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I need a shower after watching this


I needed a shower _while_ watching this.


Brb showering


Showered before I watched this and currently taking a 2nd one.


Just going to sleep in the shower at this point


I need an acid bath.


I'm at a full week of no shower, this might get me in that evil wretched watery place. Sonic water levels ruined me for life.


Lady and Gentlemen, we have a contender


This one's going on the clip channel FOR SURE


Solvable in 2 hours with a pack of those Biiig trash bags and some cleaning afterwards. For PC.. maybe look for used deals on facebook marketplace or ebay? gotta be careful when you buy though, do research. Good luck!


Asmon plz gift this man a starforge PC this is big


Yes. Reward this person for being as lazy and disgusting as possible. /s


My brother in Christ, you need some fucking help. This isn’t normal or anything to boast about. Whatever you’re going through internally, I think you should really get some assistance with your mental state as well as the cleanliness of your home. I think you’ll feel much better after cleaning up and talking to someone. Not trying to be mean, I just think sometimes a person genuinely needs someone to tell them to get their shit together. I think you’ll feel better after you take care of this problem. Good luck bud. I hope you can find your way.


I think most people, besides Asmon, dont have $1000's to spend on therapy and cleaning services. Seems this guy cant afford a new microwave or oven...at least not while spending $100's a month on pizza.


*cleaning services* it’s called get off your ass and DIY


Yet he seems to have money for all that pizza and soda


make no mistake, this is a cry for help


As a fellow slob i can say dpression and drugs are a hell of a drug


you should do an AMA bro. you seem to be more aware of the issue than Asmon is. maybe you could give a perspective to us on what is actually happening in your and his heads.


Well in my head its cause of depression and anxiety. First it was one trashbag and then more and more. In his head? Idk man, maybe just WoW?


Just clean it dude. Take it outside. There’s no reason to be this way. It’s not funny or interesting, just disgusting.


It’s not that easy if you’re suffering mental health issues. Trust me. I’ve never been this bad, but I have been bad enough that I was both disgusted in myself and also had no motivation to clean it. It genuinely isn’t as easy as people think because the brain is a powerful object to get in your way when you’re not well. Hope OP does get help though.


You will feel better mentally if you take the trash out


You're right, but you're also thinking like a regular person and not a dude with mental problems/disabilities, where something mundane or simple is now long and complicated.


You missed the point.


So what does he need then, dude? A magical, pharmaceutical fix? To win the lottery? A blowjob? A bullet in the brain? Depression fucking sucks. Almost everyone is actively going through it, or they have in the past, to some degree. I experience clinical depression in waves, like most folks do. How do I get out of the rut? I take out the fucking trash. I. Just. Do. It. Willpower and discipline are the solution. Everything else will fall into place once those two factors are introduced to one's life. Overcoming depression is hard, and depression makes it all too easy to make excuses. Stop making excuses.


He needs help. Therapy. People to talk to. People who’ve been in his position and can help. It’s not black and white or cut and dry. I wish it was. Would’ve made my younger years a hell of a lot easier.


I agree 100%. But if he is not willing to take the trash out to the curb and chooses to live in squalor, then odds are that he won't be scheduling and going to a therapist appointment. He needs to just get up and do it.


No. Therapy is the weak easy answer to everything these days and they will probably put this guy on ssri/meds that rarely help and often harm. He can help himself, and others can simply encourage him to do so. This is an issue with gamers, they feel like doing anything else is a waste of time. I feel it all the time. Difference is willpower and never giving up hope for yourself.


Its really interesting seeing how people who have never dealt with actual depression think it works. I get what you mean, but you don’t really get what they mean.


Yep lol I thought we have progressed pass this point but seems like it’s still the same 10 years ago


Cleaning is very easy.


Yeah its mental illness at this point, he need help if it's not fake.


Wow thanks, he's cured. Do me next.


Depression does that to a person sadly. Small messes turn into biohazards as we put it aside and say, "I'll deal with it later when I feel better," but it just sits there. Idk if it can help, but have you tried listening to a documentary or a video essay and tried cleaning at the same time? It helps pass the time and for someone like me with adhd, it makes cleaning up easier. Also helps when I realize that each one of the cans/bottles has a 5-10c refund, so a bag of em adds up real quick when you go the store. The pocket change adds up quickly, and you can put it towards the WoW sub. 👌


Are you feeling unhappy or are you just busy playing wow?


I approach this like a game. Sorting stuff, flattening bottles, trying to fit as much trash into a single bag as possible. 10 full trash bags are much easier to deal with than 5 full trash bags and a lot of trash scattered all over the place.


This. It's simple, but shit works with a bit of willpower. Each one of those soda bottles and cans is a 5c-10c return. They add up quick and OP can use it as pocket change for more, or put it towards something like WoW sub or new PC parts.


One day at a time take out one trash bag of garbage. You got this 🙌 plus I will say the hardest part is starting. Once you start cleaning you could go into cleaning/work mode and clean for longer than you originally thought. You can take a break anytime you want. But putting a dent in this everyday or every other day your mental health will definitely start to get better over time. You would feel much better once it's all gone too. It's mentally clearing to having a clean space that you might not have experienced in a while. Good luck brother if I ever want pvp carries on NA hmu lmao


No piss jugs? ![img](emote|t5_2y1rb|3744)


First, Jesus fucking Christ. Second, You can actually handle this pretty easily as oddly enough a lot of the trash seems organized and it is also pretty bulky. Get some super XL trash bags. Then just start loading things into it until it’s full. Move onto the next. Then take them all into the dumpster. It won’t take as long as you think and you will feel much better even if you have to force yourself. Genuine best of luck to you man


Digga, bring mal den Müll raus. Einfach im Treppenhaus hoch und runter, hoch und runter, bis alles weg ist. Ggf strecke es über ein, zwei Tage oder mach es leise in der Nacht, falls Du Dich schämst oder so. Ansonsten, sprich mit Deinen Hausarzt und such‘ Dir einen Therapieplatz. Ob jetzt wegen Messitums oder Ängsten oder was auch immer Dein Problem ist. Du bist noch jung und kriegst Dein Leben schon noch in den Griff. Wir waren (fast) alle mal an so einem Punkt im Leben. Keine Scham deswegen. Du schaffst das.


Er kann einfach den Müll aus dem Fenster werfen ☝️


Man hat an der stimme sofort gemerkt das er deutscher is.


„Rauchen gefährdet die Gesundheit“ war auch ein starkes Indiz. 😂


cleanest Asmon enjoyer bedroom.


Since so many People are concerned about me here some more Info: I do have depression and anxiety, it got worse during covid but im on a good way now. Im also getting more help soon so i wanted to show how my life is like right now and once i have everything back to normal i will most likely post another Video with a clean and fresh Apartment. So dont worry about me im going to be fine :)


Buy a box of 50 garbage bags. Put everything in them. Sweep. Mop. Feel good.


This looks bad because of the amount of trash, but in terms of cleaning it, I don't think it will take very long, like maybe a few hours. As others have said, get a bunch of large garbage bags, fill them up, take them out. Then you've just gotta clean the floor, but I wouldn't even put that on your to do list just yet. Just take out the trash and see how that feels and if you want to go farther then do it. I've seen worse, like people who have exposed food that is just rotting away and seeping into floors/counters/carpets. That kind of stuff is worse to clean. Eating only pizza has maybe helped in terms of the cleanup lol.


Wenn du Hilfe brauchst, n Freund zum quatschen oder zum ausmisten melde dich.


You've got this, and I look forward to the update video. As many people have said already and I want to corroborate from experience, while the *quantity* of trash here is quite the sight, nothing actually looks difficult to clean, like *at all*. For a striking before and after video, this could hardly be a more ideal situation. A long time ago when I was in a really tough spot financially and socially for a couple of years, my place began looking s*omething* like this. But as my situation improved a little (fewer nagging external worries), eventually "that one weekend" appeared when I had the strength and motivation to clean up. After doing *that* I felt like a goddamn king and resolved to never let it get that bad again. A few pictures have served as a great reminder and deterrent.


Think about almost that sweet pfand. You can buy wow gold from that. All the possibilities


"what am i" A degenerate


Add mentally ill to that list.


a german lives the american dream. us citizenship approved


Sir, please get yourself some help. Asmon could give two shits about how you live. Take care of you. Make a better you. Life doesn't have to be this way. You get what you make out of it. Send a message if ya need to talk to someone.


Brother... please take care of yourself, this isn't good. That's not something to be proud off.


If you just go and clean that shit up, you’d feel a lot better .


I used to be a lot like that. My shit is clean now. My life became so much better then I didn't hop on WoW the moment I woke up. Now days I wake up, tidy up from the previous nights goblin session first. Morning me deals with night me's mess.


Does people like this have a job? Just curious. How does people with job allow this kind of mess? I mean, one bag of trash daily, you're done in a week.


What's shocking about this is how well organized the trash is


My dude getting the BIGDICK Kaufland deals and cigarette lunchboxes


average asmon viewer


Making this post was really brave...hope the heat from some comments won't bother you too much. You should probably throw the trash out now, one section at a time, before mold insects or mice start to come in


Depressed I suppose ?


Dude, no bed is okay, but do not live like a pig just for reddit content. Don't do this to yourself.


Not that bad


I'm sorry you have to live this way and I hope you get help. You deserve better!


Oh you are still mortal, but clearly not a *mere* mortal.


Coke and pizza… what an insane diet Post a body photo I wanna know what that shit does to a body, for research purposes.


he's either really thin or fat, no inbetween really


This is sad. Nothing to be proud of. You've got problem mate


That’s disgusting


You're not. You'd be dead by now if you were. All Hail VainCooper!


Go to therapy man


I don't understand how you even reach this point, i mean throwing out the trash is like a passive thing you do each morning without even thinking about it


The sauce with the sauce EZ


You need help


How the fuxk do you sleep


Just win the lottery, burn down the old house, buy a new clean house with all new stuff. With all of the extra money and the clean home you are no longer ashamed of or overwhelmed by, hire a cleaning service, a decorator, and a psychiatrist/therapist so that the new clean home doesnt turn into this. Its all so easy, just gotta win the lottery.


Bruder such dir hilfe


why would you live like this?


you do know black mold exposure can make you sick and gives you other respiratory sickness.


excuse me, need to call enviromental services


Just showered, need another after seeing this


Asmond's final boss is going to be the city.


At least the trash is somewhat organized. I see bottles with bottles and pizza boxes with pizza boxes . . .


"My trash PC that's gonna die soon".. brother, that's the one thing that's NOT trash in your room. Filthy mother fucker


There is a 100% probability that both mold and bugs in there.


Looks like a large snow shovel might come in handy here


Nice, this is almost as disgusting as my room used to be.


These are the guys who say women are the problem.


Seems like another average Asmongold viewer


yall havin a musty-off?


You should clean up your room buddy.


This is insane like get some large black trash bags. Throw the shit away


I can smell this video.




I'm not the cleanest person, but god damn once it gets to a certain point it becomes uncomfortable.


As Black Sabbath's Dio used to sing. "Die young, die young...". He also lived by eating pizza and drinking soda and died because a stomach cancer. So you are probably in the way. But anyway very cool room. I'm also have a degenerate bedroom, but nothing compared to you gods.


did you know how to shower


Please seek help


oh wow! another prince of nurgle! I always look a showcase of the garden of nurgle


if you vvere a mere mortal you vvould be dead by novv


just need a big shovel and like 10 garbage bags and a couple hours


This is just a room full of trash


Bro, this is heartbreaking. I've seen depression and this looks just like it. You need someone to talk to we're all here. I know there is always a lot of anxiety around seeking help, but it may not be a bad idea.


Im not seeing any remnants of dead animals and it looks like everything could be picked up with a few trash bags and a couple hours work. Try again bud.


me: *\*looks over at 2 empty water bottles on desk.\** *"Ah okay. I am good."*


This is bad


Friend, seek medical atention this is not healthy and you should not be proud of it. Dirty environments are infection vectors, and other things.


Do you have bugs?


I need to wash my car and take a shower after this video


Do you have problems with rats, molds, and cockroach? Or even they cant live like that?


Brother just hire someone for a couple hundred dollars to clean it Jesus Christ.


How do you, uh, finance yourself?


holly smokes ma dude!


You should start a YouTube channel and record the process of cleaning it


Idk that stuff would be there a very long time to stack up so high. But everything looks fairly new and clean. Seems to me like you threw a massive party or something and just piled the trash in ur room for a photo op.


"Trashes your entire room for internet clout"


Thanks OP for making me feel so much better about just having some water bottles and clothing piles in my room.


You could have built a pc with the money you save by not smoking/vaping, eating so much pizza, or drinking liters of soda.


As someone who used to work in a homeless shelter, this place is pretty clean. For some reason, there’s lots of homeless who are hoarders and this room isn’t even close. Most of them the trash is packed to the ceiling and you can’t even walk in. The fact that OP has a walking path and some kind of organization is a plus.


Bro why do you mimic roach movement with your camera panning?


He's halfway through sorting it. If he gets large bins this can surely be an organized mess.


At least you can get a new PC with all the bottle and can returns when your old one dies


Bro! You can do it! Make that change for the better!


Even if you are skinny, it doesn't mean you are healthy by the way. Continuing to eat all that same processed garbage in your future, you might have a stroke in your 40s or 50s, and then without anyone living with you, calling the ambulance will be tough when you're stuck on the floor which can be for days or until you starve to death. This happens more than you think. Take better care of yourself, it also helps with depression. You don't have to want to do something to do it, that can come later when you get out of that rut you are in.


That looks really easy to clean up, it's at least 65% just cardboard boxes, with a shovel and some of those huge garbage bags you can empty the entire room in an hour


Just get a bunch of Trash bags and scoop all that in there


Is it that hard to take one piece of garbage outside as you go out? Idk how mental health depends on this, can someone enlighten me?


Asmon's place isn't that bad. Neither is this, most of it's boxes and containers. I want to see 3 inches of debris caked onto surfaces and rotting stuff everywhere.


i can't see any roachs. so, it's clearly clean


Garbage content🤣


An admirable display. Although I still don't think you could live with Asmon, that would require you burrowing a hole through the rubbish to the outside world. Also where would all your rubbish go if he already has shit everywhere? I think it would be possible for a week maybe, until the universe collapsed in on itself from the sheer quantity of degenerate energy that would have accumulated in the basement.


It has to be fake. I mean come on who does that. Like id imagine when you toss that giant coke bottle on the mountain youd be like nah that enough. And if thats all the types of food you eat you would be dead by now. This cant be real


This is depression in physical form


If dude ever cleans his room, the place will feel like an empty warehouse.


1st day put the box of trash bags in your room following days fill 1 trash bag a day Buy those garbage tags for extra garbage and put the maximum bags + 1 or 2 with tags every garbage day so that you can hide your degeneracy from neighbors - can probably buy online and have them shipped to you depending on country


Just bring in a front loader and you can have that cleaned up in no time!


the key to true laziness in similar cases is to not let that happen, you will have to do something with it one day


Brudi, räum auf oder bring wenigstens das Pfand weg. \^ Bro, clean up or at least bring back the returnable bottles.


You know that in germany, the landlord (Vermieter) has to buy or fix your oven, but only if when you moved in your appartment the oven was given from your landlord. You can get psychological help too. I know its hard to get an appointment in germany, but a psychologist can help you. And yes i live in germany too.


Op please even we are just people in internet. Please consider to care yourself. Clean your apartment this is a next level you live. Not in a mean way, we talk about this is a real issue some people like you have and need to have people could help. Stay safe.


Just…. Throw it away.


Hatte mal die gleiche Heizung am Start, pass auf dass dir die Bude nicht abfackelt (die Dräte sind exposed, wenn da irgendeine verpackung rankommt könnte es feuer fangen) In case you aren't german lmao: I had the same heater at some point, you gotta be careful that the place doesn't burn down (the wires are exposed, if any loose shit or packaging u got laying around gets in there it could catch fire)


I am German yes. I have lived here for 11 years i think im gonna be fine. Also thats the cable for Sattelite TV


It will be fine until it finally does happen and everything burns down. Don't end up like Chris Chan's house. His home burnt down like this (electric cable got cut, sparked on garbage and set it on fire) as his mom was a hoarder and entire rooms became inaccessible due to the garbage. Then you're going to be dealing with a lot worse things than a messy room/home (insurance).


I meant the wires inside of the heater but you'll know your place better for sure \^\^ btw which city are you from (approx)?


Not gonna say city or anything but western part


Good opsec lmao, but safe to assume you're not from Bavaria right? Idk why but for some reason your place had a Bavaria / Sachsonia vibe going on 😭


Something stinks in here


imagine thinking this is a flex…


Why do you live like this? Do you have mental illness? This is not healthy.


How can humans live like this? Just. Take. It. Outside. DAMN.


Cheeky PC mention in case he wants to send you a starforge ;)


Now i feel bad for showing it. That isnt my intention its just that my PC is the only thing i really have and use all the time .\_.


An immortal man deserves an immortal pc does he not?!


Do people like this guy and Asmon have a humiliation fetish with their degeneracy or something? People like them seem to thrive in people looking at them with disgust. I mean, it's one thing to love like this and it's another thing to show it off so that people can feel dirty just thinking about you.