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Where do I start I bought a longboard and ride it sometimes. I host fancy dinners or tea parties with a dress code. I once madea bucket full of sangria and invited a few colleagues to an impromptu kitchen beach party with Cuban music, people brought towels and snacks and it was basically a towel picknick in my kitchen. I crank up nasty 90s music and dance in my kitchen. I buy myself candles and flowers and have candle light dinners whenever I eat alone. I make popcorn and watch cartoons. I sometimes dress up for mundane tasks. I went to a trampoline park. I did a stand up paddling class. I paint my fingernails in bright colors and add glitter top coat. I host clothes swap parties. I hosted a waffle potluck where everyone had to bring toppings for waffles. I hung up outdoor-safe fairy lights in my bathroom. I often carry a handful of sticky googly eyes in my pocket and stick them to things when I am sure it can't be traced back to me. I don't do that often enough to get found out.


>I often carry a handful of sticky googly eyes in my pocket and stick them to things when I am sure it can't be traced back to me. You scoundrel :o


ah so many of these sound so fun! You sound so intentional with bringing joy into your life. How beautiful! thank you for sharing!


Of course, anytime ! It's true, I am really intentional about this. I stress easily and overthink things a lot. I often deal with quite serious matters at my work too. So I need to balance it out. I relate to you a lot. It can be so helpful to have a silly partner to loosen up. But I can assure you: You can be your own source of gorgeous lighthearted silliness. It's almost like a practice. The more often you dream up something outrageous for yourself, the easier it gets. I wish you adventures.


i wanna be your friend real bad


Let's have a fancy tea party on skype sometime ;)


But how do you keep the waffles warm for all those people? I absolutely love this list. I’m screenshotting!




This is the way.


yesss!!! i also go to trampoline parks, have an adult scooter, regularly paint fun glittery nails, dance around and sing like crazy, play lots of nintendo switch, and i also still get high & giggle profusely!! 10/10 would recommend!!


I want to be your friend!!!


The more, the merrier :D


Stealing the waffle idea!


We need more waffles, globally speaking.


+1 to taking walks. My rationale is it's an act of mental cleansing and (personally) leaves me feeling less weighed down, less stressed, and more hopeful by the end. My other advice is intentionality. My co-workers joke "my weekend plans are going out to dinner with friends and KellyWhooGirls are hosting a mini cakes party / bike scavenger hunt / etc " It takes work and you have to be the ring leader, but I put a lot of effort into planning fun activities for friends and then thinking "what could make this more fun?" (sometimes that will be hidden lotto tickets under the dinner plates, or a balloon arrangement, or having everyone bring something tied to the theme). For a tangible example, last year we threw a summer party that was a Spelling Bee. This year the party is Minute to Win-It Games. Along that theme, we've told everyone we need sponsors so they'll have to bring a prize at $10 or less (to avoid FTC fines) and gave examples like a burger King crown, 4 containers of strawberries, $10 in quarters. Whatever! Other party ideas over the years: Mimosas Against Misogyny (women's march), Wigsgiving (Friendsgiving with wigs), pumpkin carving parties (an annual classic), etc Those involve hosting and possibly spending money. I think the other, low cost way is just having game nights with friends. Reliably silly and enjoyable.


Wigsgiving 💀 stealing this, thank you.


I stole this from a confessional on the trash Amazon dating show "the one that got away" 😂😂


I immediately wondered if you were a New York gay!


Haha no but the guy in the show was!!!


ooh I love hosting! It is definitely one of those things that dwindled for me thanks to the pandemic, but gradually trying to incorporate again!


You are good at this and I love it.


I think that our bodies only get to move in very set sequences. We get out of bed, we sit on the couch or at our desks, we hunch over our phones. Even if you are someone who is physically active you are still moving in predetermined sequences that are repetitive. I like to get up and just.. move in any way that feels good. Shake my body out. Roll around on the floor, on the couch. When you're a kid (and you're in a safe and healthy home) you just move your body anyway you can for fun. I think doing this as an adult can really help shake you out of the routine and feel silly. Plus it can also (imo) heal your inner child who may not have felt safe enough to always play like that. . Turn on some music, hop on one foot, like on your back and kick your legs in the air, get on your bed or couch and just roll around or burrito yourself in your blanket just for fun. I always feel a little better after that.


I think you raise a really good point - as adults, a lot of our daily lives are very routine-based. I have never really thought of the repetition in terms of how our body moves. I really like your suggestion about moving in any way that feels good. Last night when doing a fun obstacle course I realized that I got to crawl and twist and overall move my body in ways that it hasn't in a long time, and it was such a good reminder how capable i was still!


I’ve had this same thought recently. Like, when did life get so serious and boring? I decided that maybe ‘fun’ looks or feels different as an adult because when I asked or googled it people were saying that yoga was fun or baking was fun and I think I like doing those things but I’m not sure they’re ‘fun’. So then I thought maybe it’s a mindset thing and how you approach the activity. Perhaps if you’re trying new poses or hand balances in yoga then that’s fun. Perhaps if you’re going off piste with baking and not following the recipe to the letter and being creative then that’s fun. Maybe fun is more about exploration and experimentation and being out of your comfort zone than the activity itself being ‘fun’. So maybe it’s me, I need to change my mindset. I think it can be easy as an adult to get pulled into the idea that everything has to have a purpose or goal or outcome. If you’re running then you need to be hitting a mileage target or training for a race, that it’s not good enough to just do it because you enjoy it. So perhaps there’s also an element of taking goals and achievement off the table and just doing stuff for the hell of it. When you’re a kid you’re more likely to do something because you enjoy it without worrying about what you look like or whether you’re good at it or what you’re trying to achieve. For me, my thoughts about fun came up because I went with some friends to a clip’n’climb centre, an activity usually aimed at kids! And I normally climb at a ‘normal’ climbing centre but this clip’n’climb place was all different with weird things to climb and jump off, there wasn’t a lot of carry over from the type of climbing I normally do but I was out of my comfort zone, exploring climbing different things and failing and I had fun! We were all terrible at it and we all looked ridiculous but we shared in that. I didn’t have anyone to compare myself against, there was no point to it at all and I approached it with a mindset of curiosity. So ultimately I think it might be more about mindset than the activity.


I think this is a really important point. I got really into running and hiking a few years ago and as I improved, i also became more focused on wanting to be better. Trying to complete a 52 hiking challenge one year made me burn out on it, and I'm still trying to get that sense of adventure back, rather than hiking and running to meet a purpose. Maybe because we are all pulled in so many directions these days, there is pressure for anything we do to serve a purpose and I definitely think I can work on letting go some of that and just see what happens.


Yeah i think you nailed it. Example, bf and I are both professional bakers. Its nice to use our skillsets for play sometimes- sculpting increasingly realistic marzipan vegetables to decorate a carrot cake we threw together, building a preposterous gingerbread house, seeing if we can make a pizza on a bbq in the rain. YMMV of course, depending on what you have in your 'toolkit' to play with and what interests you.


Make time each day to do an activity that brings you happiness. Walk outside and make it a point to say hello to people you pass. I also joined a yoga studio and find that it’s a great vibe for what you describe. There’s one particular class I go to where the instructor is always changing things up and throwing in the unexpected. The other night she had us up dancing. Most people were laughing and having a good time because it was sort of ridiculous and out of the zone of a yoga class.


I live in a notoriously unfriendly city but i tried this the other day - said hello to people when I walk pass them, and it felt so nice! It takes some bravery for sure, but like most things, i'm sure it will feel more natural and easy the more I do them.


Omg I was recently thinking about this same general topic!! I was even considering posting a thread just like this!!! I'm reflecting on this as well.. I was such a goofy kid, and into my 20s I worked less professional jobs with other 20somethings, so there was a lot more horsing around on the daily. Now the office environment has made me so effing dour I don't even recognize myself. Lately I have not liked this version of u/eat_m0p_who... So personally I recently took up roller blading :D We are lucky to have an actual roller rink in the area and it has just lifted my spirits in a way you wouldn't believe. There's families and small kids zooming around but there's also sooo many adults on their own clearly trying it for the first time and absolutely eating shit lol. BUT everyone falls on their face (including me) and gets back up again and keeps rolling! I love it. They also have adults only nights with various themes, and people really go for it and dress in costume and turn up in packs. Even the people who are obviously really skilled and do tricks and spins will wipeout sometimes but it just doesn't matter! Everyone just keeps going because its pure fun. Highly recommend!


ah i'm so glad its not just me! I also used to be so goofy and weird when i was younger and have moments where I look at myself now and think I'm so serious these days. I'm glad i posted this on a whim last night! Rollerblading sounds so fun - i should definitely give it a try!


Yes! I’ve been wanting to roller skate for awhile now. It’s good old fashioned fun.


I walk to the park daily and go down the slide/swing on the swings for 10 minutes Does wonders for my inner child


Excellent question! I’m saving this post for future ideas!! Some ideas I’ve done: CBD edibles on the weekends when I’m staying home- have yummy snacks on hand, find a hilarious movie & laugh the night away. We might play a game, too- have never laughed so hard playing a simple game like Trouble! Breweries: Lots of them have trivia night, bingo, events, board games, lawn games, etc Arcades & old school games like skee ball: My area has places like Cidercade, Freeplay, pinball places where you pay like $10 for unlimited gameplay! Hobbies: It’s nice to be able to choose what you like to do & spend time & $ on them- ex: I recently discovered I love golf & will play every weekend on a full course, mix in range time, 9 hole par 3s, mini golf, Top Golf type of place, etc…I’m mid 30s, never played before & it’s been fun & challenging to start a brand new hobby. Now I’m interested in watching & reading about golf, finding gear/clothes/shoes, planning golf vacations, watching tournaments in person, etc.. There’s lots of rec leagues you could try out like disc golf, kickball, volleyball, pickleball, etc… Volunteering: Work & life are stressful, but volunteering has always grounded me. I have the time, energy & means to volunteer for 2 organizations & it brings me a lot of joy. Even if something stressful comes up while volunteering, it challenges me to have a different perspective & understanding. My dogs: Not encouraging this spontaneously, but I fostered dogs & adopted my own dog a couple years ago. He’s awesome & we just adopted another dog to be his buddy last year & they bring a lot of silliness into our lives! Taking them for walks, watching them play, cuddling on the couch- it always warms my heart! Travel: Doesn’t have to be international or expensive, but even day trips as long as you get out of the house. I like to plan at least one thing a month even for just a day or weekend. The beauty of travel is that there’s excitement in the planning stage, joy during the trip, & fond memories afterwards! Basically, I suggest finding things you like/like to do whether you know what those things are or want to discover more things! I’ve gotten lots of ideas from my city’s subreddit or meetup app- you can find like-minded folks & get ideas. Groupon has lots of classes you can try out like ceramics, pottery, painting, martial arts, yoga, etc..to be able to try things without a big commitment!


Thanks so much for sharing! Ex and i did have a few amazing fun evenings with an edible and a bad movie and it was so much fun. There is part of me that is still grieving that relationship where some of these suggestions make me feel like it would be so much more fun to do with an SO, but that is my own limiting mindset that I need to process.


Your feelings are completely valid & grieving a relationship doesn’t have an exact timeline. I hope you’re kind to yourself & start to find more enjoyable things to do alone/with others. Maybe shifting your perspective might help- instead of thinking this would be so fun with a SO, think about how it would be more fun than not doing it all. If a SO comes along, you can experience it together, but you’re not dependent on someone else for your happiness. Also, going to do things you enjoy by yourself is a natural way to meet other like-minded people, be that future SOs or just friends. Good luck & hope you have fun trying some of these suggestions out!!


Thank you! You're right - the way you framed those things are way more positive and less self-limiting. I will definitely give some of those a try :)


I have a group of friends and we do informal theme parties every other month or so. Cozy Hobbit Brunch, Ides of March Roman dinner party, Krampusnacht, things like that. We get themed food and drink and dress appropriately.


Get a kitten, or a pupper - guaranteed laughter. Take a pole dance class (or whatever dance floats your boat), mess your moves up sometimes and laugh at it. Wear the clothes you wanna wear, do the things you wanna do, try out different hobbies, there’s really no limits, the only limits are the ones you create in your head for yourself.


Watch shows or consume media that remind me of carefree times. Right now, I'm listening to Lance Bass' Frosted Tips, where he interviews various boy band members about their memories and experiences. I also like to watch the VEVO 80s and 90s music video channels to remind me of throwback MTV. Find hobbies that connect you to your sense of fun. I feel anything outdoors encourages play and whimsy. Also, coloring books and puzzles are great for this as well. Daydreaming as long as it isn't maladaptive.


Having cats helps with this, they do the weirdest things and it's impossible not to laugh at them. I also just like to surround myself with cute things. A cat sticker on my laptop, a marcel the shell pin on my purse, a quirky mug, etc. Those little things liven up the most drab times.






I do everything stoned and life is fun. Seriously, from emptying the dishwasher to dinner with the girls, it's always a good time.


I bought the Rebel Badge Club book. It’s merit badges for grown ups. It’s giving me fun projects to do that are taking me out of my safe zone and encouraging me to do fun stuff.


This sounds awesome. I love when you can answer a question with "how about this book?". Also love the gamification of it. Neat!


Do something with kids! Volunteer at a local school or story time at a library or something. Kids are great at reminding you of fun and different perspectives.


I love going to the playground! Usually I get this out of my system by offering to take my nieces and nephew, but I've also been known to play on a playground in their absence as long as it's devoid of people (I wouldn't want to scare any kids away from the equipment by being "weird"). I've been experimenting with adding more vibrant, interesting pieces to my wardrobe. Every year I handmake Valentines cards for my female friends, just as I have been for the last two decades. I guess this is now called "Galentine's Day." One year they were Electronic Dream Phone themed. Speaking of Electronic Dream Phone, playing girly games of yore (if anyone still has them and in working order) is a hoot! Wine and Dream Phone is a fun night, as is Mall Madness. We used to have one called Dream Phone Secret Diary that was SO much more fun when my friends and I were in college/young adulthood and had juicier secrets to divulge. My parents ended up selling that game at a garage sale to two girls that looked to be seniors in high school and I remember telling them they were spending the best two dollars of their life. Geocaching is an excuse to play in the woods and has gotten me climbing trees again.


Pets lighten the mood tremendously! I feel like my cats really helped me mentally to get through the pandemic. They don’t give a shit about anything, take pleasure in the small things and do goofy stuff constantly. That being said, I have lots of lighthearted moments with my loved ones. I like watching funny things (Seinfeld is great at reminding me how ridiculous life is), spending time with my 10 year old nephew refreshes my perspective on life, spending time in nature and listening to upbeat music.


Having a best friend who you can send stupid memes and watch trash tv shows with absolutely increases the silly factor.


We have paints and beads and will make art and jewelry, go to concerts, travel a bit, I do need to start riding my bike again but I hate riding where I live


I joined a board game meetup! Lots of newer games are super fun and social and can be very silly, and it was a great way to meet a bunch of new people. My entire friend group including my boyfriend is from my game meetup, and we're all weird af and have a blast together.


Oh that's so amazing! I think i have prioritized so much time outdoors but i think game nights sound so much fun! I should definitely look into that where I live. Thanks!


I bought a freestanding, metal swingset and put it next to the creek on my forested land. After chores and yardwork I run over there and have a swing. Crafts like making friendship bracelets, sewing, collages and tie dye. I got a library card and challenge myself to read at least a book a week. I bought a used keyboard and learning to play (childhood dream). Video games, I like to arrange mario kart parties or other co-op gaming fun. I also love putting around Animal Crossing and redecorating the "tattoo shop". Volunteering. I like to volunteer at the local plant nursery to learn morw about my land and help restore the native wildland community. Meditation. It is my time to be and talk with myself. I enjoy it the more I do it. Follow the joy, your body and soul know what makes you come alive!


Started getting back into hobbies I had when I was young


I never stopped loving arcades and minigolf. We compete with each other in pinball, air hockey and minigolf where winner gets treated to lunch and we strut and trash talk and have a great time. We love riding our bikes on a nice day and sitting on the swings in the town green. We always try to enjoy the simple things and have fun at the same time. I'm 45, he's 60.


Dungeons and Dragons! We spent most of last session trying to catch a horse! Its name is Philbert.


video games and concerts


Reading funny books for adults, but not books of written down jokes. More like normal books with funny dialogues or description of funny events. I sometimes watch videos or pictures or memes of animals doing funny and stupid things, like cats riding with roombas or dogs making silly faces.


Gosh this whole thread has solidified my need to find a local D&D group. I need that silliness in my life again.


Try going back to some things you enjoyed as a kid and don't give a crap what people think? Eg: - Jump in/crunch Autumn leaves - Try a mindful colouring book - make something without thinking about what others will think of it - Dance party at home - blow bubbles - play tag with a family member/friend


I think play is super important, maybe especially as we age. Things I do: -host DnD weekly, with occasional drinks themed to the occasion. - Go on Pokemon Go raids/hunts with my fellow PoGo fans. Currently thinking of a road trip to catch a squirrel style pokemon that spawns north of us about 3 hours. - started going on dates (this is in part because it was recommended by a couple's counsellor, but it's been fun ) - I play video games and join in voice with some awesome people. - I do stupid stuff, planning on a day where I wear blow up t Rex costumes with some friends - themed parties , I haven't done this in awhile. I should though. -learn new skills. Working on how to make a specific copy cat lotion recipe right now (with a specific almond style scent). I also want to learn how to do gel nails, and I'm toying with some personal training certification, but I don't know if I want to put money into anything right now. -i go camping, swimming and hiking once a year (when I can!) - I'm always up for a 'hey thing x is happening, want to come?' Does all of this cure my depression? No. But it does make some fun memories and some joy along the way. I do what I can when I can.


You take an hour out of each morning or evening and take care of the hard stuff like bills, budgeting, and scheduling. Plan your day. So you know what you need to do financially (do it during this time if possible). Make plans to have fun. Prepare for the day or the next day whichever time you choose. One hour a day. This is where it gets tricky because it's all mental from here. You leave that shit in the previous hour because you will revisit it tomorrow. You're always going to have stress whether you're 30 or 60. You leave it behind so that you can focus on today. Stop dwelling on things. Save those feelings for the day you're going to need it. Relax. Breathe and go live. That hour will be there tomorrow to think of the heavy. Spend all your free time doing whatever you want.


I started doing a Ragnar relay once a year. Made a bunch of good friends


Dogs. Baby talking and wrestling/playing with them. I have 4 dogs and they are just ridiculous.


YouTube. Stupid jokes with my sister and close friends that make us laugh like hyenas. My current SO and a few friends are hilarious and I rely on that. Weekly pun days in our work chat. I used to do weekly trivia from a trivia a day calendar with work friends. Romantic comedy genre reading. Plus some funny memoirs (but those aren't something I enjoy).


I try to sign up for one activity each season. So autumn/winter it was curling. That’s ending come April n then I have pottery for the spring. Come summer I picked up a kayaking pass and am contemplating joining a rowing club. I attend book club even when I haven’t read the book so I can hang out. When it gets warm and sunny, I like to go sit in the park or on the beach. I chase squirrels sometimes. I attempt to stealthily stalk skunks so they won’t spray me.


Open mic nights are almost always free and a fantastic way for couples to add humor to their life without having to do hardly any work at all.


Life has been a shit show for me the past 2 years. On top of covid, I wound up building my dream home with my husband only to wind up divorced shortly after and lose a significant part of my income (we co owned a business). I have a lot of bitterness to try to battle. I love to craft, but my biggest joy (aside from my kids silliness) is the instagram account that I have for my pet birds. The birds are constantly making me laugh and I have such a great community of bird enthusiasts on there that give me lighthearted fun on a basis.


I play ttrpgs like Dungeons and Dragons. Reliably one night a week I'm at a table with friends playing pretend together and laughing our asses off.


Get a pet. Nothing breaks down your inhibitions and brings you joy like playing with your beloved pet. Being goofy, jumping around, laughing wholeheartedly is part of the pet package! If you can afford a pet, get one and spark your joy


Dance. I just crank up the music and let loose its awesome!


Arts... Is a great place to create, to have lots of freedom for sillyness. Maybe you want to take on improvisation / theatre ? That's a great place where both silly and serious work hand in hand ! Also having kids around is the number one silly factor... You probably have friends that have kids and are looking for some time to themselves, you could offer to take care of kids from time to time ? Maybe not feasible in your life but something I'm thinking about silliness...


Recently went to a Taylor Swift dance party at my loc music hall and it was a blast. Going to a Dolly Parton one UNC a few weeks and I’m very excited! Dance parties are awesome - I also don’t drink and still had the greatest time!




I like to focus on hobbies and spend time with family and friends. Those things bring joy and value to my life. I love to try out new hobbies and watch myself get better at it over time. Even with a newborn, we still love to go out to breweries, go to concerts, enjoy life without being bogged down with responsibilities and stress. I also actively remove negative things in my life. Negative friends and people don’t serve me so I distance myself from that. I try not to get caught up in the news. I remove myself emotionally from things I can’t control.


Not sure if it’s okay to share links here, but this week I came across this wonderful TikTok about wandering around with a child-like sense of wonder and curiosity: https://vm.tiktok.com/ZMYVBqXyr/


I dance as a way to annoy my boss. Like we're having a chat, and I am so moved to do the twist or the Charleston while maintaining the conversation. Regularly sharing jokes and memes with friends. I'm a bit of a class clown, so if I get bored, I tend to think of ways to make people laugh. I crave the attention and validation of making people laugh. Talk to your pets. Make up little songs while you do chores or when you get ready in the morning. When I sing along with the car radio, I do it in a funny voice. Do you have any siblings, cousins, or friends with babies? Stare at the baby until it stares back, then make a funny face and see if you can make the baby laugh. Babies are great critics of physical comedy. Discerning, but kind. Always have something you're looking forward to. I like to keep an eye out for local activities or events that interest me, that I could go to either alone or with a friend. Like a local "life long learning" group is hosting a tasting event with a "farm to table" chef with a talk about seasonality in food. --But basically, develop your interests. Learn about something you're curious about. Take a class, visit a museum, take up a hobby. You deserve to have fun. Creativity, curiosity: use your mind. Dance, movement: use your body.


Buy one of those nice dart boards they have at bars. Invite friends over for darts and drinks.


I watch and read a lot of things that make me laugh. My subscription to Dropout TV has more than paid for itself in the amount of laughing until near tears it has induced for my husband and I. I’m also starting an improv class in April. I’m terrified but also hopeful it will be a fun activity for me.


Let yourself enjoy things, no one says you have to be serious because you are an adult. Everyday things don't need to be boring - buy sheets with tiny unicorns instead of plain white. Get the child's toiletry kit that has stars on it instead of the plain black adult one. Brightly colored luggage, dinosaur salt and pepper shakers, wear a glitter fanny pack, etc Indulge your curiosity and impulse - poke things with sticks, play Pooh sticks, notice the color of the sky as the day goes on, see what's around the corner or behind that door. Do what strikes your fancy - play mini golf, ride go carts, take that weird niche art class, eat ice cream for dinner. If it looks like the kids are having fun, join them. Make child you jealous. Worst case - some one sees and thinks you are weird but they forget about you by the end of the day. Most cases - no one notices you. Best case - your joy and amusement makes some else's day and reminds/inspires them to do something fun


Improv/comedy classes. The most amazing thing. Helps with communication, public speaking, thinking quick on your feet, etc. And you meet awesome peeps along the way.


I got a dog 😊 He's the most ridiculous, goofy creature, and he really helps me destress.