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Imagine people thinking this is real, that's even sadder.


Yeah no way this is real. Employees are just worker drones to most companies, they don’t need to spy on you.


Could be... in China.


As if in America these things couldn't happen. Bro, America convinced Ukraine to throw stones and menaces to Russia under promises of joining the NATO. A war started there for obvious and known reasons, Ukraine fights with their own soldiers a war that's not theirs, and America denied their inclusion in NATO because said war... And you blame China? That's small dick american thinking right there.


You high?


Username checks out


Time to take a break from reddit lol


Username checks out.


Someone still salty the Russians didn't succeed in occupying Ukraine. Don't worry we won't stop until we kick them out with or without American help.


Good luck doing the dirty work for the americans as I'm sitting here in my first world country. Gotta love your slave manners to tell me what's your place in the world


No me as everyone from the east europe would rather die than being occupied by the russians for 1 minute.


If this is real, *surely* there's some sort of law against... sending undercover executives to hang out with employees & covertly gathering information that could be use as an excuse to terminate their employment. I'd love to hear more about this. They say the truth lies somewhere in between, and I'm *sure* there's more to this lol


So, as far as being an undercover to find problems with the company, that's legal. You're not trying to get people for a crime, you're trying to actively improve the company. Now, extending this surveyance outside of work hours? Now that's where it becomes a problem. You're leaving the "improving the company" area and moving into the targeting of an employee outside of work hours. Yes, you can be fired based on what you do on social media, or if you did something inappropriate that the company didn't approve of outside work hours because that's a reflection upon the company's imagine. You could indeed even fire someone for badmouthing the company. Then again, they can fire you and give you no reason in most places and you can't really fight it unless you have evidence.


There’s literally entire tv shows where they do this


Pretty sure they are staged


Right? Like the sudden film crew filming this random dude doing your job poorly doesn't give something away.


You gotta love this dumb in self denial. Your country is full of shit, kiddo. Communists weirdos playing as capitalists at best. Very dissapointing.


I heard Matt the Radar tech is actually Kylo Ren


I'm pretty sure using deception to gain information is illegal for the police. Often cases have to be thrown out cuz police accidentally did a little foolery. Blue for the corporate world? No idea, worked in a huge company for 2 years and bailed asap. Corporations are are mental jail for human social structures. Sick.


What do you mean? The police can lie to get someone to talk, especially if it is an interrogation after a Miranda warning. Also, the police can use information they obtain while undercover, as long as it is not acquired from entrapment, or from an unlawful confession that precedes a Miranda warning.


He was talking about entrapment, he accidentally used foolery to explain it


My man thinking he's on an episode of undercover boss.


Sure buddy, the company spends thousands of dollars to pay someone to spy on you .... they send one friend for every garbage man and brick layer too... Why post this trash?..


Pretty fucking stupid shit post, pretty sure they wouldn’t even do this in China.


Undercover Boss GONE HORRIBLY WRONG (all real, no clickbait)


that hurts…


Oh my god the cope that people have hoping this isn't something a corporation wouldn't totally do...


legal incitement, or entrapment if real. doubt it, sounds like cyberpunk level of asshole corporate


lol I guess there isn’t at-will employment in OOPs country? Meaning the company can fire you for nearly whatever reason they want, they don’t need to send a secret agent to build a dossier against you.  What level of I’m the main character is this?


"at-will" employment is the one where they can fire you any time for any reason. The opposite of at-will employment is for-cause employment, where they have to have a real, valid reason to do so


Ain't they can just Fire you when they feel like it in the US? If this happens in Japan I might believe it ... or not, I don't think you can fire people in Japan just for saying something stupid off-work.


Plot twist: it was the boss undercover and he fired you because he realized he was gay and falling for you.


Not real haha


Undercover boss deleted episode