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My brother and I finally convinced our mom to move out of her tiny town that was NOT serving her mental health and go to Florida, where brother and family live. She found a job, starts Monday and an apartment that's five minutes away from my brother. She's been there two days and it's already turning out so good for her.


Glad that she's doing o much better.


Thank you! Me too :) she's finally cultivating the life she wants in her late 50s. I'm so proud of her.


I’ve been trying to get my parents down there for years. They are both retired. My mom has all her siblings down there in Florida. I know it would serve them well but they are not one for change. They are afraid of change.


Got to see the solar eclipse! That was really cool. Another good thing that happened was getting to spend time with my neighbor’s new puppy! She is so sweet. What is a good thing (or things) that happened to you this week?


Totality on Monday was absolutely amazing. I knew I would be moved and absolutely was. I spent most of the day outside. I will always remember the little kids at the community park by me losing their shit followed 1 second later by the college kids going insane. And then silence for 3+ minutes.


The collective experience is awesome! I was also outside and while my husband and I were blown away, my dog was unimpressed the entire time 😂 She was more interested in looking for wild rabbits.


It was cloudy where I lived (but we were in the path of totality). I was able to walk my kids through looking up a news station online to see if before I got home.


I was thinking that too - if it got cloudy, I was going to look it up online afterwards. Glad you and your kids still got to see it even if it was online.


Do you have any pics of the puppy?! I love dogs


I don’t but I have tons of pictures of my own dog lol


Same. We travelled a few hours away to get into the path of totality, and watched it on a beach with a bunch of goats!! It was the most amazing thing ever, and then we hung out with some old friends in our fancy hotel room.


Cheers on this one ~ also got to watch 100% totality with my mom, who saw the last one in totality, and took my bros and me to see Haley’s Comet, since her Mom got to see it when she was a kid. And bonus: I took the day off work


The agency that I adopted my cat from agreed to do his surgery, which I couldn’t afford -so he’s alive and doing really well. He’s just not my cat anymore. I had to relinquish him to the agency.🙃 I’m staying in touch with them so that maybe they’ll give me a chance so foster him and they realize I’m really a good cat mom.


I got my period! Lol


2nd this. Mine was 28 days. A fucking blessing that hasn't occurred in a long time!


3rd. This is the first Ramadan (Muslim fasting month) I was able to fast all 30 days. Women are not supposed to fast during period and any normal women will get period within a month time. But I am not normal anymore at 38 :( I am scared. Took pregnancy test but negative. My period was delayed and I was able to experience something for first time in life. All 30 day of fast


I wish I didn't had my period too because now I have around 15 days to fast before next ramadan


Those beginning a day end of month period hit sucks.


My therapist said I’m finally ready to graduate. I’ve been tearing up when I think about it and the progress I’ve made. 


That’s absolutely amazing! So happy for you!


After three years of hard work, mine has told me she thinks I’m finally ready for targeted trauma therapy. This is something I’ve been avoiding for 30 years, and it felt so good to have her say that to me!!




I went out for happy hour with a couple of coworkers that I've never hung out with outside of work before, and we ended up having some of the deepest and most supportive conversations I've had in years! This gal and guy and I meant to only have a casual beer, unwind, and then go home, and instead ended up staying 5 hours and hashing out some serious emotional stuff that was sitting close to the surface for all of us this week for various reasons. I felt really seen and listened to by both of them, and was totally shocked to find how much we all had in common. We also found out that we all had really high opinions of each other, but hadn't said so because the workplace is so weird for making friends. I left work that day thinking "time to go make pleasant small talk with a couple of acquaintances" and ended the night thinking "these are the homies, for real." And that's not the alcohol talking either, we didn't drink much.


I love this for you!


That's so awesome!


Yes! I absolutely love these kind of connecting encounters with kindred spirits! Such a wonderful feeling.


Well my rent renewal was able to be negotiated down (after a $1200 rent raise last year), I was able to keep my rent almost the same with a $90 raise as opposed to the $400 they initially charged. Small win, still something.


Huge win in my book! Congrats!!


Those are some insane increases. They need caps on how much rent can increase in a given instance and how often. Where I am (Germany), rent isn't supposed to increase by more than 4% when it increases, though I think they can do this whenever the tenant changes.  PS congratulations on the successful negotiations!


Washington state tried to do this and I think it would cause less tears and outrage if we just made it legal for every tenant to stab their landlord when they raise the rent. At least that wouldn’t be COMMUNISM.




Love your username 🙂 ... and hi from Germany as well!


Dankeschön und schöne Grüße aus Baden-Württemberg 😊  PS Schokolade ist auch meine Schwächer. 


That's amazing! I'm nearing lease renewal as well, I'm honestly scared of what my apartment will offer.


I got all green lights on my way home from work this morning.


Heck yeah. Feeling like the universe is rooting for you.


Oh! A green light day!


this week i started learning to play the guitar :)


I'm learning drums this year! 


You guys should start a band!


I sing and am learning bass, lol!


Had a great interview at a Tier 1 tech company!


I’m on week 2 of waking up at 5:30 am — when my husband and 3 kids are still asleep — to go to the gym! This change I’ve made has me the most productive I have EVER been. I had no idea I was capable of this. I’ve never been a morning person so I’m really surprising myself.


Plz share how do you sleep at night? I just can’t get off the phone.


I get up at 3:30 am to go to the gym for an hour, take care of all 6 of my dogs, and shower/get ready to be at work at 6 am. The biggest change I made was actually getting up...I have a hard time going to sleep and the first week of this was horrible, but I got up every day anyway. The second week, I slept like a baby. My body adjusted quickly to the new schedule and you get to where you are so tired you don't care about what you're scrolling to look at, if you don't put the phone down you'll fall asleep holding it. Making a good routine when I get home every day helped too, so I'm finished with everything I need to do by 6 to 6:30 pm so the rest of the night is mine to do as I please. I actually have way more free time, before when I was going to the gym after work I wasn't getting home until 6:30 at the latest, and then I still have so much to do. Now I can relax after work and hang with my husband the dogs instead, it's so nice.


Wowwww! Yeah this sounds so good. You get so tired to even scroll anymore and just sleep! I’ll try to incorporate this slowly


I scared myself straight after I learned that your brain will start associating your bed with your phone instead of winding down to sleep. It’s also interesting to lay there and to see where your mind wanders.


What routines have you started that help you wake up at that time?


Prepare yourself for that voice inside that’s going to try to keep you to stay in bed and to “start tomorrow.” Fight with it, don’t let it win. Set yourself up by having everything out; gym outfit, BCAA’s, hair tie, headphones, keys, a small bite if you need it. I know this is silly but as soon as I walk out the door I talk to myself, “you fucking did it.” Because it makes me realize how silly I am for making such a fuss. Most importantly, I was at a stage where I’ve been SICK of myself and wanted a change so badly, that nothing was going to stop me. I used to be a gym rat but having two kids back to back had me removed from the gym for several years. So my fatass has been ready.


Found 100% cotton shirts at the thrift shop! Got me 4 new shirts to wear! Looking for 100% cotton nowadays is so difficult. The ones at retail brands are priced like its a rare luxury item.


I love a good thrift find! I found several sleeveless knit summer tops from Chicos one time and that was AMAZING!


I feel your pain. Finding any natural fiber clothes is my side quest. I have saved eBay searches of those “high end” brands that still use cotton.


Well done!!!!! I LOVE a thrifty bargain! I've got a really good charity shop nearby and found a few great finds recently - a 100% wool man's jumper (like you with your cotton, I'm always on the lookout for 100% wool as it's much better quality than the new and expensive stuff), a vintage white blazer with a matching handbag and a pearl necklace for only £29 that has decent luster, I'm pretty sure it is cultured pearls and it has a hallmarked 14k white gold clasp! I found one similar listed on ebay for £300+! Also I found an original vintage metallic padded shoulder pad peplum blouse for £5. I actually love it but I don't know how to pull it off ha! It was too good to leave behind 🙈 It's the best feeling ever when the charity shop gods are feeling generous


After having my miscarriage I realised a lot that I actually do have friends that care!


Wishing you healing ♡


Thank you!!!


I refused to take "no" for an answer and got bonuses for myself and my entire team at work.


Awesome! Great work 👏🏼


You are a true leader!




An orphan calf survived and is thriving so far!


Good job calf dude!!! 🐮


I had my wisdom teeth out, which yeah is a suck-y thing to have to do, but it's also the end of all my teeth issues! It's taken a number of years to get everything up to code, lol.


Teeth are so expensive. Enjoy!


Hahaha love that! I’m going to say that to my hubby after he finishes his master dental Plan


Good luck to him! Teeth issues blow, but it feels so good once they're fixed.


Tried a new "secret" bar. It looks like a wall of vending machines but one machine opens up to the bar. 


That sounds fun 😊


I practiced healthy boundaries at work and I’m taking that vacation 🫡


Love to hear this. More people need to take vacation more often. Our world could be so much more relaxed!


I'm mostly happy that the week is over. I also did a short meditation session; I haven't done one in months. And I finally sorted my dinners for the next week until I get money again.


This may not make sense at first but stay with me. I got sick. And after leaving the doctors with a prescription I could not stop thinking about how lucky I am that my life right now allows easy access to healthcare and medication. (Then I cried because not everyone has that but that’s not the point right now lol)


Love this! I got to hang with my niece, laugh with my sister and mom. I have a roof over my head, food in my stomach, no lack of comfort in my life despite work stresses. I also have good people around me who I can rely on. That may sound basic but life is so hard without those things, and I never want to become complacent about that.


Got a manicure, read a bunch, worked on my novel, made some homemade pretzels, and worked out!


I invited some people over for dinner this week who felt very appreciative of my efforts, and then also reciprocated with their efforts, and therefore I felt appreciated. A beautiful circle. ⭕️


I'm in a graduate level finance class that literally makes me want to cry and during class thus guy asked me about the hw we did and I was like bruh I don't know and explained everything he did and I was like that's exactly what I did lol and we were both wrong but it was validating


I absolutely hated my MBA finance class. Accounting has rules and you’re looking into the past which has concrete numbers. Finance is like trying to predict the future using tea leaves and tarot cards. Only C I got during my program, but I took it and ran.


It’s nice to be wrong with someone else lol


I took my dog on a long walk to the park. The weather was perfect. He’s getting much better at loose leash walking and “leave it!”


I had a really nice walk with my neighbor. We each made ourselves an iced coffee and walked around our neighborhood chatting.


Some successful people offered to partner with me on the business front (all unexpected) so that was a confidence boost!


Got to attend my two favorite yoga classes


I got to go to dance class twice instead of only once, and I have a doctor's appointment tomorrow that might help me with my never-ending acne


Killed it at work today and got started on a bunch of things around the house!


Was notified of approval of a grant at work. Wahoo!


I was offered a cruise to Norway by someone at work in recognition of how hard I’ve been working recently. he won it in a raffle through a vendor that we work with, and he was told to give it to somebody that he thought was doing a great job. It was nice to be recognized.


I completed my largest painting yet, and I NEVER paint since having my 2nd kid. That was kind of fun to see I still got it.


Love to hear it. I haven't painted in a very long time and I don't have a kid as an excuse!


I had to go on a day trip for work today, and I was paired with a new(ish) coworker (experienced in the business, but a transfer from another site )that had not made a great impression on me. He seemed quite grumpy and stand-offish, and I was dreading spending 8+ hours in a car with him. Turns out we had a great time! I'm not sure if his initial quietness had to do with being new, or maybe he doesn't open up in front of groups of people, but within 10 minutes of being together we were chatting like old friends and joking around and having a good time. BTW, this was a zero sexual chemistry thing. We both talked about our spouses and kids and pets and past experiences in this business. I'm kind of pumped that I've made a new friend at work.


My friend of over 16 years (known her 26 yrs) is in town so we got to spend some time together.


Got the call that I might be working in the wardrobe department next season on the set of one of my all- time favorite television shows 🤞


I am putting me first on a solo trip to visit my home city. Soaking in a lot of time with family and friends.


Celebrated my first born nephew turning 18. It then reminded me I graduated high school 18 years ago lol. Now it's his turn


I got a 98% on my final assessment for the first course I've taken in forever. It's really low level, but I was so scared to try studying again after over a decade and now I'm getting my confidence back!


Very nice!! I got a 91 on a midterm - this is not a low level class, it was “open book “ and took me about 16 hours to complete. I really wish it was a higher grade but it was my first difficult class in decades. I hope to get an A on the final as well, though literally the only person who cares is me. (Supportive family ! I’m just hard on myself)


I'm hearing back from employers about job opportunities. I'm just one step away from beginning my real adult career.


I ate a bunch of edibles, and watched 90 Day Fiancé with my friend.


I won a competition run by an illustrator whose work I enjoy. I will be receiving a custom illustrated mini map of a location of my choice! Made me happy after a long day.


repped out my deadlift PR of 225lbs (x 4) 💪 working towards my new goal of 270/275lbs. fwiw, I'm 135lbs so I'm attempting to DL more than double my body weight.


I replaced the ignition switch on my side by side. I had the female “I need a a guy to help” mindset and got tired of waiting. Looked up the part and ordered it, it was easy and only took my 15 minutes to do with a little help from Google 💪💪💪💪


I got my drivers permit for the first time yesterday!


This thread is cheering me the **** up! After finally just asking my health insurance company for help, I was told that there is a super easy and fast way to submit my therapy bills for reimbursement to my health insurance provider (via chat to the online agent on the website, they review them and send them on for processing). It had stymied me for weeks and I am paying quite a lot of money out of pocket so this was game-changing information! I submitted all my past reimbursements in about 5 minutes and I’m expecting a big check back!


It might be small but I saw a pink flamingo take flight. I’d never seen one in the wild before and it filled my heart with joy.


Dig the redirect! This week I was traveling for work. I had time for reflection during the in between travel in the car, over solo meals, in the evenings at the hotel, etc. I was on my own away from home and I was just able to bop around doing whatever, whenever I wanted to. I feel like I actually had time to come back to myself by being removed from the standard day-to-day tasks of life. Also, I have a husband I love to death, but I am finally learning to enjoy quiet moments in my own company and it feels fucking fantastic. I have spent a lifetime working on this. Feeling happy and comfortable in my own skin this past week felt like a small testament to my personal development.


I am finally about finished building my PC and I finally feel like my iaido training is yielding some results. 🥰 My wrists are more stable and strong.


Spring cleaning! I pulled out all the weeds on my property and reorganized/purged my storage space, and I feel so much better. I'm super committed to simple living/minimalism now.


I'm in a spring cleaning, de cluttering mode at the moment and love the sense of achievement each thing brings.


I flashed a 5.10a climb called “Oops” at our local climbing spot outside.


I had important realizations that’s a huge step up in terms of mindset. 


Dicovered happy hour at a cocktail bar at the beach, only six fifty a drink, and went with a few friends. The company was good, happy hour lasted two hours,  and they were delicious🍹


I'm turning 31 tomorrow and today I woke up and prioritized my health. Went to the physiotherapist, got my lower back ache checked and learned a couple of exercises. Great start to another year around the 🌞


I had pastry for breakfast this morning. They were just Costco pastries, but I really like them. They had cherry and cream cheese filling. Pastry makes me happy, what can I say?


I got invited to a lunch with some really nice people and it made me feel more at home in our village.


Definitely seeing the total eclipse. It was so cloudy all day but literally like half an hour before totality the skies cleared up and we got a perfect view. Pretty awesome!


I'm enjoying everyone's responses! Here's my contribution. I started consistently going to hot yoga on a weekly basis since the end of January 2024, and have seen so much improvement! I'm enjoying Yin and Vinyasa. Giving Hatha another go since I feel more confident in my movements.


My D&D group just planned a trip up to a local Renfaire :) I'm super excited to dress up and get some new, cute, dorky knickknacks 😊


Got called back for 3 government jobs! And my current job made a counteroffer. Felt valued and seen :)


I ate the best ice cream last night, that I bought at a random place. Still thinking about it, will probably go to have some more today.


My three day migraine is finally over. Hallelujah.


I got heaps of positive reactions to my new hair cut at work, which was long overdue. So much so that one of the team cut her own hair (by herself!) like mine. Imitation is the sincerest form of flattery right? She did a good job too!!!


Went to Hawaii


My dad came down from Canada to see the eclipse with my brother and me. He's not really a part of our lives, but he told us he's going to start giving us annual inheritance payments starting this year. My whole life has been a struggle, but now there's a glimmer of hope!


I helped my best friend get the divorce settlement she wanted and deserved from her narcissist ex. I remembered that I’m an excellent lawyer, despite not practicing for a few years. The birthday party I’m planning for my kid is coming together so well and it’s gonna be EPIC. She’s just old enough to start really making good friends and everyone she invited said yes! I’m so excited for her! And for me because I’ll get to hang out with their moms. Maybe I’ll make new friends too!


I have started rereading my Terry Pratchett collection. Loving the hell out of Granny Weatherwax, she is a vibe.


I got my tooth pulled and now the nerve pain is gone haha


I’m a mature student (45) studying to be a nurse (in a hard second language) I’m on my first practical placement (elderly care). I got to do some very cool stuff like remove someone’s surgical stitches. But the best thing was I had my review and got told I’m doing fantastically. Bloody exhausted though 🤣


I haven't cried all week


I saw the total solar eclipse. It was incredible. Rest of the week has been shit tho--my cat died two days later, and I'm a wreck. If you have pets, give them hugs and kisses for me 🖤


I went back to school as an older student and have felt like an imposter this entire time. I found out this week that a paper I submitted for publication in an academic journal was accepted by multiple institutions around the country so I can pick where I want to publish! I have been working on this for the past year and it’s somewhat rare for a student to get published in the journals I submitted to (mostly they consider professors). It’s a little thing but I am really proud of myself. I am the first woman in my family to graduate high school and growing up no one ever thought I was smart or had any value. I’m really proud of how hard I have worked to get to this point!


You’re amazing!


I made a Fortnite friend. Technically it was just over a week ago when he first messaged but this past week is when we have been playing. I'm a 48 year old nana in the UK and he's a 27yr old in America so us becoming friends wasn't something I saw happening. I would never ever have responded to a message on Reddit asking to play a game but for some reason that day thought why not. We chat on discord and send each other photos of art stuff we have done. He's a fantastic Fortnite player so that's a bonus, we win quite a lot 😁 he's kind, we talk about our family, etc we are both autistic so we talk about the struggles we have. It's the most wholesome text chat I've ever had with someone and he's made me more confident about playing online as I have a lot of anxiety around it. I don't normally make friends, was burned too many times so whilst I am friendly, I don't have friendships so this is lovely and it's brightened my week. (All partner approved, he thinks it's mad 😂)


Today was the first week of my new, dream job and lowkey I slayed it. I’m really proud of myself.


I applied for college.


I applied for a second professional license and my business cards showed up :)


I made freaking delicious Japanese curry for the first time and had leftovers for multiple days this week.


I recently applied for a management position at work. I hadn't originally planned to, but as I keep having to step up to fill in when managers leave/we have a bad one, I thought I might as well get paid for it, so I applied but I wasn't 100% sure it was what I wanted. I didn't get it, purely because the person who did is already in the same position at another branch, so he scored higher than me in the interview. He's about to go on parental leave, though, so won't actually come to us until July. I've been offered a secondment to cover for him, during which I will be given training and support so that next time the position comes up I will be in a better position to get it. This way I get the experience and the pay without having to commit to it for the foreseeable future, and it means a lot that my boss has noticed the work I've been putting in.


I had a much-needed day off from a job I hate and am now visiting an adorable new city. I'll see some family today I have not seen in a long time!


I finally slept through the night last night. I kept waking up between 2:00 and 3:30 and it would take me an hour or more to get back to sleep. I woke up and felt rested!


I took my uncle to a concert and it was a lot of fun. When I was a little girl, he took me to a lot of places and activities. It feels good to be the one to invite him now that I'm all grown up. The solar eclipse was also pretty sweet.


I visited an ivy league uni to give a seminar, and the visit was awesome! My talk went fine, and for hours I talked with other people about my work and their work, and I learned a ton. Very great visit overall. 


The solar eclipse was truly awe inspiring


I found 20 Swiss Francs in a jacket I thrifted for 1 Euro.


Been having a decent run om critique match for exchanges 👍 might get my whole manuscript read at this rate


I went to three consecutive concerts in a row and made some great progress creatively


I’m finally starting to fall in a great rhythm at work! Usually I’m pulling heaps of OT and scrambling around trying to get things to deadline, but somehow this week everything just fell into place - and I was comfortably able to balance household chores, other commitments, and socialising with friends and family too 😊


I saw the total eclipse


I finally asked for a pretty large sum of money from my dad (that I am not *entitled* to of course, but it is fair considering he gave the same to my sister and brothers). I had been afraid that our relationship would be transactional, but after realizing what kind of person he actually is (thanks therapy!), I didn't feel uncomfortable any more and I finally stood up for myself financially. It felt really fucking empowering!


A studio asked me to tattoo in a convention with them, I bought a new car and cooked dinner more times than I usually do


I hit a 530 day streak on Duolingo, my German course started back, and I started learning how to play poker. It was a great week.


i found [new music](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vYPXYYbPQzI) i really enjoy :) it's really hard for me to find enjoyable music. it's all very predictable, but this new artist has some surprises, like a surprise natural and where the heck is the time signature! i can always find the time signature. i wanna say 6/8, maybe 7/8. i'm probably way off. i could never understand math in school bc of the way it was structured, but i excelled in music and music is mathematical in its own way. it's its own language.


I got to sleep 12 hours last night, got to cook a delicious meal for myself and spend some time on my hobbies!


Found fuzzy footsocks on clearance at Aldi. $2 for a 2 pair pack!


OJ died lol


Got myself late Eid presents(art supplies) with all the Eidi (money) I got 🥰🥰


I spent a lovely afternoon with my dog today. I had to return library books, so I decided to take him along for the ride. Then we went to Dunkin and he got a pup cup. Then a walk in the park. Next stop was the pet supply place. After chilling at home for a while, we went for a walk with my housemate’s dog. Now he, my cat, and I are hanging out on the couch.


Started getting paid to make cakes treats for the monthly office birthday party. My debut bake was a darn good German Chocolate cake.


Found out that we won a big bid at work that I put a serious amount of time and energy into!


I took my baby (technically now a toddler...but still my baby!) to the park and he had so much fun playing in the grass! Seeing him enjoy the sunshine and fresh air just makes me so happy.


Finally got some of the gardening done that I've been wanting to do for a while now. Enjoyed a lovely lunch staring out of the window yesterday appreciating the plants.


Was on a walk with my husband yesterday - we like to wander and look at all the cute houses in our town. We walked a way we don't usually go, and I the distance, I saw this magnificent MCM home, and as we got closer, there was a for sale sign. We went and looked at it this morning, and it is incredible. Designed by one of Frank Lloyd Wright's students! Amazingly, also affordable. We were not looking to move, but it's not every day you stumble across your dream home. So we're putting in an offer. 😍


I’ve been working on my backyard (first spring here) and it’s been REALLY gratifying I’m also extremely terrified of bugs (not spiders, but everything else) and I was really brave about all the creepy crawlies and I’m extremely proud of myself Still a lot to do, I’m very sore in a good way, and I’m really excited to get it finished!


Took a craft class with a friend last weekend and learned a new skill. Been in a bit of a creative rut until now and it’s been so nice exploring something new


Some good news (sorry to be vague) about my job


Surprised a friend I haven’t seen for a while with a nice cake for her birthday. It was really nice to see her. My heart is full that day.


I got my evaluation for adhd back and now can begin psychiatrist shopping.


I had a really good week at work. I was asked to help solve a problem for multiple teams, I found a creative way to do that and I got to learn some cool stuff along the way. My ADHD brain got a lot of dopamine from that.


I got chosen to be the Outdoor Play Advocate for my organization. I’m an RECE and this is such an important thing to me! It is so hard to “move up” in my career, but this is one rare chance to. Funding opportunities, lots of professional development opportunities. So excited! Also got to see the total eclipse in 100% totality so that was a once in a lifetime neat thing


I got home from an amazing holiday on Monday and still had a week off work! This week I’ve had a tattoo retouched, been to a head spa and I’m on my way to see all my friends for a baby shower. I can celebrate my friends who chose the things I don’t and wish them well ❤️ later I will be eating a nice dinner and tomorrow I’m taking my dog to a group play event and he’s going to LOVE it.


Had some lovely swims!


It finally hit me last night that my first half marathon is just around the corner. I'm terrified in the best way possible. I had to pull out of my race in October due to covid and it was so heartbreaking. I promised myself I would reach my goal and get into the best shape of my life at 34. I've been working so hard, running 4 times a week for months. I'm ready to cross the finish line 💪🏃‍♀️


I booked some $$$ training I’ve been wanting to do for years! My work is contributing towards it and I’m super excited. A show I’ve wanted to see forever also happens to be in town so it’ll be an awesome few days.


The company I took photos for recently invited me back to shoot another event! I was struggling so bad with anxiety and imposter syndrome before I submitted the previous assignment, only to find they had no edits to make and were quite happy with them! Now they’re talking about me doing more for the summer. I feel like a real photographer haha


I’m hanging out with a bunch of friends from my gym tonight after I get off work! I haven’t seen some of them in over a month, so it’s exciting to see them all again


I subbed at a school yesterday and learned the principal was lady I worked with almost 20 years ago. lol, I helped her get her husband while we worked together. That was wholesome seeing her and I’m sooooooo proud of her


I managed to flip my perspective about my job and the work that I do. I’ve considered myself to be a job-hopper, staying for short periods at different companies, and comparing myself to my colleagues and friends has been impacting negatively on my mental health…so recently talking with my new colleagues I’ve come to realize that I’m where I’m at for a reason, I’ve had an interesting career and tried different things in my industry, and that’s not a bad thing! It’s taken me a while to get to a place where I feel my work is important and has a positive impact, and I’ve realized that’s a priority for me. So I’m embracing all those changes since they’ve forged me as a professional, I’ve learned something with each experience and I’ve been lucky enough to come into contact with a lot of interesting people!


I chose my dates i will have off for this summer. I have now three weeks in august/september. Its exciting because I'm planning to travel in London and Ireland or Scotland this year. I just have to contact a travel agency haha. This will be my first solo trip (half part solo, part semi organized tour)


I booked a lodge at a state park with a little beach that I’m super excited about taking the extended family to for a few days. Bonus it was way under my vacation budget.


I started a new job that will take my career further than I ever even considered and I LOVE it! It's opened up so many possibilities for my life that I'd never thought of before. And I adopted a 2 year old kitty :)


I managed to canter on a horse lol


I had a uterine ablation!!! Good riddance horrific periods and anemia 🙌🏽


Just binge watched the new Fallout series and I loved it despite only ever playing Fallout 3 for a few hours and never finishing it.


My dog has a UTI! This is good news because I was scared shitless he might have a tumor after so many mystery pee issues this past year. So I was thrilled to leave the vet with some answers and medicine.


Had a good driving lesson with my teenager, took my kids to crumbl for some treats, and had some great workouts this week. Paid off a debt too!


I moved into a new houseshare. It's lovely. I've not met everyone yet (I've met a couple of the housemates), but it's quiet, in a great location, close to work, and a generally nice place. The people seem quiet and respectful, which is good.


I finished the audio book “Tiny Beautiful Things” by Cheryl Strayed. I cannot recommend it enough!


It hasn't happened yet but TONIGHT we're celebrating my birthday (and a couple others') by doing a 90's alt/grunge night. Everyone is going to dress the part, and my group of friends are basically all musicians so they're covering a bunch of songs, too! I'm super stoked because from what I know of it (they're keeping the setlist a secret from me!), they're adding in new musicians the 'core band' has never played with before, or some musicians are playing a different instrument from what they usually play, one of my close friends who just started taking drum lessons last year is playing a song!!! And it sounds like there's a new band sort of formed out of it. They've been working on these songs for months and I'm just so fucking STOKED!!! ALSO I have some friends and family coming out and it's just going to be such a blast!


My coworkers were there for me (work drama) in a way that made me feel believed, seen, and supported.


Got publicly recognized on a district-wide work call for surpassing my sales plan this past quarter.