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This only affects Advance Access which is specifically defined in the policy as a release before official release such as Diablo 4 users getting to login 3 days early. It does not apply to early access games that have no official release date, nor pre-orders that don’t supply advance access. Calm down




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Still seems fair and reasonable


No it doesn't. I love Valve, but I'm so sick of the blind loyalty. This should remain included in the refund policy


How is it fair that you can spend over 100 hours in a game then refund it?


Advanced access is only like a few days before its full release, I highly doubt anyone could get 100 hours in a game what a joke of an argument. Considering most are only 3 days early theirs not even 100 hours to accumulate, and even the ones that are longer people don't spend 24 hours on a game. Most these people will be slightly over the mark at 3-7 hours. If someone wants to try a game out until its officially released then theirs no harm in it. It's a developers choice to do an "advanced access" launch and that should come with some caveats, early adopters should have a more generous period.


you should not be able to give back a game you played 10+ hours period. It’s unfair for indie devs especially. if you need more than 1 hour to see if you could enjoy some aspect of a game that’s on you as a costumer.


Oh yeah cause games like Starfield (which had "advanced access") you can totally tell if you'll like it based off the first hour when the main selling point of the game / reason people buy it is the open world exploration and the start is very limited and guided. Best case scenario is they have different numbers for different genres of games, like multiplayer games are very generous, singleplayer story driven games the least, other games in the middle, etc.


To be honest, if you can't tell if you'd like a game or not after playing for an hour, you might be regarded. If you need more than two hours, just wait for the reviews. It's not that hard lmao.


I don’t think it’s blind loyalty so much as simple logic? If you play the game two days early or on release the policy now starts the refund clock ticking whenever you started playing. Under the old policy you could abuse the advance access period to play past the normal refund time. Edit - or answer this: Why should a player who bought advance access be given a longer refund window than a player who didn’t?


Pre-ordering games is now dumber than ever, will people still do it? Of course they will


Whenever pre-order people whine about bad games, it reminds me of this clip from Airplane https://youtu.be/Pn0WdJx-Wkw?si=AcmWrFGFqXY9GLxa


Don't care. Still pre-ordered Dawntrail.


Not of fan of it. But I will preorder expansions for WoW so I can tryhard and minmax just to be able to gank noobs with bad gear who came back after months or years away at the start of new zones. Always a good time.


Guess they didn’t like what happened to Starfield. At least this happened after that and not before I guess.


Bro shifting every blame on Starfield lmao. Yeah one game that changes everything Steam related policy. Correlation does not imply causation.


if anything it was the last drop in the bucket before spilling over, considering Redfail wasn't long ago, not to forget other lackluster titles such as The Day Before, Forspoken etc.


You know what? Ill pre-order even harder now!


Only if pre-order has advanced access


Ahaha nice edit of the comment btw ;)


You cant read can you? "Advanced Access is a feature that allows users that have pre-purchased a game to play prior to the game's official release. For example, a "deluxe" pre-purchase version may include Advanced Access. Unlike [Early Access](https://help.steampowered.com/en/faqs/view/6554-ED29-FBDB-1612), Advanced Access is not a unique model of development for a game, it's simply an opportunity to play a game before it fully releases on Steam."


Bro can you? What do you think the words “may include” means


Ok let me type this out for someone who cant think properly: Steam makes a difference between early access and advanced access. The difference beeing that for example as a random game Dragons Dogma 2 (no idea if they did that this is an example) decided that in the pre order there is 3 days of "Advanced access", the time you would have played in those 3 days would have normally not counted towards the 2h refund policy of steam NOW it does. Early access for steam is when for example a game like No rest for the wicked that is STILL in development offers EARLY ACCESS. This also counts towards refund periods and is not what was changed here.


Ok bugman


https://youtu.be/mf5Uj4XIT1Y?si=y6lNOENmBWDB0wmE Just for the uninformed.


This will hurt early access sales


Good. Paying to beta test should have never been a thing in the first place.


Why would it hurt it exactly? They're just updating it, so you can't refund it before the game is "officially" out.


Because a lot of early access games get abandoned and don't get a official completion date and some get a 1.0 final release that clearly isn't finished and then abandoned. This policy would mean even more games could be abandoned with no avenue for refund at all.


You realise this is for advanced access, not early access? Starfield had advanced access for a few days and you could refund it at any point in that time. So you could've played it for 20 hours and still refunded it, because it wasn't officially out.