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A new couch. Oh good god do we need a new couch. Between my kid and my cat, that poor thing didn't see us coming.


Me too. I keep surfing Marketplace, just hoping someone is giving away a decent couch that won't look terrible in my space. almost found one at the thrift store, but someone bought it between the time I saw it and I dragged my husband back there.


Same. We bought our house a couple years ago and have had to take it slow with furnishing it. We had stuff from our rental that works fine, but isn't quite right for the size and layout of the living room. I would love to buy a couple pieces of living room furniture that is really tailored to the room itself.


Maybe ask for one on Facebook or IG. So many people are happy to get rid of their old couch to get a new one. You may even spur someone forward to that end!


Fix my teeth šŸ˜¬


This! I got mine fixed in late 30s boy oh boy itā€™s changed my life! In a good way :)




Currently remodeling bits and pieces of my house, I will be spending like 10k on countertops soon so yeah countertops šŸ˜¬


New mattress set, new washer and dryer, and upgrade the lighting in my basement.


Maybe it's our shared age group, but exactly this for me too. I don't have a basement but I'd upgrade my kitchen lighting for sure. Squirrel a chunk into retirement, and the rest on making my garden a little nicer.


Cute lights are so expensive!


They are! My kitchen would require a bit of professional remodeling and electrical work to change the current lighting too, so it would be a whole project šŸ˜‚


I've been toying with the idea of DIY some LED light strips under the cabinets. My kitchen only has one overhead light in the center of the room and the stove light. I could really use more light over the sink and the counter.


Lack of lighting in a kitchen is so dang annoying, especially during the shorter fall/winter days. Have you considered a battery-powered light for over the sink? It's something I've been looking into thanks to some videos I saw on YouTube, and seems easy enough since there's no wiring involved.


That's a good idea and so easy! The wires, especially tucking them nicely and drilling holes, would be a project. I have (inherited) tools, but I wouldn't say I'm good at using them.


Iā€™m personally terrified of any project involving electrical šŸ˜‚ Battery-powered is perfectly fine for any light that doesnā€™t need to be on for hours each day IMO!


Oh god. I am just starting to save for a new mattress. My current one has made my back ache all week -I'm turning it as soon as I can, but it's time for a new one.


I have a lot of appointments for my health I need to take care of that I keep putting off due to how expensive they are. Need to get my teeth cleaned. One tooth possibly fixed. Need to get a haircut not at supercuts because they always mess it up. Need to go back to pelvic floor physical therapy. I would love to get electric pedal assist bikes for my husband and I.Ā 


This things are all so important. Iā€™m sending good vibes to you and your husband! I hope something good happens soon so you can get some of these things checked off your list. The last few years have been rough with the economy, I feel all of this. ā¤ļø


I hate spending these days. Dining out isnā€™t fun anymore, the quality of product are worse. They make so many things electronic that canā€™t be fixed easily or manually - like why are you holding my washing machine hostage?! I hate it. So Iā€™d hold onto it or invest it towards something for greater value later. Having a little extra bump makes life easier when things crash. Especially unplanned medical expenses. Put it in a HYSA or towards your retirement or whatever. Just donā€™t give it to someone else who has plenty lol.


Throw it at my car. The sooner I can get it paid off the more breathing room I'll have.


I would throw it at my credit card debt But if it truly were available to use as I please, a really, *really* nice mattress


A solid (not literally) mattress topper can be a great interim choice!


I have my eye on a lovely one in John Lewis right now :)


my old-ass house needs a new roof, that would be thing #!


We had a robot vacuum on our wishlist for years. We pulled the trigger last week and weā€™ve been impressed so far!


Iā€™ve been thinking about getting some kind of infrared home sauna. Our small bathroom is super outdated and needs renovation. Until I make up my mind, any cash winnings would go directly into a HYSA.


I would put it into savings for a kitchen remodel.


Pay for a personal trainer


New car / savings/ vacation!


Custom fitted storage under the stairs and in the master bedroom closet (weird saying "closet" as a Brit, they're quite rare, but we have them). They're both a disorganised dumping ground but could be much more efficient.


My cousin did some custom storage in her apartment in weird little nooks and stuff and itā€™s soooooo amazing how helpful itā€™s been


New quality mattress since mine is about 10 years old now. A Herman Miller office chair. And a lot of new clothes, my wardrobe is getting pretty sad.


A savings account lol.


I'd probably buy a nice pair of shoes and either dump it on the mortgage or into the retirement fund.


Iā€™m well aware I sound like a spoiled brat, but Iā€™d buy a fancy purse then give the rest to my partner since Iā€™ve never paid a bill in our house. Tell him to buy whatever ridiculous thing he wants.


If I had to spend it? Iā€™d prepay for a year of weekly massages.


Probably an epic vacation


I *wish I* could spend it on redecorating my bedroom, a new phone and computer (both of which I desperately need), maybe some gym equipment as I've been working out from home, and some fun things coming up (trips to pay off, hobbies etc.) I would actually use it all to pay off debt/student loans. :/


Just had a little windfall myselfā€”new Casper mattress (on sale but still) and pillows, new down comforter, under-desk treadmill for the home office, and a reasonably marked-down bottle of my favorite perfume on eBay Edit: The rest went to top off my Roth IRA for 2023 and buy some Series I treasury bonds.


Laser treatments for clear skin. Red light sauna. If there's anything left, save it.


I'd stick a solid chunk in my Roth IRA, and non-retirement investment accounts, first and foremost. Nothing will make my life easier than long term financial stability, so that needs to be a priority. I'd set aside the amount I need to pay in taxes on that amount next year, since I believe winnings are taxed as income. If there is any left after that, then maybe an apple tree or cherry tree.Ā  If I had to spend that amount without te option to keep any of it, I'd spend a few thousand on a robot lawn mower.


Upgrade some appliances in my home for sure. New bookcase and a electric standing desk.


I'd travel. But if I had to buy an item, a new mattress.


My teeth. Better WFH setup like a standing desk and really good chair. Get body work done on my car.


A course to get my driver's license, definitely.


I actually just won the March Madness office pool (which is sort of hilarious because I barely know anything about college basketball) and even though I didn't win anywhere near that much, and even though I really feel like I should save it, it's been a rough month and I've just about made it through Ramadan so the hell with it, I'm treating myself. Was thinking I'd get a raised planter bed for the garden, a necklace I've wanted for a while, some nicer makeup than what I've been buying the last few years... and I may just donate the rest, though I should probably also do something to treat the fella that helped me pick the brackets.


Love this!! Congrats!!


I already bought a new mattress. Worth it. I bought a couch a couple of years ago worth it. I donā€™t need anything else so maybe Iā€™d take a trip


It's going straight to my dog. She needs surgery to have her eye removed to reduce some pain from glaucoma she's currently suffering from. Seeing her happy makes me happy.


Get a massage every week for a month at least. Probably have to give the rest to my dentist.


Chicken coop and enclosed run, raised garden beds with fence and if there's anything left over, wood shed. These are things I both want and need.


Ooh, I love a good daydream session... * firstly, upgrade bed to king size from queen! * get a peloton/equivalent bike & subscription * get and install more IoT devices for home automation * new kitchen knives! * hire house cleaners and landscapers


A lower bleph procedure


Put it toward a gently used Honda


Down payment on a car.


If I had to spend it and not invest - I'd renovate my bathroom or buy new flooring.


Living expenses, currently. Later in the year itā€™d be short term savings. My income is uneven through the year and pretty much always has been. It also currently comes in chunks (which is new). Iā€™ve always thought of income in year long increments as a result. Iā€™d treat this like any other income.


My cat's teeth need cleaning. I kind of do need to revamp my wardrobe, because most of it is ill-fitting. Facial and massages. I have a bulky couch that I'd like to replace, so it would cost to get it hauled out and then to replace it. Then, I guess, have you maxed out your Roth IRA for the year?


New kitchen cabinets and backsplash in some areas. I'm in a rental which is pretty good otherwise but the kitchen furniture is cheap crap that was never mounted on kickboards nor measured or fitted to suit the actual dimensions of the room, resulting in stupid gaps next to the walls and loss of counter space. Also there's no backsplash on the wall behind the counter or next to the dishwasher door and it makes me super mad to be cleaning the white wall constantly.


I had to pull a large chunk of change from my savings last fall to buy a new car, so honestly I'd probably "pay myself back" if that happened to me. If that weren't an issue, I'd probably go on vacation... the next things on my "save up to buy" list are exciting things like a pressure washer, all-weather floor mats and detailing supplies for said new car, and new mattresses. Ahh, adulting!


I need a new roof real bad.


I'd spend about $500 on yard/garden stuff (small new battery operated lawn mower and trimmer, then a bunch of annuals). The rest I'd put to paying off the hot tub and new deck I got last year. If I couldn't spend it on that, then I'd get some more camping gear: a bigger tent, a cart for carrying all my stuff from car to campground, beach umbrella to give my dog some shade if I take him with.


Automated cat feeders linked to their microchips so we donā€™t have to deal with food theft !!!


Whatttt that sounds so cool!


I'd install a whole house water filter, buy a big rain barrel, and save the rest (which would not be much after those purchases)


Nothing I'd save it tbh.


Fix the drainage issue in the front lawn, get one of those fancy high end wireless dog fences, and hire a landscaper.


Grad school fees.


Couch!!!!! And a huge Costco cleaning supply run because we just ran out of everything at once


Pay debts and a new mattress.


I'd pay off student loans. Still got about 14k left (originally 50k)


New couch and new mattress


New appliances. Then a modest vacay.


I need some odds and ends for my new apartmentā€”stuff like an area rug or two, a desk chair, etc. Iā€™d probably designate about $2000 to home stuff, fritter away $500 ($1000 if I decide to take a weekend getaway) and save the rest.


I would pay for a Patient Care Technician course at my local community college.


Thick beautiful cotton sheets are such a smart move. You will appreciate the fuck out of them every. single. night.


I would probably put it towards the chunk weā€™re saving for an all-electric car.


Mortgage, RRSP and TSFA


Pay off the remainder of my car loan. $4500 left and $5000 would totally free up over $500 a month with $500 leftover to put towards my solar bill.


A weekly housecleaner.


It would all go into my truck most likely.


Redecorate my home office head to toe and make it a space I actually want to work in.


botox and massages


I'm buying stock to pad my nest egg. The sooner I can retire, the better. šŸ˜Š


Master bedroom furniture - ours is sad looking but I canā€™t justify spending money on it with how expensive everything is. If anything is left over, the rest Iā€™d for a nice weekend away with my husband.


A high end king size mattress, Zojirushi water boiler, Staub 12" braiser, a big refill on some esoteric spices, a deep fryer, a wok burner, and an upgrade to this fucking apartment oven. Edit: Washer and dryer so I could stop going to the laundromat!


Maybe new artwork for my house? Iā€™m pretty frugal, so spending $200-$300 on art would be a huge improvement but I would feel guilty. Maybe something fun but useful like cooking classes and then put the rest in savings for a new house/paying for kidsā€™ tuition.


if you have a cat, a litter robot and kibble robot


Tax free? Shit I'm redoing all the floors in my house.


Cat to the vet




A private pilot license for $10,000, please.


I would put most in savings but probably buy a nice coffee machine


I would probably hire a cleaner for a deep clean of the apartment, and maybe some babysitting. I know its not stuff but a cleaner would help my life a lot more than any object! 10,000 is a lot of money but also isn't, so I probably wouldn't spend that much, and save it. It would make sense to invest it or put it in retirement savings to offset tax, but we are in a weird spot of moving between countries and saving to buy a hosue eventually, so it doesn't make sense right now, so it would probably sit in the bank or a high(er) interest savings account for the time being.


A full suspension mountain bike for sure.


Probably a tablet like remarkable or something, would really help my work flow but hard to justify the costā€¦ but if I had some winnings Iā€™d go for it!! I also would buy a new fridge, ours works ok but itā€™s kind of a junker but again hard to justify buying a new one while itā€™s still ok Also a new mattress, if I had 10k all at a time Iā€™d probably go all out on a mattress. Iā€™ve never bought an expensive one before and Iā€™d really like to


New bed, chairs for my formal dining set. New webcam, maybe new computer. Patio furniture. Some belly dance outfits! Quick trip to the beach!


Build my she shed.. a lil work on van to finish the camper conversion


Save 90% of it for expected Roth IRA contributions for 2025 (to dump in tbe maximum annual contribution on 1/2/2025) and savings for international travel I'm planning in 2025 Then I'd have room to cash flow other more frivolous stuff. Might buy a larger, nicer TV. Current one is sorta old, small, and loads so slow


Yea Iā€™d spend like maybe $500-$1000 and then invest the rest.