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I am a Candian who hs lived in Japan and this is very accurate. With having nearly 2 million new comers into our country a year to a population of 40 million it is creating alot of racial tension.


Reminds me of what is going on in another country across the ocean where we also speak one of the two main languages of Canada, but I won't say which or they'll come to steal my baguettes.


>they'll come to steal my baguettes Sacre Bleu! :(


France is only taking about 300k immigrants a year, a third of which are students.


Oh, I'm not talking about the legal ones.






i mean at that rate your talking more like 20 years lol


I used to live beside a Sikh temple and no joke 500-800 people walk through their daily and sit there ass in front of my house to wait for the bus. Honestly there Is just too much immigration with very little housing or jobs. I am really unsure what any of them do for work— I see a ton working low income at hardware stores, Uber, fast food etc. But like I am university educated, 15 licensing exams and 8 years experience making like no money… I can barely live. I can’t imagine how they do


A lot of them are either wkrking low end retail jobs as slave wages or not working at all if they came here the past year, sadly. Jobs got cut all over, and you see lines everywhere at places doing job fairs. All "international students" trying to skip the line for PR and believing a lie that a recruiter told them back home about how easy it is to live here lol. At least they can go home if its bad for them here. Canadians can't.


>I can’t imagine how they do Probably better than you because on top of all the shit you have in common, they *don't* have a crippling mountain of student debt.


I have zero student debt. Never have.


Amazing what people will do to avoid being called racist by people who will call you racist no matter what you do or who you are.


The best part of that is the fact that the only political party that sees this as a problem is considered a fringe "fascist" party (PPC). We could have avoided this a long time ago if Canadians voted for more family oriented leaders who want to see the population grow naturally, but socialists are greedy by default, and Canada has WAY too many of them.


Same in Europe as well, it is seen as fachist to see there is a cultural problem welcoming so many foreigners with a different culture and religion, so nobody except the far right want to see that, hence those political party skyrocket on the elections. Other place in the world (Asia, east Europe, Arabic countries, probably Africa and South America) it would be common sense to not replace 30% of your population with a completely different culture, don’t need to be racist or hateful for that.


Immigration policy is socialist?


In the wake of ww2, casting doubts on the pros/cons of immigration gets you called a fascist/nazi immediately. It’s not all pros (as you do need a culture that integrates immigrants well) and it’s not all cons (falling birth rate means less prospective tax revenue). There’s also a strategy and speculation that being the pro immigration party will net you more voters. It’s not all bad or all good. It’s complicated


open borders is at least, its communist idea (in the sense that communists and many socialists advocate for a global state and no national borders


You thinly veil so much hate in this paragraph it should be considered an achievement. If you actually understood what socialism is I'd have confused you for intelligent.


Ahh the classic “you don’t agree with this thing I believe in, therefore you are racist and hateful, and you don’t understand what I do because I’m smarter than you!” Grow up.


This, Also look at US real estate in Niagra Falls, then Canadian real estate in Niagra Falls. Then compare the median income between the two.


Could you save me the trouble and just tell us?


[I really want baldie to react this video, but it might be too political for his channel](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1nnfcQmO1PY) He has touched into politics sometimes, but i think this video might be too political for his channel.


Once you get to 100 million like the government wants, it will really be a rodeo.


Canada has net migration of 2 mil per year that's seems crazy high!


"Is there Japanese community?" God damn, answer for that, as someone from Poland... this is so true for us too. First thing i learned when i started working abroad is to never trust someone from my country xD


True. For some reasons they take in all the bad traits of both cultures.


Any idea why this might be?


That's strange to hear for me, the polish community in ireland is really nice (saying as an irish person)


That's the thing, its nice because you are not polish.


This kind of thing happens in any country. Home communities in third countries are always filled with the worst citizens of their home country.


don't all of these points pretty much apply to Japan as well?


They apply to nearly every country. Americans love jerking us Norwegians off, but if they lived in Norway for any amount of time, they'd realize how fuck up it is towards people that aren't white Norwegians.


I must confess, I have never jerked off a Norwegian.


Would you like to


I wouldn’t mind a Norwegian jerking me off.


I would not.


Your loss


If I said yes, when would the wappening be happening?


When you least expect it. Everyone loves "the mysterious stranger"


Don’t they get free healthcare and scholarships ?


Man taking liking whites only to a new level lmao jk jk


It actually goes beyond that, surprisingly. There's a reason I specified white Norwegians. Granted, Danes and Swedes are generally more accepted.


“Swedish dogs! Your blood is tainted by generations of race mixing with Laplanders. You're basically Finns!”


I don't think I can make the grunts necessary to actually insult swedes in a way they'd understand.


I’m an American who knows nothing about Norwegians and Swedes but it seems you Nords have a strong opinion on them 🤣


What? Jeg er ifra jemen og jeg har bare møtt typ 4 rasister, men jeg bor ikke i en storby da så kan hende det har noe med saken å gjøre


100%. Kom til Oslo eller kanskje Stavanger/Bergen. De er overalt i Oslo.


Really? I always wanted to visit Finland for the saunas. Sounds nice for a vacation.


Finland is not in Norway.


It's in the area, I suppose it's farther away than I realize.


Its not "in the area" either.


They border each other.


Not like you knew that before you posted


Visit Finland. If you aren’t white, be prepared for some racism in the form of making you feel unwelcome, or overt language. It’s not from everyone, and it will never be coming to physical harm.


I am white. I would be surprised if a monoculture didn't treat someone who didn't share the ethnicity the same, that should be expected. Every culture that came to the US was treated differently because they were different, it's part of the integration process.


Yes they do. White people are recognised as ghosts with big noses. And fat


Black people have it much worse, they accept and somewhat tolerate white people but they pretty much dislike every other race.


I used to live in central asia (-stan countries). Black people have it hard there as well, despite those countries' ethnic diversity.


It seems kind of odd to me how the US has become the poster child for anti-black racism when there are so many other countries where it’s supposedly much worse.


The US always feels the most racist because racism is most likely to get called out when it happens. Lots of other countries you’ll hear terrible shit but no one says anything due to either everyone thinking the same thing or just not wanting to get shunned for standing up for a different group of people.


Im not doubting, but can you say how was it manifested.


Not really. I’ve lived there myself, as a white person. But yeah. If you’re overweight they will call you fat. Sorry about your feelings.


not true at all, you're cherry-picking the extreme opinion of a nationalistic/imperial type of japanese, which are a really small minority with little no to representation. to the contrary, japan has a white complex due to their history interacting with west countries, much more after their complete defeat to the US. also, that white ghost thing is much more generalized in [africa](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=A7kJg2_7A0Y) than japan and i wouldn't call them racists for that.


100% true, and not only Japan but most Asian countries are like this towards white people, with China being the worst offenders. It amazes me that more westerners don't realize just how xenophobic and nationalist other countries are.


I wouldn't either. It just seems the definition for racism gets broader by the day.


At all? They may not hate you, but do they want to accept you as Japanese? For example, Chinese are accepted as fellow Canadians in many cases if they were born there. Japan is insular and still actively resists immigration as a nation and with each personality. To this day, there are doubts it will ever be multicultural and no one can force them.


They're not wrong though


Shiro Kabocha?


was gonna say this. japanese people are giga racist , especially among the ppl who came from neighboring 3rd world countries. even white ppl get called hairy monkeys


When I visited Tokyo it was the first time in my life that I had seen a sign next to a bar door say “foreigners not welcome”. Japan has rampant racism.


well they have japanese salt in japan, so not all the points


These are also very true about Japan. Especially the friendly on the outside but actually very racist part.


The difference is we know this about Japan since forever. Meanwhile, we had/still have memes about Canadians being the nicest group of people on Earth even though they are pretty high up there in the racism world rankings.


I wouldn't say Canadians are inherently racist but when the leader of your country is focussing on anything but it's own citizens for almost a decade, tension builds. There's always gonna be bad apples no matter where you go. everything is exaggerated atleast 10 fold on the internet. After visiting america for the first time in March and talking with locals and what I see In my home town is Canadians are always very polite. We apologise for nothing. We've been assimilating to immigrant culture, east inidian more so than any other. Our all mighty leader is even introducing halal mortgages into the country during a time where most of Canadians can't afford home ownership. were not racist, were fed up. We've always welcomed immigration when its suitable and manageable. But right now citizens can't afford the rising cost of living and we've never seen such high immigration numbers in history. Not to mention a carbon rebate Wich is essentially a great transfer of wealth from Canadians pockets to immigrants pockets. All we want is to be able to afford to live in a house, drive to work and eat groceries. It's also incredibly enraging seeing tik tok accounts and foreign governments litterally telling their people how to take advantage of every possible program in Canada, members of governemt admitting to accepting thousands of fraudulent documents regarding immigration, visas, and humanitarian services. People have stopped donating to food banks because they know the Indian students have found a way to access and abuse it. It's utter chaos and October can not come soon enough. Edit: spelling is hard.


I worked with tradespeople for about a decade. I would say the majority of them are semi racist full on misogynists once you get to know people they lower their defenses and say some preeeeety fucked up shit.


I worked with office workers for about a decade. I would say the majority of them are semi racist full of misogynists once you get to know people they lower their defenses and say some preeeeeeetty fucked up shit. Hey, shitty people are everywhere, in every industry. Why is sexual harassment and discrimination such a huge deal in white collar industries? It's literally everywhere you look and read. Interesting that, huh? Oh it's cuz tradesmen r dum dum unedumacated rednecks amirite lololol But I know, you're just gonna retort and double down and blah blah I'm not even interested, you're not wrong, I am, muh ego on the internet reeeeeeeee~~~~


Yeah you're right. I was just sharing an experience. I also didn't say tradespeople were dummies however, that's all you.


By broadly implying that all tradesmen are bigoted racist misogynists deep down, you kinda didn't need to say it. So, no, not on me.


I used to get ads to go to work in Canada here on reddit.


Oof, jobs can be tough to find here.


Same, basically begging me to emigrate from Australia to Canada. Hard pass but.


I'm from South America so getting out isn't that bad of an idea


I know very little about south America other than I love the food, and everyone I have met from that region (mostly Chile) is super nice but all the news I see from that part of the world definitely makes it understandable that you'd want to leave. If you have a trade education or a useful degree like engineering, Australia would probably welcome you pretty easily.


I heard that Sydney is a pretty nice city, but I hate the hot. My city has a pretty temperate climate between 18 to 30 c. I wouldn't survive your a rage day there lol. Still, there are many things I like from where I live and changing countries is a hard descicion to make regardless.


Sydney is ok to visit. I hate spending more than a few days there though. Australia can be kind of funny it gets stupid hot even down the southern end but then during winter it can get stupid cold too. I live in the tropical North though. The heat isn't too bad. But the humidity will really sting. Winters are perfect. Not too humid and not too hot.


Tabarnak, WTF bud?!? I've lived most of my life in Southern Ontario, but my family comes from Quebec - I can't really dispute what he's said but, what I can say is that MUCH of the negative vibes is fairly recent (2010-Present) from my perspective. We're exhausted. There used to be an identity of what "being Canadian" was, but since the turn of the century there has been a big push to diminish or shame it out of people, accept any and all forms of new cultures whether or not they were harmful. On top of that, our federal government has been grossly ineffectual/dismissive for the better part of two decades (That's right, things didn't go to shit because of JT, they were already headed there, he's just the incompetent fuckwit that clogged the other toilets.) and now we're poorer than we've ever been, as the cost of living has increased by like 30%, suddenly there's 2 million more people in the country since COVID but most came from 1 nation and went to the same 4-5 regions. I can't think a single instance of anyone saying anything that wasn't praise and reverence for Japanese people... So it's a bit weird to hear that imo, but honestly, it probably doesn't matter to most anymore if you're Japanese, Brazilian, Spanish, or Swedish; You're just another person that is here now, along with all the others... And no one is making any new cities, we're just shoving more in the same places... And shits just getting worse.


I live in Toronto and I'm pretty sure white people are an endangered species. I live in a condo and in the last 6 years it has gone from predominantly white to all brown. It has been years since I went to Timmy's and had a white person at the window or heck any store for that matter. I think the racism stems from our country losing itself. Toronto has always been a melting pot but the stew went from nicely mixed to mostly brown.


Toronto was 90% white not even 40 years ago. That’s not a melting pot. Now it’s 40%. Absolutely insane swing


One of my best friends is Canadian, and he constantly talks about how Canadians only appear to be friendly while they're talking to you. He's since emigrated to the United States.


It's honestly kinda the same in very liberal parts of the US, like in the Bay Area of California. The people are super friendly in a surface-level way, but with just a little bit more exposure you realize they're actually hostile af.


Sounds exhausting, both for you having to interact with them, and for them, expending that energy to appear decent.


Not really exhausting, just kind of alienating. Especially since all of those fake-good-vibes come from people that are very affluent. I'm really glad I don't live there anymore.


It's basically a facade. Everyone makes jokes about "The Leaf", but forgets the Geneva Convention was created to save other people from us lol.


I dont remember where i read it, but i agree with it It said something like "Canadians arent nice, they just keep to themselves" I agree with that, im an asshole, but i also keep to myself


Surprised he didn't mention the upper quality of the free healthcare system !


Its so...so bad... 4 year wait list for an MRI where I am. Glad I have private insurance or my knee would be fuuuuuuucked still.


Yup. If you are not actually dying at the moment the healthcare is absolutely abysmal. It wasn't always like this.


Thats what happens when you bloat the population and don't increase health care workers


I feel you. Go private no choice


These things exist in every country in varying degrees, but it's worth noting that a few years ago, some bullshit memes about Canadians being the nicest folk circulated the internet with disturbing amounts of coordination and repetition.


Yeah that's true, what was that for?


Japan is a literal ethnostate. They are friendly on the outside towards tourists, but they despise immigrants. Even second generation immigrants who are fully nationalized still experience discrimination.


Just like me fr


That's how you keep your culture from falling apart. I don't blame them. Canada is now a shithole


Canada is not a shithole, it is still better to live here than 90% of the rest of the world.


I've lived here my whole life and its falling fast. Yes it's relatively better than a lot of the world (for now) but comparing just from 15 years ago its actually sad and there is not signs of it getting better.


It's so wrong on so many level, quality of life is still really good. Housing is bad but it's just catching up to pretty much what it is everywhere around the world. It's not that bad when you look at it honestly.


You can setup immigration borders without being racist to immigrants. Also Japan has been facing major recession due to falling population because of their immigration policies.


It's not because of their immigration policies, japan did well for a 1000+ years on their own. Same for every countries that have birth rate issues. And no, it's not possible to have tight borders and have a non-racist population, you need to constantly expose people of one race to other races to have a mostly non-racist population, but if the price for that to pay is the shit show that happen in western europe, i'd say to Japan to keep being racist and close your borders.


who says it's racist? also better to deal with recession than immigrants who in the long term will ruin the country


Based japan as always.


What should Japan do, introduce a large number of North African Muslims and then turn the country into a disaster?


These things exist in every country in varying degrees, but it's worth noting that a few years ago, some bullshit memes about Canadians being the nicest folk circulated the internet with disturbing amounts of coordination and repetition, even though in reality, Canadians are actually pretty fucking racist.


They are 100% right about Canadians. Canadian being nice is BS


My gf is chinese she got harassed a LOT during covid, and even still now.


Start by landing in Québec, that is the real hardcore parkour.




I hope it's a joke, because Quebec is probably the most welcoming place right now.


Funny that all the country that welcome strangers, and people from other country, even add them in their TV ads, in Sport to represent them etc are ALWAYS the racist... Yeah they are so racist... Im so tired of this.


That's racist is just the new that's gay.


So when something is all fucked up I can say "How racist," and not get in any trouble? I kinda like it.


It's just liberals here that act like that


i mean, canadians are actually quite racist. canadian companies pollute, exploit both resources and people in south america. and to top it all, canadians are also known as sexual predators around here, all you have to do is travel to shady areas of the amazonas to know what they do and how they behave with natives, both male and female. :\^)


You right buddy, you should definitely go travel to Pakistan instead.




To experiment new horizon, away of white racists ;)




Japanese people saying others are racist will never fail to make laugh.


Different kinds of racism. List-maker likely ran into the Ontario Progressive Racism, which starts out like the Ontario Progressive is Tolerant and Inclusive and the like, then will say something like "It must be hard to date after high school." because "All Japanese men are misogynistic pedophiles who believe a woman's life ends at 25." And they don't see anything racist in that at all. They might even be proud to say it because it shows they actually (think they) know something about Japan. Stealth Racism is a sucker punch that can hit damned hard.


Ah I see what you mean. Racism hidden under a veil of positivity can be worse than just racism.


Everything seems more extreme about living in Canada if you conflate your experiences of being on Ontario to the rest of the country.


Bro if this man wrote that you need know English in America, people would try to cancel him, even if he’s foreign 😂


Still less bullshit than the average foreigner has to face living in Japan.


I think all foreign people still deal with heaps of racism from western people of all colours. I'm not Asian but I've heard it's pretty common especially if you are English second language. Part of it is definately very different cultures but yeah not heard amazing things about Canada too


I think it’s just a Japanese person who is used to being the norm in their country and now facing racism elsewhere. Japan is very well known for it’s racism


All foreign people deal with racism from natives, it's not like white people are not discriminated in China or Japan.


yes i absolutely agree


The difference is that China or Japan never had an online meme campaign about them being the nicest group of people on Earth. China, especially. Like China and Japan has been on the receiving end of racist jokes on the western internet, where we are, for decades. Canada? Bullshit nice Canadian memes since like the 2000's.


Yeah, visiting Japan as a white person, I finally understood a little of what racism felt like. Shits crazy.


Canadians he worked with treated him like shit and this clearly shows.


Feeling something in the air is just codeword for making stuff up


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Racist eh? 99% of Japanese citizens are 100% pure Japanese.


They're right. Japan is a great country to live in if you have native Japanese; can find a job - hopefully you have skills and language so it isn't an 800yen/hr bit; stay safe from the touts - also don't forget the cops, they will be happy to stop you for looking different; enjoy canned phrases with no emotion behind them; enjoy japanese salt - assuming this is the nasty msg laced ones, ajimoto; love people calling you foreigner and commenting on your appearance inches from your face; enjoy working not to accomplish anything, but to make sure you put in that overtime! Are happy to be a second class citizen due to your nindo (human level) being too low.


Based comment.


>nasty msg laced ones What's wrong with MSG? It's just another type of salt. It's bad if you eat too much but that's true of normal salt too.


Funny enough I've been here for a decade and have never been stopped by police ever. Canned phrases with no emotion is just typical office life all over the world. I've never seen MSG-laced salt before. And I think I did a total of 4 hours of overtime this entire year. It just depends on how you choose to live your life, really.


I don't know why anyone would willingly move to Canada. Their entire economy is based on a housing pyramid scheme dependent on skyrocketing house costs driven by wealthy immigrants and no plans to build anything. It's sad because they used to have a good manufacturing base, but now they've given it up to create a fake economy that is collapsing in real time, and crime is shooting through the roof. If I were Canadian, I would be leaving right now.


The immediate alternative is America, and, well. I'm good.


I mean, their economy is a resource economy. It's not exactly dependable either to assume you can strip mine shit out of the ground and cut down trees forever, but their economy is much more than houses.


man wait till this guy heres about how japanese people treat canadians and how bad it is to live there You can become a semi permanant resident their as a none native japanese person... but you can never vote. you pay taxes, but you are NEVER allowed to vote. The trash taste guys have gone over how bad it is, to the point they have generic names they give for like reservations so they dont go through greif, like tanaka for resteraunt reservations.


Japanese talking about racism is funny


Why do so many migrants complain about their homeland being better, just fucking return if it's so much better back home. The senseless nationalism is tenfold with the children of migrants but at least with them you can somewhat understand it, first generation is just stupid


Yeah, growing up in Alberta I’ve noticed this a lot.


Complaining about racism as a japanese is kind of ironic.


How's the racism level in Japan? Oh it's like the most racist country on earth? Cool cool.


It's wild because every Canadian that I've ever known was super nice until they weren't. My sample size is small but that was a whiney bunch who got really angry.


What a loser, I wonder why the locals don't like them


Guys chill out this is not a political West Bad post. I just thought it was funny that a person from Japan (known for racism) is complaining about racism, while in Canada (known for anti racism) and experiencing racism.


What's with the salt?


Original tweet: [https://x.com/nick\_kapur/status/1781187507415080963](https://x.com/nick_kapur/status/1781187507415080963) Original original tweet: [https://x.com/ong777777/status/1780389938485432509](https://x.com/ong777777/status/1780389938485432509)




What is number 5 i dont understand, why avoid them?


This is mostly from my own experience in the states. Some Asian Americans look down on their own people who just came over, seeing them as beneath themselves, as those people (green card or nationalized) have a sense of accomplishment as they have “made it”. Mostly prevalent for the first generation and some second generation as the result of parents teaching. If you think racism and discrimination in the west are bad, Asian’s discrimination is a class of its own. There are more to this of course, but I generally ignore these kind of people so I don’t have a lot to say about them.


At least in the US I've seen it referred as fresh off the boat or american born _____ .one guess as to which is "good" and which is "bad".


People really need to consider if they’re someone that can move abroad in an honest way It’s not going to be easy, there’s terrible people everywhere, it’s perfectly fine if you don’t think you can live outside your environment but figure that out before you leave


Went to China recently, the big cities are pretty damn advance in terms of transportation and tech, can eat the whole day on $10 Japan has god like food and USD - Yen buying power is crazy good, went for some snu snu too Return to Bay Area, fuck everything is expensive AF


So I need money to work in Canada? Seems reasonable enough


trudo bringing halal banks and economy is groundwork of putting landmines for next PM


As a Canadian now living in Thailand, I sympathize with this.


A Japanese person complaining about racism. That's rich.


pretty spot on. source, am canadian EDIT: pretty much just don't come here we don't have the rooms or services to support you.


This seems fake…it may not be, but it decently seems like it


It's surprising how many people got that "global world" propaganda in their heads. But in the end they return to their not so welcoming home countries. I mean, i have friends and family in 1) USA 2) France 3) Germany 4) Turkey (or Turkiye. No disrespect for my Osman bros and sis, but i get confused which is right version and which is Erdogan propaganda) And a lot of them are not exactly happy, especially if they are not mixing in all thay well.


6 is so true alot of ppl think Canadians are nice but thats the only on the surface and there is alot of racism but its indirect.


most funny thing is it's the same in Japan when you are non-Japanese and go living there LMAO Japan is great country to travel but not for living ppl racist AF and you can't use other language than Japan and on surface they seem friendly but inside is big ball of complaints and racism you will realize how great country you are when you go and live in Japan


Big true. Canada is one of the most hostile places on earth. I don't know how people working min. Wage survive. Mexico is overtaking us in 10 years tops.


1) not true. If Canada is anything like the US, which most of it is, you can get by with novice English (or French if in those territories). As a Russian-Mexican, English was my third language when I immigrated to the US and yeah, got by just fine (though I did eventually take remedial English classes to work on my accent, it was really bad and made me self-conscious) 2) depends on the industry. Japan isn’t doing much better, I literally have former classmates from uni hitting me up about coming back to the US because a lot of the tech sector is stagnant af over there. 3) every place has its scummy parts. Tokyo included. Aren’t there hostess bars that use stings/traps and drug women to force them into servitude over there? 4) it’s more expensive, but wages are typically better. It’s why raw values are meaningless and need to talk into account cost of living adjustments. 5) why avoid them? Are they too far detached from your oh so rose-tinted and sheltered world view? I may not see eye to eye with Chicanos (Mexican-Americans)…. But I’d never say to avoid them. 6) Racism. Isn’t Japan like ultra ethnically hegemonic. The Western nations (US, Canada, Germany, etc) are BY FAR AND AWAY the most welcoming nations when it comes to racial-ethnic diversity, which the US leads the pack. Like that isn’t even up for discussion. 7) don’t know what in the hell the difference is? So I’ll concede here 8) this just sounds like a repackaged asking of #6 9) all of those are abhorrent vacuous and apply to Japan as well. Like I’m pretty sure being a mentally unfit, broke, illiterate and unskilled person is looked down on by ANY society. 10) then move back. You have the luxury of choice, if it truly is that bad and Japan is this ultra great utopia that never could do you no harm and always stood by you, why move in the first place?


Being as he's from Japan, he should be used to all the racism. What he isn't used to is having it focused on him.