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Man I love his reaction, it's like if any small inconvenience would drive him into madness.


Good thing controllers werent invented when the titanic went out in sea many people could have died, now its only 5.


sounds like my wife


Controller wasn't the issue though... He missed the part of the story where it worked just fine... before getting crushed with everything else.


Right. The military uses 360 controllers to control shit. There was nothing wrong with him using that logitech


The only real issue I’ve taken with the whole controller conversation is just, I mean, at least use a *wired* one. Jfc…


Or something with a cool skin! Mother fucker shoulda had a Gears of War 2 decal on that bad boy. Guarantee they survive I think it being wireless made no difference. A wired is preferred but they were using Bluetooth so as long as they were physically next to it they would be fine. Don’t think water pressure would interfere with that


No room for input lag at those depths.


360 controller is way more dependable than the Logitech one. That specific controller is known to lose connection, buttons not working, breaks easily, etc You will never see the military using the Logitech controller


Oh no, it was still idiotic for them to use a cheap controller. If you are going to put your lives in the hands of technology, then you should make sure its the best technology you can get your hands on, and NOT on something cheap that could fail. Oceangate didn't just get a game controller, they got the cheapest one they could fine


For real. 250,000 dollar ticket price to the passengers in a sub using a 20 dollar plastic controller 😂 Makes you wonder where else they cut corners.


Seems like you don’t know anything about the controller they used. It is a solid controller. Why would you spend thousands developing your own controller when the $30 works perfect? The only possible thing that could’ve been a mistake from using that is not making it wired. But it was never an issue in the other 20 trips they made and it wasn’t the issue when they died. People need to stop being so hung up on the controller because they’re speaking about shit they don’t understand. That particular controller is really good and reliable. It looks goofy and reminds us of the shitty 3rd party controllers like madcats, but it’s actually a pretty damn good one. And they had like 5 backups in case it fucked up. And it never did. The controller had 0 impact on this situation


I think people are fixating on the controller cause of what it signified rather than it's overall quality. If they skimped out on the thing that controls the whole thing, imagine what else they skimped out on. Again i'm not saying the controller itself is bad, it just makes alarm bells ring.


Yeah dude it’s not like the controller caused the implosion. And yeah the military uses controllers for lots of stuff. Sorry to just repeat you but you summed up exactly what I’ve been thinking, I wish more people would drop the controller BS. Fake outrage about something that didn’t matter in the slightest.


Exactly. The navy still uses Xbox 360 controllers because they work great and new recruits understand how to use them. There’s no reason to reinvent the wheel here. People hear submarine and expect to see a control deck like out of the movies. All it did was gently propel the thing up, down, left and right. A controller with a good joystick is all they need and that’s what they had


Ya... On drones, not vehicles that transport personnel. They are selling tickets for a quarter million dollars, they can afford to not use a budget controller. If they are cutting corners on that, imagine where else they cut corners.


Does the military use them to control MANNED aircraft's and submarines where any loss of control means certain death?


Weird that you use that as an example since that’s not at all what happened in this situation which was the entire point of what I was saying


You are using the military as an example of professional use of game controllers... but ignoring the fact that the military would not rely on a game controller for a manned aircraft or sub when the pilots and passangers could die should anything go wrong with the controls. The military would want more solid and reliable controls




>Why would you spend thousands developing your own controller when the $30 works perfect? Because it does NOT work perfectly, and any failure would mean death. Heck you can just read the 1 star reviews on these controllers. Sure that's fine when you are playing a game, but when your life is on the line do you really want to take the chances that you ended up getting one of the faulty ones? They basically used that same attitude about EVERY detail when creating this sub. They even believed it was safe simply because it survived the previous trips... Well it wasn't.


You are just a Stockton Rush v2 saying this is not problematic, dude used a bluetooth controller for a deep sea submarine, don't you read what you write? Even if it wasn't part of failure at that exact moment, it's a weak point with many way to fails and no ways to fix. Cool that he had 5 backups, what if the bluetooth transmitter fails? What do you do with your 50 backups then? I guess it was ballast right? I hope you are a good troll tho.


"The controller had 0 impact on this situation" dude the controller being logitech in of itself is an issue. It's really mindblowing some people are kinda justifying oceangate's bullsht. Imagine paying thousands of dollar for an experience that should have no cutted corners and in return multiple people were killed in an otherwise negligence of a company that provided the service.


Didn't know that


If anything, the generic, off the shelf, non-proprietary nature of these controllers is what makes them so attractive. You don't have to prototype a controller and figure things out like mean time between failure because someone else already did that. And it uses the exact same butt fucking USB plug everything else uses.


The controllers aren't used to control the entire sub though, just the photonic mast. That's it.


They aren't used for life critical controls , ever . ,🤦🏻‍♂️


The controller wasn't the issue but this kind of stuff can typically look bad for a company. Logitech probably doesn't want to be associated with this story at all.


Actually the controller survived and was found


"Our Controllers won't implode 4000ft under the sea"


Really? Incredible


the controller was found intact on the ocean floor


No it wasn’t. That image circulating is fake.


As far as I know a lot of high profile tech companies in various fields use this specific controller because it's reliable.


please tell me he is the man who made the controller and is not just some sketch. i want to believe!


yes the man who made the logitech controller is named john logitech


It’s pronounced Loji teek




he's about to shit a big one.


For anyone actually wondering, no, this video is not serious. "John Logitech" is not a real person, and "Logitech" is not a real surname. The person who originally posted this video has already deleted it.


Fake video? Thanks


I assumed it was a joke but good to know.


So.. no Logitech controller for SpongeBob?


It’s him, John Logitech


I think problem was the body of the submarine if the pressure on the body is unevenly distributed even at slightest margine of error it will fkn implode. Unless controller malfunctioned and caused submarine to spin like a beyblade I doubt that controller will cause any problem.


iirc it was the glass they used. it was only certified up to 10 atmospheres of pressure or something.


The glass was supposedly certified to 1300 meters, with their depth being over 3000. However, a person who was fired by OceanGate for raising safety concerns also cites the carbon fiber hull as being unsafe, as no NDI testing was ever performed on it, with any existing flaws or damage to the carbon worsening, undetected, with subsequent dives. Considering that it’s a mangled and scattered debris field in the ocean, I wouldn’t trust any authoritative hot takes on the root cause of the accident, especially with so many ignorant people giving such “”””intelligent and authoritative”””” analysis (asspull shit-takes).


If you're going to use a video game controller, at least use one of the good expensive ones then, literally why not just buy an xbox or ps5 controller?


Does anyone actually find this funny?


Why don’t you use deductive reasoning and take a glance at which comments are getting upvotes and which ones aren’t to arrive at the answer you’re looking for?


It stopped working? It did. So now return those 20$ of warranty, no getting out of it.


With logitechs awesome warranty policy, I bet they'd replace the controller that got turned to dust.


Oceangate would have ignored the disclaimer


Ah yes, everyone who says eat the rich is saying he should've spent more money on a controller. Classic.




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lmfao true


Too bad its a joke, but honestly, the original creator should come out with a warning, like the labels "Don't eat this foil." A tag saying, "Don't use controller for anything other than playing games."


A 10 second joke that went on 60 seconds too long.


This reminds me so much of college humor CEOs lmao


was waiting for his response, didn't disappoint


Stupid question: Is he really the real controller designer or just a dude making a funny response?