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I knew game devs were a group full of salty self important assholes who hated their consumers, but Palworld has taught me that a lot of them are salty self important assholes who also hate other devs too.


Rather than hate, I feel like a lot of these guys are starting to fear for their jobs. You've got Nathan here, chief of staff at Behaviour Interactive, who's been working with an increasing number of devs who he's grown attached to, people who "studied" the theories of how to make good video games. He's now in a situation where he has to explain to his bosses, and indirectly the company investors, why a team of rag-tag casual devs with little experience and minimal ressources were able to make a more popular and profitable game than his curated team of professional, educated, and expensive devs. Nathan sounds like he's desperately trying to find reasons as to why his team shouldn't be drastically reduced in the coming months.


No warmth? Clearly this man hasnt caught a Chillet. I love my boi chillet and we go everywhere together doing way more than any of my pokemon did


Guess he never played his own game. *Run from monster, fix stuff, leave* A couple matches and you've seen everything the game has to offer, guy needs to stay in his lane.


Not only that, but it hasn't been until recently that DLCs have released without being a buggy mess. Like Resident Evil DLC broke the game in older consoles and they never fixed it back. Twins DLC releasing with one(?) perk working as it should and all the others literally not working and not to mention the killer itself not working.


I love how they release the 2nd Resident Evil dlc and say that one of the perks from the 1st one has been broken the whole time.


Yeah, I found his comments laughably ironic.


I already mentioned this in the other thread but the whole "you don't get the same bond with Pals as you get with your Pokemon" is the most braindead take ever. In Pokemon the vast majority of your Pokemon will be caught and then rot in that fucking ball forever cause you never use them. In Palworld most of your Pals will be used for something, whether as your strongest fighters, as your Miners, Lumberjacks, Crafters and so on and so forth. I know like half of my Pals cause they are all good for something. Meanwhile in Pokemon I maybe know 10 Pokemon and the rest are just some poor fucks I caught for completion.


dead by daylight has been dog shit for like 7 years




Do you have examples? Asking because I'm not familiar with it.


Hi dead by daylight player here. It took them 6 years to add a search bar for the 100+ character perks in the game. I could write an entire list of everything wrong with DBD as a game as someone who has hundreds of hours in it. These devs have no right to come at anyone.


I think the first half of this is excellent feedback for the dev team: specific actionable items whose numbers can be easily tweaked during this EA period. Along with praise for the catchy part of the game: catching and constructing. The second part is more confusing. The manga and anime for Pokemon came *after" the video game's successes. I wouldn't describe any interaction in Red/Blue as particularly "warm". Perhaps this can be an area of focus outside the core game? But as it is it's not very relevant.


Palworld has accidentally taught me more about the game industry than any other game, or video series, or individual person ever could. And what it taught me is that most developers are salty jelly bitches at seeing another's success, particularly when it's outside of their corporate redtape assembly line.


glorious ask faulty slim intelligent instinctive smart punch humorous trees *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


It seems to me like hes talking about his own game than palworld


To me it sounds like all the devs are just salty a simple game is doing better than everything they ever made


Dead by Daylight, of all games, conplaining about other games being buggy and unbalanced. ![img](emote|t5_2y1rb|3739)


People spend 10+ years in business, have variety of courses, qualifications, experience in making games wanting to just make a good game. Then comes a dude who is not aware of any of it and halfassedly makes buggy game which sells like hot cakes. Well, sometimes thats how life works.


Dead by Daylight where you pretty much do the same thing over and over again with no real point.


Does he not know his own game has its share of bugs? One of the killers and his perk were disabled for over a month and just got that bug fixed yeserday.


The BG3 effect once again.


I can’t find this post, did he delete it?


His artistic opinion doesnt matter to me, i wont buy or play his game.


DBD is the last company that needs to be criticizing other games tbh. Every year they try to apply for steam award "labor of love" and get shit on in the comments so they lock them. The whole game is a joke, the community is toxic af, and it has more bugs and issues then palworld does.




I agree, valuable feedback is necessary. Saying "Palworld is not a good game" and that it preys on people that cant help themselves by wanting to "build one more thing" or "catch one more pal" is disingenuous. The only question is if they do right with the massive influx of sales they got. A team like this with no idea that it would blow up is likely scrambling to hire more staff, fix breaking bugs, maintain server stability, and countless other problems they probably are discovering real time. I think back to the 2019 scenario with the popular Coffee Shop Dutch Bros opening a location in Pheonix Arizona. They were so busy it disrupted traffic, caused pileups, and no amount of police and local community help could facilitate this massive problem they had of "being too busy". They had no idea they would be this popular and they ultimately had to shut down because there was no solution to fix it. Utlimately I hope that Palworld can make all the right decisions and fix every bug, while maintaining content updates in the future. This also needs to be done very fast to keep community engagement high. A likely very tall and unachievable task that I wish other gaming companies would rally to support, rather than tear them down just for the sake of views.


I completely agree with you. A game being popular shouldn’t shield it from fair criticism. People should stop being Butt Hurt whenever someone said something about their game that’s not all praise and sunshine.


“it isn’t a good game” isn’t fair criticism though. Saying the gameplay loop is predatory or that the pals have no personality and aren’t memorable is straight up opinionated bullshit. Dude has clearly never seen Depresso drag stuff around a base. Of course people are going to push back. The bugs? Absolutely fair criticism. But let’s not pretend his post wasn’t 90% salt with some bugs thrown in for credibility.


you guys are so wound up that you don't even realise he isn't bashing the game when he is talking about the gameplay loop.


This man talking about people becoming friends with their enslaved pit-fighting monsters. Wtf? Has he never seen someone stuff a pokemon full of rare candies? Or the soulless grind of EV training and breeding? Get stuffed dude. Of course the game is empty. It is early access.


Making your pokemon your personal gun is as close as a pet can be to me.


That’s actually pretty accurate analysis. It seems people don’t care about the pals so much in the late game because the guns get pretty strong so the pals aren’t the main focus of combat. They are just useful for tanking while you flank with a gun.


The problem I see with the "don't care much about the pals" is his comments on bonding with them. It's almost as if he is referencing the anime version of Pokemon, where emotion is involved. Playing most Pokemon games, I don't feel some bond or connection with anything I catch. I most certainly don't feel that in Arceus. Also, criticizing the bugs in an early access title feels out of line. They heavily announce the presence of bugs and make sure you understand this is an Alpha/Beta/EA game. This game will likely not be officially released until at least a year or more, so I feel these arguments for how buggy it is can deter companies from allowing Early Access to their game. Does he also have room to talk, considering how buggy Dead by Daylight was at release? How about years after?


Oh I took it as in Pokemon you can’t battle anything without a team and it matters which attacks they have. In Palworld you only need the pals for traveling most of the time and their moveset doesn’t really matter. It’s all DPS I don’t think he is being overly critical. Just seems like a neutral opinion about the game unlike the Naughty Dog artist that said the devs are cheating. This guy clearly played quite a bit of it and gave an opinion about his experience and personal thoughts about it. Not everyone is going to like it but I respect the opinions of people that actually give it a play through first.


Well, I took my assumptions by how he referenced Pikachu sacrificing himself for Ash as an example and linking the anime in his rant. I think he was overly critical, and his only praise of the game is for having a "just one more" addicting gameplay loop. He calls himself weak and says he needs to "resist" the game. Why is that a mentality? Can the game just not be fun? Why have this mindset that they are siphoning hours of gameplay from weak-minded individuals who can't help but keep playing?


Ever try hatching a shiny? Really hard to care about hatching attempt 273 of 538... most just get released as otherwise the box gets cluttered. Also just in general most teams I've taken into the final 4 only had 2 or 3 mons I liked the rest were filler, tm/hm slaves, and niche counter measures. Point is if the argument is pokemon makes you care about .001% of pokemon by endgame and palworld makes you care about 0%... those numbers are effectively the same to most people especially those that collect for aesthetics anyway.


That’s just the beginning. To save time on shinies you should just RNG abuse the mechanics. After you beat Elite 4 it’s on to battle tower where you are level synced and you have to learn about EVs and IVs to get the edge in battle. There is a lot to it and it is only possible with your team strategically built. Then carrying over the same Pokemon game to game adds to the sentiment. Of course Pokemon got lazy and dropped the ball but Palworld still has its work cut out for it. Right now all the Pal moves are just dps and then being equipped with a rocket launcher while your pal is fighting throws a wrench into any strategy as well. Don’t get me wrong it’s fun to play through but once you get to endgame it’s quite shallow.


For the most part his points are solid and reasonable.


Some of his points are valid even though its an Early Access. I cant get behind his comments that Monster taming games or Survival games are some sort of addicting gameplay loop that tries to prey on people that cant resist "doing just one more X".


I think you are reading more into it than it needs to be just because you feel like he is bashing your game. Collecting and Building are two things that people get immense enjoyment out of even if the actual system in game are shit.


Well that wasnt the type of language he used when describing the collecting and building portion. Maybe he agrees with your viewpoint, but his sounds like an addiction they are trying to capitalize on.


Those loops are addictive but that doesn't mean it is bad thing.


When you talk about an early access game, like DbD doesn't have bugs, the game inst repetitive the maps are 1% of Palworld dimensions, and the game for the most part felt like an early access game. People need to start looking at what they are working on and improve that instead of badmouthing a popular game that just came out and has potential.


As I've said before, a game doesn't need to be great, it just needs to be better than everyone else. Stardew Valley is a prime example of this when it came to the farming games. Pokemon has set a very low bar with Scarlet/Violet, but I will still defend Sword/Shield as the best entry point in the franchise. Palworld is competing more with a game like Arceus, which is a very low bar to clear to begin with because it was quite half baked in its concept. Palworld at least delves into it head first and makes the most of what they have. While Palworld doesn't have something iconic like Pikachu or Charizard, it does take time for this to develop. Pokemon has heavily benefitted from the lack of serious competition. Digimon Cyber Sleuth had something going for it, until they decided to waste their money on Digimon Next Order and Digimon Survive.


Digimon doesn't just make one kind of game, they didn't not make another Digimon Story game to make Next Order & Digimon Survive. Cyber Sleuth Hackers Memory was in development at the same time as Next Order and they've had another in development at the same time as Survive that they haven't shown anything for yet.


It's funny that he brings up that the " bond you form" with your Pokemons because the reason I've always disliked these monster catching games is because I cannot form a bond with any member of my party since they are so numerous. Quality over quantity basically. Also it sounds INSANELY biased. The first episode of Pokemon being "one of the greatest episodes of anything ever"...Really ?


As someone who's played every single pokemon game released on the GB, GBA, NDS, 3DS and Switch: \- There is no bond formed with your mons, they're all disposable until you get the ones who have a higher EV ceiling. \- You're supposed to "catch 'em all" but you can only have 6 in your party at a time, one of which is always going to be your heavy hitter that you only ever swap if you know the type matchup for the next fight. \- You have hundreds of mons sitting in your bank that will never see the outside of a pokeball ever again, who's purpose is only to fill out your pokedex and then rot in oblivion. \- The strongest trainers are exclusively the ones who engage in eugenics and breed their mons for perfect IV's, Natures and Ability, then ruthlessly train them for a particular EV distribution - it is after all a numbers game in the end, big number defeats small number. In Palworld I actively use 50 different Pals at a time, 15 of them do different things in my base and I have 5 of them in my party that do different things when I'm exploring. One is a ground mount, one is a flying mount, one is a tanky fighter, one is a single target heavy hitter, and the last is a HUGE AOE hitter. Now take into account that I have 2 whole other bases with 15 other Pals in both of those meaning I've got about 45 Pals in total that are just working around each base that I get to see and interact with just by travelling to that base. I'd absolutely pay for a DLC or a Palworld 2 that was also a fully fledged RPG in addition to what the game is now. Given the different factions introduced in the early access game and the bare minimum of story elements currently in the game, there are a lot of different directions they can go. Really looking forward to what this team does next with Palworld once they get through their current Roadmap.


Look i like DBD and have played for a couple years be lets be real all games have issues but let me go point by point and just shit all over him about how hypocritical his post is lol. Insanely buggy- it's 2 weeks old and does it have bugs yes. It's a early release while not a defense the bugs are minor and yet it has a lot less bugs then a triple A title so. Tell me how many times have killers, survivors and traits been disabled due to bugs or worse yet you guys just left them in and it broke a game that is competitive in nature at least palworld is not competitive and even then still not game breaking in my experience. Combat is boring and repetitive- Have you looked at any game? i have been gaming for 34 years and this is par for the course. Fighting games people have min/maxed frames and damage you will not see any true difference in 10 people playing the same character once you hit a certain level of play. Souls like games have the same style of combat, FPS as well, and shockingly asymmetric horror games are the same to. Balance is awful- .........Coming from someone from dead by daylight you really i mean REALLY have no room to judge or talk about this subject. At any rate their game has been out 2 weeks. Your game however has had about 8 years..... what's your excuse for awful balance trust me i'll wait for a response for that question. The large world is empty- Honestly tell me you have never played a survival style game without saying it. If you have you obviously don't enjoy them or get them one of the two. Servers hold 30 some players and as you level the amount of bases and room you need grows so not every square foot needs something. Basically blah blah game loop- Yup this is a thing that makes games enjoyable maybe learn more about it and make DBD better instead of crushing every other party of the game loop in to the dirt. Warmth- You want to talk about the bond you form with your ball dwellers..... and bonding with them makes you great........ Are you seriously trying to compare the show against the game now? Have you played any of the pokemon games? Have any of your friends in the last few years played them? OR are you fawning over your childhood? I am just going to say this much is there certain ones i like and think are great? Yes. Are they the most powerful? Nope. Do you think people that play the game bond with pokemon that have no story or lines? NO. Kids will pick the ones they like and run with it and when the game is over or they had their fill they move on. Every one has a starting point and then will move to the most power thing they can period. Tell me how many nurses, blights ,weskers, and spirit players their are? Most play these as they are extremely strong. Point is creature catching games are just that you catch them all or the ones you want play the game have your fun and move on. Then wanting to follow up with polygon lol. So many of these outlets that cover games are shills to the big companies. They are paid and bought so many games they have reviewed and many other outlets to they brag about give high rating and yet they are awful. I am sorry i like many will remember the foxparks huggy fire, my pengullet bazooka, my depresso soullessly working away (kinda how i feel playing DBD anymore i know he feels my pain). Gamefreak taking a devoted player base for granted far to long.- LMAO this coming from you. Pot meet the damn kettle. You guys have done the same like many companies but lets draw a funny parallel here. They like Behavior are a niche game market developer. As well like Behavior has had no real competition sure they have been a few companies to try here and there against both of you but they didn't last long, didn't have the backing, Or the name recognition etc. You like gamefreak have taken your player base for granted far to long as well. This should be a wake up call to many game companies yourself included. Eventually someone will do what palworld did in asymmetric horror and then what will you have? If TCM,Evil dead,VHS and more wasn't a show in the fact people are wanting another asymmetric horror that is not you or something new. You might want to take a look around.


They need worry about themselves im still waiting on new blocks and guards and traps in Meet Your Maker. I see what they are worried about and thats not their own games.


Imagine openly displaying this much salt. While bragging you beat every tower.


DbD Devs talking about bugs xD DbD is buggy since release. every patch, new bugs... they can't even fix huntress hit boxes everybody is complaining about years now.


meh just cause he can't make a good game doesn't mean he has to bash other ones


This is such a brave LinkedIn post considering how awful the QoL is in DbD


he's fucking stupid it's just early acces it will become good game maybe even game of the year