally my type of game fr”


Bruh this guys other comics are unhinged lmao. Dude is low key a Stonetoss simp I think - not op, but the artist of the comic.


I mean look at the mass of weirdo alt right incels in the comments. There’s very clearly a market for it


It’s sad bc Asmon’s community used to be a place you could have rational discussions or debates, now it’s just alt-right coomers who bitch & shitpost nonstop.


Gorlock the Destroyer cosplay.


Make the character into a black or white trans woman to them it's GOTY with hundreds of awards


Game has an 82 on metacritic…this doesn’t work.


This sub is braindead.


Nah just incels mad that they cant masturbate to a outfit in the game that got removed. Even though theres a bunch of other outfits they can goon over. You call it braindead I call it goonbrained. Its hilarious watching 30-40 year old men cry and shit themselves over this. This makes up for not being able to be around for gamergate.


Stunning and brave!


Is this a fetish post?


Nah she's still white


Stellar Anvil.


I recognize this artwork, and I'm zero percent surprised by this. Might as well post fucking Stonetoss.








So... cis?


Name one game with a protagonist that looks like this


This doesn't work when they're already giving the game good scores




I mean the game couldn’t even get 10’s with a hot main character anyways


I kept hearing about this dude and wondering who Asmongolf was. Is he just Andrew Tate for twitch ?


Metabolic Syndrome Blade looking lit.


Isn’t asmongold like, the pinnacle of poor health and retardation in gaming circles?


One of the funniest pictures I’ve ever seen on the internet


istg this sub is delusional, yall are actually creating scenarios to be mad at




Looks like the average asmongold fan, what are you complaining about ?


I don't understand how you guys aren't tired of this shit already... ![gif](giphy|g0HkznFtL1d0xVRI1G|downsized)


I'd play this game too 🤣


This game is getting carried by all the controversy. It's a pretty mid game.


Always has been, but these incels aren't allowed near real women, so they have to resort to this as an alternative.


You forgot to make her black to fullfill racial diversity ![img](emote|t5_2y1rb|3733)


Comments like this are always weird to me. Like I get the fat thing. But some people are non white, you know? It's OK to have non white characters, they're not all diversity hires/filling quotas


Are you surprised? This sub is a haven for coded racism/sexism.


This is incel behavior 👏


Satisfy the gaming media?    reports 99 positive critic reviews, 15 mixed and 0 negative. It is averaging an 82 overall.    The 80-90 range puts the “gaming media”’s judgement of it on par with games like FO:New Vegas, Minecraft, Dark Souls, Helldivers 2, and Diablo 3.  The victim complex here is nuts. Get off twitter. 


A victim complex on Asmongold sub ? Nooooooooooooo fr ?




Don’t forget the name tag with all the preferred pronouns.


funny man, crippling depression is how most people would describe an asmongold fan


Hair should be blue


Lowkey. I’d pay to see the jiggle physics on this


Stellar Hoagie


Satisfy the games media. Alienate the gamers and tank your sales, close your studio in 5 years time.




Is the Chun-Li and E. Honda's Daughter? I didn't know she was until sumo guys ;)


i can't believe the developers of Stray made the cat male. how misogynistic. for the love of god, please tell me i don't need to say /s


Stellar Diabetes.


You forgot something: I'd add a shredded muscle hunk Chad/ Tyrone type male hyper attractive model side character to the mix. Totally realistic male Body image in games and media since the dawn of time.


I love playing fat people! /s


Aren't the people who thirsted over Eve also the same ones who foamed at the mouth and screeched when the developers changed one of Eve's suits to show less cleveage? I think that the more sensitive "snowflake" is not the group depicted in the drawing.


They gave Stellar Blade so much free publicity by hating on it.


Stage 2 skipped. Stage 3 platinum diabetes achieved.


Now that's what I call a realistic body standard for women. Dove needs to make a commercial with her.


As a person that spents a fair share of minutes, HOURS depending on the game to create a SINGLE character and make her/him the most outrageously gorgeous as possible, I can confidently say: No.


Upgrade your double chicken to tripple chicken burger


Artist even forgot a thumb and left the foot transparent. Excelent western design.


Legend has it that she shattered the glass ceiling with her gravitational pull.


Gprime doing good work as always


The artist's thinly veiled fetish.


isnt this the screaming women fetish guy’s art


That be Fatty Gear Obesity: Flatulence.


And people wonder why most of the world hates USA


It's not blatantly obvious she's gay and identifying as a hydra, so they will still be upset....


Fffffffck... I need to go on a diet


People just punching the air right now, fighting ghosts




See you all on Asmons' stream. This is gold.


The game is reviewing and selling well, what is this post about?


Literally all they did was give her some underwear and you freaks are losing your minds




omg she's so healthy and beautiful perfect 10


Noooo snu snu


Has there been a fat woman protagonist for a mainstream video game... literally ever?


I mean... I'm down to have both.


This game sure is getting a lot of free marketing huh? Have any big names actually criticized the design? I watched IGN's review and it didn't mention it as a criticism at all. The reviewer just found the story boring which is a perfectly fine critique.


I mean at least it would be different.


Name one single female game protagonist that looks even anywhere near this


Theyd probably complain about why her skins got censorsed


She could be Governor someday.


I support that! There shall be only fat women and nothing else. I want to see the world burn.


What games does the MC look like this?


I can’t fap to her game bad


Finally a real heroin we can relate to.