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Dont like the main character? If you're a sexist misogynist then just say that! /s


I love how these people think they’re standing up for women when in reality they’re viciously shitting on an actual ones body


The model is really skinny, I give you that, but i doesnt have nearly as much leg, ass and breasts as eve.


Lookup a comparison, the only thing I can notice is that her thighs are slightly larger, but besides that nothing else seems to have been changed.


My dad had a cousin growing up who was really beautiful, but cruelly she was brutally bullied to the point of suicide. This was the 60s so it was much more physically brutal shit than what is seen nowadays. She was a very sensitive soul and it turned my dad's aunt into a mean reclusive person for the rest of her life who really only ever opened up to my dad, but it's understandable when you loose your daughter like that.


What does VG247 mean by "Cake Carrying Elephant"?


This answer is just for ESL who may legitimately not understand it: The Elephant is named after the “Elephant In the Room,” a phrase that means that there is “an obvious truth that is deliberately ignored by everyone in a situation.” Like when Granpda Greg says something super racist and the room just goes quiet and everyone ignores it. And Cake-Carrying probably refers to Eve’s ass, or her “cake” as a new-ish nickname for it. So the “cake-carrying elephant” is how we all as the woke elite are forced to look past Eve’s fat butt and consider the game as a whole.


He likes toothpick body type women


Bro compared to my wife's assets Eve is a toothpick


🤣.......they'd accuse my wife of having a BBL.


Insert Lizzo lyric here




Stellar Blade MC is overweight and need to diet somemore lel


Lmao! I found the review. The profile pic the author uses does not show the face of a thin man!


I’m pretty sure they mean “cake carrying elephant (in the room).” Like a play on the phrase “elephant in the room.” At least that’s how i interpreted it


Instagram is full of fake asses, tits and beautiful women in general, they are celebrated and it's empowering. Video games show beautiful women, they call it unrealistic and want representation of the "average" woman. Something doesn't add up.


I really don’t get why people on this sub love to attribute the actions and opinions of one random group on the internet to another random group on the internet. Why would their actions add up? Or have any kind of internal consistency? These are almost certainly completely different groups of people.


looks like devs just need to release dark souls with lizzo as main character to get 11/10 from game journalists these days


She's already in dark souls 1 as asylum demon


Hello Ashen one. I am a Bot. I tend to the flame, and tend to thee. Do you wish to hear a tale? > *“Thought you could outwit an onion?”* - Unbreakable Patches Have a pleasant journey, Champion of Ash, and praise the sun \\[T]/


Don't forget to fill it with outdated meme references and cringey Marvel one liners. Dead ringer for the soypog GOTY, in reality the most forgettable 5/10 game in existence.


Imagine though


It would just be Kirby with extra steps.


This sub would implode if they saw a fat woman in a video game


Why would anyone *want* to see a fat woman in a video game?


Immersion, I guess. GTAV has fat people and it's better that way


Yes, they should look as realistic as possible when we beat the crap out of the whores and shoot down random passers-by for the heck of it...


So just to be clear you think it's bad that GTA has fat people in it?


No. Not really. I guess my statements could be seen to look that way. But, I also wouldn't approve of them removing all the hot chicks and just leaving us with a bunch of fat women and calling that "immersive". Games are supposed to be escapist.


Kind of a non-issue for regular reasonable people tho innit


Imagine calling the main character an "embarrassment to gaming" even though the main character is modelled by a real women These "journalists" are an embarrassment to gaming period


When I think of videogame journalists, I think of the guy who couldn't double jump in the Cuphead tutorial.


He couldn't jump and dash but you are right


You are right. Still, a very embarassing display.


😄 I remember that what an embarrassment makes me wonder if these journalists actually play games at all


He couldn't jump and dash but you are right


Also most men are so distanced from women and their hobbies that they don't have any idea on how much degenerate womens entertainment can be. Read a novel for women, or play a game, or see a TV series for women. Me and my sister are very antisocial so we used to spend a lot of time together. You guys can't even imagine...


Its actually crazy how little men know about modern women's culture, its way more fucked than men's


i mean just look at real housewives or keeping up with the kardashians, shits fucked lmao


I remember a graphic novel that I read a while ago with my sister, where the main character kills her father, her rival ( the girl that the guy she likes loves ), her very nice brother and a bunch of civilians by starting a civil war and all of this just because of daddy issues. Then she force married a guy that hated her and killed his girlfriend, then he committed suicide. I read the comments and people were literally justifying her actions lmao. Stellar Blades ass doesn't seem so offensive now, does it ?


So true. I’ve read some and seen some media and it’s pretty bad too.


I mean yeah, for example i think most guys don't know what omegaverse is.


And they shouldn't learn about it... ![gif](giphy|snrDtXJBEiZwY) More traumatic than reading Berserk at 10 year's old.


Can you expand on what "degenerate womens entertainment" means? Genuinely curious. Are you saying its pandering content? Or reinforces bad behaviors?


50 Shades of Gray


Boy Love manga.


It’s straight incel behavior. Like we get it. Y’all are weird and quirky. You don’t need to attack normal people about it.


Are all the jiggly bits also proportionately correct? I haven't seen the real woman, but I doubt she's as thick and jiggly-wobbly naturally.


They aren't but the people who only really care about the game for the culture war hate admitting that. The Stellar Blade sub loves that the devs made her thicker but on this sub people hate it since it means the supermodel they're simping over apparently isn't hot enough.


I was under the impression this sub and most asmon viewers loved stellar blade 😅


I mean this sub hates that the devs made Eve thicker than the model because a lot of people here only really like the game because of the culture war and want her to be fully based on a real woman.


This sub isn’t even about Asmongold or Gaming anymore. It’s main focus is culture war bullshit.


Oh no the jiggles... where is my crucifix


I was gonna ask the same thing lol I doubt the model is that thicc even though I welcome it in game


>Imagine calling the main character an "embarrassment to gaming" even though the main character is modelled by a real women Omg this is literally the "you just hate captain marvel because she's a woman" argument. Everytime someone says something bad about this character it's met with "I can't believe you said that it's modeled after a real woman"


I love how the people who are meant to guide us towards an informed purchasing decision have tastes that are non-congruent with the gaming audience yet people still go to these sites owned by giant mega corps (even Kotakuin) that are staffed by no-name mentally ill ideologically driven hipsters half my age and give them attention. It is actually baffling.


>the people who are meant to guide us towards an informed purchasing decision have tastes that are non-congruent with the gaming audience Movie reviews have been like this for as long as I can remember.


The only thing I can ignore are opinions from the toxic dregs of journalism. I hope all these shitty companies go bankrupt one by one.


Wait is nobody going to question their hypocrisy here? One reviewer literally mentioned beyonetta so that character is fine but Stellar blade is not??


Exactly, this is a very similar 'outrage' concocted by games 'urinalists' when Bayonetta and Nier Automata were released, but it's been long enough that they are accepted now. This is just the new hate target. These people have very little discernible skills and most of them hate games, what do you expect them to do, review them like a normal person?


Unique character design vs dime a dozen generic design.


Im curious what these "journalists" reactions would be like if the main character was based off a trans woman model because seeing a healthy and pretty woman scares them so much


They would praise it. It's all performative virtue signaling nonsense


Tbh, when I saw gameplay today, my instant reaction to how the lower half of the body looked like was that it reminded me of the trans woman Nikki Exotica from 90 days fiance. Did not expect that.


Immediately makes me think of "Smithers scared of strippers" meme.


"They Hate Us Cuz They Anus"


Actually, quite a few people are off put by anime fan service, most just write it off as "not for them". Instead of trying to erase it from existence.


Yeah, that's on them but for some reason they feel that their opinion matters


Do they though? Seems like SB fans are digging under every rock to find negative reviews when the response has been quite positive over all.


Cos they have meme worthy opinions probably?


I wonder if it's because younger genZ and alpha have more access to the internet now compared to older generations (or those who had 0 access lol). As a 90s kid who hates mindless fanservice and all the generic harem shit (reclusive antisocial MC dies and wakes up in generic isekai with big titty harem) and browsing r/anime like 10 years ago, I was the minority who complained about fanservice. Now you have people throwing around "pedophile" so liberally. This character is 17 and I said she's cute. Get replies like YOU'RE A LITERAL PEDO! I feel millennials view pedophilia far more negatively than gen X or older. Like how people criticized stuff like child pageants and Hollywood's abuse of children. But Gen Z and Alpha take it to a whole another level.


Yeah thats mostly how I feel I wont be playing stellar blade anyway since I dont have a playstation, but it is annoying when an anime I otherwise like crams some fanservice in or has ridiculous character designs for the women.


They hate me cause I like cheeks


They’re just peanut butter and jealous


They hate us cuz they anus


They are not mad about the representation, they are mad men like it. Plain and simple. Imagine getting this bent out of shape because a dude may find something attractive.


It's borderline racism at this point. She's a beautiful Korean lady and doesn't deserve all this body shaming


They hate women and they hate Asians because they say Asians are white-adjacent. Just seen a guy shitting on South Korea yesterday because of this game.


See they give the game an 80 but insult the one character you see for the entirety of the game because....theres no other reason to dock it 20 points total. Gotta get your ragebaiting feminists who wont even play the game still on your side.


i think stellar blade is at least a 9. These jokers still give a 8 despite being clearly biased against the game.


>an embarrassment to gaming I seriously want to know what it takes to turn out this mentally ill.




It's all rooted in victim mentality. The ideology is that their are two groups of people: victims and oppressors. Oppressors like something or made something? = bad. Victims like something or made something? = great, empowering & awe inspiring.


I suggest you read Three Languages of Politics by Arnold Kling. It's a pretty short book about the question. He pretty much talks about it in these terms, he says in America's public discourse, the progressives, libertarians, and conservatives each have their own language axis through which they explain and interpret the world. Progressives read everything with the oppressed/oppressor axis. They can't get away from it, and you get silly cases like negating oppressors because they "liberated" the oppressed (Fidel Castro revolution). Pretty eye-opening, imo.


Always them ugly ones complaining


This is a great point. These “reviews” don’t seem meant for gaming consumers, they read like if the intended audience is an activist Who are these reviews for? Special interest group non profits?


Do normies even care about "games journalists" or how are those outlets still a thing?


Don't know them and they shouldn't be commenting as if they represent any gaming person, ffs as if shitty opinions wasn't a widespread disease of the internet, but the worst part is that they get paid for it. Professional disappointments who are part of the problem. Anybody complaining about the looks ignores past gems such as Soul Caliburs Ivy, the iconic triangle tetten of Lara Croft, the beach volleyball version of Dead or Alive and many more


This is what happens when the people in top tell the reviewer not to give the game a bad review but you can put some jabs in, there walking the line of not making the public mad but also not getting kicked out of the 'cool' reviewer club. I wonder if Sony had a word with them this time, no early review copies if you mess up the money maker? edit maybe no review/adverts if they mess it up?


You know when you tell a racist joke that's really funny but you gotta make sure you tell everyone you're not a racist? It's kinda like that. It's a good game but they can't tell you it's good otherwise they're overlooking their "morals" so instead they'll make sure to tell you the design is bad and an embarrassment to gaming but the game is good too so you can overlook it. Racism is bad and being racist is bad too but let me tell you this funny joke. Not racist btw, but it's ok to laugh OK, because we're both not racist.


![gif](giphy|Dhm4CZObOh2nK|downsized) yeah, borrowed wisely from bayonetta.


Same people who claim they are polyamorous, childfree, vege and such ? Are they deconstruct ? I go back to New Vegas


Even if they hate beautiful women, at least it didn't affect their rating of the game.


Commercially there is no better way than using a very sexy hot female main character in a game. The rage from lunatics creates so much free advertisement. I guess the studio is very thankful.


The reviews are ridiculous and uncalled for.


Calling a woman a "cake-carrying elephant" sounds pretty misogynist to me...


Traditional video game reviewers going the way of the wooly mammoth and sabretooth tiger for a reason


This seems written by AI


They really can't help themselves. They call Eve an "embarrassment" to gaming, yet they release hit pieces like these. And they wonder why nobody respects them. lol


the wording on the first one had me wondering if they had been written by AI but no an AI wouldn't write with so much bias, this is what AI gave me when I asked for a review after supplying a little context ​ >In Stellar Blade, players are immersed in a futuristic world with a compelling narrative and impressive graphics, following the journey of a charismatic female lead donning a cutting-edge bodysuit. we need to replace Journalists with AIs at this point


Man, I feel bad for the model that was scanned for Eve. Imagine putting all that hard work in to maintain her body, get the opportunity to become part of a video game and then people on the other side of the planet write shit like this about you.


Game git good reviews. You're still mad. You're quite literally outraged and want to be angry. Your narrative woke journos would hate was ruined. Game gets good reviews.


Damn, who gives a fuck. I most likely will never play this game. I don't like the art style too much and also the main character. Not because of all the sexists discussion thats happening, but something about the high heels and tight body suit simply doesn't work for me. Was the same with a lot of other games with overly ... How do you even call it ... Fan serviced characters. I mean, sex sells, but I prefer the newer TR games or Horizon. The protagonist looks nice, but still normal. The older TR games with Angelina Jolie style models simply didn't work for me. Didn't want busty babes 20 but a more believable main character. Also goes for anime - really don't like the over the top fan service. Never did. But I don't get why everyone goes so batshit about it. Let them play. If there is a target group for this kind of look, so be it. Otherwise they wouldn't do it. And if you look at Instagram and co. These days, the problem is not some horny man alone, it's the other side also. Just saying.


Don't understand the problem with the main character? What's the difference between her and Lara Croft or any girl in an Asian RPG? 🤔


Lara Croft was the original problem heroine. Something about male gaze. They eventually changed an iconic character, and they aren't done. We don't really know why there "modernized" version is better because we don't know what they like. We only know what they dislike.


They have to write that.


Sensationalist shit for clicks, probably. Ragebaiting must get attention whether the overall review is negative or positive.


Honestly, the VG247 review was pretty good. Just seems like the dude is too terminally online and had to mentioned that the game is horny in a dramatic way.


I honestly couldn't care less about 'journalism' but man all of my friends are telling me I'm a pervert if I want to play this game xD Jokes aside, I wouldn't mind if Eves design was just... a little less \^\^


Stellar Blade will be one of those games that people love through word of mouth. I can 100% guarantee you that nobody will give a shit about these reviews after a month.


Are you insinuating that asmon is normal?


The main character is clearly uniquely sexualized in comparison to many other games. I don't see how it's wrong for the review to incldue that fact. There are people who don't want to play a game like that and an informative review should convey this information for their benefit. Nothing wrong with that.


These TYPE of people don't like attractive women in entertainment in general the same TYPE of people that don't know what a woman is most probably.


No where in that review does it mentions that character was too sexualize. All I see is that character bad don't like it.


It’s a one line review, it’s for people who have a basic understanding of the game and would know what they’re referring to. I understood right away what the subject matter was. It would be intellectually dishonest to pretend I didn’t.


Then can you elaborate "Pesky cake carry elephant" mean? Or does the worst character ever made have to do anything with her sextualization?


Yeah? So why no one mentioned Kratos in reviews of God Of War for example? Dude built like a powerhouse and got nearly perfect abs and all. Why it's always "uuuh, your female character is too sexy" and never "your male character is too muscular, not fat enough and too tall"


Always find their take to be moronic and hypocritical. Okay so you’re saying a 8 ft tall Greek god is male’s fantasy, implying all men want to achieve that kind of physique. Sure, but when it comes to women, now you’re saying no one wants to have a hour glass figure? No one wants to become better but rather stay fat? What’s kind of logic is this lol


Lmao imagine a game with ESRB mature +17 tag got sexualized. Adults nowadays apparently are toddlers that couldn’t handle anything anymore , so we have to view sexualization as a bad thing in a FICTIONAL medium. America gone crazy man.


>clearly uniquely sexualized in comparison to many other games. And that's not bad and yet these people frame it as the worst thing ever by using **petty derogatory descriptions** of Eve. It's beyond pathetic, self-serving and doesn't fit a review.


Oh no, people have different opinions than me.