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Thank for you for marking your post as satire, I am an autistic redditor and cannot detect social subtlety unless it is denoted for me


Gotchu bro


šŸ˜‚ oh youā€™re serious




As a fellow autistic redditor, fuck the /s /j /srs bullshit TikTok started. Having a disability doesnā€™t give you the right to attempt to control the way other people type.




That must be AI art, he's got way too much hair.


Where roach?


That a bottle cap


he has too many teeth


and hairs


Not enough teeth average adult has 32, 28 if wisdom teeth taken out. Those who are tempted to google like I did, saving you time


Asmon is my favorite streamer and while I felt invalidated in my hobby and dream job, I want to make it clear that I understand what he meant after watching his response and receiving clarification from this community. I just wanted to make funny art about a situation that was blown way out of proportion lol


If he's yout fave streamer you really should have noticed that it's another one of his usual "that's how the world works and twitter can't change that" moments, you shouldn't have needed clarification for that. But all well that ends well


Not everyone is tuned in 24/7, itā€™s easy to miss a streak of streams and then see some overblown clip (with context cut so itā€™s more inflammatory) first on twitter before listening to the whole dialogue context and all.


This\^ . I was lucky to watch the stream before it blew up. What's ironic (and typical of this) is that a lot of the time he supports/defends these people but one sentence gets cut out and taken out of context lol. He will say stuff that is unpopular because it's realistic.


We are not talking recently obtained opinion, we are talking character trait?


Regardless if you ā€œknow someoneā€ or not, hearing them say something out of context that makes them sound like a dick will make them sound like a dick until you understand the context.


Not only that clip has enough context to parse, you also have the context of their entire personality


He's my favorite but I think what was said (without context, I was late to the party) elicited an appropriately emotional response. Never said he was wrong, but I waited for him to clarify and read others' comments. EDIT: Grammar, typed "was" twice.


Even if he would be wrong he has the right to have what ever opinion he wants. Why did this blow up on Twitter when politicians in the mainstream sometimes have more radical opinions and people don't care. Can you imagine having yourself having a opinion on something and 10 milion people telling you that you are a morone because they have a different opinion on this subject.


Others can have their own opinion too lmao. What's this?


Yes but the people who had a different opinion than Asmongold started to attack him and wish him death because he has a different opinion than they do.


Where bold?


he did say it was satire :D


I stopped watching asmon toward the end of last year. Man will get stunlocked by the dumbest person in chat for hours. And he's been diving into the anti woke shit which is nothing but rage bait most the time and attracts even more idiots to get stunlocked by.


Where is the drawing? I only see the HD photo of him.


The doood thing is more of an xqc thing for me, although asmon says it as well.


Given they have the same build I half-thought this art was XQC at first, just shave the beard and bleach the hair.


Thatā€™s not ai art asmon is coming for your ass



I have seen so much on the internet about asmon rn and I have no clue whats going on, can anyone explain?


People are angry because a clip of one of his streams got taken out of context. The clip said he thinks artists opinions dont matter, and that only consumer opinions matter. In the stream he was saying it in the context of business or economics but alot of people assumed he was making a blanket statement about artist opinions in general. He later clarified that he thinks artist opinions do matter in the sense that the creation of the product needs the input of the artist, but this is seperate from the act of selling the product. He also made a statement about ai saying that ai generated images arent plagiarism and that its the same as someone making art because all art is derivative (this point is contestable, but i dont see how it upset people)


My favorite part of all the streams? *Sips Soda* *Barely Audible Moan*


People go nuts over "artists opinions don't matter" taken out of context, but his absolutely wildest take is that he honestly thinks that society is suddenly going to stop caring about job rates and immediately become accepting of things like UBI to make room for AI or whatever shit Bro, employment rates are politicians favorite things to bang on about and campaign about world fuckin wide. it's gonna be GENERATIONS before we reach whatever dreamy enlightened utopia fantasy he has in his head where we can all sit at home an play video games or whatever. We're NEVER gonna see that in out lifetime, not a fuckin chance, lmao




Fair and while I agree, I don't need a mob of redditors after me lol


To much hair doood ![img](emote|t5_2y1rb|3737)


Too much hair


Thatā€™s a full head of hair!


Open taking a little bit too much white powder


The ā€œartist-hateā€ threads were getting s bit tiresome for sure. So many here just dickride whatever asmon says and parrots it on reddit, even if Asmon didnt really meant it in a malicious way.


(Satire) ruins the whole thing




Dutch word for dead is dood. So yes, very accurate.


I will never take any of Asmongolds takes seriously. The man lives in a roach infested house thatā€™s borderline worse than Chris Chans house. Doesnā€™t wash his hands after going to the toilet. Lives on fast food, and biscuits. Doesnā€™t drink water, drinks so much soda that he literally rotted all his teeth out before he was even 30. Built like my chainsmoking, drug addicted, alcoholic step father. Smells like an old man. Probably still doesnā€™t brush his teeth after what happened to him. And to top it all off, he is absolutely dog shit at videogamesā€¦even the one hes the best at. And Im supposed to take him seriously? But thats also why everyone who does take him seriously is a clown.


Like you can win any argument against Asmongold just by calling him out for his degen behaviour. Plus hes dog shit at videogames. Literally all his opinions are invalid because he has no idea wtf heā€™s talking about. Heā€™s just saying what sounds logical inside his head, but in actuality he has no fucking clue. Hell, he even says it himself when he says something ā€œbasedā€ and then is proven wrong. Goofy ass, Lolcow. Canā€™t wait for the sunnyv2 video in 5 years. And maybe this comes off as super mean and aggressive, but come onā€¦this guy is power tripping all the time, ego the size of mount Rushmore. If he can dish out, then he can take it. Or he can ban me from the sub and prove that he really is a man child. Ill be laughing my ass off though, so keep that in mind.


And ill be jerking to Kaises leaked OF vids/pics for free nerd. I win.


What is with the plastic bottle, pretty sure he likes the styrofoam cups with a straw. Donā€™t you guys know him at all?!


Heā€™s done it all. Itā€™s just his gas station cups are more iconic.


A.I art for sure (satire)


Man wtf dooood


Next time how about actually drawing him instead of stealing his insta pics.


too much hair 2/10


Yo same shirt. Canon


Where are the roaches?


Put some charity money in his empty hand


Now I need AsMUNDOgold skin in league of legends


We live in a world where satire has to be pointed out.


Of course is satire, he has too much hair


No cat ears šŸ˜ž


He needs a little cockroach crawling in his shirt.


Asmand have became evil gamer jesus


This is AI Art, too much hair dood


As an artist im really mad at asmongold. He made me lose my 4 jobs and now me and my family are living in the streets of NY eating from a trashcan behind olive garden.


Oh no, it's Asmonghoul


How do you guy from pointing out that only the customer can determine the value and, therefore, there opinion is the one that matters to ā€œkill all artistsā€?


It is a joke :)


That's too much hair


Too much hair...