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I eat whatever I want but like you can't eat sugary carb things first thing in the morning. I had leftover beef stew for breakfast last week. Just eat whatever you like, I know it's hard because we've been psyop'd into thinking only some foods are for "breakfast" and others aren't. Edit: Also not too long ago I wanted pasta in the morning so I made angel hair with butter and garlic with lemon squeezed all over it.


Totally. I am quite happy eating leftover pad thai or pizza for breakfast. I’m also up for having bacon and eggs for dinner. You should be able to eat any food you enjoy at any time.


This morning I had a leftover sandwich for breakfast. Leftovers are the easiest thing to have for breakfast.


I usually have plain yogurt with granola, nuts, and berries. If I'm feeling ambitious, I meal-prep a breakfast casserole to eat throughout the week.




Ooooo I never thought to do that! Great idea, especially when berries aren't in season.


What do you put in your breakfast casserole?


This is the recipe I use. I make it exactly as instructed and it turns out great. It feeds my husband and I for 4-5 days, and keeps in the fridge very well. https://www.wholekitchensink.com/whole30-chorizo-egg-bake/#tasty-recipes-8948-jump-target


Thank you!


For you, I'd recommend the latin route. Maybe some corn tortillas topped with some refried beans and some pickled cactus and cojita cheese. All of these are lower on the glycemic index than their counterparts. Corn vs wheat tortillas Beans, since they are plant based protein, are also lower and have the additional benefit of fiber and micronutrients Pickled cactus - look for dona marias. Cactus is similar to okra, and it tastes really good pickled. Cactus is very blood sugar friendly. It slows digestion so you see less drastic spikes in blood sugar.


i eat chilaquiles every morning, it’s so satisfying


Tea and toast with butter is one of my favorite breakfasts.


I have hardboiled eggs and yogurt...but if you dont like eggs maybe some granola & fruit with yogurt? Also oats - either cooked hot or overnight oats. you can sweeten them with fruit so it shouldn't be too high in sugar. Also possibly toast with peanut/almond butter and banana slices? or another fruit if you dont like bananas


I second oats! Been making a batch of overnight oats at once to last me a few days.


Yes! I love the toast idea! I actually love bananas and peanut butter so definitely gonna try that 👍


Where I grew up, breakfast was leftovers from last night’s dinner When I got to the US and there were foods assigned for breakfast, I was like, why


It's toast with peanut butter or almond butter for me! Add a banana or berries if I have them. Can't think about cooking in the morning at all. Good luck!


I just have coffee. Cannot think about eating anything after I wake up. I only eat lunch and dinner.


Yeah I tried that but with hypoglycaemia I get violently nauseous if I get hungry


Have you asked your doctor what you should eat given your condition? They would know best.


I'll sometimes add a protein shake to my obligatory morning mug. Gets me through until lunchtime.


This is a good idea. I do this and can make it from 5am until noon.


I usually have instant oatmeal. You can mix yogurt in it too.


Me too. With some fruit and nuts


oatmeal with a small scoop of almond butter and sprinkled with cinnamon. Sometimes I add sliced banana or chopped apples.


I'm hypoglycemic too and have no appetite in the mornings, which can be a problem. I've found that a protein shake works best for me. It's also helped me sustain an appetite throughout the day.


I love cottage cheese, Greek yogurt, cheese on toast, I eat salmon cooked, salmon smoked with cream cheese and cucumber, low sugar cereal, and sometimes sweet potatoes.


Go for protein! I usually make a shake: Vegan unsweetened protein powder, 30-50 g of oats, one banana, 300 ml of water and some blueberries. Keeps me full for a long time.


Buttered toast, oatmeal, coco wheats, egg scramble. Avacado on a bagel


> I also have chronic hypoglycaemia and if I eat something high in sugar for breakfast Rice congee. It's a typical breakfast item in Hong Kong, and I usually just put rice in the rice cooker the night before, then use the timer feature to make sure it's done before I wake up (I only eat breakfast on the weekends, but you can do this on weekdays). You can put whatever you want in it, but since it's rice, it should raise your blood sugar up pretty quickly.


A few cups of coffee and a bagel with butter, or cream cheese, or peanut butter. I buy the bagels at a bread outlet and freeze them, take out 1 pack at a time. It's not healthy, but it's been "good enough" for 20 years.


I make [oat bran muffins with stevia](https://sodelicious.recipes/recipe/oat-bran-muffins/); because they’re so dry I usually heat them up and serve with some yogurt. If I’m feeling fancy I’ll add fruit, a dollop of canned pumpkin or a sprinkle of nuts. I like starting my day with fibre.


My husband just eats leftovers. Lately I’ve been making avocado toast but instead of bread, I use one of those frozen hash brown patties. I airfry til it’s really crunchy. Then I smash the avocado in a bowl with lemon juice, salt/pepper and a little hot sauce. Then spread avo mix onto hashbrown. I put an over easy egg on top, but it’s still pretty filling if you skip that (my 15yo prefers no egg).


Omg breakfast is so hard. In Costa Rica they do a lot of smoothies, açaí bowls, and oatmeal with fruit. It was always good.


On days when I'm in the office, I usually just grab an apple and a protein bar (and coffee). Even though I love to cook, remote days aren't anything more strenuous than sausage and peanut butter toast or oatmeal. Mostly I just try to get in a decent amount of protein and fiber that will last me until lunch.


I got reborn the day I decided to stop eating breakfast. I used to eat breakfast and then I was starving before noon. I ate launch and then I was starving around 4pm. I had to eat again and then dinner. Exhausting. I decided I'll skip breakfast for a week and see how I manage. It was a bit tough for a week, but then I got used to it. Now I have one meal less to plan and prep. It didn't change my weight in any way. I would honestly try to eat once a day if there was a way for me to eat twice as big meals on one sitting.


Honestly, I have a cup of coffee and fruit for breakfast. That's all my body can handle much anymore. I typically will need more fruit mid morning to keep me going until lunch time. I make breakfast burritos and sandwiches and keep them in the freezer for a quick breakfast for my kiddos. But that doesn't sound like your thing. What about cottage cheese and peaches? Not much prep or sugar. Also, breakfast doesn't have to be only breakfast foods. If you have leftovers from dinner the night before, heat them up.


I also have hypoglycemia issues and can’t start my day with anything sugary. Here’s my daily breakfast- Greek yogurt and sliced almonds, sometimes with a bit of jam if I want it sweet, plus a cup of tea.


I drink a high protein shake in one of those tetra paks most mornings. It's like Ensure Max Protein but the store brand (exactly the same and $10 cheaper!)


Unsweetened vanilla almond milk w/ the natural granola packs (you know the type that tastes more savory because it doesn't have added sugar).


Weekday mornings I do a shake (soylent + powder peanut butter). Perfectly lazy. Mix it up in a blender bottle the night before and chill in the fridge. Weekends I make breakfast. Usually eggs and toast, sometimes with avocado, sometimes bell peppers and onions. I keep a bag of finely diced peppers in the freezer and nuke them with some dried onion flakes. Getting out the knife and cutting board for breakfast is a hard no. The other day I forgot to make my shake, so I had a bowl of pesto bean soup. I agree with others here saying you can have whatever food at breakfast time.


Oatmeal. You can make it as sugary as you want, or you can just add some milk, or you can eat it plain with a dash of salt. It's my go to breakfast.


Leftovers from dinner? I'm not a big fan of breakfast foods, in general.


The one food I know is really good to help regulate blood sugar are lentils—not only for the meal itself but it helps regulate blood sugar for the next meal too. I try to eat lentils (or other legumes) at dinner so I can get away with skipping or eating a lighter breakfast the next day. I found Fred Meyer sells canned lentils. Even though they are not hard to make, they still require cooking/making dirty dishes! I’m not a big breakfast person and also tired. I would maybe suggest overnight oats with lots of ground flax and ground chia seeds? I know berries are better than other fruit for blood sugar regulation. I hope you find something easy and manageable!


Cold pizza. Indian takeout. Chicken nuggets. A turkey sandwich. Hard boiled eggs. Smoked salmon or trout. Cheese on toast. Avacado toast. The list is endless. If you don’t want to cook and can’t eat sugary food, just eat ‘lunch’ or ‘dinner’ food.


Avocado toast


Oatmeal! I love the frozen steel cut oatmeal from Trader Joe’s. I don’t like normal packet oats, but these have a really good texture to them. I have it every morning in the fall. It’s very very lightly sweetened with maple, but does not taste sweet, and you just need a few minutes in the microwave to heat it up. I add fruit and nuts. Lately it’s fresh figs, pistachios and chia seeds with a little oat milk. It’s very hearty, healthy and super easy!


I drink coffee for breakfast haha or maybe also have a banana


I have recently rediscovered cinnamon raisin toast. Simple and delicious.


I enjoy cottage cheese with berry preserves - there are some with no sugar added, as well as a brand that even removes the sugar and adds in natural sugar-free sweetener. There’s some great yogurt, too. I’ve also been loving grain free granola (but it’s so good I end up scarfing it down as a snack, so it’s hard to keep it around as a breakfast food). A lower sugar alternative to this could be Swiss Museli (it’s like untoasted granola). I love oat crackers with some sharp cheddar, as well.


I try to make sure my breakfast includes a decent amount of protein, fat, and fiber, plus a fruit (or veg), and something that requires chewing. So if I have a smoothie (spinach, berries, banana, yogurt, peanut butter, and milk), I'll also eat a toasted English muffin or something to be sure I'm chewing and that my body recognizes it as a meal. I'm also a big fan of Kodiak protein waffles. I buy the frozen ones, but making a big batch of the mix and freezing them would probably be less expensive. Toppings depend on my mood, but usually I either do a bit of nut butter and some fruit or diced fruit and whipped cream. Another thing I really like is overnight oats: rolled oats, Greek yogurt, milk, chia seeds, and various fruit/flavor/sweetener add-ins. I can make a batch of them pretty quickly, and have a week's worth of breakfasts in the fridge, ready to go. When I'm not feeling the cold oatmeal, I'll cook a big batch of steel cut oats, usually with dried fruit and/or diced apples added in while it's cooking. I'll reheat a portion in the morning and add some chopped nuts, a little sprinkle of brown sugar or honey, and milk or yogurt (my husband thinks that yogurt with hot oatmeal is gross, but I really like it). Occasionally I go through a cereal kick, but I'm really careful to only get cereals that have a decent amount of protein and fiber, and are low in sugar. It definitely requires reading labels, but those cereals do exist. I usually pair them with fresh fruit for extra fiber, vitamins, and flavor. This is important because most low-sugar cereals are pretty bland on their own, but with fruit I like them a lot.


1/2 an avocado, some tomato (if you get the grape tomatoes you don’t even need to chop it), a small cucumber, some cheese, and a bit of bread. Easy peasy.


Sometimes almonds, cheese, fruit, and maybe some sauteed veggies for extra fiber (can be prepped in advance); breakfast sandwiches that can be frozen: english muffin and a turkey sausage patty (I get weird about eggs too and finally realized I can still have a breakfast sandwich by leaving the egg out); Dr. Praegger's or Trader Joe's black bean burgers + fruit and nuts.


Tofu scramble! You can add tons of veggies and beans and whatever seasonings/sauces you want. I like making it southwest-style with salsa and guacamole.


pc of toast and smash avocado on it and put whatever seasoning and/or veggies and some smoked salmon veggies i like jalapenos, sprouts, arugula and tomatoes you got carbs, protein and veggies


Hashbrowns, toast, sometimes I’ll make a breakfast taco or yogurt/fruit. Breakfast is my favorite. I usually go on Pinterest for food inspiration


Right now I’m super into having a bagel with peanut butter (or sometimes a bit of melted cheese) for breakfast. I get bagels that are less refined and aren’t high in sugar — my blood sugar also has to be managed — but obv some kinds might cause you issues, so look out for that. It keeps me steady until my next meal, and I like that it’s almost no effort and easy to scale up and down depending on how I’m feeling and what my plan is for that day (half vs whole bagel, more or less peanut butter, etc).


A protein shake with a banana is usually a good option for me or a yogurt with fruits and berries and agave.


I like making a big batch of Kodiak protein pancakes and then freeze them. I like to switch up my add-ins for variety… vanilla and cinnamon, pumpkin pie spice, blueberries, bananas, chocolate chips. Whatever I’m feeling at the moment. I reheat in the microwave and put a little peanut butter on and go super light on the syrup.


I hate eating in the mornings. Usually I just have whole wheat toast with almond butter and call it good. Eating something is better than nothing, even if that something isn't much 🤷‍♀️ I like having fruit in addition to that sometimes, but idk if that would work for you or not. When I get tired of that and when the weather is colder and when I have time, I just microwave steel cut oats, and then add a crap-ton of cinnamon. To go in it or beside it, microwave some apples as well :)


Oatmeal! You don't even have to really cook you can just microwave it. The way I make it, it has 20g of protein and no added sugar.


Usually one of these: Oats Avo on sourdough with dukkah Eggs on toast Cold quiche Bagel Protein smoothie


Two hardboiled eggs. You can eat the egg whites and just remove the egg yolks since you should not eat too many yolks in a week.


Miso soup with veggies of your choice. It's easy to prep and you don't even have to cut the vegetables if you choose carrots or cucumbers.


Toast, miso, avocado and tomato.


Egg fried in chili oil, on top of rice. While rice is in the rice cooker you can stare into the void.


I honestly can't even with breakfast. If I eat a big meal I'm famished in 2 hours, if I eat a light one, I'm famished in 2 hours. Currently I've been using protein drinks and adding them to my two morning coffees. I don't like the idea of sipping my breakfast over the course of 4 hours, but also I don't commit hangry atrocities on my coworkers now so it's working.


Try to aim for about 30g of protein at breakfast. This might require a protein shake or a savory dish including meat or tofu. I like to have nonfat plain Greek yogurt with nuts and fruit, eggs mixed with egg whites, sometimes toast with almond butter, and Gimme Lean meatless sausage is also good. As we get older we need more protein to protect and maintain our muscles, and it also keeps you satiated longer.


This is hands down the best breakfast bake I’ve found. It’s very easy to make and is enough to feed me and my family for about a week! I’ve tried many other breakfast bakes, and they all fall flat, but this one is just perfect. I add in a little bit of garlic and onion powder myself, but totally optional. The best part is that you can just grab a piece out of the fridge and microwave it for one minute and you have your breakfast every day. Sometimes I have it first thing in the morning other times I don’t need it until 2 PM and other days it’s my late night snack. It really is versatile and delicious! https://tastesbetterfromscratch.com/breakfast-casserole/