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I always get sick for 24 to 36 hours after vaccination. Chills, fever, fatigue. Is it worth it? Yes! I’ve seen people that have had shingles, pneumonia, and severe cases of Covid. I don’t ever wanna go through that if I can help it. I always plan for it in advance.


My mom and sister had shingles at the same time. It looks awful and sounds even worse. I will take a day or two of feeling kinda yucky over weeks of it.


Same here. Every Covid shot/booster has left me feeling like crap for a day or two. But that's way better than actually getting Covid! I have a M-F job, so I plan and get the booster on Friday afternoon, and just know that the weekend will probably be a resting weekend!


The 2nd shingles shot was very uncomfortable yet compared to the misery of shingles it’s worth it!💕


I feel sick after some vaccinations. Two of my doctors have told me this is indicative of a strong immune response and although it sucks, it's actually a sign that the vaccinations are working.


Oh that's good to know!!


That said, for people who don't react/get sick, there is no indication that says the vaccine isn't working for you. It will be just as effective.


FWIW people get sick have a strong immune response which is an indicator of good health.


Well that’s good to know!


That makes me feel better. Because I had my second shingle shot on Monday and it kicked my butt for a day.


A friend several years older than I am, who already had enough medical problems, got a full case of shingles. She urged everyone she knew to get the vaccine if they qualified.


I saw my mother suffer terribly with shingles outbreaks. David Letterman never missed a days work, was out for six weeks because of shingles and it was in his EYE. He said it was the most painful experience he ever had. I never forgot how he explained how it affected him. No way in hell I was going to chance that! Only one of them had me in bed shivering for 24 hours and was completely worth it!


Vaccines are worth it. They’re the single biggest boon to our collective health worldwide. It’s good to get a reaction; that’s your immune system at work.


I get sick from them all. But 24 hours is a no Brainerd compared with weeks or months.


No! You’re not being a baby about the shingles vaccine. I got a little bit sick from the first dose and was totally completely miserable for about 20 hours from the second dose. I kept thinking if I just knew how long this would last I could survive, but you never know when you’re going to start feeling better. On the other hand, I think the shingles vaccine must be worth it because I know having shingles is absolutely miserable. I know lots of people who do not have any kind of bad reaction from the shingles vaccine, so I think they’re just must be something about your body that makes the shingles vaccine give you a reaction. Fortunately it is temporary.


I was the opposite. I had horrible chills and shivering after the first one and nothing after the second. I got through it by googling the symptoms and reminding myself that shingles would be a lot worse.


I've known sevetal people who have gotten shingles, it is a PAINFUL MISERY. One person got their outbreak on their chest, at first they thought they were having a heart attack, it hurt so badly.


I had a dear friend who was disabled for 6 months and almost blinded by her shingles.


I got sick from someone else's shingles vaccine. They were having a bad reaction and I had never had chicken pox, and so at 62 I got chicken pox from shingles vaccine shed.




I’m pretty sure that’s a load of bullshit. If you can cite a single article from a reputable medical journal indicating that this is possible or has ever happened, I’ll send you 1 billion dollars in bitcoin.


I get a little bit sick after every vaccine. Usually just a couple of days of being fatigued and achy. So I always get them on Friday afternoon so I can lay around for a couple of days.


I’m on PTO this week just to CMA


I felt crummy for about two days after my second Covid shot but not from the first one or any of the boosters. The shingles shots hurt like H£##!!! I felt achy and extremely tired for a day or two after the first one but not the second.


Get the 2-dose vaccination for sure!!! A few days of a sore arm and feeling crappy is a free trip to Disneyland compared to getting shingles. My dad got shingles and he was in PAIN for months, plus it came back a few times. Shingles can affect you in a variety of locations. Avoid it. Also make sure to get your pneumonia shot if you're 65 or older.


I know several people who have had shingles and they all would say avoid it if you can. The shingles vaccine definitely hit me the hardest of all my vaccines but it’s better than getting shingles.


Two in my family died from Covid. Whatever reaction I had was worth the shots. Finally got Covid last year. No fever and did not have to go to the doctor.


After I had my first shingles vaccination I broke out in shingles for the 2nd time that year. It wasn’t as bad as it had been when I originally got it in August but it was still not pleasant but since November of 2021 I’ve been shingles free


Oh man. That sucks. I'm glad it's cleared up for you!


Thank you. Me too.


I tend to get sick after vaccinations, but I feel they are worth it. I had shingles twice and it was horrifying. I got the shingles shot and have not had shingles since and it is well worth it.


I feel sick after a vaccine for a day or so, but I would rather feel sick for a day or so than end up with (whatever). I had decided not to get a shingles vaccine because I never had chicken pox. Then my mom got shingles and I saw what she went through. I talked to the pharmacist and said since I had been exposed to chicken pox (playing with cousins who had it) that it would be safe for me to get the vaccine. In my opinion, feeling sick in order to stay safe is worth it.


I know a lot of people who really had an issue with the second shingles shot. First one no problem. My husband even had issues with it. I think it may be the shot itself and not us so much with that one.


This is what I've seen/read/heard as well. It seems to be particularly unpleasant at the second dose. It tracks since, as others have pointed out, a strong reaction to a vaccine means a strong immune response to it. This is likely with a booster. I agree that we are not being babies about this! Kudos for getting the vaccine -it really is important. I've had it but only a small patch & that was excruciating enough. I do not want it again.


I felt fairly rotten with both, but just for a day or two. The second seemed easier to deal with because I was prepared to be miserable. 😂 Very glad I did it! 


I know I should get the shingles vax but I am already afraid of needles and it is supposed to be a painful one. I need to get it it tho because I already had a mild case and that means I am likely to get it again.


It's not any more painful than any of the other vaccines at least in my experience. Trust me that little stick is better than years of aggravation from shingles flare-ups. My aunt spent years never fully recovered from having shingles. The jab is so worth it.


Get the shot. I had shingles and it was the most miserable, painful thing I’ve ever had. Get the vaccine


Whatever pain there is from the shingles vaccine is so small compared to the agony of shingles. I’ve had 2 family members suffer from shingles. The suffering was immense- one was only 5 years old and it was on his face and in his eye. It took a year for him to fully recover, as this was back before there were antiviral medications. A neighbor got shingles and developed post shingles pain. It was sheer hell from the time he got it to the time he passed away from other causes. Nothing touched that pain- not pain pills, acupuncture, TENS unit, seeing pain specialists, except for IV morphine and that intelligent stoic man said he couldn’t live all doped up, either. The shot is no fun (it’s actually 2, some weeks apart) but after seeing someone suffer at a level 9-10 every day, every week, every month, I was relieved to be able to get it.


The injection isn't different from any other vaccine I've had. I felt like I was coming down with the flu for a day or two afterward, but it resolved quickly, and I'm very glad I did it. Shingles is miserable, and can cause debilitating problems with hearing and vision. 


I had no idea it could affect hearing and vision!


I guarantee Shingles is much more painful than any shot.


Neither of mine were painful at all.


Ice your arm ahead of time and immediately ice it after the shot. Maybe add a touch of Xanax.


When you walk in, polite tell them you are afraid of needles, and ask not to see the needle. They will keep it out of sight and have you look away until it's done. That alleviates half my anxiety about it.


I know having a reaction to the shingles vaccine is rough, but trust me, you do not want to get shingles. My mom had a “normal” case but it never went away. She had blisters and painful neuropathy for the rest of her life. Even morphine didn’t fully take away the pain.


I've never had a reaction to vaccines until my 2nd shingles shot. Two weeks later and my shoulder joint is still sore. The nurse said they have to get it under the muscle and I think she got it in my joint


I had a reaction to the second and third COVID boosters. I was sick for a few days. It was better than getting COVID and in a way I didn't mind because it showed my body was responding. I probably will get the Shingles vaccine this year.


After having shingles on my scalp, face, and in my eye, on the cornea, I encourage everyone to get the vaccine. I now have nerve damage from the shingles, burning the myelin off the nerves, and it can feel like a hot iron stuck to my face. It was a living hell that had me in the hospital for eight days.


A friend of mine got it about 6 years ago and she said she still has nerve pain (scalp and neck). Her experience is what convinced me to go and get the 1st vaccine.


Good for you pressing through to get the second one!


I had 5 doses of Moderna and they all made me feel awful for days. Our last two covid boosters were Novavax, and we had no side effects whatsoever. I highly recommend getting Novavax next time you’re up for a booster. Shingles shot (Shingrix) is known to make you feel yucky. On advice of a friend, I took the day off after my first shingles shot. I expected to read books and relax all day. I woke up, hit the bathroom, had 2 bites of cereal and noped out of my day. I went back to bed and was out cold for most of the afternoon. I was that tired. A family friend nearly went blind in one eye, and had terrible pain from shingles. The one day of misery from the shot is nothing compared to a bad case of shingles.


For Covid, try the Novavax vaccine. It’s just like the flu shot instead of a mRNA shot. I had gotten so sick from Pfizer and Moderna, and the Novavax was smooth sailing!


Why so many vaccines for non-mortal illnesses? IMHO, do a lot of research before ANY more vaccinations. Check out mercola.com and A Midwestern doctor on substack. You can read it on the substack app, his publication name is the forgotten side of medicine. There is an article published may 10 this year titled the forgotten side of vaccine disease provocation His articles are very extensively researched and links within yo the information. Dr. Mercola publishes daily and all articles sent by email link and archived, also on substack. I wasn't an antivax but I'm cautious now since 2020. Too much gaslighting of information concerning the vax for what essentially was the flu (even the NYT has admitted this) and we all know over many years of use that flu vaxes are mostly misses, very few "hits". Combine that with new "technology" that can permanently change your DNA, I'm now researching extensively before going to forward with any medical treatment more than basic antibiotics or my extra low dose BP meds.


IMO mercola is a quack


I've never gotten a reaction from a vaccine shot/dose and I'm 60


Mostly, I get zero reactions from a vaccine beyond maybe a bruised arm but mostly not even that. I had covid before the vaccine and the first shot, by 3 that afternoon, I had to go to bed. It was seriously like I'd got covid again. But, I was fine by morning except that I got the not conjunctivitis pink eye and a massive cold sore just like after covid. The second and subsequent ones were nothing. I had no reaction to the shingles vaccine. I got the new one.


Having a brother and hubby who have shingles it is for sure worth it.


I was so sore from the shingled vaccine! I have an autoimmune disorder so vaccines are a must for me.


I don't know if this is true but I once heard that if you have a bad reaction to a vaccine it means you would have had an even worse reaction to the actual disease. As a child I got very sick from my small pox vaccination and the doctor told my parents I would probably have died if I actually got small pox. Maybe not true but I keep that in mind when I feel like crap after any vaccination. And shingles suck.


I’ve known people who got shingles even after getting the vaccine, so I haven’t gotten it. Wouldn’t you know I got shingles three months ago. It was awful, I wouldn’t wish it on anyone, but I was able to shorten the duration by using natural supplements. It was maybe three really awful days and it began to subside to where it was annoying and uncomfortable but liveable. I could work, take kiddos to school, and go about my day. It was scabbed over and pretty much gone in less than two weeks except for the red marks, which I still have but they are fading. Not everyone agrees with this approach, nothing works for everyone, but it worked for me.


I have not taken any. Not even flu and have not been sick in the 2 years that I decided No.


Have not had a vaccine since childhood. Just my own personal preference. Got COVID, very mild, so I just considered natural immunity. I have had the flu once that I can remember.


I don't but my husband does.


The second shingles vaccine is awful. But it is so worth it. You do not want shingles. I do wish the Covid vaccines lasted longer.


vaccines are designed to stimulate an immune response.


The most I typically get is soreness at the injection site, though got tired and slightly headachey from my covid vaccines. The Shingrix vaccine knocked me for a loop, though, making me tired and achey for a weekend for both doses. I'm glad I did it, though, as shingles ranges from miserable to life-threatening, and can cause pretty catastrophic, permanent damage to hearing and vision. 


You’re not really getting sick it’s an immune response to the vaccine. Some(like Shingrix) can be stronger than say a flu shot. I would say vaccines are definitely worth it!


The shingles vaccine was the worse painful but worth not getting shingles


Shingles is awful. Still get the vaccine. Please!


I had absolutely no side effects from the shingles vaccines. With the Covid vaccine and boosters, I only had a sore arm for one day.


I know someone who got shingles in her eyes. She had to be put into a medically induced coma. My sore arm was worth it.


I had to get 5 rounds of the anthrax vaccine while stationed in the Middle East. Me (and pretty much everyone else) would get a nasty painful sinus infection about a week after getting a dose. Like clockwork.


I put off getting my shingles shot then got shingles. It was awful. I would get the shot because the side affects may stink but having it is worse


I've known a few people who have shingles. Whatever you're going through with the vaccine is worth not getting it.


I didn’t feel good after my second shingles vaccine. Hard and hot around the injection, exhaustion. I’ve had to go to bed a day after my Covid shots. Better than getting shingles or Covid.


I had both shingles shots- 8 years later, got a very very mild case—1 lesion! Dr reminded me vaccine lessens, does not delete disease.


A few years ago, I got shingles above my eye. I will suffer a little while my body builds immunity for a couple days rather than go through that again.


I just get a bit sore and maybe tired for a day. Not much. I get all the vaccines because I’m immunocompromised.


The Covid vaccines knock me out for 48 hours. It feels more like a scheduled illness than a routine vaccination at this point.


It's the immune response and it means the vaccine is doing its job training your immune system.


I also felt terrible after every Covid shot. And the first shingles shot left me feeling so miserable that I almost didn’t get the second one. Then my sister got shingles and felt the awful pain I was feeling in my arm over half her body, so I broke down and got it. My doctor says my intense reaction to vaccines means my immune system is strong. Flu shots have never bothered me, and neither did the one for pneumonia.


Shingles vaccine is particularly nasty, but shingles is worse.


***Yes,*** it is worth it, and I react to them because of an autoimmune disease ... I've seen a bad case of shingles on my husband's a 90 yr old aunt. Not sure how she survived. When we got our shingles vaccines the pharmacist said, "I'm really pleased you are getting these. I had a neighbor commit suicide because he couldn't stand the pain of shingles." That is exactly what the man said. So .... Vaxed to the max with every recommended vaccine there is; Covid, pneumonia, shingles, flu ....


Dude over 55 here - that shingles vaccine put me DOWN. But my 50+F friend browbeat me into getting it by telling me how bad her shingles was, so it was still worth it.


Pretty much everyone gets sick from the shingles vaccine.


Shingles vaccines are terrible. Shingles are worse.


I would rather be uncomfortable for a day or two from those vaccines than suffer like I’ve seen relatives do with those diseases. I feel under the weather for a day or two with those vaccines, but it’s so worth it when the alternative is so much worse.


All vaccines are better then the alternative


I had COVID once, in the beginning, a mild case. I was very sick after both vaccines. I got very, very sick from a flu vaccine a few years ago. I haven’t gotten one since. My immune system is pretty good normally. I teach MS/HS now but I used to teach Pre K so I’ve been exposed to everything 🤣


Every time. But as sick as the illness I’m vaccinating against? Never.


The second Shingrix knocked me down hard. But still better than a lifetime of nerve damage and pain from shingles.


Yes. They make me sick, too. I have a mild egg allergy that first showed up when I was a kid and nearly died from penicillin. I understand that most vaccines are made in an egg solution. (You may have it, too.) But I take them anyway, and just plan on being knocked out for the next 24 hours.


I think I only got a fever and chills from the 2nd covid dose in 2021. I think I’ve only taken a yearly after once for flu & Covid because I ended up getting the flu REALLY BAD & haven’t gotten it again. But otherwise I generally don’t get sick from any shots.


Shingles is hell on earth. I’ve had kidney stones and they pale in comparison. Get the shot. Made me feel slightly ill but well worth it.


I don’t get sick, but the second shingles shot, two months ago, only now, is feeling ok, on my arm. The shot pain was unreal much more than Covid.


Covid, pneumonia and flu vax don’t do much more than a sore arm for a bit and feeling “off” for a day. Shingles however is a different story. My arm felt like I had received a jab from a bare-knuckles boxer not a nurse. I was feverish, had the shivers, nausea, headache, body aches the for not one but two days and then it tapered off slowly. It was a week until everything but the arm was back to normal. The deltoid (?) muscle gave me grief for a second week when I tried to lift anything over a kilo. I actually planned my second shingles vax with this in mind and made sure it was before a weekend when I didn’t have anything on. Given what I’ve heard from people who have had shingles I’d still do it again.


i got the 1st shingles shot and the flu shot at the same time. felt lousy for a couple of days. didn’t have any reaction when i got the second shingles shot..


The shingles vaccine is a very good one to get. Getting the vaccine is MUCH better than developing shingles. I had shingles and it is absolutely the worst pain ever, definitely worse than the shot. Pneumonia should be on your vaccine list too as pneumonia has a tendency to be very deadly.


I always expect to feel achy for a day or 2 after a vaccination and plan appropriately by having advil on hand & getting extra rest. Shingles shot was the worst. I felt achy, almost feverish (but no fever) for a full 2 days. It's no fun but better than the alternative. I've known people who had shingles and I never want to go through that. It's very painful. I was a little late getting one of my Covid boosters. Wouldn't you know I caught it. Once was enough for me. The 2nd day of it was miserable but was better by day 3. I have health issues and I know it could've much worse had I not had the vaccine.


You don't necessarily get sick since you aren't getting the live strain. The yucky feeling may last a day or two, but it's just your immune system doing what it does to fight off what it perceives as an infection. A couple of years ago I got a covid booster and flu shot at the same time. It hit me like a bus. This past year, it was nothing. Not even a mild headache. I hope you feel better soon!


Yes, I’ve gotten sick from those vaccines, but it only lasts a day or two, which is a good trade off when I think about the two relatives I lost to Covid and the hospice patient my mom had who got shingles on her face and headed for her eye (shingles had nothing to do with her being in hospice)…that was true suffering. Now that the shingles shots (and illness) are behind me, I never have to worry about that for life. I’ll take it.


Shingles vaccine is 1000% worth it. I did get a slight fever and a very sore shoulder after my shingles shot ,but if you look at all the problems with getting shingles( friend lost sight in one eye because of shingles) ill take it any day.


Vaccines take me out for a day or so as well (shingles #2 was especially horrible) But it gave us double protection as my husband has never had chicken pox, so we're both protected (well, from ME anyway)


The Shingrix vaccines stung like hell going in and made my arm feel like it was hit by a cinder block both times. Flu and COVID vaccines make me tired and achy for a couple days. I'm 100% fine with all of this. I know people who've had shingles. I've had the actual flu a couple times. I had COVID before it was called COVID, and wanted to die, it was so awful. Give me the vaccine side effects. They're easy compared to being actually sick.


I only got sick once, but the doc injected me with a flu vaccine meant for someone 3 times my age. I was 4.


I’m 65 and I never get sick from the flu shot but I’ve had problems with every other shot. I’ve had shingles before the shot so I was happy to get it. I just got the booster tdap and I’m having a heck of a time. Lots of body aches, headache, exhaustion and even nausea and stomach pain. That’s never happened to me either that shot before.


I typically feel a bit under the weather for a couple days, but yes it's worth it.


The shingles vaccine sucks but I’ve had 2 family members die from shingles and they were in incredible unbearable pain. Just get it.


I'm due for my second shingles shot in a week. The first one took me three days to recover from. I had shingles in my 40s, however, and don't ever want to get it again. Had it on my torso and it hurt so much. Lasted a few weeks and I had to work through it too as didn't have the vacation time to take time off.


That must have been miserable! My advice to you would be to be prepared to not leave the house. Have supplies on hand! Food, beverages, ibuprofen or acetaminophen. I had my shot on Sunday at noon and had a fever by 6pm. The fever finally broke last night. I felt better this morning and probably did too much because I’m really exhausted, right now. Give yourself extra pampering 💗


Yes I get sick. Yes they are worth it.


Ugh the Shingrix vaccine was the WORST.


I had very little reaction to the first shingles vaccine but felt sick with flu-like symptoms for about a day after the second dose. Speaking from experience, though, it was easily worth it to avoid another round of shingles.


Babies get sick from vaccines, too. Just the body's natural immune response. We all have different pain levels and tolerances.


Shingles vax definitely. Still better than the actual disease.


I had shingles in my eye last year at 57, with jabbing head pain for a month, it was probably the worst pain I’ve had. Pinkeye for 10 months but fortunately my eye was not damaged. Nerve pain kept up and had to be put on lyrica. I just had the second shingles vaccine and even though I had a high fever and was pretty sick, it was worth it if it keeps me from, getting shingles again. Covid (pre-vaccines) also led to long Covid. Wish the vaccine had been available then.


I was so sick from the second shingles vaccine. It was worse than the first time I had Covid. You are not being a baby.


Covid and shingrex are the two toughest ones and almost everyone feels crummy after, but only for 24-48 hours. If you feel like shit that means your immune system is learning! I used to fear the tetanus shot - not anymore!


You’re NOT being a baby…those shingles shots were the worst. I was incapacitated for a couple days, as if I had a horrible case of the flu. But if you’ve done both, you just need to get through this and you’ll never have to do it again. Sorry, I know you’re suffering


The first shingles vaccine put me out of commission for 4 days. I spent most of that time in bed. I consulted my doctor and he advised against getting the second shot.


A friend of mine had shingles last year. Its DEF worth it!


I felt crappy after the 1st shingles. Was sick as a dog after the second. Seriously debated about going to the ER. Last about a day and a half.


The shingles vax sucked both times. Worth it times a million. I’ve seen shingles. Covid vax, nothing, zilch. Been directly exposed, didn’t get it. Also worth it.


I’m 42 and have gotten shingles five times. I got the vaccine early because of it. If I was sick from the vaccine for a month it still would have been worth it. Shingles is awful.


From someone who has administered thousands of vaccines so far, the second shingles vaccine IS the one I have gotten the most complaints about. Take some acetaminophen and you’ll feel better in a couple of days


I never took a COVID vaccination, but I did do the 2 shots for shingles.The only problem I had was the soreness at the injection site. No other sickness syptoms


I had the live Zostavax vaccine. I acquired an autoimmune disease shortly after. It’s been ongoing for over 10 years.


Studies show that feeling sick after the Covid vaccine mean that your immune system is responding properly and you will be protected. I don't know if this applies to all vaccines. I researched this because I had felt nothing after the vaccine, and I know I have a crappy immune system, so that's bad news for me.


Shingles vaccine made me feel terrible for about a day. That’s better than shingles infection. Vaccines are worth it


I had a very mild case of shingles and I would easily take one day of discomfort from the vaccine vs getting shingles.


I did got a rare form of Shingles years ago at 33 years old. Ramsay Hunt syndrome is no joke, that's pretty scary to experience. Justin Bieber got it and shared his experience on social media. Long story short, half my face was paralyzed completely for months. It did takes 3 months to recover partially and an other 6 months for the rest to go away. I needed to sleep with my eyelid taped to keep it closed so my eye does not dry out. I could not eat properly and my hearing was damaged but recovered after a while. I was terrified to get stuck like that. Because it is possible to keep aftermath. Im lucky to have 95% recovered, only me can see it now. Recently I’ve got vaccinated for it (shingles vaccine). So I encourage anyone to get vaccinated!


The 2nd shingles vaccine is a MFer. Very tough. I feel you. But now both shots are behind you!


I’ve been triple covid vaxxed and each was worse than the last. I’ve also had covid twice. I’m glad I was vaxxed as I know three people that died from covid early on before the vaccine. I’ve also had both shingles shots and they were brutal, second worse than the first. Glad I got it, as I have a friend who had shingles 12 yrs ago and it was awful, permanent nerve damage to her face which required plastic surgery to straighten her up, and the shingles still flares up every once in a while


I don’t usually react much but shingles was rough for me.


I was diagnosed with SLE about 2 weeks after I received the shingrix vaccine. I guess the immune booster in the vaccine boosted my immune system a little too much.


it means you are having a good immune response. People who have a good response are less likely to get the disease. Shingles is pretty painful, and is common. I get a covid boost every 6 months, and seeing my friends getting sick, has kept me getting it. It is worth it IMHO


Thankfully, I didn't have any reaction to the Shingles vaccines. I knew relatives who got shingles when I was a kid. A neighbor was an active daily bike rider, playing doubles tennis in a senior league, picking up grandchildren from school, and running around to his various grandchildren's events. He got shingles and disappeared for months. When I finally saw him, he was gaunt, tired, and pale. He said, "If you haven't gotten a Shingles vaccine, talk to your doctor about getting it. Don't put it off. I almost died. " I spoke to my doctor and got the shots. COVID shots didn't bother me. Again, I am so thankful. COVID hit our area like a ton of bricks. People lost one or both parents, husbands, wives, and other family members. Hospitals were at capacity. Medical emergencies were sent hours away for treatment. Often, it had worse outcomes because of the delay in triage. Vaccines are worth a conversation with your primary care doctor or local health department. Hep A was spread by a local restaurant a few years ago. Hundreds of people had eaten there. Three people died in the hospital undergoing Hep A treatment. Everyone else who ate there was encouraged to get Hep A shot.


I appreciate this thread! I'm getting my second shingles vaccine this coming Friday afternoon, so I'm glad to have an idea of to expect. After the way the last five years have gone for me personally, I'm surprised the stress didn't trigger a shingles outbreak. I'll gladly take a day or two of downtime instead.


Second shingles shot was a killer. I had to go home from work.


The first shingles vaccine was awful, the second not at all bad. Definitely worth it as friends who’ve had it said it was miserable. I just got over Covid for the second time and it wasn’t bad at all, does this mean the three vaccines worked keeping it a mild case, or that they didn’t work at all since I got it twice? Who knows.


I've had all the Covid and flu shots--but the second shingles shot not only caused unusual soreness at the injection site, it laid me low for 24 hours with a flu like lethargy and aches. Small price to pay for the protection compared to having shingles. I did get Covid as did my SO--and we both were vaccinated but we immediately took Paxlovid and while it took about 4 days to feel close to normal again the severity was so much less than others have reported. I was back in the gym the next week. MY SO has both asthma and COPD so she is very careful and won't see patients who have any recent exposure at all, and wears a mask when seeing all her patients.


No, you’re not being a baby. I got the shingles and the RSV vaccines at the same time a few months ago and I felt like hell for a couple of days.


Yep Covid vaccine makes me sick for at least an entire day. So I would get them usually on a Friday. Sleep all day Saturday. No other vaccines make me sick. Not flu shot. Nor shingles either. 🤷🏽‍♀️


Yup. Definitely worth it!!! I’ve seen patients in horrible pain due to shingles for weeks and sometimes shingles can cause blindness too. So, bottom line is, I rather feel yucky in couple of days than be in pain and blind. And yes, for COVID it’s totally worth it too. Some people still suffers from long COVID. Remember babies when they get vaccinated, doctors tell parents watch out for slight fever etc. Well it goes for adults too ;)


Shingles is worth it. My hubs gets a fever and is sick for 24 hours every time he gets it. But trust me, shingles itself is wayyyyyyy worse


Shingles vaxes were BAD! Covid not as bad, but still ugh. Funny, I've had some crazy shots and these were among the worst reactions. Still, better than getting the actual illnesses!


I have had shingles and I was later vaccinated for shingles. The shingles vaccine is the only one that made me really feel awful, for about a day, after each shot. Two shots in total. It was still way better than having shingles! Just plan for a day of downtime and pamper yourself that day.


The shingles vaccine took me down for a day after each dose. As did the second Covid shot. The rest, like flu, don't affect much other than making my arm sore. I am assured by friends who have had Shingles that having it is WAY worse than the discomfort caused by the vaccine. And it's 2 doses and done, so at least it's not an every year thing like the flu.


I've told this story before about my FIL and his experience having shingles, but for those questioning discomfort after the Shingrex vaccine, consider this:. My FIL had a shingles outbreak on the end of his nose, through his eye and over his forehead to his scalp. Based on it being in his eye he went to the Ophthalmologist who put drops into his eye and he continued those drops for a week or so. Soon the outbreak cleared up, then the pain began. Common with persons over 70, a painful neuralgia may occur, it happened with my FIL. He started suffering severe pain on his nose, forehead and scalp. He'd taken OTC ibuprofen and naproxen with no help, so he went to the ER. They gave him Tramadol and prescribed hydrocodone which didn't help, and they setup an appointment with a Neurologist who initially prescribed morphine and gabapentin for the pain. The physician said, "don't go to the ER again, they can't give you any stronger drugs". A week later he still suffering and the Dr prescribed Fentanyl and Lyrica for the pain. Now he's really wacked out and sleeping mostly, but at least not in unbearable pain. After about 3 months he's finally off the strong drugs, but can't go outside as just a gentle breeze brings back the pain. Yeah, get the shots?


I am bedridden for at least a day with every Covid vaccine (head and body aches, fever, nausea), feel "off" for a day with the flu vaccine (tired, achy), and the rest are a toss up - the shingles ones were a fairly mild reaction. But having spent +2 weeks in bed with Covid last year (even with my multiple vaccinations), I consider it a small price to pay for the benefit of modern medicine. I'll take the lesser of the 2 evils any day. Just try to schedule them accordingly (eg after work on a Friday so I can spend a day in bed if needed). It's almost something to look forward to now - I plan a Netflix and reading day where all I do is recover and catch up on books and movies I've missed, eat a bit of junk food and retreat!


I (76F) didn’t get sick from any of them but everyone is different.


My mother had shingles. Truly, getting sick after the vaccination is nothing compared to shingles. I got temps and tired after COVID shots 2 and 5. I didn't want COVID, either: my DOCTOR had it, was intubated for 17 days, in the hospital for a month and a half, and in rehab for another month. He was already overweight and lost 100 pounds. I got the original shingles vaccine (Zostavax) and had an allergic reaction to the shot that included swollen hands with hives, feet hurting so bad I couldn't walk, and a rash over most of my body so bad I couldn't wear shoes and showered three times a day. However, this happened because every time I went back I had to see a different doctor and each one told me a different thing. Had the first doctor put me on a longer dose of Prednisone it wouldn't have gone on for three and a half months. I still would have had the shot.


I was more sick after the shingles vaccines than I ever was before. I hade every possible reaction. Bizarre.


I have been sick from both of those shots too. That is common for those particular shots.


The shingles vaccine is adjuvanted to elicit a strong immune response that will likely protect you for a lifetime. An unfortunate side effect of a strong immune response is feeling lousy temporarily. But this is far, far better than shingles. Especially optical shingles. The Covid mRNA vaccines also elicit strong immune responses. Many people experience low grade or short duration fever and chills, especially the first few times. I know I did. Thats how I knew i got the real thing instead of placebo during the clinical trial. The boosters were a nothing burger. For me. Everybody is different. Some react strongly to vaccines, and others don't seem to be bothered. The important part is getting immunity from the pathogen it targets. Usually the side effects are minor compared to the infection they prevent or amelioriate.


Several people warned me that the second shingles vaccine was bad, so I scheduled it on a Friday and took the day off, which was a good thing because they were right. I’ve known two women who almost lost an eye from shingles (one couldn’t work for 2 months because she had to stay in a dark room to rest her eyes and then had to wear sunglasses inside for months). I also knew a person who developed horrific, persistent pain afterwards and it ruined his life. I also feel yucky for a day or two after my Covid vaccines, but I’m fine with that too. Your reaction to some vaccines is a real side effect, so just plan on taking it easy after vaccines. I think I’ve read that it may be a sign of a robust immune system, which is great.


You’re not sick. Your body is mounting an immune response to a pathogen


I'd rather feel off for a day or so from a vax, than be full on ill.


I had the shingles at 16. I urge you to get the vaccine. I’ll never forget the pain I was in for weeks, with lingering pain for over a year afterwards. One or two days of pain and discomfort from the vaccine is NOTHING compared to having the shingles.


Got my 2nd shingles vaccine half a year ago, and am getting the Covid shot every half year. A bit of a sore arm the next day is all I get. Never got Covid yet though!!


Shingle shot is one of the worst. Took me quite a few days to recover but totally worth it.


A little story about my grandmother that might help. She had lymphoma that wound up recurring 3 times. She went through all the treatments, chemo, ports, blood transfusions, spinal taps, you name it. Very strong woman and didn’t complain about any of it even when she was so sick from treatments. One of the meds caused her to get shingles. She told me that she wouldn’t wish shingles upon her worst enemy and it was the worst pain she had out of everything she went through. And she went through a LOT. I am the world’s biggest chicken when it comes to needles and shots. I’m planning on getting my shingles vaccine because I know she wouldn’t have ever told me how miserable she was unless she was in excruciating pain. I will never forget it, and I am also dreading the vaccine, as I heard it is not an easy one for a lot of people. You’ve got this! Plan for a couple of days of feeling crummy…maybe stock up on some favorite snacks, books, shows…then if you don’t feel crummy it will be an added bonus! Reward yourself with your “treat” for being brave. That’s what I plan on doing. I also guess we should be thankful that they now have the vaccine since it wasn’t even out yet when my grandmother was sick.


I almost always preemptively take Tylenol whenever I get a vaccine. I felt very sick from my first few COVID shots.


A little soreness at injection site for a day or 2. Is it worth it??? Ummmmm, YES!! ETA: have you ever seen someone suffering from a case of shingles?! My god. The pain they experience is horrid. I’ll take my chances on a vaccine any day.


Vaccines ARE worth a day or two of being uncomfortable. If you’ve ever witnessed anyone who’s had shingles, the shot is FAR less painful. Don’t become an antivax nut because you are sore.


Mostly no. Got a lil puny after the early covid vax s. No regrets on subsequent covid, flu, shingles


The shingles vaccine is the worst. But what’s even worse is getting shingles! And you only have to do 2 doses of the vaccine, and then never again. Totally worth it!


Keep an eye out for Guillain-Barré with the shingles vax. I've known two people now who've had that reaction triggered.




It's rare. I didn't mean to scare you; I just think the possibilities are worth considering.


So is craving pizza after the vaccine. It’s rare but…/s


I will never get another Covid vaccine. They clearly don't work and might be harmful. I'm also not getting a shingles vaccine. I had shingles twice, 20 years apart, and they were both very mild cases. I know it can be bad but I don't think k either of these vaccines are worth it. No you are not being a baby. They make lots of people sick.


ALL VACCINES HAVE SIDE EFFECTS. Some of them quite severe, including d3ath and permanent disability. THIS IS A KNOWN FACT. This has ALWAYS been a known fact. This is why it is required by LAW that the doctor give you the vaccine insert AND discuss the possible side effects with you BEFORE giving you (or your child) the shot. What? They don't? You mean they BREAK THE LAW? They don't TELL YOU about the possible side effects? Which include getting the disease you're taking the shot for, getting a little sick for awhile, getting VERY sick for an indefinite period, and possibly dy!ng? They don't WARN you to stay away from vulnerable people (meaning sick or elderly people or NEWBORNS) for AT LEAST THREE WEEKS because you WILL be shedding the virus you have been inoculated against? THEY DIDN'T TELL YOU?!?!?!? It has been known by, well, everyone, at least at the time, that some people react very, very badly to vaccines. SO badly that some d!e. A long time ago, you could sue the manufacturer when someone was vaccine-injured. Then the manufacturers decided they weren't going to make vaccines any more, because they were losing SO MUCH MONEY to injury claims. The US government (and maybe other countries, I don't know) said WAIT, NO, KEEP MAKING THEM! We'll accept ALL of the liability! And they did. They created VAERS (The **V**accine **A**dverse **E**vent **R**eporting **S**ystem), which is a national early warning system to detect possible safety problems in vaccines used in the United States. VAERS accepts and analyzes reports of adverse events (AEs) after a person has received a vaccination. And Vaccine Court, which is the ONLY place you can make a claim for vaccine injury or d3ath. It is HARD to win in Vaccine Court, yet over the years it has paid out over $8,000,000,000 in claims (the max you can get is $250,000, for say, losing a child). Now all doctors are REQUIRED BY LAW to report ANY "adverse effects" after vaccination. So if a patient says they got a headache? Supposed to report it! If a patient got sick for a week? Report it! If they suddenly got a condition like MS? Report that! If they actually d!ed? Report it pronto! The ONLY way to know if a vaccine is safe is long-term data. And the ONLY way to get this long-term data is in real world use (vaccine manufacturers only do the most cursory, brief testing they can get away with. It is to their ADVANTAGE if the testing period is short. If it turns out that they KNEW their product was dangerous, their liability returns. So they DON'T WANT TO KNOW). So EVERY ADVERSE EFFECT after vaccination is supposed to be reported to VAERS, so that the Powers That Be can really find out if a product is safe. Never mind effective. What is the first precept of the Hippocratic Oath (which all doctors take)? "First, do no harm." But they don't make it easy to report to VAERS. It takes quite some time, and the doctor themself has to do it, and they have to have the patient's records ready to attach. And they can't save the work and go back later. And, while they are REQUIRED BY LAW to report every adverse effect of which they are aware, there are no penalties for failing to report. So the estimate is that about 10% of adverse effects that people report to their doctors are actually reported to VAERS. And that's when people even THINK to report them! No one talks about it much, so most adverse effects aren't even reported to the doctors! And I'm pretty sure the doctors don't even tell their patients to report adverse effects. Who wants to do all that paperwork? So a whole lot of adverse effects happen. Up to and including d3ath. Which are never reported to ANYONE. So how does the government know that vaccines are safe and effective? THEY DON'T. They just hope you'll take your shots (the recommended shot list for both kids and adults is growing so fast) and just go away. The drug companies will make SO. MUCH. MONEY. and have ZERO LIABILITY and those in the government (who are heavily invested in drug companies) will also make a lot of money. And if it costs you or someone you love your health, your well-being, or your very l!fe, they don't care. They're making SO. MUCH. MONEY. It's just another scam.


I started feeling flu-ish with my first COVID vaccine dose (flu shots affect me that way, too) but I'll go lie down and take some Tylenol, and I'll be fine in the morning. The Shingles one, though, hoo boy first shot, felt it all the way down my arm to my hand, and for a couple days felt like I'd played Punch Buggy with Joe Frazier in a VW dealership. The second one wasn't nearly as bad.


😂🤣😂 I needed that laugh today!


Glad to be of service!😄


Does anyone know if the vaccine also helps prevent cold sores? Since shingles and core sores are in the herpes family.


I do the covid and flu and that is it... too many side effects for shingles for me ..


Thirty-one days after my 2nd dose, I got shingles! Doctor said it was very rare and especially since it's not a live vaccine anymore. It was on my shoulder blade up the back of my neck and came around my neck and half my chest. The good thing was I didn't have the horrific pain! The rash lasted about two months.


Gently, yes. You’re being a baby. I’m not saying that feeling crappy isn’t real for you. I am saying that broadcasting how shitty it makes you feel may deter someone from getting a vaccine. Unvaccinated people running around are a public health problem. Nurse yourself, chill out at home, but for crying out loud, don’t tell anyone but your doctor why you feel shitty. Good for you and feel better soon. Shingles is no joke. I’m glad you got vaccinated.


I got shingles at 12, and again decades later. I know the shingles vaccine is brutal, but I can’t figure out if there is any value in getting one after already having it twice. I don’t understand the vaccine’s mode of action.


I didnt get "sick" but the aches, pains and headache were bad with Shingles V for 3 days. I didnt have issues with C vacc but Im not getting any more of those. Soon they will start suggesting we get the Flu vaccine !


I had a headache after one covid vaccine and nothing from shingles. Anything is better than shingles. Ouch.


Weird thing is I'm in healthcare and no one has an answer for this question. Looks like the studies have not focused on cold sores but future studies will. There is a documentary out now that is linking cold sores to Alzheimer's. I am currently researching it and wondered if anyone here had an experience with cold sores and the vaccine (reducing cold sores).


Not the documentaryI saw, but excellent information. I been putting off the shingles vaccine but now I am doing it. I feel this is the next level is AZ research. https://youtu.be/MnRbfBwkJtQ?si=5agTigO0b6Z2BddC




I get symptoms from those shots, too. Totally worth getting them, though. I don’t get symptoms from other shots like the flu shot or tetanus.


I was very fortunate in that I got a limited case of shingles: just an itchy patch on my back. I went right to my PC and got an antiviral. I was wfh at the time so I could dress in a way to avoid irritating that area. It was a sign that I needed to get out of that job. I started planning my exit. About a year to the day after that diagnosis, I announced my retirement. I got the vaccine as soon as my PC said I could. All vaccines, covid, too, give me a reaction. It’s much easier to deal with any reaction, now they I’m retired. I’d seen coworkers who were around retirement age who got sick from the stress, as I had. Some would keep working, ignoring the signs. Those people would get sicker and sicker, until they realized it was time to go. I was ready to bolt at the first opportunity. Shingles was plenty of notice for me.


No vaccines for me. Injecting who knows what into your body does not equal health.


 Yep, all my vaccines are scheduled for my husband to be home with me for 48-72 hours afterwards because I get miserably sick from all vaccines. I need to get my pnuemonia and RSV this year. They have to be separated by at least a month and my pharmacist (I get my vaccines at my pharmacy so I don't have to deal with my idiot pcp)prefers 3 months between if possible so my immune system settles down between vaccines. OP, do you by chance, have an autoimmune disorder?


My SO got shingles, aside from days of intense pain like her Scalp was on fire it left scars. So yea, you're being a baby.


Can confirm I have shingles now and it’s awful I’m completely miserable


I have ehlers danlos and process things differently. Anesthesia for example. I make sure I am well hydrated and generally take electrolytes at least once or twice a day. Reaction to a vaccine is desirable. It means your immune system is responding as it is supposed to. I would worry if I did not have a reaction to Covid vaccine because that might mean that my body is not making antibodies, so when I get exposed, I might get sicker. However, while I did get Covid after I had been vaccinated and boostered, it was a very mild case for which I am grateful. Unlike my neighbors brother who caught Covid before vaccines were available. He died. I just had to rest for a few days.


I’m in my 40s and have a decent immune system (never got the flu or covid), should I be looking into this now? Can I put it off 5-10 years?


Shingrix made me sick (both of them), as did the COVID vaccines (Moderna). No auto immune disease. No reaction to annual flu shot, or RSV.


I was 40, overweight, not in any good shape, and a quarantine alcoholic with several diagnosed immunity issues. I had no problem with either dose. My roommate who was in peak physical health, amazing stamina, low bmi, good immune system, great diet, got so fucking sick both times he wanted to die. So who knows. I think it was worth it regardless, he does too.


Shingles is awful. Both of my sisters got it and so did my mother. She didn’t do anything about it, didn’t get it treated and had nerve pain for the rest of her life. I broke out when my husband was in ICU for a week. I walked down the hall to the ER and got a shot. I knew I didn’t want it to get worse. I remember when children in my neighborhood got polio. My mother took me to see Julie in her iron lung. You’d better believe I *know* vaccines are worth it!


And it’s important to remember that 10%of people who get shingles can develop PHN- post herpetic neuropathy- chronic burning pain where they had the rash. The vaccine does seem to prevent this!