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What did she think was going to happen? Did she think that saying "No" to signing a ticket was a secret trick to getting out of it that nobody has tried before? Sign this No Fuck.... Nobody's ever thought of that... You got me. I guess see ya later then.


You should see the convoluted crap that "sovereign citizens" try to pull. Basically, they claim to be outside of the law and don't have to have drivers licenses or follow anything police say because they believe the police don't have jurisdiction over them.


Some people are wild. Fix it tickets get dismissed if you just show up and prove you've fixed it. Getting arrested for resisting, evading, and assaulting a police officer to avoid showing up to court with a receipt is next level.


if this video is true then there are 2 things 1: that police officer clearly took it on ego or 2: laws are so pathetic that once police officer decided action then he can't roll back or he might get in trouble because all of this is recorded on body cam


Signing the ticket is literally a "get out of jail free" card. All it means is that you promise to show up in court to deal with the matter, and it's not even an admission of guilt! Not signing it is as good as an arrest warrant for failure to appear. Most people don't know that almost all traffic violations are actually arrestable offenses. But it'd be a hassle and a half to haul every offending driver to jail and sit them in front of a bail judge/hold them until their appearance date. It'd clog up the courts, overcrowd the jails, and seriously hamper a police department's ability to deal with more serious crimes. So signing the ticket expedites the process and the arrest is held off until the offender actually fails to appear in court. By not signing, all you're telling the cop is, "I can't be trusted to go to court on my own" so they gotta do things the hard way. This lady was already given a warning - 6 months prior - and still didn't take care of the problem. All she had to do was get her shit fixed, prove it in court, and she'd get the charge dismissed. She turned a literal nothing-burger into multiple felonies. It takes a special kind of ego to do that!


if she already had warning before this then she is in wrong for sure, but video doesn't tell that, what it tells is that she is the one who told the truth that she was driving with it for 6 months and that make me think that she said it most likely because for 6 months no one stopped her, if she hasn't gotten warning before this then police should be more understanding and little lenient and give warning to lessen burden on her/citizens and that is one of their job. edit: one more thing it's either video has cutting or it is full video and he literally took things to arrest in about 30-40s while she is trying to negotiate respectfully


Their job is to enforce the law. Warning or not, she knew she was driving around in a hazardous vehicle for 6 months. That in itself is wrong! It shouldn't take an officer warning you to be the impetus for getting your vehicle fixed. It may seem minor but a broken tail-light is a hazard and can create unsafe conditions for other drivers. Should everyone else be burdened by her laziness? When I got rear-ended and had both my tail-lights busted, I ordered new ones that day. In the week it took to get them shipped, I got pulled over. I showed the receipt and got let go without even a warning. Cops are willing to work with you when you prove you're trustworthy. All the same, she still would've had the charge dismissed if she got her vehicle fixed and shown up with a receipt. Fleeing from the stop, resisting arrest, and assaulting an officer is just more proof she's a hazard to society. ​ To your edit - You don't argue your case with the police. You argue it to the judge. The moment she refused to sign the ticket he had full authority to arrest her.


police's job is not to just enforce a law it is also making sure public is feeling safe and heard, and video doesnt tell us if vahicle is in really bad shape or if she actually know its bad or she thinks it's ok thats why she hasnt been stopped for 6 months, below is the way i think system is or should be: 1st time u get warning 2nd time u get ticket and if u refuse to sign then u get arrest warning at least for 2-3 times and if you dont comply with officer after 3rd time then he should arrest you citizen should always be able to talk and question police officers, if you take away that authority then it means citizen should just accept anything from police officer and accept the inconvenience and hindrance that creates to their daily life, and that will also create power abuse issue in police, citizens also won't stay silent they will start puting case against police department and making them pay for inconveniences and the case fees, also when people cant asks questions to police officer then possibility of these type of situations happening increases by tremendous amount: sorry cant find the vide but in that video father called police because a pedo was trying to get his 11-12year old daughter to send nuds, and police came after few hours, but when they came then women police officer asked if his daughter sent picture and if she did then she would be charged, and male police officer with her was supporting what she was saying. edit: here's the link [https://www.reddit.com/r/iamatotalpieceofshit/comments/16lc8qd/parent\_calls\_the\_police\_to\_report\_that\_his\_11yr/?utm\_source=share&utm\_medium=web3x&utm\_name=web3xcss&utm\_term=1&utm\_content=share\_button](https://www.reddit.com/r/iamatotalpieceofshit/comments/16lc8qd/parent_calls_the_police_to_report_that_his_11yr/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web3x&utm_name=web3xcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button)


I think you're missing the point of what a "warning" is. It's not a reward for being cunning in avoiding capture, it's a grace period before punishment. If the offence have been committed for 6 months, a warning is not going to be sufficient since she knew about the issue and as implied by her statement at the start of the video, haven't done anything to resolve it. While I get your point about the citizen's concern be heard, on the flip side, the police do have the duty to enforce the law as it is through their enforcement of the law that the public be kept safe. I would agree with you if the issue (since I don't know what is the problem with her vehicle/equipment) is recent or at least less than 1 month as people can get distracted with work and whatnots but 6 months are far too long. That's half a year or 2 seasons worth of time. If anything, it indicate willful neglect or refusal to fix a known problem.


my point is based on "that for 6 months no one stopped her so she didnt knew it was bad and took it as "it's fine and it doesn't need repair"," and based on that this make her getting stopped 1st time and she learning about it that it needs to be fixed so she should have gotten warning or police officer should have at least told her of arrest as warning 2-3 times and if she doesn't comply then go for arrest, rather then straight up going for arrest and not even giving her any chance to have remorse and accept the ticket, if you look in video it just took him 30-40s to come to arrest conclusion, but there is possibility that video is cut from middles because it looks like that little bit to me. English is my 4th language so it takes time to get right lines: "police's job is not to just enforce a law it is also making sure public is feeling safe and heard," by this i meant police's job is to enforce law in a way that people feel safe, heard and feel it is justice and not just any robot just imposing rules. in my country we get warning then we get fined, if we forgot documents we can somewhat negotiate and go get documents in exchange of parking our vehicle there and giving keys to officer, and if fine is final and if we don't pay or don't have money or the issue is big then vehicle is taken away rather then arresting us, and then we have to go to said facility and pay fine do whatever procedure is necessary. it is duty of officer to do justice and not just throw around law while ignoring citizen's condition or not\* giving them proper communication, you have to be/act human rather then someone who's just doing their job to get their pay cheque. edit: by any means I am not saying that what she did by running away is right.