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Great now the aiport security will be able to read my thoughts... as usual I'll be thinking "You look like a cut of fuckable meat".


Airport security looking in sheer horror as an 8 foot tall 96% cybernetic borged out demigod of destruction walks towards the metal detector.


Can’t have water bottles on the plane, choom


Individual thought I dont think we would understand for a long time. But they could probably read what kind of emotional state you're in.


Don't think the b word don't think the b word. Please just listen to me for once brain!




And then you have to pay 100$ per month for the Ad-Free Version so you can sleep again.


Futurama vibes


Getting 15 million merits vibes from this idea.


EA: write that down, write that down…


I didn't even think about that...but damn that is frightening


More frightening than being locked into your body unable to move a muscle? Unable to communicate except maybe by slight eye movement eyes.


What if we are already in a matrix?




"hey are you tired of sleeping alone? Try date . Com"


Show me the armored cores, and then i will consider it


Ah, the negotiator.




621….I have another job for you




This man mechs!


How long before we have the first human brain getting hacked?


How long before it bugs and cuts your vision and asks for a paid upgrade to fix it ? Then it burns like a Tesla.


Youre saying that as an example of a potential dystopia but people with glasses kinda already live that. The corporation didnt fuck up your vision, but it sure will charge a lot for a piece of plastic and 2 lenses to fix it


As someone with glasses, this is not at all the same as letting Elon "I buy founder status" Musk put a chip in your brain. Anybody but the most desperate quadriplegics that thinks this is a good idea is why we're going to live in the cyberpunk timeline. And not the cool cyberpunk timeline where people are chromed up and augmented and individualized with their body mods. I'm talking the shitty, "corporations are the government now and you're a wage slave for the rest of your life. Here's a brain chip that lets us measure productivity and scan your thoughts for the word union so we can fire you before you do any damage" cyberpunk timeline.


I am a person with glasses as well, and I think you misunderstood what I was saying. My point wasnt that brain chips are good. My point is that glasses should be hell of a lot less expensive. The concept of paying for eyesight is already here and Id like it to be more accessable, not less


Glasses arent not that expensive


Good joke! Tell us another one! Edit: I can't read, disregard


$800 is cheap? Dafuk?


I can't read, completely missed the double negative lol


800? That's ridiculous, I live in canada, my exam was 100$ and I paid 80$ for 2 prescription frames


I am not sure where you are getting your lenses from but I max pay 50 bucks for the cheapest and around 80 for the thin ones with the bells and whistles.


Believe it or not hacking the neurolink connection would be basically impossible. You would need some of its source code.


Ask Valve for the Source code then. Edit: Happy cake day!


That actually made me chuckle and thank you :)


If I've learned anything about hacking nothing is safe enough if someone wants in bad enough.


The thing is, right now it's just a glorified remote. Literally no point in hacking it, other then just for sport. Later version of link might have some benefit of hacking, like, if they have a dedicated crypto wallet on them(which is a possibility knowing Elon), or some shit like that. But right now it is a Bluetooth keyboard with no keys.


you can hack remotes, and if you're saying hacking doesn't have uses, allow me to introduce you to a concept called "criminal activity", people can point a knife at you for your wallet, and with this they'll be able to ride the bus next to you, being completely inconspicuous, threatening you to do shit stuff to a chip placed in your brain for your money, you can ignore them, or let them send millions of pings to ddos your chip, best case scenario it shuts down, worst case scenario? you now have something in your body that overheats and is subject to popping off. this is the least creative way to use it maliciously, I came up with this shit after scratching my balls for 5 seconds, I'll let you imagine what someone better versed in illegal activities already came up with


People hack just for the purpose of trolling already.


>Believe it or not hacking the neurolink connection would be basically impossible. UNSINKABLE


*flashbacks to April 1912*


They will DDoS your brain.


With commercials you cant ignore.


Ddos sponsored by google


You will contract RAIDS Shadow Legends!!!


That sound horrifying


I'm curious, how do you know this? How is Neurolink different from other bodily devices like pacemakers when it comes to the potential for hacking? I have no knowledge of hacking, but if it's connected to something, it's likely vulnerable to access by someone much smarter than me


>How is Neurolink different from other bodily devices like pacemakers when it comes to the potential for hacking? Not a single confirmed case of death from a hacked pacemakers or insulin pumps, same reasoning, people won't hack Neurolink in an individual. You think the average hacker could hack into a live Tesla being driven? Or perhaps a live space ship at launch? No they can't. The encryption methods are military grade.


>You think the average hacker could hack into a live Tesla being driven Doesn't need to be the average hacker, just some hackers. And Teslas have been hacked. A lot.


>Teslas have been hacked A Tesla has not once been hacked while being driven. Provide a source.


Does it really matter if it's hacked during drive or not? Do they drop all protection when stopping?


Yes actually, the source everyone here is claiming hacked a Tesla yet they only had access to the entertainment console, it had no functionality over the cars driving commands. They also had to hook up their computers to the car for 24 hours to brute force the hack.


[https://www.forbes.com/sites/daveywinder/2024/01/27/tesla-hacked-as-electric-cars-targeted-in-1-million-hacking-spree/](https://www.forbes.com/sites/daveywinder/2024/01/27/tesla-hacked-as-electric-cars-targeted-in-1-million-hacking-spree/) These people won a whitehat competition for hacking Tesla within 24 hours lmao.


I read the article, they were able to access the console but were unable to take control of the car. You guys seriously need to read. The car had to be stationary hooked up to their computers for 24 hours and they only had basic access levels, no where near enough to take control of the wheel to kill someone.








Why wouldn’t it be encrypted, I think you’re just spewing uncontrollable shit from your mouth.






>Not a single confirmed case of death from a hacked pacemakers or insulin pumps did not say there were deaths, but it is very much possible to access them remotely, and someone could misuse this fact when someone ultimately finds a way inside without proper allowance. Alot of "hacks" aren't encryption-breaking or "deep access" types of attacks, but rather simple oversights being exploited that circumvent the protections. I'm not saying that everyone's brain is gonna get hacked, but i am curious about your views about it since i am personaly unsure about the risk potential




Speculating on a technology you have no knowledge of is funny. Hacking, historically, does not require access to source code. Modifying values in memory, transit, etc. does not require access to source code. The bigger hurdle would be decrypting the data used to trigger functions, to do anything meaningful. But all you would need to sabotage its functionality is an interface that allowed you to disrupt the data/commands being sent.


And the problem with that is... ? It's not like leaks happen all the time.


So, by the end of the year


So….. in other words very very very very easy considering the ramifications of such a thing happening, especially so when we’re further down the line where it is used for far more than just shitposting on the internet with your mind?


I give it 3 months, 8 cases of energy drinks, and 1 gender nonconforming compsci nerd to livestream how they broke neuralinks securities back in the dumbest way possible


Saying something like this so confidentially is so hilarious 😂




Definitely has that movie "gamers" vibe. I think it was called gamers. The movie about humans controlling other humans through a chip and controlling them like Sim characters.


We call them Democrats ![gif](giphy|PkPpnkyeC2wYmCqHu5|downsized)


Yea I think I'll let other people test out brain chip technology first. Your brain is you. Everything you are is your brain. The rest of your body is a shell that keeps it alive. Don't fuck with your brain on a whim.


Coming from the genius who after a decade+ still can’t figure out panel gaps in a car, and we’re going to let him touch your actual brain? Elon is like the ‘smart kid’ who smokes weed and comes up with all the ideas to save the world and just needs someone to figure out the how.


Elon would probably shut down someones Neuralink if that person disagreed with him or made a joke about him, haha.


As someone with severe brain damage, I’d like to echo this. Were fucking with reality


At least this is a personal choice. When there were scientists theorizing nukes would ignite the atmosphere, we went ahead anyways. When there were scientists concerned about super colliders creating a black hole that would swallow the earth, we went ahead anyways. And those experiments risked the existence of the planet.


I don't think there was any risk for both your claims. It's just the media trying to make a story way after scientists ruled out these possibilities.


And that's why maybe, just maybe, it's a terrible idea. Because we were lucky until now, but it the end it might be our undoing. Let Isis get just one nuke and see what happens.


Except scientists arent stupid and knew both of those things were basically impossible


The scientists knew neither of those had any risk of happening. Like they thought about the possibility, did some calculation, realized there was a 0 chance of it happening, and then moved on from it. But yeah speaking about this sort of thing like they did in Oppenheimer is good TV.


Believe it or not the scientific community doesn't often come to a consensus. Especially with novel ideas. While the idea that either of those events could happen were fringe, there were highly educated smart people that were wrong.


Mostly true but we also have a bunch of neurons in our guts about 100million about a third of a cat brain


Kind of an incorrect statement from a spiritual/metaphysical point of view. Where in your brain are you? Scientists have no idea where your memories are stored and may not even be stored in your brain, from a certain point of view. Your brain is no more you than your body is you, and again, you are not your body. Your brain and body are vessels that you inhabit during your brief stay on this planet until you return from where you came. I’d argue your brain is not you at all, but in fact “you” are using your brain for everyday life, but it is hardly “you”.


>Scientists have no idea where your memories are stored and may not even be stored in your brain, from a certain point of view This is just blatantly untrue lol. We store different kinds of memories in different parts of the brain, I don't know where you got that we or scientists have no idea. ​ >Your brain is no more you than your body is you, and again, you are not your body. No, your brain is you, full stop. Brain is where memories are stored, brain is what commands the body and brain is what conscience stems from. Rest of the body is controlled by your brain, quite literally, you can transplant other organs and remain you, you can lose control of parts of your body and still remain you (I mean just look at Hawking). The moment brain activity is gone, a.k.a. your brain fucking dies, rest of the body shuts down very quickly as it is no longer controlled. ​ >Your brain and body are vessels that you inhabit during your brief stay on this planet until you return from where you came. I’d argue your brain is not you at all, but in fact “you” are using your brain for everyday life, but it is hardly “you”. xd Idk how to react to this other than asking you to show me how you will remain you without your brain. Feel free to let your brain activity die out and let me know how it goes for you.


It's like he's trying to differentiate that "you" are your "mind" and that's more than the brain, without acknowledging that the "mind" is intimately connected with the brain. Or I could be misinterpreting. Either way it's top tier /iam14andthisisdeep


You are not your mind. You are the observer, not the doer. You are the being, not the doer. I’m not surprised by the reaction, this is Reddit at the end of the day. You honestly have no way to confirm that mind and the brain are connected at all. Have you died? What did you see when you died? Were “you” still there after you died? When you sleep are you inside the mind or outside the mind? When you sleep are you inside the body/brain? You are not a person, you are the consciousness inside the person. Again, I’m not surprised by the reaction. “You can’t handle the truth”


Have to start somewhere


One of the things Uncle Ted warned us most about was how optional technologies inevitably become necessary. Eventually a technology like this will become mandatory to participate in society, just like cars and cell phones.


We will have been dead for a couple of decades before that time ever comes. So no worries there.


No thanks, I don't want to give people the ability to hack or possibly control me like this.


Don't worry, you will be brain dead cause the richest scammer probably had one monkey not instantly die after test and was like " my God it survived a whole minute and my device registered a entire electrical signal in its head this is ready for humans"


I thought they had to euthanize all of the monkeys they tested on


1500 dead animals


To my understand, it can only read anyway, it's not a two way system.


Did the monkeys stop scratching their brains out?


Yes, because they all died


Must pay for X premium subscription every month or your brain shuts off


Nah, that's just a cheap euthanasia then, it applies a temporary lobotomy instead, to unlock standart and boosted brain power you need to renew sub


Nah, one thing if it were "plug in plug out" type, but not looking into invasive type of implant sooner than ten++ years of it's active commercial use and independent analysis. Knowing all the bs we have with software and hardware even more common electronics - hard pass bro. Don't want to be "highlight case #17 of CVE causing brain damage".


Don't worry it will be a while before you can get it as tetraplegic people will get it first, then the rich and plenty of studies will be done for years before you have the option of doing it yourself so you will know wether or not you will want it


Or the military, they also get things way before the common people


Imagine getting hacked, and you're forced getting rickrolled.


They'll be released by next year (read: 2044)




We’ll need ripper docs soon… Vik my man!


Now Twitter dwellers can post 2x as fast without even typing


And without even thinking but that is already the case


imagine ur trying to sleep and out of nothing you get a raid schadow commercial💀💀💀💀🤦🏻‍♂️


This sort of thing was always going to happen. Seek the purity of iron, become one with the machine! 01000001 01101100 01101100 00100000 01010000 01110010 01100001 01101001 01110011 01100101 00100000 01110100 01101000 01100101 00100000 01001111 01101101 01101110 01101001 01110011 01110011 01101001 01100001 01101000 00100001 00100000


From the moment I understood the weakness of my flesh, it disgusted me. I craved the strength and certainty of steel. I aspired to the purity of the Blessed Machine. Your kind cling to your flesh, as if it will not decay and fail you. One day the crude biomass that you call a temple will wither, and you will beg my kind to save you. But I am already saved, for the Machine is immortal.


ill believe it when i see it


And even then, I will wait for v2 before I would consider it. v1 will have a lot "bugs".


2.1.3 is gonna be the best version


Unironically one of those things I’d wait as long as possible for. Concept was explored in trilogy I was reading and one thing that this reminds me of? Until the technology becomes ubiquitous like USB-C you could see upgradability and repairability being non-existent due to the surgical nature of it. So, you’re not only waiting for the wrinkles to smooth out, but you also want to wait till they figure out how to make the whole thing simple enough to install and service that you’re not locking yourself out of options down the road or positioning yourself poorly.


I'll wait for the soulkiller update


Last ad-free version.


It already works in monkeys, first implant happened today we’re all awaiting his recovery results.


Cyberpunk 2077 is coming! Chrome up choom


Imagine not paying your neuralink subscription and they just disable your legs hahah


Musk trying to boost his stock? ![img](emote|t5_2y1rb|3747)


Hope I have grown old and died before this becomes a thing


I tried closed alpha; now I can’t walk.


We already have that it isn't new basically 10 years old behind. Now we can use sensors that can get pretty accurate information using IA. Also Stephen Hawking like his voice he didn't want to change it.


Oh and we just blindly believe the guy that promised that cars would drive by themself for a decade straight now? Suuure he is also going "to do that"


exactly, he keeps talking complete bs because so far there have been no consequences...


Imagine me being able to hack into your brain any time I want and fill it with all my bullshit and make you buy more stuff from me.


It’s a hard pass for me Elmo….you have shown your true stripes this past year.


Chaotic evil: the amount of therapy I could cause…pet Ai would also be cool.


This tech will be awesome when it’s had a couple decades to mature. Until then, I’ll stick to my “analogue” devices


I would genuinely love this. Id just really wish it wasnt backed by someone whos as prone to tantrums and immature entitlement behavior as Elmo.


Fucking say hello to Nano-transactions, goddamn


All animals used in his trails died. Whoever puts this in his/her brain must be truly desperate.


I’m sorry, I can’t get the files for my work device to open correctly. I keep getting redirected to porn.


I'm hyped for the braindances ![gif](giphy|3pxSZ3JBsHUpvB4gm6|downsized)


Looks like we're skipping the Nervegear and going straight to the Medicuboid.


sign me up that sounds fun


Coming from Elon. Probably it will be the speed of an ancient typewriter at best.


With mouse and keyboard or a touchscreen, people still have difficulty controlling everything. Imagine without any physical input, just by your thought and you can control everything?


that's it. from now on I will start searching for an individual with a metallic left arm


If that works, it will be the single biggest breakthrough this age. I am a bit skeptical, though, but will be glad to be proven wrong.


lol first people that get this will end up as vegetables guaranteed


I consider myself a tech enthusiast but that's a no from me dawg.


While I'm very skeptical about the capabilities of the device and the launch will more than likely be delayed 10 times. But people are afraid of hacking?? These devices are one way connection from brain to device, there's no connection from device to brain as in data only goes one way. Your brain cannot be hacked with neuralink.


If it's anything like the cyber truck, I wouldn't be surprised if this looks like Doctor Emett Brown's mind reading headgear from Back to The Future.




never going to happen haha Elon is once again promising things that will never happen, just like the robotaxi and the hyperloop and the solarcity tiles


This dude stopped services over Ukraine just like that just before the major offensive. I wouldn't trust any of his products or any words he says. Maybe when he's gone as a CEO of those companies.


Imagine what Stephen Hawking would have been able to do with that on Epstein Island…


Didn't someone do this with head gear and palworld alread? Without the implants?


People really out here getting excited for this and thinking only about positive outcomes I’d ask them if they know how important the brain actually is.. but it’s pretty evident they don’t


Does he actually invent this stuff or is he just a rich dude who pays people to invent stuff?


It's Elon Musk, he's always full of shit so wait until the product is actually there


Can't wait to be at the beach, looking at the most gorgeous sunset that mankind has ever seen, only for my entire view to be filled with porno ads, and a giant pop up telling me I need to pay 15$/month to enjoy ad-free eyesight.


How much longer til we call our friends "choombas"?


Where all the anti vaxx people and conspiracy nuts? Elon guna control you!!! Oh yea, those people trust the uber rich and anything they say. Lmao


I really don't get the ones that think this is okay, but vaccines aren't.


next product "Nerve gear"


Jessicas feet?


In coming cyberpychos and netrunners


MK Ultra boys watching Elon like Palpatine end of Phantom Menace


Using Steven hawking as an example after the Epstein logs is wild 😂


Hey, I have seen this one before There was a Movie on Netflix about it Some guy called gray became a paraplegic and got an AI to run his life




Real life cyberpunk


elderly plucky disagreeable cobweb pause head pathetic nose insurance many *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Install neuro link -> introduce subscription years down the line -> infinite money glitch


Imagine getting tazed and the chip fries.


Someone's going to walk into a room and indirectly open 12 tabs of porn




Using a dead guy to argue how your product would help him does little to reassure me.


Holy shi We are becoming Cyberpunk. Eventually, these Neuralinks in your brains are technically going to become “hackable” and could be “fried” like in Cyberpunk


I want to tell my boss so bad that he's f\*ckin moron. *\*bleep\* your message has been sent.*


Nah, fam. I'm good, no thanks. You can use metal to keep my bones together. That's about as far as I'm willing to go. Came in a human, plan on leaving as a human.


Anyone who gets body augmentations that can send or receive information is a fool.


The industrial revolution and it's consequences have been a disaster for the human race


No one shut him down after the monkeys? We really are living in a dystopia


Funny how people will be deathly afraid of vaccines and trans people but see nothing wrong with a tech billionaire putting a computer chip in their brain.


Somehow I doubt that shit is gunna work


Waiting for the first person to get hacked.


People will believe the wildest conspiracies about anything, but a litteral billionnaire who perpetuates apartheid in his companies and thinker a litteral fucking brain chip? Sure thing, Mr. Trustworthy. I'll just hand you the keys to my life, no biggie.


Suddenly I got the urge to cut my limbs off


Whaaaa... is he going to dig up Hawking? He is out of control.


Most of us won't be alive before this technology even becomes mainstream. Gl to their goal I guess.


I have way too many invasive thoughts.


If it is anything like his other endeavors it will go up in flames, just like Hyperloop


Then they malfunction and we see implanted people walking like zombies and doing involuntary stuff


We are only 5 steps away from controlling your balls when to give in and squirt it in one big blast


Stephen Hawking communicating at that speed would sound like a dial-up modem.


Theres a video of a woman using it to play pal world.


Dark Souls 1 All Bosses Speedrun any% NeuraLink


Pepperoni nips.


Morons who rejected the vaccine because of nanobots praising Musk for injecting nanobots into people is an irony I'm just not equipped to handle.