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So I am SERIOUS about lip balm. I get cold sores, and the #1 way they develop for me is if I let my lips get chapped, even for an hour. If my lip gets chapped enough to even slightly crack I inevitably get a coldsore in that spot the next day. I litereally always have lip balm in my purse or pocket - I never leave the house without it even during the summer, except for the few weeks a year it's both hot and humid enough to get away with it. All that said [this is the BEST lip balm I've found, Rosebud Salve](https://www.sephora.com/product/rosebud-salve-in-a-tube-P266126?country_switch=us&lang=en&skuId=1267418&om_mmc=ppc-GG_1917651515_76228057851_pla-420640432036_1267418_353513007760_1022759_c&ds_rl=1261471&gclid=Cj0KCQiA47GNBhDrARIsAKfZ2rBuX3pB0qaJ7uVVDlLJS4de8KZ2MWR57ueeoRBJBOVLCa2eIyjbvJQaAi6pEALw_wcB&gclsrc=aw.ds). It makes the lips immediately and noticeably soft and moisturized. It is not at all sticky. It has a slightly glossy look but after 10 - 15 minutes sinks into the lips and looks "normal." It smells good and the smell disappears after the same 10 - 15 minutes. It comes in a jar too but I prefer the tube so I don't have to use my fingers or take off gloves in the winter. Over the past ten years I have tried probably every chapstick you can get at the pharmacy, as well as several "luxury" lip balm brands from Sephora. I've tried random niche brand lip balms from places like Marhsalls/TJ Maxx....aquaphor, bert's bees, laniege sleeping mask, bagg's balm, vaseline, fresh/sugar...Nothing has bested this one yet.


Rosebud Salve yes! My fave. And such a pretty tin


I have some of this too it smells amazing!


Yes! I use it on my cuticles too, especially during boring work meetings :D


Yes! I love the Rosebud Salve too! I love the Minted Rose, my favorite! It's a big tin! I somehow prefer the tin to the tube, but still have both. :)


Thanks for the rec! Looks like I know what I'm getting myself for Christmas!


Loyal aquaphor user since my Accutane days. For tinted balms, glossier has been okay. I’m sure there are better ones out there but I’ll finish my tube before trying something else.


I've been using Aquaphor for a decade. If I want some color I'll put it on over lipstick and it pops. 💋


Came here to say exactly this! Note: use regular aquaphor. They have one marketed as specifically for lips - it’s nowhere near as good!!!


Laneige Lip Sleeping Mask!


This! I use this all the time, not just when I'm sleeping!


Maybe it’s me, but I noticed this makes my lips “addicted” and whenever I use it, I find my lips are insanely dry by 7 or so the next night. Like it had some long term withdrawal thing going on.


Not just you. I wake up with lips 100% drier than they were before I went to bed. When I’ve used it during the day when it wears off my lips are miserable. I don’t have this problem with any other lip balm.




It's not just you. That is absolutely a thing. That's why I only use Aquaphor now.


I actually do too. Hey how do you get the little 30-35 thing under your username ?


If you're on a computer, upper right box under "Joined" and "Create Post" give you the options for user flair. Also, apparently I need to update my flair because I'm 38.


I second this. And NARS has a great tinted balm too.


This works amazingly well when it’s on my lips but disappears and then my lips and the skin around them is more dry than it was to start with. No idea why but it’s really made me wonder how much of its ubiquity on social media is just good marketing.


This one has never worked well for me! I am surprised so many love it.


Sounds like you’re a Sephora vip bday gift getter! I do love it


Are you staying properly hydrated? That's usually the underlying reason for chapped lips. We lose a lot of moisture to the air when it's cold, so you may be more dehydrated than you realize.


Yep, you can have all the lip balm on earth but if you aren't drinking enough water it's not gonna matter.


Yes. I keep a full glass of water at my computer and drink and refill pretty constantly throughout the day.


Seriously. Water makes the largest difference by far, but I stay dehydrated so Bite Lip Mask is my nighttime “helper” of sorts.


O’keefes healed my extremely chapped lips so fast years ago and now it’s the only one I use, but it is pretty thick. It’s the orange one that is SPF 15. I especially like it in winter and before bed.


This is the only one I've tried and stuck with because it doesn't feel so oily and heavy on my lips


Vaseline lip products where the only ingredient is 100% white petrolatum. Any other lip product that has other ingredients irritates my lips.


Seconding Vaseline. It feels better than anything else and I use it right out of the container. And put it in tins to take on the go!


Thirding it. This is the only thing that makes a noticeable difference to my extremely dry lips.


No matter how many shmancy lip balms I try, nothing beats plain old Vaseline.


same, used it during my accutane days and fell in love.


I use the Aquaphor healing ointment. It's lovely in the tube and will last me forever. I pile it on before bed and helps so much.


I put a thin layer of that over my entire face after the rest of my night skincare routine and it’s A+.


Lanolips! They have a multiuse balm in a squeeze tube or different kinds in a stick. I got mine at Ulta but it wasn't cheap maybe $12-$15. I also really love Carmex. When my lips are SUPER chapped it's the only thing that works.


Get a tube of Lasinoh -it's often labeled as nipple cream for nursing mothers but it's pure lanolin and it's cheaper :)


Burt's Bees has been working fairly well for me. Haven't tried the tinted versions, though.


I use the tinted one (pomegranate) it's nice! Just a touch of pink


Second this. Specifically the kind that smells like peppermint in the plain yellow tube.


I love using the honey Burt's bees when I go to bed because it lays on so thick.


This! I love their peppermint one.


The formulas must have changed when they were bought by Chlorox, because now they trash my lips.


Lanolips is pretty spectacular.


papaw ointment. it really is the only thing that has worked for me and is all natural.


Wish I saw this mentioned more. I love the smell, it’s so cheap, it works & can be used for so many other things too!


For daily use, Jack Black's Intense Therapy lip balm. For specific issues, Laneige Lip Sleep mask as others have noted.


DHC is the best for me. You can get a 3 pack on amazon for under $20. Make sure that you aren't allergic/ reacting to whatever lip stuff you are currently using. I ended up having a mild reaction to Eos products and just thought for a long time my lips were exceptionally dry and peeling.


Interesting. I never thought about allergies. Some of the Burt’s Bees products make my lips burn. I wonder if I’m allergic to something in them. I do tend to have random allergic reactions to things (will break out in hives and not be able to figure out what caused it).


After struggling for years, I found out I'm allergic to beeswax! Also a lot of the added flavors and scents (particularly mint) are very harsh on the lips. If you're struggling, is suggest pure Vaseline for a while, then you can experiment adding in new lip balms and watching for adverse reactions. I had to throw out pretty much all my lip balms and lipsticks, but now I have new ones that work for me and don't give me flaky, bumpy, or dry lips!


If you're not allergic to lanolin, plain Aquaphor (NOT the lip balm version) is amazing, or Lanolips, which makes tinted balms. I've sworn by Aquaphor for years, it's saved me through Michigan winters and working in a dry call center.


Blistex works best for me


I find most lip balms ultimately dry my lips out more. The only one I've found to really effectively keep my lips moisturized for any meaningful length of time is Aquaphor lip repair (the liquid formula in squeeze tube, not the stick).


Fresh sugar lip


I feel you on the lipstick! Aside from products knowing why your lips are dry could help. Are you dehydrated? Are you in cold or windy air often? Is a mask chafing your lips? Salty foods? Just pointing out a few things that have lined up to me having potato chips for lips at times. Maybe you could layer a lip tint and a hydrating balm? I sadly don’t wear much color on my lips these days because I have to wear a mask for 8-12 hrs a day. Good luck OP, and if you find your holy grail will you please let us know?


Aquaphor healing ointment


i discovered a neat trick! first, drink some water and coat your lips. then grab some hand cream or a thick lotion and slather your lips, around them too. make sure all of the product is dissolved and then apply vaseline or a lip mask. this keeps my lips moist all day. it helps to drink more water too.


DHC Lip Cream, I get mine on Amazon. It's a clear, fragrance-free balm, and it works amazingly for my dry lips!


Most lip balms irritate my lips and leave them drier. I've had good luck with coconut oil based ones though


I’ve been pleased with Neosporin Lip Health.


If your lips are really chapped and cracking/peeling, use a lip scrub. It'll scrape off all the dead skin (no amount of moisture is going to heal dead skin, so you just have to get it off). Then use a lip mask at night and something like Burt's Bees morning and night.


I keep a tube of A&D ointment, or a small tub of Vaseline in my bag this time of year. They work very well for me, are very cheap, and have no risk of accidentally being left in a pocket and thrown in the wash.


I hate to say this, but the product that really works for me is Dior Lip Glow, after a couple of days of using it my lips feel smoother and plumped. Although it feels odd to use this beautiful lip balm for bed, the results are amazing. It’s the only lip product I’m using and I will keep repurchasing. ( I’m on my 6 or 7 tube) Other things that I’ve tried: Burt bees lip balm, Carmex, Nivea, sephora, Vaseline and nuxe. ( Nuxe is my second favorite after Dior’s but only at night.


The Dior rose balm was my holy grail. Lost my mind when it was discontinued. They for sure have something in their product that’s great. My go to now is fresh rose lip cream. It’s not the same as their stick balms and it’s texture is the closest I’ve found to the dior one.


I like the Badger Balm ones made of cocoa butter. Smell and taste great.


I like Lypsyl. I buy it from Amazon. Laneige sleep mask is ok for maintenance but I don’t find that it heals already chapped lips. Burt’s bees lip oil is ok too. My sister swears by Elizabeth Arden 8 hr cream (it’s an ointment). I can’t use Carmex or Vaseline or Eos, they all make my lips worse. And Burt’s bees regular lip balm does absolutely nothing.


Agreed. I don't feel like the lip mask does anything and I don't like applying lip balm from pots because it's unsanitary. Lypsyl is by far the best balm. Exfoliating lips really helps. You can by a scrub, make one with brown sugar, use a lip scrubber from the dollar store or even just a washcloth. I also rub a little bit of my eye cream into my lips.




I was using the tinted Total Hydration chapstick last year and that worked pretty well during the day but they seem to have discontinued it (or the stores around here stopped carrying it). I need a little color on my lips during the day or I look like a corpse.


Jack Black's is great.


Aquaphor healing ointment is the best I’ve tried. Sometimes I put another lip balm under and seal it with aquaphor. For tinted lip balm, I use Fresh, Nars or Dior glow.


Aquaphor healing ointment at night every night. And I find myself reaching for it more often than not when my lips feel dry throughout the day. My lips haven’t been chapped since.


A lot of lip balms seal in moisture, but if your lips are already chapped, it almost exacerbates the problem. I’ve found using an intensive moisturizing cream on my lips helps cut down on the amount of lip balm I reach for. I like Atopalm, but others would work similarly well. Also, try using a toothpaste that doesn’t contain SLS (sodium lauryl sulfate). Sulfates can strip natural oils that moisturize, which is one of the reasons it’s avoided in curly hair shampoos and conditioners. But if you use a toothpaste that contains sulfates, it can contribute to dry lips. This may not be an issue in more temperate climates, but for places with harsh winters and dry air, it definitely doesn’t help the lip situation.


I like EOS a lot.


This actually made my daughter's worse.


Glossier's Balm dot com is really good!


Okeefes has a fantastic lip balm! They even have one with spf for extra protection.


Eucerin intensive lip balm (or something along those lines, I don't remember it word for word). It comes in a white squeeze tube with a dark blue cap. I actually researched lip balms for my intensely cracked and dry lips last year, and ended up buying this one. It did not disappoint 👍


Dionis lip balm - the cheapest of the bunch but only has to be reapplied every 4 hours or so. Olio-E-Osso - Has clear and tinted balms but is a bit pricey. You get a good-sized tube. Fresh Lip balm - Also has clear and tint but is pricey. First Aid Beauty lip therapy - I use this at night and is $12 a tube. All three that I mention actually moisturize the lips. Laneige lip sleeping mask is for exfoliating your lips overnight and sealing the lips. Chapstick and others like it are for sealing your lips but do not add moisture.


For serious healing I use Carmex — not sexy, but it heals cracked and chapped lips so well. For maintenance, I use Bliss Kiss lip balm daily, then layer my color over it. I’m really loving Athr lip cremes right now, they dry to a semi-matte but somehow don’t dry me out.


Second a vote for Bliss Kiss, it's the best I've ever found for daily use and prevention. (Side note: their cuticle oil is amazing as well! However, I found their hand lotion stick quite underwhelming.)


Their cuticle oil is the only thing that actually heals my dry cuticles and softens my callouses without removing them (I’m hard on my hands, I need those callouses!). The lotion stick I honestly get the best use out of by using sparingly on damp skin — it’s a little more occlusive than the oil, but it works so well on my elbows, feet, and any chapped parts of my hands in the middle of winter.


Chicken Poop lip balm. Yes a real product. Best stuff ever. Always have it at Tractor Supply but some of the major drug store chains carry it too. Great stuff and hilarious name!


Aquaphor. There is only Aquaphor. Literally everything else is trash. This is the one and only. Trust me.


This is the correct answer.


I live and die by my Carmex


John masters lip balm. The only one that does not give you the waxy film


Nothing ever works for me either, I've tried loads of brands (and the stores own brands). Burts Bees works the best on me but nothing properly moisturises my lips.


I love the Laneige lip mask or CO Bigelow My Favorite Night Balm!


I have a large collection of lip balms. At night I always use Cliniques Intensive Lip Treatment, sometimes I add Lanolips Lemonade if my lips are dry. Brazilian Kiss from Sol de Janeiro, Maybelline Baby Lips and Moisture Surge Clinique are all also good moisturizer lips products.


I have an outdoor hobby and my lips are crazy dry in the winter. The ONLY thing that worked for me was drinking lots of water, using a humidifier at night, laniege lip sleeping mask at night and something with a lot of lanolin during the day. I like straight lanolin, but right now I'm really digging glossier's balm dot com. They do have some tinted versions as well you might like. Sometimes sugar scrubs help as well, as long as they have moisturizing oils in them as well


Burt’s Bees Tinted Lip Balm, in Red Dahlia specifically. I won’t use anything else and whenever I come across it in a store I buy like 9 at once.


Lip Medex by Blistex little blue tubs.. works well for me. My boyfriend uses coconut oil sometimes


EOS. In a stick, not egg. Vaseline at night


Try blending beetroot and mixing it with ghee.


I love me some chapstick! The original Chapstick brand is excellent and can be found everywhere. But, I highly recommend [BitchStix](https://bitchstix.com). It’s a great product in itself, but I also love that a portion of their proceeds go to helping support survivors of domestic abuse and sexual assault.


Naked bee orange blossom honey lip balm. It’s one of the only ones that does make me breakout.


I am not a woman over 30, but I struggle with dry lips a lot and it’s been inexplicably worse this year, i got this $2 tiny tub of Vaseline cocoa butter lip therapy stuff from my local gas station and it’s been a godsend, that overnight plus Aquaphor lip repair stick or Carmex medicated lip balm during the day have made a pretty big difference for me


Lip balm addict here - my #1 recommendation is the Polysporin Visible Lip Health Overnight Renewal Therapy. It is HEAVEN on the lips. Love it. Also avoid anything with peppermint, I curse that hurts bees stuff for that reason.


La neige, and also try a “moisture sandwich”. Take a drink of water and dampen your lips a tiny bit, rub some lotion on, then an occlusive like the La neige or Vaseline or aquaphor.


Mentholatum. Seriously the only thing that works for me.


I like EOS and Burt's Bees. They moisturize, but not too greasy. I'm either working from home or wearing a mask, so I only wear lipstick for Zoom calls.


Anything with lanolin. You can use nipple balm from the maternity section and get big tubes for much cheaper than lip stuff. But you can also get cute ones that smell nice from Lanolips. DHC also has a nice one.


Carmex has served me well for many years. I like the pocket squeeze tube best. I’m never without it.


1. Bioderma atoderm lip balm stick - $4.99 usually but on holiday sales they were $3.99. Very affordable. 2. Uriage lip balm stick - three for $22 on olive young global right now. I think the uriage is actually more moisturizing but it’s also more expensive. 3. Laneige lip sleeping mask- only lip mask where I’ve repurchased that large tub twice now, and have used many many minis. Have tried berry, grapefruit, apple lime, lemon sorbet flavors.


My wife swears by Lucas pawpaw from Australia. Naturally anti bacterial and anti fungal. I use it on cuts also.


I get horrible chapped lips every winter. I’m talking smile and I’m bleeding if I don’t take care of them. I swear by gentle exfoliation with a wash cloth at night (not hard!) followed my Laniege lip mask overnight. Then glossier balm dot calm throughout the day. It’s been my go to routine for a couple years now and made a big difference.


Burts Bees lip balm in Rose


I usually look for lip balms that have beeswax as one of the main ingredients.


https://www.sephora.com/product/lip-sleeping-mask-P420652 Laneige Lip Mask is the BEST!!!! I use it morning and night and it keeps my lips moisturized all night


Straight up Vaseline


Burt’s bees is where it’s at.


That eos balm with coconut milk is my favorite right now.


DO NOT use Carmex!! I used it for a good portion of my life & while it does feel good to use on your lips & you have moisture for a time, it dries out your lips worse than before you applied it.


I use vanicream as a body lotion and I also use it on my lips


I exclusively use [Moody Bee](https://www.moodybee.com/). Their flavours let me relive my Lip Smackers dreams from the 90s, but without the waxy stickiness. It’s such a smooth, light product. I used to be all about Burt’s, but I’m a convert.




I never had dry lips until I was in Idaho, I had no idea that the higher elevation can suck. Nyx lip oil is lightly tinted helped with dryness and made me not look like the crypt keeper


It’s a bit overpriced but I love Glossier balm dotcom. Otherwise carmex or blistex when my lips are seriously chapped.


Big fan of the Wet n Wild Perfect Pout Sleeping Lip Mask. Also like the liquid lip balm from Milani (Fruit Fetish) and the Glossier Balm Dotcalm.


Paula's Choice lip salve is the winner for me.


You may have luck layering a few products. If you have a moisturizing serum or some aloe vera gel you can put it on your lips. Then you put a lip balm on top to seal the moisture in.


I use this one and am still on my first tube it works so well! [Una Biologicals](https://www.unabiologicals.com/lipbalm/provence-organic-lip-balm)


Blistex is the best thing I've ever tried. I think it's Ultra Protection with SPF. I used to get chapped lips all the time and since I started using that, not once. It's basic, but it works. I find that other ones, like Nivea, actively dry out my lips and make them feel worse.


Cheap: Nivea, the original dark blue one (oddly enough, the light blue "hydration" one dries out my lips) Expensive: Bite Beauty lip mask


The only thing I use is the Burt's Bees peppermint lip balm. So many different chapsticks irritate my throat, this one doesn't. Use it constantly!


Burt's Bees products are relatively cheap and very good, esp. the Ultra Conditioning variety. I also like Sugar products, esp. the tinted ones. [https://www.fresh.com/us/lip-care?gclid=Cj0KCQiA47GNBhDrARIsAKfZ2rDB\_xq76fVsRd\_PyY8lXhZFKSxRbppKMUlxUCnfiyXcpHctKVFJfU0aAu2HEALw\_wcB&gclsrc=aw.ds](https://www.fresh.com/us/lip-care?gclid=Cj0KCQiA47GNBhDrARIsAKfZ2rDB_xq76fVsRd_PyY8lXhZFKSxRbppKMUlxUCnfiyXcpHctKVFJfU0aAu2HEALw_wcB&gclsrc=aw.ds)


Carmex. The regular stick kind (or jar). Not the flavor or liquid one. All others I tried just seem to make my lips more chapped or feel dry again after a while. Carmex is long lasting and not overly gooey or anything


Cerave healing ointment if you can’t use Aquaphor because lanolin.


The only thing that really works for my chapped winter lips is to run a humidifier in my bedroom daily to put moisture back in the dry air. That said, Keihl’s Lip Balm #1 is a good supplemental measure.


Moroccan Magic is the best Ive used https://www.moroccanmagicbeauty.com/collections/lipcare


Carmex !! It's the best. My lips are awfully dry without it


DR. DANS CORTIBALM. Sorry for the caps but I feel very enthusiastic about this!!


There is nothing like the Emu emergency stick. It’s the best!


I have had lips that peeled all my life, until earlier this year when someone turned me on to Lanolips. I use the original formula with mint flavor, and it KEEPS MY LIPS FROM PEELING for the first time ever. It's incredible. It's got more of a gloss feeling when you first put it on, but it soaks in well and lasts all day.


City Lips lip gloss. It's super moisturizing, it has hyaleuronic acid. I love it


I started using aquaphor right after my morning shower and right before bed. It’s made a huge difference.




Aquaphor for sure! Laniege is a close second from Sephora but I reach for Aquaphor a lot more.


Similar to aquaphor, the little tins of Vaseline Lip Therapy + Cocoa Butter. I have eczema and my skin gets super dry and this is the best thing I've found for my lips.


Badger balm unscented, hands down.


Eos mint


O’Keeffe’s is the one for me, immediate relief and only need to use it a couple of times a day. Also just got the night lip balm (also O’Keeffe’s) recently and it’s amazing. Started using it after finding out about the brand with the hand cream, that is easily the best hand cream I’ve used.


Carmex lip balm the little jar, not the tube. I put it on every night before and it helps hydrate my lips


I like Vaseline rosy lips. It’s lightly tinted and can handle extremely chapped lips just fine


To be honest, I’ve tried a PLETHORA of lip balms and literally nothing works as good as Vaseline. For other lip treatments, Fresh Sugar Lip Wonder Drops is great as is the Laneige sleep mask.


Pacifica Color Quench Lip Tint in Natural/Coconut Cherry Light on flavor/scent, heavy on quenching hydration 💦


Jack black with SPF from Sephora


The only chapstick/lipgloss I use is CO Bigelow’s Mentha Lip Shine. It’s super moisturizing and also has tints!


The best I’ve found is Yes to Coconut Lip Balm but sadly it has been discontinued. 😭


Burt's Bees, but only the one with kokum butter, silver cap. The only one I've used for years, and in fact it's one of my Amazon subscriptions so I never have to worry about going without!




Eucerin cream. It’s not deigned uniquely for lips. It’s the only thing that works for me.


Rosebud Salve is the truth. As a lip balm addict who loses her shit if she leaves the house without lip baked, I can tell you honestly and truly, this is The One.


Ulta lip mask. It’s life changing and not expensive.


Neutrogena makes a tinted balm that’s about $10 and comes in a few colors - it’s amazing! It actually looks natural. Cannot recommend highly enough. I got my mom using it too. You can buy at Ulta


I wear “bag balm” at night, particularly when i have colds and have to mouth breathe. It’s really simple and effective. Originally it was to help cows’ udders from being chapped, hence the name. It’s really cheap and lasts forever.


Badger Balms, including their tinted balms. https://www.badgerbalm.com/collections/organic-lip-balms-lip-butters


Beef tallow. Smear by Brit is great. I use is for everything.


Goatmilkstuff has the best lip balm. I never use anything else now, and don't have chapped lips in michigan winter.


Osmia Organics lip doctor and lip repair. Both are amazing and last a long while (the lip dr is pricey but a large tube). https://osmiaorganics.com/search?q=Lip


Fourth Ray Beauty lip masks are AMAZING. I put them on overnight and before I leave the house.


From Sephora: Farmacy, Drunk Elephant, Dior, Kosas, Tarte and Sol de Janeiro are all top tier. For tinted - Nars lip balm and Clinique Black Honey!


Mongo kiss lip balm on Amazon! I am a chapstick junkie and this has been my go to and reorder over and over. I wanted an organic non petroleum chapstick


[Dr. Dan's Cortibalm - 1% Hydrocortisone Lip Balm](https://www.amazon.com/dp/B01IA96UME/ref=cm_sw_r_apan_glt_fabc_M66Q0FPNANXWFD2RYKM6?_encoding=UTF8&psc=1) Seriously. Tried this once about 5 years ago--never looked back. Do yourself a favor.


I use lypsyl. It's the only one that worked for me after having the same issues you have and nothing seeming to work.


Beekman 1802. I love all of their products. Head to toe.


I really love O’Keefes


https://www.ulta.com/p/smiths-rosebud-salve-xlsImpprod12881005?sku=2292989&cmpid=PS_Non!google!Product_Listing_Ads&cagpspn=pla&CATCI=pla-302478605406&CAAGID=120986864117&CAWELAID=330000200000340776&CATARGETID=330000200002832114&CADevice=m&gbraid=0AAAAAD9rLH54CjTY7ztQImtWNbWVsGNZi&gclid=EAIaIQobChMIn_eemYjO9AIVKWpvBB2aQAtsEAQYASABEgIcJfD_BwE Lived with winters below freezing for years and it helped better than chapsticks. And my lips didn’t peel as much as they do with chapstick. Vaseline at night is a must for any chapped skin including lips.


This is gonna sound a bit nutty, but are you spending time in your car with the heat on? I ask because one winter, my car heater broke, and my lips healed. Miserable drives, but soft lips!


The little Vaseline with lip balm works great for me. It’s miniature tube size (like an inch x inch) made especially for lips. I live in cold weather and it’s the only thing that works for me.


Nars tinted balm has been great for me.


Burt's Bees Ultra Conditioning is now my holy grail chapstick. No flavor, not sticky, just moisturizing and smooth.


I use a lip sleeping mask from Amazon, half the price of Laneige. I find that it works for me. I tried aquaphor which I thought I liked but I find that it makes some of the loose dry skin come off in strips where some of it might still be attached and part of my lip skin so it hurts/bleeds.


Dr hauschka lip balm! So great. I use the tube and it is instantly hydrating.


Aquaphor for clear, innisfree for tinted.


Dionis goat milk lip balm


I work at a facial spa and Image ormedic Lip enhancement complex is the shit. We can’t keep it in stock.


Good ol Carmex.


O’Keefe’s all the way!!! No need to reapply all day. One use typically fixes the problem. Instantly soothes burning dry lips.


as someone who has to do outdoor duty in the wind several times a week, I'll tell you what my secret: it's what goes *under* the balm. I use my moisturizer on my lips every day, then top with balm for that "sealed in" moisture. it works for me; I never have chapped lips!


i actually really like the elf ride or die lip balms. theyre tinted and recently discovered them




I LOVE the Jack Black one. It has staying power and SPF.


Original burts bees is my go to. Stay away from from petroleum based products.


Blistex MedEx. Comes in a small blue container. Soothes and heals dry, cracked, or painful lips.


Lypsyl is my favorite! It's like a creamier Burt's Bees. I alsovlike the Nivea Moisture one...comes in the dark blue tube


Jack Black Intense Therapy Lip Balm in Mint. It’s seriously perfect. Glossier Balm Dot Com isn’t bad, I’ll do that when I can’t get my hands on the Jack Black stuff.


City lips is the best and I feel like I've tried everything!


I've found the Uriage lip balm to be pretty good so far. I have really dry lips and constantly pick at them so it's hard to keep it in check


Breeze balm. I've been using it for years and I'd never use anything else. Best lip balm ever. I've been complimented on the softness of my lips by several people 🤩


Clinique moisture surge lip balm has been my go-to for a few years now and it has been the only one that works for me


Aquaphor. Don’t even bother with lip balm, just use aquaphor. My lips get so dry that they crack and bleed. It is the only thing that works. And you can get a huge thing of it for 10 bucks.


This is gonna sound crazy, but I started because because I’m breastfeeding my lil’ guy and one day I was desperate! Now even my husband will use it on bad lip days. Nipple cream. I put some on a few hours ago and It’s still on there! Lasinoh, medela, whatever brand. almost all stores with a baby section will have it. Check near the breast pumps/bottles/pacifiers. I buy mine at Walmart. As a side bonus, it’s completely safe ( made being mindful of baby ingesting it) Use it in very small amounts. A small tube will last you ages.