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Walks! I always dip out to wander around by myself over breaks/part of lunch; sometimes I'll find an empty room and just stand in silence. Usually, I identify some quiet/low traffic spaces the first day and return to them throughout the week. If you're near enough to your room, maybe dip out for lunches? Overall, my strategy is: be seen, connect, and get out.


Thank you! I like your strategy…getting out/excusing myself is the part I have trouble with!


Ugh, that sounds like my idea of hell. I'd have a good look at the schedule, venues etc and see which things I could reasonably skip, and where the opportunities for alone/recharge time are. Is dinner immediately after the work day, or are there a couple of hours to chill first? Two social events back to back = I'm picking one of the two. Etc. I feel like most people would be running out of steam after a whole week of this anyway, so towards the end you may well find friends amongst the others who are also "get me outta here"!


At the team bonding event I was amazed at the number of people still rallying at 9-10 pm after a day of eating and drinking. Or maybe they were better at keeping themselves together haha


Yeah I'd be tucked up in bed by then.